



1、英語(yǔ)八下 Uni t 1 重點(diǎn)內(nèi)容精品文檔英語(yǔ)八下 Unit1 重點(diǎn)內(nèi)容一:身體的部位: 18頭臉眼睛耳朵鼻子嘴巴牙齒(單) 牙齒(復(fù))喉嚨 脖子headface eyeearnosemouthtoothteeth throatneck肩膀胳膊手胃背部腿 腳(單)腳(復(fù))shoulder arm hand stomachback leg footfeet二: 描述癥狀:1.頭疼: have a headacheache: 名n. 疼痛 / have a toothache/ stomachache2.感冒: have a cold cold 可以變復(fù)數(shù)發(fā)燒: have a fever3. 胃疼

2、(肚子疼): have a stomachahe4. 有心臟病: have a heart problem5. 嗓子疼: have a sore throatsore: adj形.(身體)疼痛的/背疼: have a soreback6. 流鼻血: have a nosebleed7. 呼吸困難: have problems breathing8. 被曬傷: get sunburned9. 做某事時(shí)傷到自己: hurt oneself doing sth. (hurt myself cutting vegetables)弄傷了他的背:hurt his back 弄傷了胳膊 /腿: hurt m

3、y arm/leg hurt 的過(guò)去式:hurt在體育課上弄傷了他自己:hurt himself in P.E. class附送: English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love.10.切 /割傷自己: cut oneself 割傷他的膝蓋: cut his knee cut過(guò)去式: cut11.感到不舒服 /惡心: feel sick feel 過(guò)去式 : felt12.頭部受到撞擊: get hit on the head hit: v.&n. 動(dòng)、名 打,擊打 過(guò)去式: hi

4、t收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請(qǐng)聯(lián)系管理員刪除精品文檔被一個(gè)球撞到了: get hit by a ball13.掉下來(lái) /摔下來(lái): fall down fall 過(guò)去式: fell三:建議1.躺下休息 : lie down and rest lie: v.&n. 躺下,說(shuō)謊 / go home and get some rest2.看牙醫(yī): see a dentist 看醫(yī)生: see a doctor 去醫(yī)院: go to the hospital3. 喝加蜂蜜的熱茶: drink hot tea with honey4. 拍 X- 光片: get an X-ray帶他去醫(yī)院拍個(gè)X- 光片:

5、 take him to the hospital to get an X-ray( take 過(guò)去式 took )5.量體溫: takeone s temperature temperature 可以變復(fù)數(shù) take our temperatures6.上藥: put some medicine on it藥品種類(lèi)可以變復(fù)數(shù) 這里“藥物”不能變復(fù)數(shù)7.休息幾天: rest for a few days區(qū)別: few days :沒(méi)幾天(表示否定含義)8. 纏上繃帶(創(chuàng)可貼): put a bandage on it bandage: n. 名 繃帶9.在水下沖洗: run it under

6、water run: vt.使 流動(dòng) 過(guò)去式: ran10.洗你的臉: clean your face wash your face11.按壓鼻子兩側(cè): press the sides of your nosepress: vt. 按壓 side: n. 側(cè)面,旁邊12.低頭: put your head down down: prep.介詞 (從高處)向下13.遠(yuǎn)離電腦休息一下: take breaks away from the computer break: v.打破 n. 休息14.休息: take a break; take breaks; have a rest; get some

7、 restaway: adv. 離開(kāi),遠(yuǎn)離; 在遠(yuǎn)處; 消失; away from: 遠(yuǎn)離 far away from here三:其他詞組1. 多虧了,由于: thanks to + 名詞2.下(公交)車(chē):get off上車(chē): get on3. 立刻,馬上: right away = right now = at once4.被醫(yī)生救了: be saved by the doctors 例句: The old man was saved by the doctors.5.及時(shí):in time 區(qū)別: 按時(shí): on time6.考慮自己: think about oneself 例句: She

8、 didn t think about herself.7. 只考慮救人一命: only think about saving a life8.離開(kāi) ,從 出來(lái): get out of 例: get out of the difficult situation9.讓某人吃驚的是: to one s surprise沒(méi)有復(fù)to數(shù)our great surprise10. 對(duì) 感興趣 be interested in sth./doing sth.11. 進(jìn)退兩難 between a rock and a hard place rock: 巖石12. 處于困境 be in a difficult

9、situation13. 控制be in the control of14.做出明智決定的重要性the importance of making good decisions15.不介意冒險(xiǎn)not mind taking risks 例句: He doesn t mind taking risks.16.遇到嚴(yán)重的登山事故have a serious mountain climbing accident17.三次幾乎失去他的生命:almost lose his life three timeslose 過(guò)去式: lost18.喝光了水: run out of waterrun 過(guò)去式 ran1

10、9.登山: go mountain climbinggo + v.ing go swimminggo shopping四:動(dòng)詞的固定用法收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請(qǐng)聯(lián)系管理員刪除精品文檔1.需要做某事need to do2.看見(jiàn)某人做某事see sb. doing sth.3. 要求某人做某事ask sb. sth. / to do sth.4.期待某人做某事expect sb. to do sth.5. 同意某人做某事agree sb. to do sth. 區(qū)別: agree with sb. 可變成: disagree6.告訴某人做某事,叫某人做某事tell sb. to do sth.7.

11、做某事有困難have problems (in) doing sth.8.習(xí)慣于做某事be/get used todoing sth.9.用某物做某事use sth. to do sth.10.好像做某事seem to do sth.11. 繼續(xù)做某事keep on doing sth. 例: keep on studying English12. 介意做某事mind doing sth. 例: Do you mind my smoking?五:重點(diǎn)句子1. 昨天上午 9 點(diǎn), 26 路公交車(chē)正行駛在中華路上,這時(shí)司機(jī)看到一位老人躺在路邊。At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus

12、 No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.2. 公交司機(jī)沒(méi)有多想便停下了車(chē)。The bus driver stopped the buswithout thinking twice.3. 多虧了王先生和乘客們,醫(yī)生及時(shí)挽救了老人的生命。Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the manin time .Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the old man was saved by the doctors in time.4. 有好多次,阿倫差點(diǎn)因?yàn)橐馔鈦G掉了


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