



1、名詞的單復數名詞的復數可數名詞的復數(可數名詞有單數和復數兩種形式):1. 基本變化規(guī)則 一般在名詞后加 s,變成復數。如 boyf boys, pen宀pens等。 以 s, x, sh, ch 結尾的,在后面力口 es。女口 class 宀classes, fox 宀foxes, brush brushes, watchwatches但 stomach 的復數為 stomachs。 以輔音字母+y"結尾的,y變?yōu)閕,然后再加 es。女口 babybabies,family宀families。 以f或fe結尾的名詞英語中共有100多個,其中直接加s的有92個,但這些絕大多數不常用,

2、如safe, roof,belief等;把f或fe改為v,再加es的只有13個,但13個都是常用的名詞, 如thief, life, wife, shelf, self, knife, half, leaf, wolf 等。thiefthieves,life lives 以o結尾的名詞,除有生命的兩人兩物” Negro, hero, tomato, potato等少數在后面加 es外,一般是在后面直接力口 s。女口 kilo tkilos, photo 宀photos, zoo zoos, radio radios, pianopianos, video videos .以ce,se,ze,(

3、d)ge等結尾的詞加s,讀|z|2. 不規(guī)則變化名詞單數變復數的不規(guī)則變化要注意以下幾點: 含 man 的名詞,一般變 man 為 men。女口 womanswomen, policeman tpolicemen, Englishman tEnglishmen 。 但 German Germa ns 。 將 oo 改為 ee 的有 foot tfeet, tooth tteeth, goose tg等ese 復數以en結尾的有child tchildren, ox tox等。 將 ouse改為 ice 的有 mouses mice, louse t lice風子)等。 單復數同形 的有 she

4、ep, deer, fish, means, works(工廠 ), Swiss, Japanese, Chinese 等。 復合名詞變復數一般的復合名詞,只把中心詞變?yōu)閺蛿担ㄖ行脑~一般是第二個名詞)apple treeT apple treespen cil-box t pen cil-boxes由man和woman構成的復合名詞,二者均變?yōu)閺蛿祄an doctor t men doctors woma n teacherT wome n teachers除人民幣,美元、英鎊、法郎等都有復數形式。如:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, twometers; fra

5、nc, francs3. 集體名詞,以單數形式出現(xiàn),但實為復數。people (人們)police (警察)cattle (牲畜)是復數(OK : a person, a policeman , ahead of cattle , the English , the British , the French, the Chinese, the Japanese (Error: a people, a police, a cattle )4以 s結尾,仍為單數的名詞1. maths, politics , physics等學科名詞,為不可數名詞,是單數。2. news是不可數名詞。3. the

6、Un ited States, the Uni ted Natio ns(應視為單數)(The Uni ted Natio ns was orga nized in 1945.聯(lián)合國是 1945 年組建起來的。)4. 以復數形式出現(xiàn)的書名,劇名,報紙,雜志名,也可視為單數。("The Arabia n Nights" is a very in terest ing story-book. )5表示由兩部分構成的東西,glasses (眼鏡)trousers (長褲)clothes (衣服)若表達具體數目,要借助數量詞pair(對,雙)a pair of glasses ,t

7、wo pairs of trousers suit(套)6.另外還有一些名詞,其復數形式有時可表示特別意思goods (貨物)waters (水域)fishes (各種魚)2. 不可數名詞:不可數名詞是指不能以數目來計算,不可以分成個體的概念、狀態(tài)、品質、感情或表示物質材料的東西;它一般沒有復數形式,只有單數形式。抽象名詞,物質名詞和專有名詞一般是不可數名詞。1)不可數名詞沒有詞形變化,前面不可以加冠詞a,an修飾。2)后面不能加s構成復數形式。3)需要計量時,要用量詞,變復數時,通常把量詞變?yōu)閺蛿?,后面的不可數名詞用原形。結構:數詞或冠詞+量詞(s)+of+不可數名詞。例如:a bottle

8、 of milk two bottles of milka piece of bread three pieces of breada piece of n ewsfour pieces of n ews4. 不可數名詞還可以與 some, much, little, any, a lot of, 連用。例如:a lot of water, some rice不可數名詞: bread, cash, grass, ink, kno wledge, luck, liv ing, meat, mon ey, n ews, paper, rice, soap, sugar, tea, travel,

9、weather, work.Iwatchchildphotodaybookbagwishtestboxstrawberrymangopotatothiefyo-yopeachsan dwichmanwoma npaperkeybabytoothjuicewatermilkriceteafoxboywishorangeclasssheepmon keypia nobusshelfbedcountryfamilytoyfootJapaneseradiofisharmytomatokn ifekeyman doctorChin ese二、選擇填空1. Thereon the wall.They ar

10、e very beautiful.A. are photoesB. arephotosC.is a photoD.2. This carmade in Sha nghai.A. is B.are C .wereD .has3. There are fourand twoin the group.is photos寫出下列名詞的復數形式。A. Japa nese, Germe nB Japa neses, Germe nC. Japa nese, Germa nD.Japa nese, Germa ns4. That .'sart book.A. an B. a C. the D. ar

11、e5. The boys have gotalready.A. two breadB. two breads C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of bread6. The old man wan tsA. six boxes of applesB. six boxes of appleC. six box of applesD. six boxs of apples7. Theresomein the river.A. is, fish B. are, fishs C. is, fishs D. are, fish8. Theretwo in the b

12、ox.A. is ,watch B. are ,watches C. are ,watch D. is ,watches9. We should cleantwice a day.A .our tooth B. our tooths C. teeth D. our teeth10. Themeeti ng room is n ear the read ing room.A. teacher B.teacher ' sC.teachers '.teachers11. In Britai nare all pain ted red.A. letter boxes B.l etters boxes C. letter box Detters boxAll theteachers are very happy on March 2部分內容來源于網絡,有侵權請聯(lián)系刪除!部分內容來源于網絡,有侵權請聯(lián)系刪除!B.wome n doctorsC.woma n doctorD.wome n doctorA.ma nB.me n12. They are.A.woma


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