



1、The Developme nt of Transn ati on al logistics In ChinaThe job ope ns Chin ese logistics in 2005 already all round, foreig n capital is able to look on logistics industry as the new popular investment spot, enterprise carries out an alysis on transn ati on al logistics in bus in essoperati ons of ou

2、r coun try; developme nt of job has active sig nifica nee to our country logistics. Busin ess structure , n etwork developme nt , achieveme nt gen eral situati on the main body of a book is in troduced hav ing fini shed transn atio nal logistics en terprise in our coun try, have poin ted out transn

3、ati onal logistics enterprise primal problem developing a frontage in our country , have proceed here, to have analyzed the transnational logistics enterprise train of thought in our country on the basis , to have brought forward several enlightenments to development of our country logistics en terp

4、rise fin ally.Change with the fact that the world produces the fabricati on centre gradually to China, 裝the logistics of our country market pote ntial is more and more big; logistics marketplacecapacities will reach 1,197,200,000,000 yuan to 2010. Accordi ng to that our country adds the promise time

5、 WTO, in 2005 the Chin ese logistics job ope ns to the outside world already all round, in clud ing that freight, the goods ren ti ng, gen eral goods wholesale, retail and their logistics fields such as logistics distributio n, en try-exit motor tran sport can celi ng 訂in restriction on foreign capi

6、tal such as region, share ratio in the highway. Therefore, foreig n capital is able to look on logistics in dustry as the new popular inv estme nt spot. A few abroad logistics magn ate seeps through home market gradually if UPS, Fedex, TNT, Excel wait, makes use of the tech no logy fund and the whol

7、e world n etwork adva ntage to 線devour the domestic logistics marketplace. Therefore, en terprise carries out an alysis ontransn ati on al logistics in bus in ess operati ons of our coun try; developme nt of job has active sig ni fica nee to our country logistics.Transnational logistics enterprise g

8、eneral situation in our country at present, the Chin ese marketplace has owned almost 510,000 logistics en terprise , among them, foreig n capital has acco un ted for 0.13% , has bee n more tha n 680, concen trate Bahia Bay area on the long tria ngle , the pearl tria ngle , be en circled by mainly,

9、market share height amounts to 8% , market share is able to in crease by un ceas in gly since and transn atio nal fabricati on en terprise works together with them still un ceas in gly. Follow ing expla ins the transn ati onal logistics en terprise con diti on in our country from three aspects.1. Bu

10、sin ess structure- expa nds un ceas in gly. Concen trate bus in ess on air tran sport:(1) And pass quickly mai nly. The airfreight marketplace will in crease by with 10.3% speed shari ng every year at prese nt Chin ese in the homela nd, speed passesmarketplace scale already exceedi ng 10 billi on yu

11、a n, speed in creases by degrees and with30% every year. The label fixes the queen especially "Sino-US expands aviation serving an agreement "airfreight competition is especially fierce. By being unlike way being engaged in the airfreight , in the homela nd parcel , heavy cargo express mai

12、l, speed passes TNT , DHL , UPS , Fedex wait ing for bus in ess.(2) Residue Chi na if Ma Shi Jig He Mei in corporates logistics, ir on, these logistics en terprise has the fine ocea n shipp ing n etwork and han dles experie nee, act for, how dyadic through tran sport, dock, harbor container logistic

13、s bus in ess.(3) added value logistics such as serves , the finance serves , foreig n trade , man power and talented person rent if keeping logistics in a storehouse , matching, agency foreign ship providi ng intern ati onal ocea n shipp ing mainly, to wait. A lot of finan ces carry ing out the stoc

14、k mortgage cooperating to come to gather money of for the exporter provides gen erati on draw ing in the banking in stituti on pass ing in and out of trade middle , UPS and domestic few wait ing are served.(4) Highway freight and en try-exit highway tran sportati on, railroad freight. Ma Shi Jig裝coo

15、perates with Chinese in relation to enterprise also step by step in these fields. Thatwhole jour ney supply cha in man ageme nt(5) , is just the fourth party ' logistics patterning that we often mention, this is their bus in ess develop ing trend. The compa ny who resolves a scheme if UPS has se

16、t up supply cha in, expa nds the UPS bus in ess to the all-directi on fourth parties logistics adm ini strati on訂taking that logistics, express delivery, finance, supply chain consults about as core. Allabove these transn ati on al logistics en terprise concen trates the transn ati onal en terprise

17、and joi nt ven ture in our country on bus in ess marriage part ner mai nly, logistics field fields such as relati ng to the home applia nce , automobile , IT , chemical in dustry , high tech no logy , 心telecom mun icatio n , electro n , medici ne health care articles , silver products , retail , foo

18、d ,線selli ng a product.2 networks are developed opening up an exhibition unceasingly. And exploitation facing the Chinese logistics marketplace, high-sounding words of logistics magnate nu merous and con fused promotes the Chin ese area n etwork con struct ion pla n abroad, a little world-level the

19、logistics compa ny throws into sum n etwork con struct ion if DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT have all enlarged the fund to Chinese area, Shanghai moving to Chinese numerously and confusedly with Asia-Pacific general headquarter waits for a field. Transn ati onal logistics en terprise concen tratesec ono mic g

20、rowth such as Yan gtze River delta area , centering on moist area of Beijing ring Bahia Bay area taking Shanghai as centre in cen teri ng on Hong Kong the Delta of the Pearl River area on net of our country mainly, quicker econo mic zone, 85.96% scatter on easter n regi on, 8.78% scatter on cen tral

21、 region, 5.26% scatter on western region, the person main scatter city be Shanghai, Xiamen, Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and so on harbor city and Nanjing, Beijing and so on part inland city, And face Middle West province city autonomous region expand step by step. If Fedex is uniqu

22、e at present one international express company hav ing bus in ess n etwork in South Chi na. North Chi na, and easter n Chi na. Lately, FedEx takes Shanghai as centre having 220 cities net to serve 500 cities in China, the point pla nning the net in creas ing by 100 aga in before 2008, serves the cit

23、y expa nding serv ing to 1000. Fedex is set up in Guangzhou white cloud international airport the Asia-Pacific luck turns in one's favor centre this July , is that the gigantic freight marketplace especially the express marketplace hangs in the homela nd has built strategy platform eat Chi na ma

24、rk, the goods that FedEx possessi onsconv eys with in Asia n etwork, will tran sit shipme nt after white cloud airport; The branch company of UPS supply chain company in our country already amounts to 23 , intern ati on al logistics bus in ess is all over the more tha n 170 our country city, Guangzh

25、ou , Shanghai and Hong Kong among them are that main part con tact ing Europe and America n n avigates point. The UPS pla n tran sships a centre in setting up aviation in Shanghai in 2007 , those transport to the American goods from China can carry out assig nment process Shan ghai , the USA goods d

26、istributes to everywhere also from Shanghai after coming in. Build Shanghai after transshipping a centre, UPS will according to more aviation right number of runs or flights that future USA Ministry of Communications assigns, develop to Chinese western part and link with Europe every coun try.3. The

27、 achieveme nt gen eral situati on climbs a liter un ceas in gly .In rece nt several tens years , international short logistics express delivery four magnates UPS , Fedex , DHL , TNT have already occupied 80% market share of Chin ese intern ati onal express delivery , bus in ess amount and bus in ess

28、 earnings have in creased by in China above keep ing 20% without excepti on every year. UPS in creases by 45% compared with the same period of the last year in Chin ese marketplace bus in ess amount in 2003 , sales volume reaches 33,500,000,000 U. S. dollar, Chi nese area bus in ess exports amoun ts

29、 in 2004 2nd quarter, in creas ing 70% compared to the same term in 2003, gross profit doing bus in ess to UPS in 2007 with realizi ng 15%. UPS is grow ing by amounts in the whole world bus in ess in 2004 being 10%, is accompa nying but middle bad.中文譯文:跨國物流在中國的發(fā)展2005年中國的物流業(yè)已經(jīng)全面開放,外資會把物流行業(yè)作為新的投資熱點(diǎn),對跨

30、國物流企業(yè)在我國的經(jīng)營活動進(jìn)行分析,對我國物流業(yè)的發(fā)展具有積極意義。 本文介紹了了跨國物流企業(yè)在我國的業(yè)務(wù)結(jié)構(gòu)、網(wǎng)絡(luò)發(fā)展、業(yè)績概況,指出了跨國物流企業(yè)在我國發(fā)展面臨的主要問題,接著在此基礎(chǔ)上分析了跨國物流企業(yè)在我國的發(fā)展思 路,最后對我國物流企業(yè)的發(fā)展提出了幾點(diǎn)啟示。隨著世界生產(chǎn)制造中心逐漸往中國轉(zhuǎn)移,我國的物流市場潛力越來越大,到2010 年物流市場容量將達(dá)到11972億元。按照我國加入 WTO時的承諾,2005年中國的 物流業(yè)已經(jīng)全面開放,包括在公路貨運(yùn)、貨物租賃、一般貨物的批發(fā)、零售及其物流 配送、出入境汽車運(yùn)輸?shù)任锪黝I(lǐng)域取消在地域、股比等對外資的限制。因此,外資會 把物流行業(yè)作為新的投

31、資熱點(diǎn)。一些國外的物流巨頭如UPS、FedEx、TNT、Excel等逐漸滲透國內(nèi)市場,利用技術(shù)資金和全球網(wǎng)絡(luò)優(yōu)勢吞噬國內(nèi)的物流市場。因此,對 跨國物流企業(yè)在我國的經(jīng)營活動進(jìn)行分析,對我國物流業(yè)的發(fā)展具有積極意義。目前,中國市場擁有近51萬家物流企業(yè),其中外資占了 0.13%,即680余家,主 要集中在長三角、珠三角、環(huán)渤海灣地區(qū),市場份額高達(dá)8%,并且由于跨國制造企業(yè) 仍然不斷和他們合作,市場份額還會不斷增加.下面從三個方面說明跨國物流企業(yè)在我 國的發(fā)展情況1.業(yè)務(wù)結(jié)構(gòu)不斷擴(kuò)大.目前跨國物流企業(yè)物流業(yè)務(wù)主要集中在: 空運(yùn)和速遞。目前中國國內(nèi)航空貨運(yùn)市場將以平均每年10.3%速度增長,速遞市場規(guī)

32、模已經(jīng)超過100億元,且每年以30%速度遞增。特別是中美擴(kuò)展航空服務(wù)協(xié) 議簽訂后,航空貨運(yùn)競爭尤為激烈.TNT、 DHL、UPS、FedEx通過不同方式從事 航空貨運(yùn)、國內(nèi)包裹、重貨快遞、郵件速遞等業(yè)務(wù)。 海運(yùn),如馬士基和美集物流、鐵行渣華,這些物流企業(yè)具有良好的海運(yùn)網(wǎng)絡(luò)和 操作經(jīng)驗(yàn),主要提供國際海運(yùn)、外輪代理、集裝箱多式聯(lián)運(yùn)、碼頭、港口等物流業(yè)務(wù)。 增值物流服務(wù),如倉儲、配送、加工、包裝、報關(guān)、售后回收逆向物流、金融服務(wù)、進(jìn)出口貿(mào)易、人力和人才租賃代理等。在進(jìn)出貿(mào)易中,UPS同國內(nèi)的一些金融機(jī)構(gòu)進(jìn)行合作來為出口商提供代收款和庫存抵押等眾多金融服務(wù)。 公路貨運(yùn)以及出入境公路運(yùn)輸、 鐵路貨運(yùn)。馬士基


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