



1、八年級期中教學(xué)質(zhì)量檢測卷第二卷筆試部分 (80 分)i.單項選擇 (15%):()1. john is alwaysothers.a. help b. helping c. helpsd. to help()the disney world with her friends at eleven yesterday morning.a. visitc. is visiting d. was visiting () than one personfound it so.a. have b. hasc. ared. is() spends much money on bookshe is not r

2、ich.a. though()scheaper andenjoyable to travel by train than by plane.a. much, far more , very much c. more, much more () wasexciting match that we like it very much.a. suchb. soc. so ad. such an() didnt come to school yesterdayhe had to look after her mother at home.a. because ofb. becausec. ford.

3、since () has never been to japan,?a. was hehe c. didnt he d. has not he() church is very old. they built it in 1407, sixago.a. monthsc. seasons() had little money for the strings of his guitar,?a. hadn t he b. had he c. didn t hed. did he () aboutfor walks after dinner?-that sounds a good idea.b. to

4、 goc. goingd. goes()this english book since i came to hefei high school.a. have bought b. bought c. have had d. buy ()the taxi driver ten dollars.a. spentb. costc. paidd. took() have learned englishsix years ago.a. sinceb. forc. ond. at() many timeschange ithe moon?-only once. itthere last year.a. d

5、id, go to, has gonec. has , been to, wentb. had, gone to, wentd. has, gone to, has goneii.詞組翻譯( 10%):() down your mistakesa.她的學(xué)校管弦樂隊() girl called aliceb.輟學(xué)() school orchestrac.太空站模型() out of schoold.記下你的錯誤()5. this model of the space statione.被叫做艾麗絲的女孩()6.乘航天飛機beijing opera()7.一個經(jīng)典音樂家g.the house of

6、 flying daggers()8一個外國老師h. take a space shuttle()9.十面埋伏i. a classical musician()10.傳統(tǒng)京劇j. a foreign teacheriii. 完形填空 (10%):mr. smith livedin a village.hehad1farmsand about twenty people working for him. he often told them2hard and be honest (誠實的 ).one day he went to a farm and worked with the worker

7、s there. soon it was time3lunch.he put4nicebread on the tableand went out.a few minutes laterhe came back again but he5find the bread.“who ate the bread on the table?” he shouted.some of the workers answered,“we6. ” the others said,“we saw nothing. ”“well, ” saidmr. smith,“7area lotof mice ( 老鼠)inth

8、e rooms, you know.so i put some poison (毒藥) in the bread.8they eat, they must die. then i can kill them.”as soon as he finished, four workers began to cry.“oh, dear! ”“9?” asked mr. smith.“we ate the bread when you were out. we are going to die.” one of them cried.“dont worry,” mr. smith said10a smi

9、le.“i only play a trick on you.use your head.”()1 a. a fewb. fewc. littled. a little()2. a. workb. workingc. workedd. to work ()3. a. inb. atc. ford. with ()4. a. twob. manyc. ad. some()5. a. cantb. couldn tc. wouldn td. mustn t()6. a. didb. didn tc. dod. does ()7. a. theyb. therec. wed. what()8. a.

10、 thatb. beforec. ifd. and ()9. a. how are youb. what are you doingc. did you have lunchd. whats wrong with you()10. a. withb. forc. ind. oniv. 完成對話( 5%): a:good morning.(1)b:yes, please. id like to buy a tie for my father.a:(2)b:blue. my father likes blue best. a:how about this one?b:oh,its very nic

11、e.(3) a:50 yuan.a. do you have a cheaper one?b. what color do you want?c. i ll take it.d. what about the yellow one/e. can i help you?f. how much is it?b:that s too expensive; i cant afford it.(4) a:yes. this little blue one is only 30 yuan.b:well, this one looks very good. and the price is ok.(5)v.

12、 閱讀理解( 20%,1x20) :a根據(jù)學(xué)過的課文,選擇最佳答案:vienna is a beautiful old city on the river danube. it s the capital city of austria and the centre of european classical music. from 1750 a lot of composers and musicianscameto study and work in vienna. the most famous familyof musicians was the strauss family.ther

13、e were two composers called johannstrauss:a father anda son. the father, johann strauss the elder, wrote a waltz. his waltzes made him famous all over europe.theson, johann strauss the younger, was even more successfuland popularthan his father.he wrote more than 400 waltzes and his most famous one

14、wasthe blue danube . he wrote it in 1867. strauss and mozart were two of the most important composers.mozart was born in australia in 1756. before he was six he played not only the piano,but alsothe violinand the organ. hisfamilytook him around europe and he gave concerts inmanycities.he wrote hisfi

15、rstopera at the age of 12 and hundreds of beautifulpieces of musicfor theclassicalorchestra. buthe diedin 1791 when he was only 35. some people say he was the greatest european composer.() countrys capital is vienna?a. austria.b. australia. c. germany. d. france. () did many musicians come to vienna

16、?a. to study english. visit vienna. work and study. d. to help the city.() family was the most famous family o musicians in vienna?green family. white family.c. the mozart family. d. the strauss family. () old was mozart when he wrote his first opera?.() took mozart around europe?a. his friends. b.

17、his family. grandfather. d. his teacher. b根據(jù)學(xué)過的課文,判斷正( t)午( f):scientists think that there has been life on earth for millions of years. however, we haven t found life on other planets yet. why not?the earth is a planet and it goes around the sun. seven other planets also go aroundthe sun. none of t

18、hem has an environment with air, so people and things cannot grow. the sun and its planets are called the solar system. the solar system is a small part of our galaxy.the starswe see at nightare thesuns in other solar systems. there are more than200billion stars in our galaxy, called the milky way,

19、and our sun is only one of them.but scientists have discovered many other galaxies in the universe. they are a longway away and theirlighthas travelledformanyyears to reach us. itis hard to understand how large the universe is.scientists have sent lots of spacecraft to look at other planets in our s

20、olar system,and somespacecrafthave gong beyong the solarsystem.however, no one has discoveredany life in space yet.but why has no one from other planets sent us a message? have they tried to sendinformation tous/ with somany stars inthe universe, arewe alone, or is there lifeout there in space? we d

21、ont know yet.() sun is one of the earth planets.() is more than one galaxy in our solar system.() are more than 200 billion stars in the milky way. () have found no life on other planets.()ve received no messages from space.c閱讀短文,選擇最佳答案:long long ago, there was a girl called nuwa. her father was emp

22、eror(皇帝) yan andhe loved her very much. they often played together, and she also loved her father very much. one day, she had a wonderful time when she swam in the sea. she was too tired toswim and she was drowned (淹死). because she wanted to see her father when she changedinto(變成) a bird,she put som

23、estones intothe sea day afterday and changed the sea into the land. she made a wish, and she would like to play with her father again.this story was a little sad. it tells something important. when we do anything, we have to work hard. learning english is difficult but if you study hard, you can lea

24、rn it well.()11. did emperor yan love her draught very much?.a. yes, he did.b. no, he didnt. c. we dont know.d. yes, he didnt. ()12. what did nuwa do when she changed into a bird? she.a. had a wonderful timeb. swam in the seac. put some stones into the sead. played with her father ()13. why was she

25、drowned?.a. because she was happyb. because she was sadc. because she was tiredd. because she was a little girl ()14. what is the meaning of“l(fā)and ”?a. 大海b.島嶼c.操場d.陸地()15. what do we know from this passage?.a. we should change into a birdb. the girl loved her father very muchc. dont swim in the sead.

26、 learning english is easyd根據(jù)短文,選擇最佳答案:from tosent: 10:40 a.m. june 16 subject: my best friend dear alice,thank you for your last letter. thank you for telling me about your best friend. inthisletteri willtellyou about mine. her nameistrudy.trudy has long,dark brown hair and green eyes. she is the sa

27、me age as me, but a little taller(高一點) . she is always happy.we sit together in class, and help each other with our schoolwork. we always go home together after school and play computer games for an hour. trudy is a clever girl.trudy is learningto play the piano.i amlearningto play the flute(笛子). we

28、practicethem together every day.sometimes trudy staysin my house for anight, or istay in herhouse. we always have a good time.write soon()16. lilyis lilys best friend.lovely,a. trudyb. alicec. daisyd. piano ()17. trudy s hair is.a. long and greenb. long and dark brownc. short and darkd. green and sh

29、ort()18. lilys seat istrudys.a. next tob. in front ofc. behindd. far from ()19. trudy and lily play computer games.a. before schoolb. at the weekendc. after schoold. in class()20. what do trudy and lily practice every day?.a. writing letters.b. sending e-mail.c. using the computer. d. playing the pi

30、ano and the flute.vi. 任務(wù)型閱讀( 5%),根據(jù)學(xué)過的課文,完成表格:alicewas gettingvery tired.she was sittingwith her sisterby the riverand her sister was reading a book. alice had nothing to do. once or twice she looked into her sisters book, but it had no pictures or conversations in it.“and what is a book for,” thoug

31、ht alice,“without pictures or conversations?”soshe was thinkingof making a daisy chainwhen suddenly a whiterabbitwithpink eyes ran by her.there was nothing strange about that. and she didnt think it was strange when she heard the rabbitsay, “ oh dear! i ll be late! ” but when the rabbit took a watch out of its pocket and looked at it, alic


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