1、精品文檔 吉林師范大學(xué)畢業(yè)論文設(shè)計 論文分類號: 密 級:無 論文題目 漢語熟語的日譯學(xué) 院 專 業(yè):外國語學(xué)院 日語 學(xué) 生 姓 名: 年 級 班 級: 2021級7班 指 導(dǎo) 教 師: 講師 2012年4月25日吉林師範(fàn)大學(xué)卒業(yè)論文(設(shè)計) 論文分類號: 密 級: 無論文題目漢語熟語日訳 學(xué)部、専攻 : 外國語學(xué)部 日本語 學(xué) 生 氏 名: 年、級、組 : 2021級7班 指 導(dǎo) 教 官: 講師 2012年4月25日: 日本語中國語異語系、両者漢字使。大昔、中日言語交流非常頻繁。俗語成語典型的、人気言語。聞気楽感。本論文漢語熟語日訳対象研究。特形意対等、語形似意味同熟語翻訳俗語意訳、直訳方
2、法整理、中日文化內(nèi)在関係問題反映。、日本語學(xué)習(xí)者、漢語熟語翻訳方法上手身簡単述。文化背景中日語法、本論文熟語翻訳方法、直訳、意訳簡単整理論述。: 日中熟語;成語;俗語;日訳摘要: 日語同漢語是兩種完全不同的語系,然而二者都使用漢字,很久以前,中日在語言方面的交流就十分繁盛。俗語、成語都是典型的群眾化語言,活潑、輕松,其中一些聽起來還有一種詼諧幽默之感,本文以漢語熟語的日譯為研究對象做了分析,同時對形意對等、形似意等、形異意等的熟語翻譯形式以及俗語的意譯、直譯的方法進(jìn)行初步探討。通過舉例反映出中日文化的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系,幫助日語學(xué)習(xí)者正確理解和掌握漢語熟語翻譯的簡單方法。同時,本文在介紹由于文化背景以及
3、中日語法上不同的熟語翻譯方面,為保證原文精髓,對直譯、加譯或意譯的簡單方法進(jìn)行整理。關(guān)鍵詞: 日中熟語;成語;俗語;日譯目次摘要目次1一、形意味対等熟語日訳1二、語形似意味同熟語翻訳3三、異形、意味同熟語翻訳4四、熟語意訳6五、俗語直訳8終9參考文獻(xiàn) 9 :現(xiàn)代漢語語彙単語、使用俗語含。熟語。漢語熟語簡潔、意味、生生表現(xiàn)。豊富內(nèi)容簡潔的形持、人間自然社會対認(rèn)識簡潔的集約、漢語語彙寶庫充実、熟語昔人活用言語表現(xiàn)。熟語前聞、人気言語。漢語中熟語広義成語、座右銘、文句含。漢語成語構(gòu)造固定、一般的構(gòu)造形式自分思通変成分増減。成語、長時間経作出労働人民知恵結(jié)晶、汲盡人生教訓(xùn)泉。大昔人、古人殘言葉寶庫成語
5、萬別千差萬別百花齊放百花斉放外柔內(nèi)剛外柔內(nèi)剛一衣帶水一衣帯水卷土重來捲土重來、內(nèi)憂外患內(nèi)憂外患汗牛充棟汗牛充棟單刀直入?yún)g刀直入?yún)窃酵蹍以酵?四分五裂四分五裂 一網(wǎng)打盡一網(wǎng)打盡大同小異大同小異弱肉強(qiáng)食弱肉強(qiáng)食旁假設(shè)無人傍假設(shè)無人場合、直訳、指摘次場合。一漢語熟語対、二、二以上翻訳。漢語用場合日本語固有表現(xiàn)表場合。一般的、前者文語性持、後者分思。、露馬腳馬腳現(xiàn)、化皮剝隔靴搔癢隔靴掻癢、二階目薬天壤之別天地差、月、雲(yún)泥差隔墻有耳壁耳障子目對牛彈琴馬耳念仏貓小判東奔西走東奔西走、南船北馬虎頭蛇尾竜頭蛇尾、尻廢寢忘食寢食忘、寢食夫唱婦隨夫唱婦隨漁夫之利漁夫利、爭五十步笑百步五十歩百歩違、五十歩百歩、
7、技巧凝後、自然完璧形容。、人柄天真爛漫意味。二番目意味中國語。三、異形、意味同熟語翻訳長間、日本人社會実踐中日本民族性持成語、慣用語創(chuàng)造。比喩性持慣用語中、一般的、形式異、同意味表。本民族文化、生活風(fēng)俗密接関係。熟語構(gòu)成社會狀況、宗教信仰、風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣、社會観念制約。、 馬后炮後祭垂涎三尺喉手出饑不擇食空腹班門弄斧釈迦説法甕中之鱉袋鼠如虎添翼鬼金棒不恥下問聞時恥、聞一生恥無中生有根葉半斤八兩背比、似寄未雨綢繆転先杖、濡先杯水車薪焼石水雙喜臨門盆正月一緒來臨陣磨槍泥棒縄坐井觀天針穴天覗淹死會水的河童川流水火不相容犬猿仲、水火仲眼不見為凈知仏一個巴掌拍不響相手喧嘩 匹夫不可奪志也一寸蟲五分魂瘦死的駱駝
10、耕務(wù)農(nóng),平時愛舞文弄墨,卻無一建樹。 訳文:村假設(shè)者、三年大學(xué)入試落、帰郷農(nóng)業(yè)。書好、得。文中出四字熟語名落孫山、舞文弄墨、無一建樹成語相応日本語、意訳方法大學(xué)入試落、書、得翻訳。例文:真會灌迷魂湯!我不會做家務(wù),這在別人眼里的缺點,在你眼里卻成了男人的魅力所在了?訳文:世辭!僕家事人目欠點映、君見男魅力?!肮嗝曰隃?、即魂惑薬湯飲迷惑性持機(jī)嫌語。文通世辭、使翻訳思。例文:孩子們嘻嘻哈哈地扯著嗓子跟了一遍,連聲調(diào)都模仿得惟妙惟肖。 訳文:子供笑聲張上一遍繰返。語調(diào)似。例文:老徐是個又矮又瘦的中年人,一年到頭坐在辦公桌前的椅子里,安分守己地打發(fā)時光。訳文:徐小柄痩男、一年中、身分相応日過。例文:他
11、最近越來越自高自大,誰說什么都當(dāng)耳邊風(fēng)。 訳文:最近、彼思上、誰言聞入。例文10:強(qiáng)這孩子,有點錢就忙著往家寄,都說城里花銷大,得寫信告訴他,花錢也別太小手小腳的,讓人笑話,家里也不缺錢花。 訳文:強(qiáng)、少金、急家送。都會費用言、手紙書言。金惜、人前笑。家別金困?!靶∈中∧_“大手大腳反対語。、金遣荒対応。直訳、翻訳。例文11:往日喧鬧的財務(wù)室,這會兒突然變得鴉雀無聲。機(jī)關(guān)精簡的名單即將公布,許多人的心里都七上八下的。 訳文:騒財務(wù)課違急靜返、咳払一聞。名簿発表、心中、気気。 鴉雀無聲字面鳴聲聞翻訳、比喩性的使、訳文中文脈巧妙咳払一聞翻訳。翻訳方法利用、運命決人緊張読。七上八下心混亂意味、気気翻訳
12、。五、俗語直訳直訳外國語原文字句語法従忠実翻訳。、例文12:他是個吝嗇鬼,像個鐵公雞,一毛不拔。訳文:彼。鉄雄鳥、毛一本抜。例文13:中國婦女在社會上是“半邊天,在家里當(dāng)然就可以和丈夫平起平坐不受欺負(fù)。訳文:女性社會天半分擔(dān)、家庭夫?qū)澋日裎?、虐。例?4:小說上都說眼睛是心靈的窗口,一點不假,他的眼睛純潔、真實。 訳文:目心窓小説言、通。彼目清、誠実。例文15:她上樓的步子是沉重的,像灌了鉛一樣。 訳文:階段登彼女足取、足棒重。 “灌了鉛一樣比喩性持文、日本語、理解、直訳方法採取。例文16:浪子回頭金不換是一句俗語,意思是說,沾染了惡習(xí)或失足墮落的人。如果能改邪歸正的話,那是比金子還可貴的。
13、訳文:放蕩息子改心、金換諺、悪習(xí)慣染、道踏外人間、改心、黃金貴、意味。終:外國語勉強(qiáng)、翻訳、研究、外國語祖國語差身必要。特両國文化背景差理解。中國人、世界早人類文明歴史拓開、世界豊富多彩成語寶庫持。日本人豊成語、持。昔互學(xué)、輝言語文化生出、両國人民友誼証。本論文熟語一局部內(nèi)容紹介、日本語勉強(qiáng)人、有利材料期待。、翻訳、私內(nèi)容外表形式通、深意味理解。、日本語表現(xiàn)規(guī)範(fàn)合同時日本人表方一致肝心。具體的場合翻訳思。本論文紹介熟語翻訳方法不十分、文化関連、問題研究思。參考文獻(xiàn)1 新編漢日翻譯教程M.上海外語教育出版社,20032 萬紅梅.日語成語的文化闡析J.齊齊哈爾大學(xué)學(xué)報,2005年01期3 香坂順一
14、.中國語大辭典(上下) M.角川書店,1995年3月 4 和泉新、佐藤保.中國故事成語大辭典M.東京堂出版社,1992年5月5 金丸邦三.日中対照集M.燎原書店,1983年11月6 王秀文.日漢互譯教程M.大連理工出版社,2007年4月7 小川一郎.四字熟語的構(gòu)成方式.日語知識J,1997年第12期a您好,為你提供優(yōu)秀的畢業(yè)論文參考資料,請您刪除以下內(nèi)容,O(_)O謝謝!A national survey was recently launched to evaluate the eye hea
15、lth of Chinese children andteenagers.On June 6, China's annual National Day for Eye Care, the China Youth Development ServiceCenter and Zhejiang Medicine, a leading listed
16、;Chinese pharmaceutical company, jointlyannounced the kickoff of the survey.In about one month, a questionnaire compiled by top eye care medical experts in China willbe distributed
17、 through multiple online partners, including Health.sohu , as well asthrough offline survey events held in universities, middle schools and primary schools acrossthe country.A report
18、60;will be released based on the survey statistics and analysis, and most importantly,guidelines for parents and youth on how to care for the eyes and prevent myopia
19、; agrowing problem in China's digitized society, will also be attached on the report."Myopia is not only a disease that makes people see things blurrily, but als
20、o leads to severecomplications, such as glaucoma (increased pressure within the eyeball), and can causeblindness," said Zhou Yuehua, an established eye care specialist with Be
21、ijing TongrenHospital."It is very important for parents and children to know about the risk and care for their eyes."There are about 450 million myopia patients in
22、160;China. Among Chinese myopia patients,30million are severe patients, according to ZhouThe prevalence of myopia among high school and college students is more than 70 percent,and
23、 the situation is continuously worsening, he added.Sun Zhu, director with the China Youth Development Service Center, said long hours ofstudy, lack of exercise, especially out
24、door activities, and attachment to electronic screen aresome of the top reasons behind the widespread myopia problems, and the increase ofyounger patients, although China has
25、made great progress in improving the hardwarefacilities and lighting conditions in schools.He said he hopes the survey will alert people on the threatening situation, and also
26、 helpmedical experts to better guideline parents and children's behaviors to care for eyes, basedon the timely and factual statistics the survey collected.A series of foll
27、ow-up events will also be held in six cities, including Jinan in Shandongprovince, and Changsha in Hunan province, to educate people on how to care for eyes afterthe
28、 survey started. More and more Chinese are jogging to get and stay fit. Most joggers will run alone, but some will jog with friends or even coaches. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park is one of the most popular spots. It is packed with runners in the afternoon, usually after work, and at week
29、ends. Jogging after a whole day's work can be a way to unwind. It is true for He Wenjun, whose workplace is right near the forest park. She discovered her athletic aptitude at the age of seven, when she began playing tennis. Then she turned to jogging, and she has persevered with it for 10 years
30、. "I come to jog almost every day after work, whenever I have time. I think jogging is good for my health. And for me, a girl, it helps me to achieve to eternal goal, to keep slim," He said. He says she prefers jogging alone, so she can focus better. She loves jogging, even during Beijing&
31、#39;s smoggy days. "If the smog is severe, I'll hold off jogging for a while. But if I really want to get away from work, I'll wear a mask, or just ignore the smog and go on jogging," she said. For those who are not so athletic, jogging also has its attractions. Wu Houbin started r
32、oughly two years ago, when he was severely obese. Within two months, his weight dropped from 82 kilograms to 64 kilograms. The success helped him recover health, and he has made friends. "Jogging does not require speed, but stamina. If you want to stick to the game, you need to take it as a mis
33、sion, a habit, and then eventually a hobby," Wu said. But persevering with jogging is not always easy. Jogging is beneficial for heart-lung function, and the skeletal system, but doctors say improper technique damages the joints, especially the knees and ankles. "Excessive jogging wears do
34、wn the body, and harms one's health. Poor technique harms the muscles and skeleton, and can cause secondary injures. And, jogging in a bad environment can cause circulation problems," said Lu Zhiyong, attending doctor, Sports Hospital, General Admin. of Sports.Dr. Lu has some tips for jogge
35、rs, and those who are thinking of taking it up.He says people should first evaluate their physical condition, to decide the amount and type of exercise, and jogging in the open air is better running on a treadmill. Conrad Macao will run special programs for the entire month of October this year to s
36、upport the Hong Kong Cancer Fund's Pink Revolution, an annual campaign that seeks to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research, the hotel recently announced. A major sponsor of the campaign for three years in a row, Conrad Macao has pledged to donate a portion of its proceeds to the f
37、und, including those collected from selling its popular bear and rubber duck merchandise, in limited pink editions. Pink is the theme for floral arrangements and decorations in the hotel in October. In addition, on Fridays that month, members of the management and staff will add something pink to th
38、eir uniforms, regular e-mails and handwritten guest cards. "Breast cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer among women in Hong Kong and is also of significant concern in Macao and around the world, regardless of age," general manager Bede Barry said in a statement. The hotel has enlist
39、ed the support of a number of international and local celebrities to help drive the cause, including South Korean actor Jung Suk Won. This year, a lucky guest who stays at the hotel during the campaign and also donates money for the cause will win a necklace specially designed by Arte Madrid, a Span
40、ish jewelry brand. Women should strive to balance quality of work and life, and have children at a young age. As a doctor I see much suffering because of this imbalance. Xiao Ying, 36, works for a large law firm. Her job means lots of travel, a heavy caseload and a large number of meetings, so her s
41、chedule is hectic. She has been pregnant twice, but had abortions on both occasions because she felt her busy, high-pressure career wasn't conducive to raising a child. She planned to have children once she had achieved career success so she could provide a stable environment for her baby. After
42、 10 years, Xiao felt the time was right, and she tried to conceive for about six months, but was unable to become pregnant. I conducted comprehensive physical checkups. The results suggested that Xiao's ovarian function has declined and a bilateral oviduct blockage has occurred, meaning that in
43、vitro fertilization is her only option. So, after reducing her workload, Xiao underwent IVF treatment. Luckily, she got pregnant after just one treatment cycle, but later experienced vaginal bleeding, and rushed to the hospital. I told her to rest and carry on with the treatment (to prevent a miscar
44、riage). As Zubin Zarthoshtimanesh, a yoga guru, demonstrated postures at a high school stadium in Dujiangyan city, Sichuan province, some 200 students sat on colorful mats watching him closely. It was part of the first India-China international yoga festival in the provincial capital, Chengdu, in So
45、uthwest China, where more than 1,000 fans from home and abroad gathered for lessons from 20 leading practitioners of the ancient Indian regimen, from June 17-21. Yoga is to India what perhaps tai chi is to China. Many countries other than India and China, also held the first World Yoga Day on June 2
46、1, after the United Nations last year agreed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's suggestion that a special day be marked in the year for the global practice of the stress-busting regimen, which is already a multibillion dollar industry in the United States. Modi said in the speech: "Yo
47、ga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. . It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and nature."Zarthoshtimanesh, who runs his own yoga center, Iyengar Yogabhyasa, in the Indian financial capital of Mumbai, says: "Chinese stud
48、ents are very respectful. For me, all students are the same no matter what their race is and where they come from. The most important thing is to remove mental walls." Zarthoshtimanesh learned yoga from the late Yogacharya Iyengar and traveled with the master to different countries. Consulate G
49、eneral of India in southern China's Guangzhou city organized the Chengdu festival. A terrifying wooden bridge in China has just been replaced by a glass one. This, the worlds longest glass-bottomed walkway, is located in Shiniuzhai Geopark in Hunan, and spans 300m (984f) and is 180m (590f) above
50、 ground. The floor is made of double-layered glass that is 24mm (0.94in), and is reportedly 25 times stronger than regular window glass. The bridge had previously been made of wood, linking the two peaks of Stone Buddha Mountain, but 11 engineers working 12 hours a day converted it to glass. Previou
51、sly, you were considered brave if you steeled yourself to cross the wooden walkway; now, with its glass bottom, the bridge is already being referred to as “hero bridge. The popular chain's longtime executive chef embraces mapo tofu and other exotic elements for the burger-driven menu, Liu Zhihua
52、 reports.At the age of 37, Shanghai native Lin Zhengu has become a star as a Western cuisine chef in the Chinese metropolis, a city that has a wealth of Western restaurants. The executive chef of Blue Frog Bar and Grill, a popular burger-based restaurant and bar chain on the Chinese mainland, Lin is the soul of the restaurant franchise's team of more than 550 chefs. Many of the franchise's most popular dishes are his
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