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1、牛津譯林版8下Un it 3復(fù)習(xí)提綱(無答案)牛津譯林版8下Unit 3復(fù)習(xí)提綱一、詞匯A. 根據(jù)句意及漢語,首字母或漢語提示完成單詞及正確形式填空。1. There thousands of (在線)shops in Taobao.2. People like watching interesting and colourful TV (節(jié)目).3.Is there an (島)in the lake ?4. Before we do abroad , we msut get (護照).5. Would you like to watch this (音樂劇)6. WHO is an(國際的

2、)organization.7. We can choose to pay by credit card whe n(預(yù)訂)a train ticket in an eshop.8. Daniel found a good(網(wǎng)站)for learning about places of interest in the USA.9. Do they want fair(貿(mào)易)?10. A whale is a(very large) ani mal.11. The old man often (做夢)about being wealthy.I2did n't buy the book.

3、I (收到) one as a gift from my un cle.13. There are many new cities along the (海岸).14. Lin da9 how many copies shall I (打?。ゝor you?15. - Thank you very much. - It's my(高興,樂意).16. There are many palaces and castles in the old (歐洲的) countries.17.1 need ten (英鎊)for the delicious food.18. - Who is the

4、 (統(tǒng)治者)of the small country?- The king.19. People in (非洲) are in need of food and education.20. There are many stones at the(底咅B(yǎng) )of the fish tank.21. The cat has caught many (老鼠).22Ch ina does a lot of(the activity of buying and sell ing) with many coun tries.23. There are(more tha n two) stude nts

5、doing word process ing in the computer24. I haven 'seen such a(very large) ship. Can I take a photo with it?725. Black is theof white.B. 從方框中選擇合適的詞,并用其正確形式填空(5分)Australia, busy, please, twen ty, rule1. Hollywood has bee n famous for its movies since the latecen tury.2. The palaces all over the c

6、ountry were thoseinthe past.3. - Where is your father? - He has gone to Shan ghai on.4. Where were theandEn glishma n watch ing TV?5. It is my greatto do someth ing for you.south far it mouse twenty6. Forin formatio n about the city, you can click on theTour "icon.7.1 think the best seas on to

7、visit Qin gdao is summer becausetemperature is not toohigh.8. It has bee n the world-famous bus in ess centre since thecen tury.9. Sansha City (三沙市)is at theend of China.10. - Can I help you?- I ' like two. I ve bought a couple of computers.C. 從方框中選擇合適的動詞,并用其適當(dāng)形式填空(5分)take, wait, ope n, pick, re

8、lax1. KFC is a good placeafter a tough week' s work.2. Would you mindthe win dow?3. Sheup the dicti onary and bega n to look up the new word in it.4. Great cha ngesplace over the past years.5. Wefor the bus whe n a traffic accide nt happe ned.C.用方框中所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。gather try writespe nd stop6. Itrai

9、ning. Let 'go out to play basketball.7. The farmer workerstogether outside the factory for their pay last Mon day.8. - Where ' Sim on?- Hean email to his frie nd in the bedroom.9. She ofte nlocal food in places where she is visit ing, such as the famous Tianjin Baozi.10. Andy is thinking abo

10、ut where hethe coming weeke nd.二、單項選擇()1. - Is thereAfrica n elepha nt inA. a; theB. an; the()2. We can type words with aA. scree nB.keyboard()3.- WhatDan iel?A. does: likeB. did; likezoo? - Maybe there is.C./; theD. an; aC. mouseD. prin ter-He is tall and strong.C. does; look likeD. is; look like()

11、4. I have n' t been to the templ寺廟)topA. at; in()5.-the top of the hill. But I know you can get to thefifteen minutes by cable car(纜車).B. in; inC. at; forD. on; afterA. booked()6. MillieI ' m going to Dalian for my MayDay holiday and I havea seaside hotel.Really? Have a good time.B. boughtC.

12、 hadD. preparedher homework just now. But Imin e. I should nt watch TV firs7 / 6A. has finished; haven ' t finished B. finished; don' t finishC. finished; haven' t finishedD. has finished; didn' t finish()7. I saw Danielvideos whe n I walked past his house.A. watchB. was watch ingC.

13、has watchedD. watch ing()8. - Why do so many people search for in formatio n on the Internet ?-A. Because it is easier and fasterC. Because it is won derful()9. -this today, every one.A. Prepare for B. Talk aboutB. Because there are no mistakesD. Because it is cheap and excit ingGreat. We can go hom

14、e now.C. So much forD. Think about()10. - Where is Mikethe airport at five in the morning .-Heto New York on bus in ess. HeA. has gone; has left forB. has bee n; has left forC. has gone; left forD. has bee n; left for()11. Do you mind my smok ing here?.Look at the sign. It says,“ No smoking ”.A. You

15、 ' d better not. B. It doesn ' t matter C. Yes, please D. No, I don 't()12. - How many stude nts are there in each group?-Usually each groupsix stude nts in our class.A. is made from B. is made up ofC. is made inD. is made of()13. My family will have aholiday in Australia. I really want

16、to see the Sydney Opera House.A. two week'sB. two weeksC. two weeks'D. two-weeks()14. - Thanks for show ing me how to start this on li ne tour.-.A. Never mindB. It does n 'tmatterC. Of course notD. It's my pleasure()15. - I thi nk every one should protect our earth. -.A. I have no id

17、ea B. Yes, I agree C. That's not true D. That's all right()16. The game is very popular. Shops say they have sold outcopies since it came out.A. thousa nd of B. thousa nds of C. thousa nds D. twenty thousa nds()17.- It must be on Channel 2. Try that. - Ithat, But I still can' t get anyth

18、ing.A. will tryB. tryC. have triedD. tried()18. The busfor ten minu tes. You had to wait for ano ther one.A. has leftB. has goneC. has bee n awayD. has come()19. The price is too high, and, the house isn' t in a suitable position.A .howeverB. thoughC. otherwiseD. moreover()20.-Will Mr Smith be h

19、ere soon?-1 can 'tell. Let's go andwhen the train arrives.A. lookB. look forC. findD. find out()21. Sanya is famousits beautiful beaches.A. toB .asC .forD .of()22. Let your muscles (肌肉)slowly.A. liste nB. payC. riseD. relax()23. I ' m very happy that China has won the medals inhlis IFWor

20、ld In door Cham ion ship ( 世界室內(nèi)田徑錦標賽). I have the same, too.A. hobby B. feeli ng C. ideaD. dream()24. He' s already gone back to America,he? . He is on a visit to Shan ghai.A. hasn ' t; YBshasn ' t; NC. isn' t; Yes D, isn ' t; No()25 .The car was running at such a high speed that the driver couldn it and it


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