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1、和平區(qū)2021-2021 學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期七年級英語學(xué)科期末質(zhì)量調(diào)查試卷溫單提示:本試皐分為購I卷選擡龜、游11總非逸擇越瀚局部,第1荃自笫 1頁至第為頁,第H卷第8頁至第io頁匸試卷港好im分.考試時間90分鐘.、考試蛛束 后請棣左答題紙丸否填垮完整井交回*祝各位耆生考試順利!第I卷選擇題共禎分一*聽力理解本大理共汁小題,每小JSF分,共M分軽以下髯小題內(nèi),你將聽到 個我兩個句干并看到供選擇的A、B. C二幕團(tuán)畫.找n «A.A.B.B.B> F面你將聽到六紐對話.毎紐對話品郵有一個問題.根據(jù)對詁內(nèi)祥,從聊細(xì)所拾的* 氐C3個選項(xiàng)屮找岀能冋普所捉問理的址11選項(xiàng)*5. Whai

2、 d(ws the girl think t】pnntlaa;9A- liU¥rejiiin&B* Fritmlly.Cirte.6. MFcre docs the boy do his hatrwwork?A. (>n the computer.H* On the exercise bookl On the paper.七年圾英涓iA懸第1賣共to頁7, How many T-shirts has Lily got?C. Four.A, Two*B. Thrte.8. What would th* mn like to do 航 Pereras birthday pa

3、rry?A, He would like lo danqcB.He would hkc to sing.C+ He w ould like to cook.9. What is Nfarj' doing now?A. Watching TV.RPlaying compvkF games.C* . Buying a computer.10. Where are they talking?A Tn a restaurant.B.In a ho&piiaLCL In a 引】op.C聽下直材料。每段材料后都有幾亍問題,從題中所給的A. B. C三亍選項(xiàng)中選出播 佳選頊.聽下面一段材料

4、,畫簽第11至第12題°II. eie isAylan?B. In Australia.C. In China.A. In America.12. Who is Aylan having dinner with?C. His frirnd*;.A. His brother.His parents.聽下而-段材料.答復(fù)第13至第J513 When dues I he story happen?A In March.H. In July.C亠 In DecenLbtr.14* AMierc is Mr, Greco?A, (n the bedroom.】5. What is Amy do

5、ing now?A. Studvin tnaths.B. In the living r(MJin.C In the kitchen.B. Urinking milk.C+ Sweeping th(* floor.二 單項(xiàng)填空本大題共詁水豊,每水IB 1分,共巧分誡從以下毎小題取綃的A取CD網(wǎng)個逸壩中?選出町以須入空內(nèi)處的繪住選項(xiàng)口 tb. My father wuiki six da)5week, und he ulicn works long inLonight,A. a; theB. a; aC* The; aD. Oieh the17. As we know, cau meal and

6、 eal leaves.Ah elephants; the tigerR- lhe elephant; tigersC the lion; iraHesD. lions; the giraffe1R + the bus?Yes, wc are.A. Do you likeB. What arc your ideas aboutC. Are you the driver onD. Ajc you waiting for七年級英誘址卷第2貢拱1U頁19. Our English teacher our homework on the lnLemcl every day.A. printsB. do

7、esC. connects20. Can 1 take the book away?No! You canread it he眸.A reallyB- onlyC never21. Lisa's parern一 in the kitchen at this momenLA. cook乩 cooksC. are cookingD* checksD* stillD, k cookingA* io visitIk visitingC- visit23. We three just have one bookwc need io share lLA* thensoD. to visaingD&

8、#187; but24. l Mary _ an Apple Watch?NOh She just has a new iPhone 仙 Plus. A Do; haveC- Arc; having25. Listen, the sound of the piano!Wowp Iit How beautiful!A* listenC. hear26 * Do you have a for our trip?-No. Let's make it in tl)e afternoon.R* Does, haveD Is; havingB am listeningD. am hearingA.

9、 UckelLL program27 Pkasc write u nametlie new documenU and then click "冊vdA. furC. al2S* _ do you like this old scarf so much?Because ii's a present from my 耳中口dma,A< HowB, Why29- ?Someone is crying for help!A. WTio can help meC. Whilt's happeningB. withD+ anC. WhatB. How can I helpD

10、. WhenD* Where do bad things always h叩pen22. Would you likethe National Museum 承 ith us?B. See youD* Great! Let*s gu30.Shall wc go and have some wflfee tn Starbucks9A. ThanksC* Oh, it's mo expensive七年級典語試卷第3頁共10頁三、完形填空本大題共】0小JS每題1分.共10分閱瀆短文,拿程其大怠.然后從各瓏所給的水B, c D四個薩項(xiàng)中選出雖佳選項(xiàng)"Who does asks the

11、 teacher. Thirty children rnake _ _ answer.uWho does this?" she raises her voic« and asks again. She 血 becomes angry, but she is this time.Charley breaks the 33 but he docs it by accidenL He throws 日 baseball to the window, "If I say 1 do it, I will get into trouble;' Charley 一 34

12、 _ *'How would 】be able to pay for fl big window 35 that?'1 Bui soinethh 36 stronger ia his mind pulls 拉h(huán)im up+ ui doCharley 37 . Evay one looks at Charley and no one says anything- h is 理 enough to say that. The teacher walks to Charley with a book in her hand.* know you do ilT and I know 1

13、9 interested you are in birds/* sht says Here's a book about birds. I" 4Q now. I don't punish 愆罰 you but give you this. P】ea強(qiáng) remember: its just for your honesty 老實(shí)73LA* goodBbadUnoD.an32*A * alwaysB.ofktiC.somctiniDnever33.A. doorFLwindowcclassD.bhekbaard34.A. saysB.answersctellsD.Ihmk

14、s35*A. inB.onc.likeD.1036.A. littleB,muchc.manyD.lots of37+A. runs awayB.sits downGLooks aroundD,stands up3乩A* hurdB.sadGhappyD.easy39.A* howB.whyUwhatD-when46A* OUTSB.冶GyoursD,mine四鞘閱讀理解本大JS共15小題F刎T 題每題1分.51-55 JS毎小題2分*共20 分閩讀下面灼短文.從母小題所給的A、氐C和D選項(xiàng)屮選出一個咼佳選項(xiàng).AWelcome IoYou could ftriid lots of inform

15、ation about others or share yourshare.七年坂英語試卷 第4頁共E頁 la: iAnna【work in a bank from Monday to Friday My house is nar a park and iw about tun kilomeiers frunr my oHice. I usually 呂u【0 work by subay, 1 tuuaHy gel up at 6 30 a m. und take tlie subway at 7:00 a.m. It usually takes me about thirty minuies

16、 to get to my afTice. The subway is quick and cheap. I am never lale R>r work.Joe1 am a student. My house is near 3 beautiful lake. My schoai is across fram the lake 1 can walk 10 school across a bridge, it lakes mtr about thirty minutes. But I often go lo school by boat, because it is more inter

17、esting. It takes me about twenly miriutcs to get to school.Molly41. Whai cou Id people da on Face/wok?A. Find bookC. Find 111 formation about botiks.47. When does Anna usua I ly get to her office?A- At 6:30a.m.BAl 7:00 a.m.43. Joe oftento schnoLA takes a busB.lakes a trainB. Share a book.At 8:00 a,U

18、Luikes ii bomD. Share (heir tiilbmation.C. At 7:30 a.m.D.C* walksD.Fni a waiter. I work 】ti a rcsiiirani from Monday to Saturday, I often to work by bus. It is about five kilumeters from my house la the lesuiuranc. It takes nie about luenty-five minutes lo go to work. Somelimes T am late for work be

19、cause the trafilc is vtry busy.44. Molly lives about kilometers away from her working place.A. fiveB, ten45. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Jut lives neyr a restaurantC They go out ail by t>us.C* fifteenD* twentyMolly works six days a week+D Anna is somdimes 謫厲 for workBMany people like animal

20、s such as dogs and cats and keep one or more of them as peu 龍 物、!f you keep a dog or a cat as a pct, you musi know how to look after il.A grown-up成年:)clog needs two rneals a day not more It can cat meal, ilshT rice aod ome erher ihmes. ITogs ikc large bones f 頭.but you can't give them chicks bon

21、es. Reniember to give them tntich clean water.七羊級英譜試卷 第5頁f共10 ® )A dag should have a clean, dry box for sleeping. Washing ir once a week is good fbr its health. 1( it is ilt take ii to u doctor. A healthy dog will bring you more pleasure.Cats are cute because (hey like new things and always sea

22、rch Jbr difference. The cat has two meals a day with some meau tiwh or cal food. Dou't fbijet it netxls clean u ater.You need to understand your pets and takt good care of them* and then they will be your good friends. Ix)ve gets love in re rum (竹為報?T).46. Wha【can a dog eat?A. Oranges.B, Small p

23、ets.C. Meat and rioe. D. Chicken bores.47. Wliich of lhe following以下選項(xiàng) > is CORRECT about dogs?A Daby dogs need two meals a day.B. Washing dogs threv tnixs o week is good (br their health.C A healthy dag can make you happy.D- LHigs like Lu search for new things.48. Wliat do dos and cats both need

24、?A Donc.B* Three meals a day. C. DifTcnent things. D. Clean wntcr.49. What would a cat be interested in?A. Big bones.B. A box of new(oys (玩具,C. A doctor-D A difTercnt dog.50* How can people make lheir pets love them?A. They must love ±cir pets first.Let (heir pets take c&ie of them.C, Let t

25、heir bicruh undersind their peb. D. Tlicy must be their pets' teachers.Now in New York City, US5 there is a new rule in schools. Students can't bring mobile phones to schools Is it a good thing or not?Some parents say mobile phones are imporlanl for New York C'ity's families.f1 worry

26、 about says Elizabeth Lorris Ritter, a mother of n middle scinx)l kid "We have running water. And we have mobile phones We can1! slay away from mobile phones, k is jU5t Like we can't stay away from running water"Many Amcncan parents think mobile phones vwintcl them to hub ehildrei on b

27、uses, gettinguul (rbin subways, walking through unknown places.tbi have her call me when she gels out of school/' says Lindsay Wail, a schaulii rs mother. ltNc one in New York is going to let (heir child go l(> school without mobile phmesZ,WhnE about the students? Masi of them say mobile phon

28、es sre important and the mobile one is like 遼ti extra hand or Rnil for them.“I feel so 顒山 says May Chom, 1 J. "There is also no a> 心 listen o music <xl die way to hvol without my phone, h will be n reullyh reully boring trip.*'七年最英謁試捲第6頁共皿冥S . Whoi 乜 the new schtxl rule Ln New York Ci

29、ty?A Donbuy tnabik phones.13* Ihit your mobile phones at home.C. Don*l call yijur puren 厲 aL sc hoc!.D. Pm your mu bile pbunc in yuur schoolbags.52. Elicit do Eli/abtlfs ords mean m the third paragraph 第三段?2 We can use mobile phones when drinking water. Wc can use mobile phoneu in water,C* We can

30、9;t live without niubik phones.D* Mobile phones can make water running-53 * Lindsay Walt asks her daughter to _一+A. call her in unknown placesR go to school without her mobile phoneC * get oui of school and put her phone al homeD. ca!l her when sle leaves school54. Whai do the underlined 加下劃線w ords

31、mean?A. Mobik phoney give students one tnore bund or foot.B. Mobile phones help students a lot with their lives.C. Mobile phones tnakc their lives not boring.D. Mobile phones arc marc unporUint ilutn pcupJe s hantls and feel.55+ Which of the fallowing could be the title 標(biāo)題of the passage?A. A New Rul

32、e in New York City's SchoolsB. The New Use uf Mobile PhonesC. Mobile Phones in SchoolsD. Parcms and Smdcnis五.補(bǔ)金對話本大題共5小題每題】分.共5 0根捱對話內(nèi)容.從方框內(nèi)選擇恰肖的句子將對話補(bǔ)充完聯(lián).選項(xiàng)中有坷項(xiàng)是多余的A. Do you to meet the football star Suarez?R Du you know 山匕 man un the screen?Ch Ik's meeting his Ians here.D. Hc7s saying good

33、bye.E- He is in our city now.F. In TEDA Sports Centic.G He kaves tor Ranhc sL«iiurn> Guangzhou,A; Hey, Bryant. Come here,七年甸英語試卷 蕭7頁共巾雨B: Yes?A:西B;I know him, Ik is a football star, Suarez! I bke him venp muchA: Yau a re lucky, _Br RtmHy? Where is he?A: J5崔B: What is h? doing?a:52B: Oh. 1 re

34、ally want to meet him.A: Why not have a try, Let*s go now.B; It's too late Lock! 60A: Oh* what a pity!第II卷非選擇題共35分A.晝成旬子本大題分為小B兩局部,典w小町髯空砒幼共汕分A旬型轉(zhuǎn)換共3分,每空0.5分根據(jù)括號內(nèi)的耍求,完成卜列每空-訶含縮略訶°bl. Are our lather and sister cooking in the kitchen?作否認(rèn)河答No,j2. I often Acnd her a canoon飼d. l根據(jù)不同的1涪改寫句子He oft

35、ena cartonfi cardher.63 Tom plays basketball every day.變?yōu)榉裾J(rèn)句TombaskcibaL every day.64. We are 理giybilig 曲血0$列| infuiynalQn atwm ii啓殘 on the Internet.就畫i線局部夷間are youon ±e Internet?65. I'J like some green tea,變?yōu)橐还哨M何句you likegreen ca?B完成句子艾5分,每空0.5分艱據(jù)漢語盤思和中文提;:、完成F列各句“稲空一同含編略詞66. 熊貓飽愛世界人民的喜愛Th

36、e panda is the favounle of people the world.67. 里弗斯先牛毎晚八.點(diǎn)鐘翻開收音機(jī).Mr. Riversthe mdin at eiht o'clock every eFening.七癢級英語試譽(yù) 舅JT貞共10頁68, 艾蘭正作為他的媽媽柏照片。Aylun is of his mother.矽.貯刻人人都在為春節(jié)做準(zhǔn)備.Every one uifor Spnng Festival at the moment.70.狂鳳能為我們掃去SS,Strong wind could the smog for us.七、任務(wù)型陶讀f本大JS共§

37、;小邃,毎小縣I分.ow丕髦.共檸分Thev are bappy because lhey lut on holiday.Maty is visiting her aunt ia Pari 翥 She is very excited to be in Pahs. If & very famous city. And ill u good place lu 呂o 百hopping!Tcm is fishing by the lake. There are so many fish in the ak匕 Tnm is having a good harvest.Simon and Bill

38、 are good friends. They are usually vctv busy with lheir study every day. So they wanl to try some other things. They are going bike riding together in the beautiful countrywide. tTs relaxing.Jesse isa picture in the park The park is ver> beauitful in autumn, and it s a goodplace to draw a pictur

39、e.Everyone gets tired sometimes. It's importam co hac a rest. And if s good for your health- It can help you work or study better loo. ! hope everyone is having a good Titre.痕誓鉗文內(nèi)容垃嗎忑格.What are they doin for their 7LNniePlaceThings hey are doingMaryin Paris7乙一73.by the lakefishingSimon and Billi

40、n lhe countryside74.Jesse|75.draiii a piciureA.綜合填空本大JH其10小題.每小畫1分.共詢分?根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容及背字母提示.填寫所缺單詞.使冉文意思完幣。Haman is in the south of China. The wpatber there is d 7fc,_ frem that of the north ofChina. There is. no *77 in Haman. It is not cold allear round. It isn*t cold 打 78 inDecember. Many people go there

41、from November to January, b 79 i!Ts cold in the north of七年圾英語試卷 第9更共10頁 Ctiina, In summer, it*s very hot. It usually sunny, bm i( often RO suddenly. So people often take a pair osunglasses arul a raincoat at the $_ &】 time.Hainan is a good p 合2 to go for holidays and have fbn+ We can go fishing,

42、 swimmingV 一 in the seaf u 83 volleyball on the bepuh and so on. Now there arc lots of people on the beach. Some cf them are lying on the beach andthe blue sky. Others are doingsome (:35* What a wonderful holiday!九、書面表達(dá)(本大題共10分)假設(shè)你叫李津t你的美國筆A James寫信向你問詢有關(guān)農(nóng)歷春節(jié)的倍息,請你根據(jù)F 列提示寫一J5 70詞左右的短文向他介紹我節(jié)。提肩.1. 春節(jié)

43、之同人們會清掃房間、購置年貨.2. 樣節(jié)時一家人金團(tuán)聚在一起吃年acts*3+界節(jié)時一家人經(jīng)常聚在一起看春節(jié)晚會口4,我或我家人春節(jié)前后it經(jīng)常町以適度發(fā)揮使文章內(nèi)容更加含理.完舉.購貰年 : du special shopping for Spring Festival;年夜飯土 family reunion dinner 壽節(jié)晚令:Spring Fesiiva GalaDear James;Vvn very delighted to share some information about Spring Festival with you.此社不可答Youn?U Jin七年級英書試卷 J

44、10 ?共10? >和平區(qū)2021-2021學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期七年級英語學(xué)科期末質(zhì)量調(diào) 査試卷參考答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)I-一、各試JB所占分?jǐn)?shù)比側(cè)第 至第八大題共85個小題包括選擇性試題60個小翹和非逸擇性試題25個小題。 除刃-55毎小題2分外其余毎小題均為】分。第九大聴書面袁達(dá)滿分10分,總* 100 分.二. 評分說明h各題均按參考答案段評分標(biāo)推評分.2假設(shè)考生的非逸擇題答案與參考答案不完全相同但咅之旳均,町酌情評分.但不得 超過該題所分配的分?jǐn)?shù).一、聽力理解f本大題共】5小題,毎小題分,共15分?-5 ABACC6-10 BAABC11-15 BACCB二 單項(xiàng)填空本大題共15小題.毎小題

45、1分,共沾分16-20 ACDDB2t-25 DABBC2430 CABCD三*完形填空本犬JS共】0小題.每題I分,共W分31-35CDBDC36-10 BDAAC四*閱讀理解本大題共15小題,41-50題毎小腿1分* 5155題每題2分,共20 分4175 DCDAB4650 CCDBA51-55 BCDBA五*補(bǔ)全對話本大題共S小題,每題1分,共3分BEFCD丸、完成句子共10小題.每議1分*共】o分A句甲轉(zhuǎn)換按5分.每空5分5】.Jiev aren't&2. sends; to63, doesn't playM. What; doin65 r Would; so

46、meB完成句子共5分毎空0 ,分66* all over67 turns oil6S. taking photos69, getting ready70. sweep away七,任務(wù)型閱讀本大題捷5小題,毎小題】分共宜分71» holiday/ vacation72. visiting her aunt73* Tam74, going bike riding75. i扛 the park七年圾英語蓉案 錨丨頁共3頁A.綜合填空本大題共】o小題,每題分'共to分76. difltirent 77. wintw78. even 79. because 80. rains81 s

47、ame82. placeplaying 84. enjoying 85. exercise九.節(jié)面表達(dá)本大聽共10分一評分掠那么L此題總分值為10分.依據(jù)內(nèi)容和語言按五個檔次給分.2. 評分時,先根據(jù)文章的內(nèi)容和語書初歩確定其所屬檔次,撚后以該檔次的要求來 聽趙確定或調(diào)整檔次.毘后給分.詞數(shù)少于30利多于120的,從總分中減去】分.3. 本題共有4個主耍內(nèi)容孌點(diǎn);1齊節(jié)之前人們會清掃房問*2春節(jié)之前人們會購置年貨.3春節(jié)時家人會團(tuán)聚生一起吃年我飯。4春節(jié)時一家人經(jīng)常聚在一起看春節(jié)晚會*內(nèi)容要點(diǎn)可用不同表達(dá)方式.雖與摻考答秦不同.但只要盤思一致.語言正確.不 半扣本次作文對于緊扣製點(diǎn)及丄縣的適度

48、的.精彩的發(fā)揮允以2分的獎勵* 二各檔機(jī)的給分范罔和耍求第五檔3-W分能寫岀全部內(nèi)容耍點(diǎn)W個;語言根本兀誤,行文連貫,表達(dá)淸 婕,有適當(dāng)且精彩的«J¥.第四檔 "8分能弓出大局部內(nèi)容妄點(diǎn)44個八 語言根本無渥.行文根本連貫, 表達(dá)呈本淆楚。第三檔5W分能寫出局部內(nèi)容要點(diǎn)QT個;語書有較翁錯課.尚能達(dá)意.第二檔$分臭能寫出少剖分內(nèi)客鑒點(diǎn)2個嘆F:語當(dāng)錯誤很多,只有個別 甸子第一檔弘2分貝能寫出與所姿求內(nèi)容有關(guān)的一些單詞.One reference version:Dear James:''m veiy delighted to share some

49、infbrcnation about Spnng Festival with you* Before Spring Festival we usually clean our rooms. In so doing we hope we can sweep away bad luck and welcome rhe good luck of the next year. Besides nearK all of us always do some special shop pi ng fbr Spring Festival, mostly fbr bod ;irwl drink as well

50、as new clothes On Spring Fcsiival eve the whole family usually staj loget!ier to bavt out family reunion dinner, and a he same tunc ue watch Spnng Fesiival Gala. Ilie next day wc usually visit our relatives or friends, Wc love Spring Festival although wc know less anrf less about 1. Al least i a good chance R>r us Chinese people tn spend some lime with dut femily.YoursLi Jin七年級英語蓉窩 第2更共3頁英語聽力錄音稿一.聽力理鮮本大J1共茁小題母小尊1分*共】5分A在以下母小魁內(nèi).你將聽到一個或曲個旬子撲看到供選擇的A. B> C三輻囲鋤。找 出與你所聽句子內(nèi)容相匹配的用頗.L Tfs time Io have lunch.2 Plttase take some photos for ns.3. Do you want to read s


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