



1、 閱讀組合訓(xùn)練 4 一、完形填空。 A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy 1 to come and play around it every day. Later the little boy 2 and didn t play around the tree every da One day, the boy came back to the tree sadly . “Come and play with me, ” the tree asked the boy. “ I am 3 a kid. I need

2、 to buy toys . ” “ You can 4 all my apples and sell them. ” The boy picked all the apples and left 5 . One day, the boy returned and the tree was so 6 _ . “Comeand play with me,” the tree said. “I have to work for my family. We need a house. ” “ You can 7 my branches( 樹枝)to build your house. ” the b

3、oy did so and left. The tree was aga in 8 and sad. One hot summer day, the boy 9 and the tree was hqppy . “Come and play with me! ” the tree said. I want to go sailing. Can you give me a 10 . ” “Use my trunk to build your boat. ” So the boy cut the 12 eft is my dying roots, all these years. I don Go

4、od! Old tree roots is the best place to rest. ROLLEKWORLD EASTGATES YANGZHOU Rollerworld is a public skating rink( 旱冰場(chǎng))that welcomes every one from begi nners to experts. NOTICE under 12 s must be taken care of by an adult ( 成人) small fee( 費(fèi)用)for adults watching children no dirty or dan gerous skate

5、s dress must be n eat no smok ing except in Roller Bar and smok ing room of Roller Caf e over 18 s only in Roller Bar “ Roller skat ing fun for every one ” (.)1. From the poster( 海報(bào))we know Rollerworld can only be visited by people _ . A. who can roller skate well B. who are over eighteen C. who are

6、 n eatly dressed D. who are lear ning how to roller skate ()2. If a 10-year-old boy wants to skate in Rollerworld, his pare nt _ . A. is allowed to watch him for free B. should look after him C. can take him to the Roller Bar D. can read while wait ing in the Roller Bar ()3. Where can people smoke?

7、A. In any place in the Roller Caf e. B. At the skat ing rink. C. Nowhere in Rollerworld. D. In the Roller Bar. B Some British and America n 歴 ople like to invite friends and colleagues( 同事)for a meal at home. You should not be upset (心煩意舌 L) if your English friends don t invite you home. It doesn t

8、mean they don t like you. Dinner parties usually start betwee n 7 and 8 p.m., and end at about 11. Ask your hosts what time you should arrive. It s polite to bring flowers, chocolate s or a bottle of wine as a present. Do you want to be extra ( 特另 U 地)polite? Say how much you like the room, or the p

9、ictures on the wall. But remember not to ask how much things cost. You ll probably start the meal with soup, or someth in g small as a “ starter ” (酵母),the n you ll have meat or fish with vegetables, and then a dessert ( 甜食),followed by coffee. It s polite to finish everything on your plate and to t

10、ake more if you want it. Some people eat bread with their meal, but not every one does. Be fore they take out their cigarettes after the meal, most people usually ask, “Do you mind if I smoke here? ” Did you enjoy the evening? Call your hosts the next day, or write them a short “thank you ” letter.

11、Perhaps it seems funny to you, but British and American people say, “thank you, thank you, and thank you. ” all the time. ()4 f your English or American friends don t invite you to dinner at home, _ . A. it shows they don t like you B. it shows they have no time to get together tree trunk to make a

12、boat. 11 , the boy retur ned 14 ,and the o nly thi ng l “ I am 14 after he left for so many years. “ Sorry, my boy. I really can ” the tree said with tears. t need much now, just a 15 to rest. ” The boy replied. ” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled t give you ()1. A. hoped B. loved C.

13、 wan ted D decided ()2. A. stood up B. dressed up C. grew up D. up ()3. A. n ot only B. nothing but C. no Ion ger D. ( )4. A. pick B. take C. catch D. buy ()5. A. sadly quietly B. happily C. slowly D. ( )6. A. worried B. sorry C. excited D. calm ( )7. A. live in B. clea n up C. cut off D. climb up (

14、 )8. A. glad B. afraid C. angry D. l on ely ( )9. A. reached B. left C. returned D. tree ( )10. A. tree B. boat C. leaf D. ticket ( )11. A. Badly B. Fi nally C. Luckily D. Firstly ( )12. A. as B. after C. before D. whe n ( )13. A. an yth ing B. someth ing C. nothing D. everyth ing ( )14. A. lazy B.

15、tired C. shy D. joyful ( )15. A. house B. space C. room D. place got with tears. more tha n 、閱讀理解 A 2 C. it shows they don t want to make friends with you D. it doesn t show they don t like you ()5 .When you are invited to go to your friend s home, _ . A. you shouldn t take anything with you B. you

16、may go at any time C. you may take an e xpe nsive prese nt with you D. you may take a small prese nt with you ()6 n England and America, it s not polite to _ . A. ask the price of a thing B. eat all the food on you C. talk to your hosts D. eat too fast ()7.Which is not right? An En gla nd or America

17、, it usually takes more tha n three hours to have a dinner party at home B. If you are invited to go to a dinner party, you can t arrive early. C. You mustn t smoke after a meal when you are with some American or English people. D. You d better write a short “Thank you ” letter to your hosts or give

18、 them a call if you want to be extra polite. C Some students think it difficult to learn English well. That s because they don t find the right way. I think reading is very important for students. The more you read, the better you ll understand. Reading is helpful to listening, speaking and writing.

19、 If you often read English aloud, you ll improve your listening. On the other hand , listening a lot can help you to read better. Readi ng En glish everywhere whe n you are free, if you wish. You can get a lot of kno wledge whe n you read. Sometimes you n eed to express your ideas, you can either sp

20、eak or write. That means you are usin& what you lear ned from readi ng. The same as Chin ese, the more you read, the better you can write. If you want to remember something, you should read again and again. So from nowon, you d better do more reading.lt s a good way to learn English well. ()8. S

21、ome stude nts think it difficult to lear n En glish well because _ . A. they don t work hard B. they are afraid of Engli C. they don t find th e right way D. they aren t clever ()9. Readi ng is helpful to . A. speaki ng ing C. writi ng D. A. B & C ()10. The writer thinks _ is a good way to lear

22、n En glish well. A. the better you write B. doing more readi ng C. the more you remember D. the more you write ()11. In Chin ese study ing, the more you read, _ . A. the better you speak B. the better you write C. the more you remember D. the more you write D One Saturday after noon, Kate went to bu

23、y someth ing for her sister and herself. As Kate was coming out of a shop, a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green - a good friend of Kate s sister. Kate believed her. Then she called a taxi to send Kate home. She told the driver where he should go. Kate was surprised that it wa

24、s not the in direct ion of her home. “ Why7 Kate asked. The lady smiled. Whenthey came to a quiet road, a big rough man appeared, on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him dow n, and threw him out of the taxi. At the same time, Miss Gree n took out of a knife and poin ted it at Kate. She

25、asked Kate to keep quiet. The man the n started the taxi. “ Oh, my God! I mbeing kidnapped(綁架),” Kate said to herself. She tried to escape, but not succeeded. Suddenly an idea came to her. She took out a lipstick( 口紅)from her pocket, wrote SOS on the window, and covered the word with her back. A few

26、 minu tes later, a police car passed and the policeme n saw the sig n. When the kid nappers saw the policeme n they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away. The policeme n the n picked Kate up and sent her home. When her pare nts knew what had happe ned, they were greatly surprised. Bu

27、t they were also happy because their daughter had fin ally come back safely. ()12. Kate bought somethi ng for _ . A. herself B. her sister and herself C. Miss Green D. a big rough man ()13. _ called a taxi. A. Kate B. Kate s sister C. Miss Green D. a big rough man ()14. Kate wrote SOS on the wi ndow

28、 because _ . A. she had nothing to do B. she liked the sig n C. she wan ted to decorate the window D. she wan ted to get some help ()15. Which stateme nt is true accord ing to the passage? A. Miss Green was a good friend of Kate s sister. B. Kate wrote “ SOS with a lipstick. C. The kidnappers were c

29、aught at last. D. Kate s parents were very afraid when they knew what had happe ned. 三、任務(wù)型閱讀。(每空一詞) The world we live in is full of amaz ing thin gs. Do you know the follow ing thin gs? Chocolate tastes nice but it may make the little dog die. We may sleep for eight hours at a time but a snail ( 蝸牛)

30、may sleep for three years. Our ears and nose become bigger whe n we grow up but eyes keep the same after a pers on is born. You may think a bear walks slowly .In fact, it can run as fast as a horse. Cats won t die if they fall off very high places because they can turn themselves up the right way. T

31、he largest animal on the earth is the blue whale (鯨).It weighs about 80 tons (噸)more than 24 elephants. Most ani mals will die soon if they lose the head. But a cockroach ( 蟑螂 B) can live for nine or ten days when they have no head. Not all birds can fly. About forty kinds of birds can t fly, like the penguin ( 企鵝 )and the ostrich (鴕鳥). Some 1 things in the world 2 t s nice but you can t give it to little 3 , because it can kill them. Sn ails lhey can sleep as 4 as three years. Our eyes The size of


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