



1、“牛津英語(yǔ)”1A培訓(xùn)提綱 教材介紹“牛津英語(yǔ)”(上海版)是專門為上海市小學(xué)和中學(xué)學(xué)生和教師使用而編寫的。這套教材的編寫是以學(xué)生所熟悉的主題為基礎(chǔ)的,從簡(jiǎn)單的介紹自己、家庭、家庭生活到學(xué)生成長(zhǎng)的經(jīng)歷,逐級(jí)提高學(xué)生的英語(yǔ)水平和使用英語(yǔ)的能力。“牛津英語(yǔ)”1A由學(xué)生資料和教師資料兩部分組成,學(xué)生資料有:教材,練習(xí)冊(cè)和教學(xué)磁帶;教師資料有:教學(xué)參考書,教學(xué)掛圖,圖片及單詞卡片?!芭=蛴⒄Z(yǔ)”1A共有九個(gè)單元,每個(gè)單元分為五個(gè)部分:Lets act 部分介紹了一些簡(jiǎn)單的指令,常用的生活用語(yǔ)和課堂用語(yǔ),要求學(xué)生能根據(jù)聽到的指令用動(dòng)作做出反應(yīng);Lets talk. 包括了常用的對(duì)話和主要的句型;Lets le

2、arn是學(xué)習(xí)單詞;Lets play是游戲;Lets enjoy是歌曲和兒歌。這些內(nèi)容力求多方面、全方位反映少年兒童的學(xué)校生活、興趣愛好、課內(nèi)外活動(dòng)、家庭生活等,努力使單詞、句型、對(duì)話的內(nèi)容生動(dòng)、活潑,充滿情趣。 怎樣教好牛津教材 課時(shí)安排 分類教學(xué)要求 分課教學(xué)要求Unit 1: My ClassroomI. Lets act一、 Sentences:Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Open your book. Close your book.二、 Dialogue Practice:1. -Tom, stand up, please. -OK.2.

3、 -Hi, Tom. Sit down, please. -Thank you.3. -Tom, open your book, please. -OK.II. Lets talk一、 Dialogues:- How are you? - Fine, thank you.- Good morning/ afternoon. - Good morning/ afternoon.二、 Dialogue Practice:1. Tom: Good morning, May. May: Good morning, Tom. Tom: How are you? May: Fine, thank you.

4、2. Jim: Hi, Tim. How are you? Tim: Very well, thank you. And you? Jim: Fine, too. Thanks.III. Lets learn一、 New Words:book, ruler, pencil, pen, rubber, bag二、 Word Practice:A: Whats this in English, Lingling?B: A pen.A: Yes, a pen.IV. Lets play一、 New Words:paper二、 Rhyme:1. Read the rhyme.2. Practise t

5、he rhyme:A pen, a bookI can see.A pen, a bookFor you and me.V. Lets enjoy一、 New Words: teacher, school二、 Sing the song.Unit 2: NumbersI. Lets act一、 Sentences:Give me a rubber/ ruler, please.二、 Dialogues:Peter: Rose! Rose: Yes?Give me a pen, please. OK. Here you are.Thank you.II. Lets talk一、 Dialogue

6、:- Hi, May. This is Tim. May: Hello, Im May. Tim: Hello, May.二、 Dialogue Practice:1. Sentences: How do you do?2. Dialogue: Hi, May. This is Tim. May: Hello, Im May. How do you do, TimTim: How do you do, May.III. Lets learn一、 New Words:one, two, three, four, five, six二、 Dialogue:- Whats your number?

7、-Two.IV. Lets play一、 New Words: show, act, clap, say二、 Sentence Patterns:1. Show me - one. 2. Act - two. 3. Clap- three. 4. Say - four.三、 Dialogue:1.- May, show me - one, please. - OK. Look, one.2.- May, say - one, please. - OK. One.V. Lets enjoy一、 New Words: tree, stick二、 Read the rhyme.Unit 3: My

8、abilitiesI. Lets act一、 New Words: hand, show二、 Sentences: 1. Raise your hand. 2. Put it down. 3. Show me your book/ pen三、 Dialogue:- Tim, show me your book, please. -OK.II. Lets talk一、 Dialogue: -How old are you? - I am five years old.二、 Dialogue Practice: - Hi, Peter. How old are you? - Im five yea

9、rs old. And you?- Im six years old.III. Lets learn:New Words: dance, read, jump, sing, draw, writeIV. Lets play一、 New Words: can二、 Sentences: I can read/ sing三、 Introduction: Hello, Im May. Im five years old. I can draw.V. Lets enjoy一、 New Words & Expressions: song, read a little book, draw a li

10、ttle tree, sing a little song二、 Sentences: I can read a little book./ draw a little tree/ pen, sing a little song.三、 Introduction: Hello, Im May. Im five years old. I can draw. I can draw a little tree.四、 Dialogue: 1. Rose: Listen, Linda. I can sing. (Sing a song.)Linda: Look, Rose. I can dance. (Da

11、nce)2. Jim: I can read. Look, I can read a little book.Tim: I can draw. Look, I can draw a pen.Unit 4: My bodyI. Lets act一、 New Words: toe, arm,二、 Sentences: 1. Touch your toes / arms. 2. Wave your hand.II. Lets talk一、 Sentences: Look! This is my hand / arm, pencil二、 Dialogue:- Look! This is my bag.

12、 - Oh, how nice! Thank you.III. Lets learn一、 New Words: eye, mouth, face, nose, ear二、 Word Practice: 1. Touch your eye / mouth, face 2. Look! This is my nose / earIV. Lets playDraw a face.V. Lets enjoy: Sing a song.Unit 5: FruitI. Lets act一、 New Words: smell, feel, taste二、 Sentences: 1. Smell the le

13、mon / apple 2. Feel the apple / lemon 3. Taste the peach / pearII. Lets talk一、 Sentences: 1. This is an apple / a lemon 2. Thats a pear / an apple二、 Practice: This is an apple. This is my apple. Thats a pear. Thats your pear.III. Lets learn一、 New Words: fruit, orange, melon, peach, lemon, pear, appl

14、e二、 Word Practice: 1. Read the rhyme.An apple, an orange, I can see. An apple, an orange, For you and me!2. Make sentencesI can draw an apple / a pearIV. Lets play一、 Sentences: Whats this? It is a pear / an apple二、 Dialogue- Whats this, Mingming? - It is an apple. Yes, it is an apple. It is my apple

15、.V. Lets enjoy一、 Sentences: Is this an apple / a lemon? Yes, it is. Is this a pear / an orange? No, it is not.二、 Dialogue: An English LessonTeacher: This is an apple. Thats a pear. Whats this, Mingming?Mingming: It is an orange. Teacher: Is this a lemon, Fangfang?Fangfang: No, it is not. It is a mel

16、on.Unit 6: Mid-Autumn FestivalI. Lets act一、 Sentences: 1. Look at your hands / pen, ruler 2. Wash your hands / apple, melon3. Eat a cake / an apple二、 Text: Look at your hands. Wash your hands. Eat a cake.三、 Practice: Look at your apple. Wash your apple. Eat the apple.II. Lets talk一、 New Words: like,

17、 mooncake二、 Sentences: I like to eat mooncakes / apples, oranges I like to read / write, draw三、 Practice: 1. Hi, Im Peter. Look! This is my mooncake. I like to eat mooncake.3. - Look, Tim! This is my book. I can read. I like to read books.- Look, May! This is my pencil. I can write. I can draw, too.

18、 I like to draw a tree.III. Lets learn一、 New Words: taro, moon, bean, leaf, mooncake, autumn二、 Dialogue: - Whats this? -It is a taro.- Is this a taro, too? - No, it is not. It is a bean.IV. Lets play一、 Sentences: 1. I have got a cake/ taro 2. You have got a leaf/ pen.二、 Practice: 1. A Guessing GameB

19、ob: Lets play a game. Guess.Tom: You have got a cake.Bob: Yes, I have got a cake. You have got a taro.Tom: No, I have got a leaf.Practice: 2. Dialogue:- I have got a pencil. -Show me your pencil. - Look, this is my pencil. - Oh, how nice!V. Lets enjoy一、 New Words: big, yellow 二、Sing a song.Unit 7: M

20、y familyI. Lets learn一、 New Words: brother, sister, father, mother, me二、 Practice: This is my father. This is my mother. This is me.II. Lets act一、 Sentences: 1. Point to your pen/ pencil, ruler2. Point to your father/ mother, brother二、Dialogue: - Point to your pen. - Look, this is my pen. It is yell

21、ow.III. Lets talk一、 Sentences: 1. Have you got a brother/ sister? Yes, I have.2. Have you got a rubber/ ruler? Yes, I have.二、Dialogue:1. - I have got an apple. Have you got an apple?- Yes, I have. Look, this is my apple. I like to eat apples.2. - I have got a pencil. Have you got a pencil? - Yes, I have. Look, this is my pencil. I like to write. I like to draw.IV. Lets play 1. Read the text. 2. Introduce the photo


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