高三英語(yǔ)一輪單元復(fù)習(xí)精品教案:外研版選修8module 5_第1頁(yè)
高三英語(yǔ)一輪單元復(fù)習(xí)精品教案:外研版選修8module 5_第2頁(yè)
高三英語(yǔ)一輪單元復(fù)習(xí)精品教案:外研版選修8module 5_第3頁(yè)
高三英語(yǔ)一輪單元復(fù)習(xí)精品教案:外研版選修8module 5_第4頁(yè)
高三英語(yǔ)一輪單元復(fù)習(xí)精品教案:外研版選修8module 5_第5頁(yè)
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1、2012屆高考英語(yǔ)一輪單元總復(fù)習(xí)講義精品薈萃外研版選修八Module 5知識(shí)詳解 burst vt.& vi.(使)爆裂;(使)裂開(kāi);(使)炸開(kāi);突然出現(xiàn)n 突然破裂;爆發(fā)(回歸課本P59)to burst with a lot of force and loud noise伴隨著強(qiáng)大的力量和巨大的聲響而突然爆發(fā)【歸納總結(jié)】【例句探源】Scarcely had she heard the news about the death of Michael Jackson when she burst out crying.她一聽(tīng)到邁克爾·杰克遜死亡的消息,就失聲痛哭起來(lái)。She

2、put her head down on the desk and burst into tears.她一頭趴在書(shū)桌上,失聲痛哭起來(lái)。We all thought his heart would burst with happiness.我們都認(rèn)為他心中的快樂(lè)快要爆發(fā)出來(lái)了。The police burst in and looked around.警察闖入房間,向四周看了看。【即境活用】1(紹興模擬)She was so amused with the magicians tricks that she _ a smile.Aburst outBburst intoCburst forth

3、Dburst in解析:選B。她對(duì)魔術(shù)師的表演如此開(kāi)心以至于突然大笑起來(lái)。burst into后接名詞,相當(dāng)于burst outdoing,表示突然起來(lái)。2.Hearing the news, she burst into_and burst_the room.Acrying;out Btears;inCcrying;into Dtears;out of解析:選D。burst into tears“突然大哭起來(lái)”,相當(dāng)于burst out crying; burst out of the room“沖出屋子”。dependv依靠;取決于(回歸課本 P60)The future of space

4、 research depends on how much money we have.太空研究的未來(lái)取決于我們有多少錢(qián)?!練w納總結(jié)】【例句探源】(朗文P541)I can depend on my employees to take care of things.我能相信我的員工會(huì)把事情做好。Their future depends on how well they do in these exams.他們的未來(lái)取決于他們?cè)谶@些考試中取得的分?jǐn)?shù)。(朗文P541)“Where is the best place to eat around here?”“It depends (on) what

5、 kind of food you like.”“這兒周?chē)膬旱娘堊詈贸裕俊薄斑@取決你想吃什么。”While youre out, buy me a hot dog, will you?Depend upon it.你出去時(shí)給我買(mǎi)個(gè)熱狗,好嗎?放心好了。(沒(méi)問(wèn)題。)【即境活用】3(合肥模擬)Its difficult for college graduates to find good jobs in China.It depends on_they are equipped for todays world.AthatBwhichCwhether Dwhat解析:選C。后句句意為“這取決于他

6、們是否能適應(yīng)今天的世界。” be equipped for“為做好準(zhǔn)備”。4.( 重慶一模)How long are you staying?I dont know._.AThats OK BNever mindCIt depends DIt doesnt matter解析:選C。本題考查交際用語(yǔ)。“我不知道。這要視情況而定?!盜 dont know是選擇的關(guān)鍵。accustomed adj. 習(xí)慣的(回歸課本P58)Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon back on 21st July,1969, people have

7、become accustomed to the idea of space travel.自從尼爾·阿姆斯特朗在1969年7月21日首次踏上月球以來(lái),人們對(duì)太空旅行這一概念已經(jīng)非常熟悉?!練w納總結(jié)】【例句探源】They had to accustom themselves to the hot weather in the south.他們不得不使自己習(xí)慣南方炎熱的天氣。They will soon become accustomed to speaking English in class.他們將很快適應(yīng)在課堂上講英語(yǔ)。Somehow, I couldnt get accusto

8、med to the school life here.不知怎么回事,我就是不能適應(yīng)這里的校園生活。(牛津P14)She was a person accustomed to having eight hourssleep a night.她是那種習(xí)慣每晚睡八個(gè)小時(shí)的人?!炯淳郴钣谩?.They are quiet, arent they?Yes. They are accustomed _at meals.Ato talkBto not talkCto talking Dto not talking解析:選D。句意是:“他們很安靜,是不是?”“是的,他們已習(xí)慣了吃飯的時(shí)候不說(shuō)話了?!眀e a

9、ccustomed to是習(xí)慣短語(yǔ),to是介詞,后面要求跟名詞、代詞或動(dòng)名詞作賓語(yǔ)。根據(jù)句意可知,此處是指“習(xí)慣了不說(shuō)話”,所以動(dòng)名詞talking要用否定形式not talking。6(天津模擬)Since he often travels on business, he can_himself to sleeping in any place he can find.Adevote BaccustomCforce Dreduce解析:選B??疾閯?dòng)詞辨析。句意為:由于他經(jīng)常因公出差,他能適應(yīng)在任何能找到的地方睡覺(jué)。accustom oneself to (doing) sth.使某人適應(yīng)。c

10、onsultv商量,磋商;會(huì)診,咨詢,考慮,求教;查閱(回歸課本P67).similar to ObiWan and Yoda who Luke, as their scholar, consults for their teaching and advice.類(lèi)似于奧比旺和猶達(dá),盧克作為這兩人的學(xué)生向他們請(qǐng)求指導(dǎo)和意見(jiàn)。【歸納總結(jié)】【例句探源】I consulted my brother about buying a car.我同哥哥商量買(mǎi)車(chē)的事。Youd better consult a doctor soon.你最好快點(diǎn)去看醫(yī)生。I consulted the telephone boo

11、k for his address.我查閱電話簿找他的住址。His parents consulted with the teacher about what to do to help him with his studies.他父母和老師商量怎么來(lái)幫助他提高他的成績(jī)?!炯淳郴钣谩?(臨沂模擬)Before making any decision,_your family to find out which activities are most important to you.Aconsult BcontactCcontent Dconcern解析:選A。句意“作出任何決定之前,先與家人

12、商量一下,看哪些活動(dòng)對(duì)你們來(lái)說(shuō)最為重要。”consult sb.“請(qǐng)教、咨詢某人”;contact“聯(lián)系,接觸”;content“使?jié)M足”;concern“關(guān)心”。8.(江西十校一模)When_a new word, youd better_a dictionary.Acome across,refer toBcoming across, consultCcoming across,look upDcome across, look through解析:選B。本題考查短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。第一處是when you come across的非謂語(yǔ)形式;refer to和consult后面跟要查閱的工具書(shū),而

13、look up要跟查閱的具體內(nèi)容,可以說(shuō)look up the new word。look through“瀏覽”和語(yǔ)境要求不吻合。accuse vt.控告,譴責(zé),指責(zé)(回歸課本P67)He accuses Darth Vader of killing his father, so he trains to become a Jedi knight and swears to avenge his loss.他指責(zé)達(dá)斯·維德殺死了自己的父親,因此他把自己訓(xùn)練成一名杰迪武士并發(fā)誓要為自己的損失報(bào)仇。【歸納總結(jié)】【例句探源】She accused him of stealing her

14、watch.她控告他偷了她的手表。He was accused of murder.他被控告犯有謀殺罪。【易混辨析】accuse,charge,blame(1)accuse指“當(dāng)面指控或指責(zé),不一定訴諸法庭”??蓸?gòu)成accuse sb. of sth.的搭配,意思是“指控某人某事”。(2)charge指“因犯較大錯(cuò)誤或重大罪行而進(jìn)行正式法律控訴?!笨蓸?gòu)成charge sb. with sth.的搭配,意思是“控告某人某事”。(3)blame“責(zé)備”,構(gòu)成短語(yǔ)blame sb. for (doing) sth.或sb. is to blameHis neighbor accused him of

15、 playing the musical instrument too loudly.The police are going to charge him with murder.The driver was to blame for the accident.【即境活用】9.The shop assistant was dismissed as she was_of cheating customers.Aaccused BchargedCscolded Dblamed解析:選A。accuse sb. of doing sth.“指控某人做了某事”,其他動(dòng)詞不能和介詞of搭配。10(成都模擬

16、)In the interview, he had finally_several customers of the advantages of his product.Aconvinced BremindedCaccused Dinformed解析:選A。本題考查動(dòng)詞辨析。convince sb. of sth. “使某人確信”;remind sb. of sth.“提醒某人某事”;accuse sb. of(doing) sth.“指控某人(做了)某事”;inform sb. of sth.“告知某人某事”。句意為“在采訪中,他終于讓幾個(gè)客戶明確了他的產(chǎn)品優(yōu)點(diǎn)?!盿cknowledgevt

17、.承認(rèn),告知(收到),感謝(回歸課本P67)It is now acknowledged by the movie industry as the most successful film series ever.現(xiàn)在它被電影界公認(rèn)為歷史上最成功的電影系列片。【歸納總結(jié)】【例句探源】He was generally acknowledged to be the finest poet in the country.他是公認(rèn)的全國(guó)最優(yōu)秀的詩(shī)人。The director wishes to acknowledge the help of the police in the making of th

18、is film.導(dǎo)演希望對(duì)警察在本片拍攝過(guò)程中所給予的協(xié)助表示感謝。She walked right past me without even acknowledging me.她就那樣迎面走過(guò),連個(gè)招呼也不和我打。It is generally acknowledged that China is a great responsible country.世界普遍認(rèn)為中國(guó)是一個(gè)負(fù)責(zé)任的大國(guó)。My friend Mike acknowledged the receipt of my letter.我朋友邁克告訴我已經(jīng)收到信了?!炯淳郴钣谩?1(湖北八校第二次聯(lián)考)His sacrifices f

19、or the country were never officially_,which made all of us feel discouraged.Aacknowledged BappealedCrecommended Devaluated解析:選A。本題考查動(dòng)詞辨析。句意為“他為國(guó)家作出的犧牲沒(méi)有得到證實(shí)認(rèn)可,這使得我們都感到很失落。”acknowledge“承認(rèn)”;appeal“呼吁;吸引”;recommend“推薦”;evaluate“評(píng)價(jià)”。12完成句子_that science and technology is the base of mans progress.人們普遍認(rèn)為科

20、技是人類(lèi)進(jìn)步的基礎(chǔ)。答案:It is generally acknowledgedset out開(kāi)始做,著手進(jìn)行,出發(fā)(回歸課本P69)Did Orson Welles deliberately set out to terrify the nation?難道奧森·韋爾斯是蓄意嚇唬國(guó)人嗎?【歸納總結(jié)】【例句探源】Mary set out to wash dishes/set about washing dishes after the dinner.瑪麗在餐后開(kāi)始洗刷餐具。Try to set aside at least an hour each day for learning

21、new vocabulary.爭(zhēng)取每天至少抽出1個(gè)小時(shí)學(xué)習(xí)新詞匯。The overseas Chinese are very glad to set foot on their homeland.華僑們非常高興地踏上祖國(guó)的土地?!炯淳郴钣谩?3.Having decided to buy a flat, the Smiths_contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.Aset outBset inCset about Dset up解析:選C。句意為:已決定買(mǎi)套房子,史密斯一家開(kāi)始聯(lián)系城內(nèi)的所有房產(chǎn)中介機(jī)構(gòu)。set about

22、doing sth.set out to do sth.著手,開(kāi)始。14(湖北武漢調(diào)研)Winter has_ and people in the northern area are facing food and fuel shortage.Aset up Bset outCset in Dset off解析:選C。本題考查短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞。set in“到來(lái)”。set up“建起”;set out“開(kāi)始;出發(fā)”;set off“動(dòng)身”。句意為:“冬天到了,北方的人們正面臨食品和燃油短缺?!眒ake it成功;及時(shí)到達(dá),趕上;能參加(回歸課本P58)All three astronauts made

23、 it safely back to Earth, using a spaceship computer that was much less powerful than the ones used by the average school students today.三個(gè)宇航員安全地返回了地球,他們當(dāng)年使用的宇宙飛船計(jì)算機(jī)遠(yuǎn)不及現(xiàn)在一個(gè)普通學(xué)生使用的功能強(qiáng)大。【歸納總結(jié)】【例句探源】Work hard, and youll make it.努力干,你會(huì)成功的。Where is Li Lei?李磊呢?He cant make it today, He has to stay at home

24、.他今天來(lái)不成了,他得呆在家里。If we hurry, we can make it.如果我們快點(diǎn)的話,就能夠趕得上。Lets make it half past nine.讓我們把時(shí)間定在9點(diǎn)半吧?!炯淳郴钣谩?5I had arranged for me to visit my parents that weekend, but I couldnt_, for I was busy preparing a reception.Amake itBdo itCmanage it Dwork it解析:選A。make it此處表示“沒(méi)有能夠回家看望父母”。in spite of盡管,不管(回歸

25、課本P59)In spite of all our advanced technology, the world is still only at the very beginning of its voyage into space.盡管我們有先進(jìn)的技術(shù),但世界仍然只是處在探索太空的初始階段?!練w納總結(jié)】【例句探源】In spite of all his efforts, he failed in the exam.盡管他很努力,仍是還是沒(méi)有通過(guò)考試。In spite of the heavy snow, he drove downtown.盡管下著大雪,他還是開(kāi)車(chē)去了城里。He went

26、out in spite of the rain.盡管下著雨,我們還是出去了?!疽谆毂嫖觥縤n spite of, thoughin spite of 和despite都是介詞,后接賓語(yǔ),although和though是連詞,后接從句。They had a wonderful holiday,in_spite_of the bad weather.They had a wonderful holiday,though/although the weather was had.【即境活用】16(江蘇啟東中學(xué))_the fact that I have little singing talent,

27、 I want badly to be a member of the famous choir sponsored by our school.AIn spite ofBIn terms ofCOn account of DIn case of解析:選A。in spite of“雖然,盡管,不顧”;in terms of“就而言”;on account of“為的緣故,為的理由”;in case of“萬(wàn)一”。這里指盡管有這事實(shí),我還是非常想。17.He persisted in carrying on the experiment_all kinds of setbacks.Aunless

28、 BwithoutCin spite of Dregardless解析:選C。句意:盡管遇到很多挫折,他仍堅(jiān)持做實(shí)驗(yàn)。in spite of表示“盡管”,符合句意。句型梳理【教材原句】Incredible as it may seem, both the observations of science and the evidence of our eyes lead to the inescapable assumption.(P69)盡管看起來(lái)不可思議,但科學(xué)觀測(cè)以及我們的肉眼看到的證據(jù)都必然會(huì)讓我們作一個(gè)設(shè)想【句法分析】該句中的讓步狀語(yǔ)從句采用的是倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),原句Although it m

29、ay seem incredible.(1)Incredible as it may seem Although it may seem incredible,這是由as引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語(yǔ)從句,用倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)。(2)as引導(dǎo)讓步狀語(yǔ)從句時(shí)應(yīng)用部分倒裝,將從句中的表語(yǔ)、狀語(yǔ)或動(dòng)詞原形置于句首;若表語(yǔ)是可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),前置時(shí)要省略不定冠詞。(3)though引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語(yǔ)從句也可以像as引導(dǎo)的從句一樣用倒裝語(yǔ)序,但是although引導(dǎo)的從句通常用正常語(yǔ)序。Poor as he is, he is honest.Poor though he is / Though he is poor, he is hon

30、est.Although he is poor,he is honest.他盡管窮,但很誠(chéng)實(shí)。Try as he might, he could not find a job.不管他怎樣努力,他還是找不到工作。Child as he is, he knows a lot.雖然他是個(gè)孩子,但懂得很多。Much as I like it, I wont buy it, for its too expensive.雖然我很喜歡它,但我不會(huì)買(mǎi)的,因?yàn)樗F了?!炯淳郴钣谩?8(重慶一模)Fool_I am, I will not believe you any more. You have been promising a hundred times!But Mum, this is the last time.Aas BalthoughCif Dso解析:選A。本題考查倒裝句式結(jié)構(gòu)。fool as I amthough I am a fool。在這個(gè)句式結(jié)構(gòu)中,單數(shù)名詞前不使用冠詞。19._,you cant lift the heavy box up.AEven you are strongBStrong as you areCHow str


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