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1、最新修正版2014 年普通高等學(xué)校招生全國統(tǒng)一考試(安徽卷)英語1 至第 14 頁,第本試卷分第I卷(選擇題)和第n卷(非選擇題)兩部分,第I卷第n卷第15至第16頁。全卷滿分150分,考試時(shí)間120分。考生注意事項(xiàng):1 答題前,務(wù)必在試題卷、答題卡規(guī)定的地方填寫自己的姓名、座位號,并認(rèn)真核對答題卡上所粘貼的條形碼中姓名、座位號與本人姓名、座位號是否一致。務(wù)必在答 題卡背面規(guī)定的地方填寫姓名和座位號后兩位。2 答第I卷時(shí),每小題選出答案后,用2B鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)題目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑。如需改動(dòng),用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標(biāo)號。3.答第n卷時(shí),必須使用0.5毫米的黑色墨水簽字筆在答題卡.上.書

2、寫,要求字體工整,筆跡清晰。作圖題可先用鉛筆在答題卡規(guī)定的位置繪出,確認(rèn)后再用0.5 毫米的黑 色墨水簽字筆描清楚。必須在題號所指示的答題區(qū)域作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的答案無效,在試題卷、草稿紙上答題無效。4.考試結(jié)束,務(wù)必將試題卷和答題卡一并上交。第I卷第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分 30 分) 做題時(shí), 先將答案標(biāo)在試卷上。 錄音內(nèi)容結(jié)束后, 你將有兩分鐘的時(shí)間將試卷上的答案 轉(zhuǎn)涂到答題卡上。第一節(jié) (共 5小題;每小題 1 .5分,滿分 7.5分) 聽下面 5 段對話。每段對話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的 佳選項(xiàng),并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有 和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。

3、 例: How much is the shirt?A. £ 19.15.答案是 C。B. £ 9.18.C. £ 9.15.A、 B、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最10 秒鐘的時(shí)間來回答有關(guān)小題1. What does the woman want to do?A. Find a place.B. Buy a map.C. Get an address.2. What will the man do for the woman?A. Repair her car.B. Give her a ride.C. Pick up her aunt.3. Who might Mr.

4、 Peterson be?A. A new professor.B. A department head.C. A company director.4. What does the man think of the book?A. Quite difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Too simple.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. Weather.B. Clothes.C. News.第二節(jié) (共 15小題;每小題 1.5分,滿分 22.5 分)聽下面 5 段對話或獨(dú)白。每段對話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題,從題中所給的

5、A、B、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng), 并標(biāo)在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。 聽每段對話或獨(dú)白前, 你將有時(shí)間閱讀各個(gè) 小題,每小題 5 秒鐘;聽完后,各小題給出 5 秒鐘的作答時(shí)間。每段對話或獨(dú)白讀兩遍。 聽第 6 段材料,回答 6、7 題。6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?A. He has a pain in his knee.B. He wants to watch TV .C. He is too lazy.7. What will the woman probably do next?A. Stay at home.B. Take Harry

6、to hospital.C. Do some exercise.聽第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9題。8. When will the man be home from work?A. At 5:45.B. At 6:15.C. At 6:50.9. Where will the speakers go?A. The Green House Cinema.B. The New State Cinema.C. The UME Cinema.聽第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 題。10. How will the speakers go to New York?A. By air.B. By

7、taxi.C. By bus.11. Why are the speakers making the trip?A. For business.B. For shopping.C. For holiday.12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Driver and passenger.B. Husband and wife.C. Fellow workers. 聽第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 題。13. Where does this conversation probably take place

8、?A. I n a restaura nt.B. I n an office.C. In a classroom.14. What does John do now?A. He ' s a trainer.B. He ' s a tour guide.C. He ' s a college student.15. How much can a new person earn for the first year?A. $10,500.B. $12,000.C. $15,000.16. How many people will the woma n hire?A. Fou

9、r.B. Three.C. Two.聽第10段材料,回答第17至20題。17. How long has the sp eaker lived in a big city?A. One year.B. Ten years.'s opinion on public transport? 's comfortable.'s -saving.'s cheap.C. Eightee n years.18. What is the sp eakerA. ItB. ItC. It's safer.'s healthier.'s more conven

10、ient.19. What is good about livi ng in a small tow n?B. ItA. ItC. It20. What kind of life does the sp eaker seem to like most?A. Busy.B. Colourful.C. Quiet.第二部分英語知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié) 單項(xiàng)填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)從A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng) 涂黑。he or she wants.例:It is gen erally con sidered un wise

11、 to give a childD. wheneverA. howeverB. whatever C. whichever答案是B。21. Readi ng is the best way to p ass time on the train. , I never go traveling without a book.A . You are jokingB. That's trueD . It sounds like funC. I don't think so22.The exact yearA. When23.The twi ns. WhoA. will finish_

12、Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008.B. whereC. whyD. which_ their homework, were allowed to play badminton on the playground.B. fin ish24.25.C. have fini shedD. had fini shedYou can ask anyone for help. here is willing to lend you a hand.C. Every one D. Some one匕11現(xiàn)4” a few timesA

13、. One B. No one The meaning of the word sense “ pleasant ”A. before B. afterit fin ally came to in elude the26.Terry, pl ease _ A. look up from C. look back onC. si neeD. whileyour cell phone whe n Gran dma is talk ing to you. B. look into27.D. look throughMy good p erforma nee in the job in terview

14、 left me about my future and about what Ican do here.1.32.33.A. pu zzled B. sen sitive C. op timisticD. embarrassedWhen the sports hero at our party, he was welcomed with open arms.A. turned upB. left offC. moved onD. got away Why not buy a sec on d-ha nd car first if you donThat ' s a

15、 good .A. say ingB. questio nC. suggesti on D. acco untPeople are recycli ng many thi ngs which theyA. had throw nB. will be throw ingC. were throw ingD. would have throw nWhat we expect from you is work ing hard A. less tha nB. rather tha nC. as well as D. as much asWhile waiting for the opportunit

16、y to get , Henry did his best to perform his duty.A. pro moteB. pro motedC. p romot ingD. to pro moteIt ' s our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and jobs.A. howeverC. therefore't have eno ugh money for a new one?away in the p ast.hardly work ing.supply more34.Shakes

17、peare A. failedB. any whereD. otherwise's writing is still popular todaiy has reallyB. stoodC. take nD. con ductedthe test of time.35.I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day. Oh great!.A. Good luckC. Same to youB. Cheer upD. Keep it up第二節(jié)完型填空(共閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)( 白處的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡

18、上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。20小題;每小題1.5分,滿分30分)A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空In 2012, I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writer's conference in Orlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n) 36 might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I 37.Arriving in the Sunshine State was ra

19、ther tiring, but I38 to catch a taxi to my 39and settle in. Next mornin g, I took ano ther40 to the shopping centre to buy a few souve nirs.41 I went to a cafe to have lunch, but all the tables were 42. Then I heard a friendlyvoice say ing, "You can 43 my table."I gratefully sat down with

20、the 44 lady and we had a happy lunch together. As the 45 drew to a close she asked how long I would be in Orlando. I had already told her that I had n't 46 a car, and had n Z eeahiow 47 tak ing taxis would be, After a while she said, "My dear, don t use any more taxis. I' m retired and

21、it would be myipleasuoutowherever you wish." I told her that I couldn t put4her tobhatshe brushed aside myp rotests (反對).She asked me where I was 50 a nd n ext morning she was wait ing at my ap artme nt at the 51 time to take me to Disney World. She spent some time with me before leaving me to

22、52 alone. At the end of the day, she 53 to take me back to my accommodatio n. I54 her money but she refused to take any.I ' ll never forget that wonderful lady who, through her55, filled my brFlorida with won derful memories.36. A. holidayB. ceremonyC. op eratio nD. exp erime nt37. A. keptB. wen

23、tC. droppedD. knocked38. A. intendedB. pro misedC. man agedD. deserved39. A. hospitalB. companyC. uni versityD. accommodati on40. A. colleagueB. passengerC. suitcaseD. taxi41. A. In steadB. FirstC. LaterD. Once42. A. classifiedB. occ up iedC. decoratedD. pain ted43. A. shareB. reserveC. setD. posses

24、s44. A. oldB. poorC. innocentD. stubbor n45. A. journeyB. mealC.speechD. i nterview46. A. donatedB. rep airedC. hiredD. guidedA. convenientC. unfortun ate D. expen sivein48. A. inspireB. en terta inC. callD. drive49. A. bus in essB. argume ntC. troubleD. challe nge50. A. workingB. stay ingC. mov ing

25、D. shopping51. A. appointedB. limitedC. favouriteD. regular52. A. digestB. exploreC. p erformD. calculate53. A. forgotB. refusedC. returnedD. p referred54. A. sentB. le ntC. offeredD. owed55. A. con fide neeB. dig nityC. curiosityD. kindn ess第三部分閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)B. worthwhile閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)

26、題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答P ers onal RobotWATCH CONTROLMake your p are nts and teachers happy !Are you having problems finishing homework on time? Do you avoid tidying room until your mom shouts at you? You need to worry if you buy a Mr. HelpingThis is a watch that James Bond would beyouryour don

27、'Handpersonal robot.Mr. H can be programmed to organize your homework.Your own personal robot will follow you arou nd, p utt ing away books and objects that you have left on the floor or bed.Mr. H also has these features (特點(diǎn)) weighs only 500 grams in cludes lon g-lasti ng batteries comes with a

28、5-year guara ntee remembers simple in structi onsOriginally (最初)sold for $499NOW ONLY $299p roud to wear!This is NOT a watch for ord inary peop le!Your electro nicP ENGOWATCHCONTROLacts as a remote control for TVs andvideos.gives you a daily weather forecast.reminds you when to hand in your homework

29、.sets off a silent warning alarm when parents or teachers are n ear.Besides, your P ENGO WATCH CONTROL will always tell you the time accurately!Origi nally sold for $199NOW ONLY $99BUY NOWFor further in formati on, click here.56. With help from a Mr. H, you can .A. stop using batteries.B. finish you

30、r homework on time.C. remember your teacher ' s in struct ions.D. get your room tidied on your way home.57. A P ENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to .A. rep air your TVC. be a James BondB. orga nize your homeworkD. know what the weather is likeC. $ 199D. $ 9958. You can get your Mr. H forA. $ 499

31、B. $ 29959. Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?A. On a no tice boardB. In a company brochure.C. On a tee nage websiteD. In a college n ews paper.BRecord ings of angry bees are eno ugh to send big, tough Africa n ele phants running away, a new study says. Beehives (蜂窩)一either record

32、ed or real may even prevent elephants from damaging farmer ' s crops.In 2002, scie ntist Lucy King and her team found that ele phants avoid certa in trees with bees livi ng in them. Today, Lucy wants to see if Africa n hon eybees might discourage ele phants from eati ng crops. But before she ask

33、ed farmer to go to the trouble of sett ing up beehives on their farms, she n eeded to find out if the bees would scare ele phants away.Lucy found a wild beehive in side a tree in northern Kenya and set up a recorder. Then she threw a stone into the beehive, which burst into life. Lucy and her assist

34、a nt hid in their car un tilthe angry bees had calmed down. Next, Lucy searched out elephant families in Samburu National Reserve in n orther n Kenya and put a sp eaker in a tree close to each family.From a dista nee, Lucy switched on the p re-recorded sound of angry bees while at the same time reco

35、rd ing the ele phants with a video camera. Half the ele phant groups left the area with in ten sec on ds. Out of a total of 17 groups, only one group ignored the sound of the angry bees. Lucy rep orted that all the young ele phants immediately ran to their mothers to hide un der them. Whe n Lucy p l

36、ayed the sound of a waterfall (瀑布)in stead of the angry bees to many of the same elephant families, the animals were undisturbed. Even after four minutes, most of the groups stayed in one p lace.Lucy is now study ing whether the ele phants will continue to avoid the sound of angry bees after heari n

37、g it several times. She has n' t tested eno ugh groups yet to kno w最初的©r in itial (results were pro mis ing eno ugh to begi n trials with farmers. She has now beg un p laci ng sp eakers in the fields to see if ele phants are frighte ned away.60. We know from the passage that elephants may b

38、e frightened of .A. loud no ises B. some cropsC. video cameras D. angry bees61. As mentioned in the passage, Lucy .A. works by herself in AfricaB. n eeds to test more ele phant groupsC. has stopped ele phants eati ng cropsD. has got farmers to set up beehives on their farms62. Why did Lucy throw a s

39、tone into a wild beehive?A. To record the sound of bees.B. To make a video of ele phan ts.C. To see if ele phants would run away.D. To find out more about the behavior of bees.63. Which of the followi ng is true accord ing to the p assage?A. Young ele phants ignore Africa n hon eybees.B. Waterfalls

40、can make ele phants stay in one p lace.C. Ele phants do not go n ear trees with bees livi ng in them.D. Farmers do not allow Lucy to con duct tests in their fields.CYou are the collector in the gallery of your life. You collect. You might not mean to but you do.One out of three people collects tangi

41、ble (有形的) things such as cats, photos and noisy toys.over the next two years, will exhibit the objects accumulated by so, they will pro mote a popu lar culture of museums, not whatThere are among some 40 collections that are being shown at“ The Museu m Of " are fairly com mon records, model hou

42、ses. Others are stra ngely beautiful bran ches that have falle n from trees, for exa mp le. But they all reveal (顯露) a lot of thin gs: ask some one what they collect and their an swers will tell you who they are.Other on the way in clude“ The museum of Collectors ” and “ ThThMueeuewof Me. ”ones, it

43、is hoped, will build on the success of“ The Museum Of. ” The thinkers behind the projectseveral new museums which, unknown collectors. In doing museums n ormally rep rese nt.Some of the collect ionswant to explore why people collect, and what it means to do so. They hope that visitors who may not ha

44、ve con sidered themselves collectors will beg in to see they, too, collect.Some collectors say they started or stopped making collect ions at imp orta nt point: thebegi nning or end of adolesce nee “ it ' s a growiingh ing; you stop whe n you grow up,” says one.Other painful times are men ti on

45、ed, such as the end of a relati onship. For time and life can seem so uncon trollable that a steady serial (順序排歹U的)arran geme nt is comfort ing.64. How will the new museums pro mote a popu lar culture of museums?A. By collect ing more tan gible thin gs.B. By show ing what ordinary people have collec

46、ted.C. By correct ing what museums no rmally rep rese nt.D. By accumulat ing 40 collecti ons two years from now.65. What can be lear ned about collectors from their collect ions?A. Who they are.B. How old they are.C. Where they were born.D. Why they might not mea n to collect.66. Which of the follow

47、i ng is an aim of the new museums?A. To help people sell their collect ions.B. To en courage more people to collect.C. To study the sig ni fica nee of collect ing.D. To find out why people visit museums.67. According to the last paragraph, people may stop collecting when they A. become adultsB. feel

48、 happy with lifeC. are ready for a relati onshipD. feel time to be uncon trollableDShould we allow moder n buildi ngs to be built n ext to older buildi ngs in a historic area of acity? In order to answer this question, we must first examine whether people really want to p reserve the historic feel o

49、f an area. Not all historical buildi ngs are attractive. However, there may be other reasonsfor example, economic ( 經(jīng)濟(jì)的)reasonswhy they should be preserved. So, let us assume that historical build ings are both attractive and important to the majority of people. What should we do the n if a new buil

50、di ng is n eeded?In my view, new architectural styles can exist p erfectly well alon gside an older style. In deed, there are many examples in my own home town of Tours where modern desig ns have been placed very successfully next to old build in gs. As long as the buildi ng in questio n is pl eas i

51、ng and does not dominate (影響)its surroundings too much, it often improves the attractiveness of the area.It is true that there are exa mples of new buildi ngs which have sp oilt ( 破壞)the area they arein, but the same can be said of some old build ings too. Yet people still sp eak aga inst new buildi

52、 ngs in historic areas. I think this is simply because people are naturally conservative( 保守的)and do not like cha nge.Although we have to respect people' s feelings as fellow users of the buildings, I believe thatit is the duty of the architect and planner to move things forward_e always rep rod

53、uced whatwas there before, we would all still be living in caves. Thus, I would argue against copyingP revious architectural styles and choose someth ing fresh and differe nt , even though that might be the more risky choice.68. What does the author say about historical buildings in the first paragr

54、aph?A. Some of them are not attractive.B. Most of them ate too expensive to preserve.C. They are more pl eas ing tha n moder n build in gs.D. They have nothing to do with the historic feel of an area.69. Which of the following is true according to the author ?A. We should reproduce the same old buil

55、dings.B. Buildings should not dominate their surroundings.C. Some old buildings have spoilt the area they are in.D.70. ByA.B.No one un dersta nds why people sp eak aga inst new buildi ngs.“ move things forwardthelastrparagraph , the author probably meansdestroy old build ings put thi ngs in a differ

56、e nt placeC. choose new architectural stylesD. respect people ' s feelings for historical buildings71. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To ex plain why people dislike cha nge.B. To warn that we could end up living in caves.C. To admit how new buildings have ruined their surroundings.D.

57、 To argue that modern buildings can be built in historic areas.EYou may not have heard of Ashoka, but for the p ast 27 years,this associati on, foun ded by BillDrayton, has fought poverty (貧窮)and sickness, promoted education and encouraged small bus in esses. To support these worthy causes, Ashoka p rovides money for


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