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1、Unit11.公司所有規(guī)章制度都應嚴格遵守。(observeAll the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed.2. 和這些同學在一起我們應隨便一些。(casualWe should be casual when we stay with these students3. 上述所說的是一些在職場環(huán)境中非常有用的交際技能。(settingThe above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting.4

2、. 我們有一個專業(yè)的團隊來營銷我們的產(chǎn)品。(professionalWe have a professional team to market our products.5. 你知道今秋流行黑衣服嗎?(trendyDo you know black clothes will be trendy this fall?6. 與其求人,不如求己。(rely onWe would rather rely on ourselves instead of seeking help from others.7. 新車必須符合國家標準。(comply withNew vehicles must comply

3、with national standards8. 我們公司的一些年輕人可能會來尋求你的建議。(seekSome young people in our company may come to seek your advice.Unit21. 我把咖啡灑了一桌。(spillI spilt coffee all over my desk.2. 會上要求我們每個人都提出建議。(contributeWe were all asked to contributeideas at the meeting.3. 水果在運送時容易腐爛。(perishableFruits are perishable dur

4、ing transportation.4. 負責的軍官在戰(zhàn)斗中受了重傷。(in chargeThe officer in charge was woundedbadly in the battle.5. 顯然那間公寓一直沒有人住。(apparentlyApparently, no one has been living in that flat.6. 他在退休之前領到了一筆補償金。(payoffHe got a payoff before the retirement.7. 經(jīng)理正在把工作分配給幾個工作人員。(assignThe manager is assigning the work to

5、 several clerks.8. 他們正在努力尋找和平解決這種沖突的方法。(solutionThey are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.Uint31你得確保你已為未來的工作做好了準備。(ensureYou need to ensure that you are fully prepared for your future job. 2. 在他們的幫助下,我們最后完成了我們的任務。(accomplishWith their help, we accomplished our task in the end

6、.3. 三個月后,他終于在一家大型的電腦公司找到了一份工作。(secureThree months later, he finally secured a job with a large computer company.4. 經(jīng)理拒絕給他解釋的機會。(denyThe manager denied him the chance to explain.5. 我們正要前往機場時史密斯先生來了。(set outMr. Smith arrived just as we were setting out for theairport.6. 瑪麗放下手里的工作去幫忙準備明天的會議。(put asideM

7、ary put aside her work to help prepare for themeeting tomorrow.7. 我們都有資格享受同等的法律保護。( be entitled toWe are all entitled to equal protection by the law.8. 關于這個項目,他們有不同意見。(regardingThey had different opinions regarding this project.Unit41.昨天我留下加了一會兒班。(extraI stayed and did some extra work yesterday2.為了趕

8、上她的同學,她學習非常努力。(in an effort to.She has been studying very hard in an effort to catch up withher classmates3.電視提供大眾化的娛樂。(universalTelevision provides universal entertainment4.我們怎樣才能提高顧客的忠誠度?(loyaltyHow can we improve customer loyalty?5.請你方便時給我們寄一份你們最新的產(chǎn)品目錄。(conveniencePlease send us a copy of your la

9、test catalog at your convenience6.他手頭工作太多了,不能跟我們去野餐。(on handHe has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us.7.這則廣告會引起各地讀者的注意。(captureThe advertisement will capture the attention of readers everywhere.8.新聞節(jié)目是通過衛(wèi)星傳送到我們這里來的。(viaThe news program came to us via satellite.Unit533.請通知全體員工參加明天的會議。(not

10、ifyPlease notify all the staff to come to the meeting tomorrow.34.在展覽會上你會看到諸如IBM、SONY、NOKIA等許多世界著名公司。(to name just a fewYou can see many world-famous companies at the exhibition:IBM,SONY,NOKIA,to name just a few.35.東方文化會在這方面起積極作用。(positiveEastern culture can play a positive role in this aspect.36.我們

11、必須改革并開發(fā)更多的產(chǎn)品來滿足顧客的需求。(innovateWe have to innovate and develop more products to meet the needs of our customers.37.他們公司將于7月份推出最新的軟件產(chǎn)品。(raleaseTheir company will release their latest software in Jully.38.這一新政策將極大地改變人們在辦公室的工作方式。(substantiallyThis new policy will substantially change the way people work

12、 in an office.39.他的新工作報酬不錯,但要求也很高。(demandingHis new job is well paid,but highly demanding.40.她每個月給家里寄500元錢。(remitShe remits 500 yuan to her family every month.Unit61.我們都要受到自然規(guī)律的支配。(subject toWe are all dubject to the laws of nature.2.他發(fā)起了一場關于開辦新學校的討論。He has initiated a discussion about opening new s

13、chools.3.我們了解所有新老鄰居的情況。We learned about all the neighboors old and new.4.這兩家公司隨時競爭對手,但彼此保持聯(lián)系很多年了。(in contact with Conpetiters as they are,these two companies have been in contact with each other for many years.5.不讓他加入網(wǎng)球俱樂部對他傷害很大。(exclusionHis exclusion from the tennis club hurt him very much.6.你的打電話

14、找名管道工人讓機器人恢復正常。(put rightYoull have to call a plumber to put right the machine right.7.這個評委會負責評定一棟建筑物是否值得保存。(assessThe committee is responsible for assessing whether building is worth preserving.8.地震后一個月大規(guī)模的重建工作就開始了。Extensive rebuilding work was soon carried out just one month after the earthquake.U

15、nit 71.他們已決定推遲簽署正和兩家公司塑料業(yè)務的協(xié)議。(consolidateThey have decided to postpone the agreement to consolidate the two companies plastia busmesses.2.他嘗試將這本書簡化以滿足更年輕讀者的需求。(simplifyHe managed to simplify the book for the younger reader.3.處理簽證申請至少需要28天的時間。(processVisa applications take at least 28 days to proces

16、s.4.我完全愿意執(zhí)行我們的合約。(honorI have every intention of honoring our contract.5.售后服務對于一個產(chǎn)品的成功至關重要。(vitalAfter-sales service is vital to the success of a product.6.為滿足顧客需求,我們設計了許多不同的保險方案。(cater toWe have designed a varicty of insurance plans to cater to our customers needs.7.問題是這些藥品太容易弄到手。(accessibleThe pro

17、blem lies in that these medicines are so rasly accessible.8.所有一切都歸結為你現(xiàn)在是否想工作。(come down toIt all comes down down to where you want to get a job now or not.Unit 81. 如果錯過這次機會,你會后悔的。(slip awayYou will regret it if you let this opportunity slip away.2. 他一點點地暴露了他的野心。(ambitionLittle by little he revealed his ambitions.3. 當你靠近床時,走路輕一點。(approachWalk softly as you approach the bed.4. 他通過打零工來謀生。(oddHe makes a living by doing odd jobs.5. 估計損失在100萬到500萬美元之間。(rangefromThe damage is estimated to range from $1 million to $5 million.6. 你需要一些工作經(jīng)驗


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