



1、2020 考研英語:翻譯??荚~組短語盤點( 3)1. “更不用說”的表示法:much lessstill less以上兩短語引導的詞組或從句,表示一種追加的否定,less是由 little 的比較級,所以這兩個詞組只能用于否定句中,可譯為“更不用說,更不必說”。to say nothing ofnot to speak ofnot to mentionlet alone這四個詞組也意為 “更不用說”,也是一種追補的說法。但它們與 much less 和 still less 有所不同。這些詞組可以隨前一句的意思而定,即前一句是肯定,則追加的也是肯定意義; 如果前一句是否定,則追加的是否定意義例

2、 1 : I could not agree to, muchless participate in such proceedings.譯文:我不能同意這種行為,更談不上參加這些行動了。例2: He knows little of mathematics, and still less ofchemistry.譯文:他幾乎不懂數(shù)學,更不用說化學了。例3: I did not even see him, still less (= much less) shake hands with him.譯文:我看也沒有看見過他,哪里還談得上同他握手呢?例4: In old China, here was

3、 hardly any machine-buildingindustry, to say nothing of an electronic industry.譯文:在舊中國,幾乎沒有什么機器制造工業(yè),更不用說電子工業(yè)了。例5: Sally takes singing and dancing lessons, to saynothing of swimming and tennis lessons.譯文:莎莉?qū)W了唱歌和舞蹈課,而且還學了游泳和網(wǎng)球課。例6: At that time they could not afford the ordinarycomforts of life, not t

4、o speak of luxuries.譯文:那時他連普通生活都不能維持,更不要說奢侈品了。例7: They have three fine sons, not to speak of theirtwo 1ovely daughters.譯文:他們有了三個好兒子,而且還有兩個可愛的女兒。例8: I don"t know algebra or geometry , not to mentioncalculus.譯文:我連代數(shù)、幾何都不懂,更不必說微積分了。例9: A11 they have to do is press a button , and they cansee plays,

5、 films, operas and shows of every kind, not to mention political discussions and the latest exciting football match.譯文:他們所要做的只是按一下電鈕,就能看到各種戲劇、電影、歌劇和各式各樣的演出,而且還能看到各種政治辯論和最 近舉行的激動人心的足球賽。例10: I can"t add two and two, let alone do fractions.譯文:我連2 加 2 都不會,更不要說做分數(shù)題了。注意:美國成語詞典認為let alone 只能用于追加的否定。但是

6、, 有的詞典認為,該短語也可以引導追加的肯定。例如: Therewere five people in the car, let alone the luggage and the two dogs.2 .nothing else than 完全是,實在是例 1: What the man said was nothing else than nonsense.譯文:那人講的話完全是一派胡言。例 2: Your success was due to nothing else than your own diligence.譯文:你的成功完全是由于你自己的勤奮。3 .It is not that

7、butthat. 這不是說,而是說例 1: It is not that the scales in the one case, and the balance in the other, differ in the principles of their construction or manner of working; but that the latter is much finer apparatus and of course much more accurate in its measurement than the former.譯文:這并不是說在一種情況下所使用的磅秤和另一種

8、情況下所用的天平在構造原理上或工作方式上存在差別,而是說與前者相比,后者是一種更精密得多的裝置,因而在計量上必然更加 準確。4.can nottoo再也不過分例 1: We cannot be too careful of health.我們無論如何注意健康也不為過。例 2: You cannot be too careful when you drive a car. 你開車時再小心也不過分。例 3: We can not be too faithful to our duties.我們必須盡力忠于職守。1 .other.than.或 other than. 不同于,非; 除了例 l: Pl

9、ants which refine crude ores are often locatedin countries other than those in which the crude ores are mined.譯文:提煉礦石的廠房通常不是設在采礦石的國家而設在其它國家。例 2: Reactions other than the desired one often occurwhen reactants are brought together.譯文:當這些反應物放在一起時,常發(fā)生不希望有的一些反應。(即:常發(fā)生與希望有的反應不同的反應。)例 3: All parts of the h

10、ouse other than the windows were in good condition.譯文:除了窗之外,屋子的其它部分都完好無損。6 . . the last + n. +不定式或定語從句:意為“最不可能的”例 1: She would be the last person to go along with the scheme.譯文:她可能會是最不同意這項計劃的人。例 2: That"s the last thing I"d expect you to do.譯文:那是我最不期望你做的事情。7.It is asserted that.It is belie

11、ved that.It is considered that.It is reported that.It is said that.It is supposed that.It is told that.有人斷言.據(jù)認為 ,人們相信有人認為.據(jù)報道.據(jù)說 據(jù)推測.據(jù)傳 .It appears that 看來似乎. ,好像 .It is well known that. 眾所周知.It is estimated that.據(jù)估計 .It was pointed out that. 有人指出.It is generally accepted that.人們通常認為. ,一般認為 . ,大家公認.

12、It is alleged that.人們斷言.It is claimed that.有人主張. ,人們要求.It cannot be denied that.It has been found that.It is predicted that.It is suggested that.不可否認實踐證明據(jù)估計 . ,據(jù)預測.有人建議.8.It goes without saying that.不言而喻,例: It goes without saying that in order to speak good English, we must first of all learn good pronunciation.譯文:不言而喻,為了講好英語,首先必須學好發(fā)音。9.It is common knowledge that 眾所周知,例: It is common knowledge now that Chinese people are very inte


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