



1、精品文檔英語定語從句用法詳解(初中)在復合句中 , 修飾名詞或代詞的從句 叫定語從句 , 被修飾的名詞或代詞 叫先行詞 , 引導定語從句的有關(guān)系代詞 who, whom, whose, which, that 等和關(guān)系副詞 where, when, why 等 , 關(guān)系代詞和關(guān)系副詞在定語從句中擔任句子成份。1.由 who 引導的定語從句中, who 用作主語, 如 : This is the boy who often helps me.2.由 whom 引導的定語從句中,whom 用作賓語 ,如: The man whom you are waiting for hasgone home.

2、3.由 whose 引導的定語從句中, whose 用作定語, 如 : Do you know the girl whose skirt iswhite ?4.由 which 引導的定語從句中,which 用作主語或謂語動詞的賓語或介詞的賓語,如:The room in which there is a machine is a work shop.The river which is in front of my house is very clean.This is the pen which you want.注意 :(1) whom, which 用作介詞賓語時 , 介詞可放在 who

3、m 、 which 之前 , 也可放在從句原來的位置上;但在含有介詞的動詞固定詞組中,介詞只能放在原來的位置上。如: He is the veryperson whom we must take good care of.(2) 引導非限制性定語從句時,必須用關(guān)系代詞which ,不用 that,如: I have lostmy bag, which I like very much.(3)關(guān)系代詞在句中作主語時,從句的謂語動詞的人稱和數(shù)必須和先行詞保持一致。5.由 that 引導的定語從句中,that 可以指人或物,在從句中作主語或謂語動詞的賓語,但不能放在介詞后面作介詞賓語,如:The b

4、ook that I bought yesterday was written by Lu Xun.注意在下面幾種情況下必須用that 引導定語從句。(1) 先行詞是不定代詞all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything等 , 如 :All that we have to do is to practise English.(2) 先行詞被序數(shù)詞或形容詞最高級所修飾,如The first letter that I got from him will be kept.(3) 先行詞被 all, any, every, each, few

5、, little, no, some 等修飾 , 如 I've eaten up all the food that you gave me.(4) 先行詞被the only, the very, the same, the last 修飾時如He is the only person that I want to talk with.(5) 先行詞既有人又有物時,如 :They talked about persons and things that they met.(6) 當句中已有who 時 , 為避免重復, 如 : Who is the man that is giving

6、us theclass?6.由 when, where, why 引導的定語從句,如:I don't know the reason why he was late.This is the place where we have lived for 5 years.I'll never forget the day when I met Mr Li for the first time.注意:先行詞是表示地點時,如果從句的謂語動詞是及物的,就用that(which) ,如果從句的謂語動詞是不及物的,就用where 引導。 This is the house Which /tha

7、t he has lived in for 15years.(Where he has lived for 15 year.)精品文檔精品文檔7. 限制性定語從句和非限制性定語從句(1) 限制性定語從句是句中不可缺少的組成部分,主句和從句之間不用逗號分開。引導非限制性定語從句的關(guān)系代詞有 who, whom, whose, which, of which 等,這些關(guān)系代詞都不能省略。(2) 非限制性定語從句是對主句先行詞的補充說明, 沒有這種從句, 不影響主句意思的完整 ,一般用逗號把主句和從句分開,關(guān)系代詞用which, 不用 that;指人時可用who, 如 :I havetwo brot

8、hers, who are both students.8如何簡化定語從句(1) .定語從句簡化為形容詞或形容詞短語作后置定語。如:My grandfather lives in a village that is far away from here. My grandfather lives in a village far away from here. 我祖父住在離這兒很遠的一個村子。This is a book that is worth reading. This is a book worth reading. 這是一本值得看的書。(2) 定語從句簡化為現(xiàn)在分詞或現(xiàn)在分詞短語作前

9、置或后置定語。The man who is standing under the tree is our English teacher. The man standing under the tree is our English teacher.站在樹下面的那個人是我們的英語老師。I saw the house that was burning at that time. I saw the burning house at that time.當時我看到那房子在燃燒。(3)定語從句簡化為過去分詞短語作后置定語。I like to see the films which are direc

10、ted by Zhang Yimou. I like to see the films directed byZhang Yimou. 我喜歡看張藝謀導演的電影。She is the girl who was praised at the school meeting. She is the girl praised at the schoolmeeting. 她就是在校會上受表彰的那個女孩。(4)定語從句簡化為不定式作后置定語。He is always the first person that comes to school. He is always the first person t

11、o come toschool.他總是第一個到校。The report which will be given tomorrow is important to us. The report to be given tomorrow isimportant to us. 明天要作的報告對我們很重要。(5)定語從句簡化為what 從句。I couldn't remember the words that he said. I couldn't remember what he said.我記不得他說的話?!镜湫屠}解析】例 1 The second book _I want to

12、 read is Business the Speed of Thought.A. which B. what C. that D. as解析 先行詞 book 被序數(shù)詞修飾時要用that 引導定語從句,故選C。例 2 I'll never forget the days _I stayed with you.A. when B. in which C. that D. for which解析 本題指時間,故選A 。例 3 The book_ is sold out at the moment. A. you need B. what you need精品文檔精品文檔C. which

13、you need it D. that you need it解析 B 、C、 D 中的 what 和 it 與先行 The book 相抵觸 , 故選 A 。例 4 Is this the place _Lincoln once lived.A. that B. which C. where D. when解析 本題指地點,故選C。例 5 I'm one of the boys _never late for school.A. that is B. who are C. who am D. who is解析 本題中 who 用作主語,謂語動詞與先行詞the boys 保持一致,故選B。【選講例題】例 6 Her sister,_ you met at my home, was a teacher of English.A. whom B. that C.


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