



1、Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 2013What is Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI200485031Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 2013CONTENTIntroduction 2Key words .2Main body.3SummaryReference2Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 2013What is Performance ExaminationIntroduction:Follo

2、wingtheeraof IT, humanresources developmentand utilizationhavebecome more and more important for companies worldwide. The companies andsocial organizationsmustpay moreattentiontocompetitionforhumanresources, thecultivationofnewtalents,humanresourcesperformanceappraisal.Performanceappraisalisanimport

3、anttooltoimprovetheperformance of companies and incentivize employees performance s. It is alsobecoming more and moreimportantin humanmanagement. Performanceappraisal can impact on promotion and training work.Through regular evaluation, we can help employees know what aspects theyhave improved, and

4、which areas where there hasn tbeen enough.I will discuss the points about:1. Understanding performance appraisal2.The purpose and function of performance appraisal in human resources.3. Performance appraisal s problems and present situation in enterprise 4.Seteffective performance appraisal principl

5、es, measures and skill3Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 2013Key words:Human resources , Performance examinationMain body:Performance appraisal is an objective for enterpriseestablished strategy; ituses specific criteriaand indicatorsfor evaluation ; employee sworkbehaviorand work performanc

6、e,It uses assessment results for a positiveguide to recommend processes andmethodsforstafffutures work behavior and workperformance . It is asystematic project. There are strategic objectivesandtarget responsibilitysystems, the index evaluation system,evaluationstandardand evaluationmethod etc. The

7、core result is to improvecorporateprofitabilityimprovementand enhancement of the comprehensivestrength; it goings to make humanresourcesmoreuseful.Whydoenterprisesmakeplansforperformanceappraisal?Because the performanceappraisal providethe basis of employeepromotions, demotions,transfersand dismissa

8、l;it is a feedback fromtheorganization ofthe employeesperformance,itisan evaluationfortheemployees and teams contribution to the organization; it is provides the basisforstaffremuneration;assessment forthe recruitmentselectionand thedistribution of the work; it helps the understanding of the needs o

9、f staff and theteams trainingand education;it is evaluationfor trainingeffect and staff scareer planning. It provides informationfor evaluating the work plan, budget,4Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 2013and human resources planning,etc. This is the purposeof the enterpriseperformance appra

10、isal.So, whatare the rolesofperformance appraisalinhumanresourcemanagement?1.Performance appraisal is the basis of personnel appointments;2.Performance appraisal is basis for determine personnel deployment and postlift;3.Performance appraisal is the basis of personnel training;4.Performance appraisa

11、l is the basis of compensation distribution;5.Performance appraisal is the need of employee career development;6.Performance appraisal is a method of employees on incentive;7.Performance appraisal is the premise of equal competition.Human resourcemanagementinmy country startsrelativelylate,someenter

12、priseshavedeveloped very rapidlyin recentyears, but the enterprisehuman resources management didnot followwith the speed of economicdevelopment. Enterprises dontpay attentionto the employees performanceappraisal system, there isa lack of supervision and incentives for staff, makingstaffs work enthus

13、iasm lower, restricted the development of the enterprise to acertain extent. The first category of enterprise performance appraisal system has5Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 2013been become internationalized, and has been standardized. The second categoryof enterprise performance appraisa

14、l is becoming standardized and systemized.Modern enterprisesystems, employees performance appraisal has become acoreissue of humanresourcemanagement.Aftermy analysis,Ihavediscovered that existing enterprise performance appraisal in my countrydoesnthave a clear, single examinationmethod;examination r

15、esults dont show theserious problems encounteredTo avoid such issues, an established and effective performance appraisal methodneeds to adhere to some principles.What are theseprinciples?1.The principle of fairnessFairness is a precondition of establishing and implementing personnel appraisalsystem.

16、If unfair, it is impossible to make the examinationuseful.2. The principle of strictness.If the examination is not strict, it will become useless. An examination that is notstrict, not only cannot fullyreflectthe staffs actual circumstances, but alsoproduce negative consequences. Examination princip

17、les of strictness include: itmust have a clear standard for inspection; it must have a serious attitude; it musthave a strict examination system and strict procedures and methods.6Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 20133.The principle of single head evaluationAn examinationfor the staff at al

18、l levels;their immediate superior must examinethe examinees.Theimmediate superior best knows, relatively,examinees actualperformance (performance, ability and adaptability); also it is possible to reflectthe real situation in the workplace. Indirect superiors cannot change comments,which are made by

19、 immediate superior. But the indirect superior can adjust theassessment result. For examination and assessment, a single head has been clearaboutthe responsibility forexamination and assessment, and maketheevaluation system and organizational command system easier to control, and itwill become more

20、advantageous to strengthen the function of management.4.The principle of public knowledge.The examiner should know appraisal conclusion to him, this is an importantmeans to assure appraisal democracy. On the one hand, it can help the examinerto understand their own strengths and weaknesses. Also it

21、can make convincingwhich inspection result is bad, hard work and aspirant. On the other hand, it alsohelps prevent possible bias in the appraisal and a variety of error, making surethe assessment is fair and reasonable.5.Principle of reward and punishmentsOn the basis of the appraisal result, we sho

22、uld according to the workperformance, good or bad, we are going to give them a reward or penalty,promotion or demotion, and this reward or penalty not just with verbalized7Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 2013incentives. There should also beincentives through ways such as salary, bonus,asso

23、ciated with a material interest, so we can achieve the real purpose ofappraisal.6.The principle of objective evaluationPersonnel performance appraisal needs to be evaluatedto the specifiedstandards.Objective evaluation data is vital, avoiding subjectivity and emotion.7.The principle of feedbackExami

24、nation results (notes) must be appraised back to the examinee, if not theappraisal would be useless.The examination and assessment of education. At thetime when the results of feedback, we should explain evaluation and commentsfor the examination, make sure achievements and progress, explain deficie

25、ncies,providing recommendations for the future.8.The principle of differenceAppraisal level should have distinct boundaries, according to different evaluationcomments in such aspects as salary, promotion, use should reflect obviousdifference, make the assessment an encouragement of thepotential upwa

26、rdmobility of the worker.Concrete measures, of course different company has differentmeasures, forexample to explain, such as motivationalincentives and rewardschemes foremployees,givefeedbackforemployeesonperformance,trainingand8Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 2013development staff. In th

27、e academic system, there are many kinds of methodsdealing with performance management;each evaluationmethod focuses ondifferent important things.Thereis no right or wrong, only suitable or not. I amgoing to explain most of management methods:1 GRS (Graphic Rating Scale);This is the most simple and u

28、seful one of the most common performanceappraisal technologies, general use graphic rating scale table to fill score.2.ARM (Alternative Ranking Method);This is a more commonly used sorting appraisal method.Its principle is pickedout who the best or the worst performance behavior in the group, compar

29、edwith other performances this is absolutely examination is much more simple.Therefore, alternative ranking method is respectivelyselection and sorting ofthe best and worst, and then select second-best and second-worst,likethis,untilallexaminercompletelypersonnelarrangement,the resultisperformance a

30、ppraisal which is according to the good or bad arrangement.Alternate ranking table can also be used when operating performanceappraisal.3 PCM (Paired Comparison Method);This is a more detailed assessment performance level by sorting method, itsfeature is each evaluation factor need to compare person

31、nel between the twocomparison and sorting, make sure everyone has compare with all other peoplein the each evaluation factor, all of the assessed have been full of sorting in theeach element.9Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 20134 FDM(Forced Distribution Method);Itis set distributionproport

32、ionbeforethe performance testing, and thenarranges employee assessment results to the distribution structure.5 CIM (Critical Incident);It is a kind of methods by the employees behavior and behavior results toperformance evaluation,general executiveswill makenotesabouthissubordinate employees in the

33、work of very good behavior or very bad behavior,and then in the inspection point in time (every quarter or every half a year)make a interview for employee, according to the records to discuss about hisperformance appraisal.6 BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale);It is assess performance method b

34、ased on the working behavior of be assessedobservation, evaluation7 MBO (Management by Objectives);Management by objectives is a modern method, managers usually focus on profitsales and the results can bring sales and cost index. Inthe target managementmethod, every employee to determine several spe

35、cific indicators, the indicatorsis the key to its success in your work to carry out the target; the completion canbe used as the basis for evaluation of employees.Before adopts a system of performance evaluation, at first we should make anadjustment to the companys management, do a evaluation, this

36、evaluation about10Performance ExaminationLIANGDONG JI6 Sept 2013attitude, job skills, work efficiency and work performance, cooperation ability,employee impression aspects team consciousness and communicationability,management staff assessment clear first and adjustment to correct, employeeswill bel

37、ieve your performance appraisal system is work, and will cooperate withyourwork, also can mobilizethe enthusiasm again. This is a great skillofperformance appraisal.First of all, establish enterprise internal complaints mechanism, when employeesmeet the unfair treatment there is a complaint and way to solve the problem,avoid the leader emotionalhurt professional workers rightsand interests.Second, within the enterprise is not only to determine the rights and obligationsof differentdepartments or positions.atthe same time, you have to t


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