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1、中考語法復習考點一:主謂一致和倒裝1.When I was five, I drew very well. 【2012黔西南】_.A. So did I B. So was I C. So I was D. So I did2.How he wants to get a high mark in the final term examination! 【2012貴州安順】Yes_ASo is he BSo he does CSo does heDSo he is3._that pair of _a little cheaper? 【2012 湖北黃石】A. Is; glass B. Are;

2、glass C. Is; glasses D. Are; glasses4.Would your younger brother go for a picnic this Sunday? 【2012湖北隨州】If I dont go, _. A. so does he B. so will he C. neither does he D. neither will he5.Peter doesn't know many people here.【2012山東濟寧】_.A. So do I B. So am I C. Neither am I D. Neither do I6. The

3、number of teachers in our school _ greatly increased last term. A number of teachers in this school _from the countryside. 【2011河源】 A. was;is B. was;are C. were;are D. were; is 7.How much is the pair of shoes?【2011廣安市】 Twenty dollars _ enough. A. is B. are C. am8. This is my twin sister,Lucy. Not on

4、ly she but also I_ good at drawing. 【2011黑龍江齊齊哈爾】 A. is B. am C. are 考點二:非謂語動詞1. It took Janet three hours _ reading this interesting story. 【2012貴州貴陽】A. to finish B. finished C. finishing2.When I went into the room,I found _ in bed【2012貴州安順】Ahim lying Bhe lying Che lies Dhim was lying3. Drivers sho

5、uldn't be allowed _ after drinking, or they will break the law. 【2012湖北咸寧】A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. to be driven4. _ English well, one must have a lot of practice. 【2012山東聊城】A. Speaks B. To speak C. spoken D. speak5. Im leaving now. 【2012山東泰安】_you turn off the lights and the computer.A.

6、 To make sure B. Make sure C. Made sure D. Making sure6. Mary used to _ to work, but she is used to _to work now. 【2012黔西南】A. riding a bike, taking a bus B. riding a bike, take a busC. ride a bike, taking a bus D. ride a bike, take a bus7. When I passed the classroom, I heard a girl _in it. 【2012黔東南

7、】 A. sing B. losing C. sang D. singing8. Lets _ for a walk, shall we? 【2012 北京】 A. to go B. going C. go D. gone 考點三:并列句及連詞的用法1. Ben was busy taking a training class, _we had to wait for him for half an hour.【2012 廣東】 A. so B. if C. or D. but2. We should give the boy another chance _he has made some

8、mistakes. 【2012 河南】 A. though B. when C. unless D. because3. Where are you going for the coming winter camp? 【2012 湖北宜昌】 I wont decide on the place _the end of this month. A. until B. unless C. though D. through4. Tell us something about Canada, OK? 【2012山東日照】 Im sorry. _ Jack _ I have ever been the

9、re.A. Either; or B. Not only; but alsoC. Both; and D. Neither; nor5. Could we go and watch the football game? 【2012山東泰安】 No, _ you have the tickets.A. ifB. unlessC. because D. since6. There are no buses, _ youll have to walk. 【2012北京】A. so B. orC. butD. for7. We can easily become unhappy_ we work ou

10、t our problems in our daily life. 【2011山東菏澤】 A. after B. if C. until D. unless 8. What was your brother doing at this time yesterday? 【2011山東濱州】 He was reading a magazine _ I was writing an e-mail at home. A. as soon as B. after C. until D. while考點四:賓語從句的用法1. Could you tell me_? 【2012廣東】 Certainly.

11、In half an hour.A. when will the high speed train arrive B. when the high speed train will arrive C. when would the high speed train arrive D. when the high speed train would arrive2. Excuse me, could you tell me _ to get to the post office? 【2012廣西玉林】Certainly. The No. 15 bus. A. which bus I should

12、 take B. I should take which bus C. should I take which bus D. which bus should I take 3.I think _ not difficult _ English every morning【2012貴州安順】A. that; keep readingBits; keep readingC. that; to keep readingDit; to keep reading4. Do you know _ Zunyi or not tomorrow? 【2012黔西南】A. whether are they le

13、aving for B. whether they are leaving forC. if they are leaving for D. if are they leaving for5. The policewoman asked the little boy _.【2012貴州安順】Awhere did he liveBwhere he livedCwhere he lives Dwhere does he lives6. Show me the map, please. I wonder _.【2012福建福州】 Look, it's here, in the east of

14、 China, near Taiwan Province.A. where is Diaoyu Island B. where Diaoyu Island is C. what is Diaoyu Island like7. Could you tell me_ he came here? 【2012安徽省】He drove here himself.A. how B. why C. when D. whether8. Can you tell me _ the prize, Tom? 【2012北京】Last year.A. when you gotB. when did you getC.

15、 when will you getD. when you will get考點五: 定語從句的用法1. What do you think of the school uniforms?” Very good. I like clothes _ make me feel comfortable.” 【2012貴州貴陽】 A. that B. what C. who2. There will be a flower show in the park _ we visited last week. 【2012廣東】A. who B. when C. what D. which3. Now man

16、y people smoke and get ill. 【2012廣西玉林】So we should do something _ can help stop smoking.A. what B. who C. / D. that4. I still remember the time _ we spent together at XiSai mountain last year. 【2012 湖北黃石】A. when B. what C. who D. which5. One of the most delicious drinks _ I like is orange juice. 【20

17、12湖北十堰】A. which B. that C. whose D. whom6. There are so many girls over there. Which one is your sister? 【2012湖北隨州】 The one _hat is yellow. A. who B. whose C. that D. which7. We all like the story about the teacher _ happened in our school last week. 【2012湖北咸寧】A. which B. who C. whom D. what8. The E

18、nglish-Chinese dictionary my father bought for me many years ago is still of great value. 【2012江蘇南京】A. whose B. when C. who D. That考點六:狀語從句的用法1. Well go for a picnic if it _this Sunday. 【2012 福建福州】 Wish you a lovely weekend.A. rain B. doesnt rain C. wont rain2. Teresa is _ nervous _ she cant talk in

19、 front of the class. 【2012貴州貴陽】 A. such, that B. too, to C. so, that3. Whats your plan for the summer holidays? 【2012 安徽省】Ill go to Beijing_ the school term ends.A. in order that B. so that C. as soon as D. even though4. Why is Harvey's mother so happy? 【2012 湖北黃岡】 Because only three students _,

20、 _ her son Harvey. A. failed the exam; besides B. made progress; exceptC. made progress; including D. passed the exam; without5. I want to know when Mr. Brown will arrive. 【2012 四川成都】 When he , I will tell you. A. will arrive B. arrived C. arrives 6. I like drinking wine. But people who drink wine a

21、rent allowed to drive. If I you, I would give up wine. 【2012 四川達州】A. were, drinking B. am, drinking C. were, drink D. was, to drink 7. _ I was in he US, I made a lot of American friends. 【2012 綿陽市】 A. While B. Although C. Unless D. Until8. _ he has little knowledge, the old worker has a lot of exper

22、ience.【2012 四川省樂山市】 A. Although B. Because C. If考點七:名詞用法1. The _ often eat grass on the hill. 【2012湖北隨州】A. chicken B. horse C. cow D. sheep2. The Internet is very useful. We can get a lot of _ from it. 【2012廣西玉林】A. thing B. message C. informations D. information 3. What is your favorite food? 【2012廣

23、西玉林】I like _ best. I had a large bowl last night. A. potato noodle B. potatoes noodles C. potato noodles D. potatoes noodles 4. A friend of my _ and I are going to visit _ next week. 【2012蚌埠】A. father; Browns B. fathers; the Browns C. father; the Browns. D. fathers; Browns5. This is _ computer. 【201

24、2天水】A. Anns and Tom B. Ann and TomsC. Ann and Tom D. Anns and Toms6. Where does your uncle work, Jack? 【2012溫州】In a _ in Paris. He is a policeman.A. TV station B. book store C. post office D. police station7. I like _ best of all the vegetables. 【2012黔西南】A. potatoes B. tomato C. bread D. Rice考點八:冠詞用

25、法1. Be careful ! There is _dog lying on the ground. 【2012貴州銅仁】Thanks a lot. A. a B. an C. the D. /2. Victor can play _ piano. He can join the music club. 【2012貴州貴陽】A. a B. an C. the3. There is no living thing on _moon. 【2012福建福州】A. the B. a C. 不填4. Bill likes playing _ basketball, but he doesnt like

26、 playing _ piano. 【2012甘肅雞西市】A. the, the B. /, the C. the, /5. _ Greens are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day. 【2012廣東】A. / B. A C. An D. The6. What _bad weather it is today! 【2012廣西玉林】Yes, _ weather makes me so sad.A. a; a B. /; the C. an; the D. the; a7._ is your mother?She is _ English te

27、acher. 【2012貴州安順】AWho; the BWhat; / CWhat; an DWho; a8._15th International Film Festival will be held in Shanghai. 【2012山東濟寧】A. The B. An C. A D.考點九:介詞用法1. Have you had breakfast? 【2012長沙】 No. I got up at half past seven and went to school _ breakfast. A. on B. without C. as2. Hainan lies _ the sout

28、h of China, and _ the south of Guangdong, too. 【2012黔南】 A. in; in B. to; in C. to; to D. in; to3. Lucy and I are twins, but were different _ each other in many ways. 【2012吉林】 A. for B. in C. of D. from 4. Lady Gaga is famous _ her beautiful voice. 【2012南平】 A. as B. with C. for5.How do you communicat

29、e with your foreign friends? 【2012寧夏】_ writing e-mails, of course.A. With B. By C. At D. From6. Look at that photo, what a happy family!【2012桂林】 Yes, its a photo my family.A. at B. for C. of D. in7.Is your father home? 【2012北京】No, he is working late _ the office. A. on B. at C. of D. to8. Bill has m

30、ade great progress _ the help of his teachers. 【2012福州】 A. for B. with C. under考點十:副詞用法1.Please drive _ when you pass a school. 【2012 山東濟南】 OK. A. nearly B. early C. slowly D. really2.Have you ever been to Disneyland? 【2012 山東濟南】 No, _. I hope I can go there next year. A. always B. sometimes C. neve

31、r D. often3. Mike hurt his back seriously and can_ get out of bed without help. 【2012 安徽省】A. quickly B. easily C. nearly D. hardly4. His grandparents live _ in a small house, but they dont feel _. 【2012 貴州安順】A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone5. The 3D Titanic is a mo

32、ving film. My parents have seen it twice_.【2012 湖北黃石】A. yet B. already C. never D. almost 6. How is Susan? Oh, she lives abroad, so I ever see her. 【2012江蘇南京】 A. hardly B. greatly C. clearly D. nearly7. Dont talk to anyone about the bad news not my mother. 【2012 江蘇鹽城】A. hardly B. usually C. especial

33、ly D. simply8. Laptops are smaller and lighter so that they can be carried very _.【2012 遼寧大連】 A. clearly B. regularly C. easily D. carefully考點十一:動詞用法1. Listen, the music _sweet.【2012福建福州】 It's Yesterday Once More, my favorite.A. sounds B. smells C. feels2. To protect the environment, supermarket

34、 dont _ free plastic bags to shoppers. 【2012安徽】 A. take B. show C. provide D. carry 3.May I speak to the headmaster?He _ a meeting now. Can I take a message? 【2012北京】A. is havingB. hadC. hasD. will have4. I _ Mr. Smith since he moved to Shanghai. 【2012北京】A. didnt hear fromB. dont hear fromC. wont he

35、ar fromD. havent heard from5. My grandpa is sleeping. Will you please _ the radio?【2012 雞西市】A. turn down B. turn upC. turn on6.Why do you want to stay at home?【2012山東濟南】 Because I _ good when I am with my family. A. smelt B. feel C. taste D. sound7. You _ stop when the traffic light turns red.【2012貴

36、州銅仁】  A. can     B. had better      C. need   D. must8. Mum, must I stay there the whole day?【2012福建福州】 No, you_. You _ come back after lunch, if you like.A. mustn't; can       B. needn't; must    

37、   C. needn't; may考點十二:代詞用法1. Lily and her sister look the same. I cant tell one from_.【2012山東濟寧】A. other B. another C. the other D. others2. There are many flowers and trees on _sides of the Century Road. 【2012山東濟南】 A. each B. every C. both D. all3. Its polite to take _ flowers as a gift w

38、hen you go to visit a friend. A. little B. any C. some【2012貴州貴陽】4. Is your brother running in the park? 【2012山東濟南】No, _ is swimming in the river.A. she B. his C. her D. he5. The students are helping the old man clean _ house now. 【2011湖南株洲】A. her B. him C. his6. Where is my pen? Oh, sorry, I have ta

39、ken_ by mistake. 【2012貴州銅仁】A. yours B. mine C. hers D. his7. My English is so poor, please help_ to improve it.【2012貴州銅仁】A. me B. I C. my D. mine8. Mrs. Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook _ for me during my stay in Canada. 【2012福建福州】A. something different B. anything different C. noting diff

40、erent考點十三:數(shù)詞的用法1. Im 13 years old and my sister is 15 years old. So my sister is_ years older than me. 【2012山東濟南】A. one B. two C. three D. four 2. May is the _ month of a year. 【2012湖北隨州】 A. fifty B. fifteen C. fifth D. five3. _ visitors come to Xingyi during May Day holidays every year. 【2012黔西南】A.

41、 Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousand 4. How was your weekend? 【2012廣東】Great! It was my grandfathers _birthday. We enjoyed ourselves. A. seventy B. seventieth C. the seventieth D. Seventeenth 5. About _of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the_.【2012貴州銅仁】 A. three

42、five; 1996. B. three fifths; 1990s C. third fifth; 1997. D. third fifths; 1990s 6. He wrote his _ novel when he was _. 【2012湖北恩施】A. five; fifties B. fifth; fifty C. fifth; fiftieth 7. A _ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father. 【2012甘肅雞西市】 A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. thre

43、e years old 8. Our school is going to hold the_Culture Festival. 【2012湖北宜昌】I see. And we can take part in _activities. A. tenth; tenth B. ten; tenth C. tenth; ten D. ten; ten 考點十四:形容詞用法1. Which city has _population, Beijing, Guiyang or Xingyi? 【2012黔西南】Xingyi, of course.A. the largest B. the smalles

44、t C. the most D. the least2. Henry, you _ tell the teacher if you want to go out of the classroom.Sorry, sir. 【2012貴州貴陽】 A. are supposed to B. are surprised to C. are afraid to3. You are relaxing yourself here? 【2012安徽省】Yes. It feels to walk slowly along the river.A. fantastic B. boring C. strange D

45、. terrible4. I work hard this term, but Peter works much _.【2012北京】A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. the hardest5. Peter is _ than you, right? 【2012廣西玉林】Yes, but he is _ runner in our class.A. heavier; best B. heavy; the best C. heavier; the best D. heavy; better6.His grandparents live _ in a small ho

46、use, but they dont feel _【2012貴州安順】Alonely; alone Balone; lonely Clonely; lonely Dalone; alone7.The_you work at your lessons, the _ results you will get. 【2012 湖北黃石】A. hard; good B. harder; good C. hard; better D. harder; better8 Do you know sound travels very fast? 【2012湖北荊州】 Yes. But light travels

47、 sound. A. as fast as B. a little faster than C. much faster than D. slower than考點十五:動詞被動語態(tài)1. Our classroom _ every day. 【2012 福建福州】 So it is. It's our duty to keep it clean and tidy.A. cleans B. is cleaning C. is cleaned2. In order to make our hometown more beautiful, trees _ around the city ev

48、ery year. 【2012 貴州貴陽】 A. plant B. are planted C. will plant3. The task_ in an hour. Then we can go home and have a good rest. 【2012 安徽省】A. was finished B. will be finished C. has been finished D. can't be finished4. Today, computers are really helpful. They _ everywhere. 【2012 北京】A. useB. are usedC. usedD. were used5. Hot water _ in the students' flats from 5 p


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