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1、第1頁/共 8 頁名詞專項練習題1、Is it true that some colors can make us feel relaxed?Yes.Colors do have the _ to change our feelings and moods.Asecret Bpower Cidea Dexperience2、In western countries, _ are thrown away each day.A. mountains of rubbish B. mountains of rubbishes C. a lot of rubbish D. a lot ofrubbish

2、es3、 How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? -_ .A. In five daytismeB. In five daystimeC. In five daystime D. For five days4、Do you have any _and _ for lunch?A. chicken; tomatoes B. chicken; tomatoC. chickens;tomatoes D. chickens; tomato5、What _ will global warming(全球變暖)bring us? Scientists have g

3、iven usa clear list.AnewsBdangersCcoursesDadvantages6、 You won first prize in the physics competition.Are you kidding? I made several terrible _A. mistakeB. mistakesC. problemD.problems第2頁/共 8 頁7、 The first World Internet Conference was held in Wuzhen, Zhejianglast November.Yes.lt is the largest and

4、 the highest _of Internet con fere nee which was held inour coun try.A.powerB.knowledgeC.energyD.level8、 Why are you so late today?Because the_ was so heav yspe nt about two hours driv inghere.A.traffic B.road C.situation9、Ted was faci ng a difficult_ betwee n stay ing with his family and work ingab

5、road.A.choose B.chose C.choice D.chosen10、_ What would you like to sayto your _ before leavingschool?Id like to say“Thank you very much! Ive learnt a lot from youin the past three years.”A. teachers B. workers C. doctorsD. engin eers11、-Yesterday, my father bought me a new mobile phone as a present,

6、第3頁/共 8 頁but I don t know how to use it.-Why not read the_ first before using it?A. expressi ons B. con tributi ons C. advertiseme nts D.in structi ons12、Chinas hot words, like Duang,tuhao, are_of the times . They have becomeknown abroadcontributionsCproductsDachievements13、Nowadays some_ madein Chi

7、na are both good and cheap,such as Xiaomi mobile phones, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers.A. tools B. products C. materials D. instruments14、Couldyou give me a few_on how to spend the comingsummer holiday?-OK. Let me see.A. hobbies B. knowledge C. suggestions D. information15、-Ma y I take your ord

8、er?-I would like _.A. two large bowls of soup B. two large bowl of soupC .two large bowls soupD. two large bowls of soups16、We believe One Belt,One Road will help China improve the _examples第4頁/共 8 頁with lots of countriesApopulationBsituationCenvironment Drelationship17、Nowadays more and more foreig

9、 ners are beco ming in terested in BeijingOperaThats trueIts an important part of Chinese_AcultureBinvention Ccustom18、I dont know how to deal with my family problem. Can you give mesome_ ?A. messages B. instructionsC. adviceD.in formatio n19、-I wonder if youve made a decision on the project, Eric.-

10、Not yet. I cant make it until I have first-hand_on prices.A. n ewsB. kno wledgeC. in formatio n D.educati on20、 _about Japa n earthquake keep every one in deep sorroW.痛)A. NewsB.In formatio nC.AdviceD. Messages21、Its said that more than 100_ will attend this meeting inShan ghai.A.man teachers B.woma

11、n teachers C.men teachers D.womans teachers22、Do you know Mr. Bake? He is_teacher第5頁/共 8 頁A.Jenny and DannyB.Jenny and Danny sC.Jenny s and Danny sD.Jenny or Danny s23、I don t think_ should be allowed to driveA.fourteen-years-olds B.fourteen years-oldsC.fourtee nyearolds D.fourtee nyears olds24、Can

12、I help you?Id like_ for my twin daughters.A.two pair of shoes B.two pairs of shoe C.two pair of shoe D.two pairs of shoes25、Wang Ning likes talking with people, writing stories and working fora TV stati on, maybe he will be_ whe n he grows up.A.an actorB.a policema n C.a doctorD.areporter26、 The lan

13、d in the southwest of China is in great need of_.Yes ,it hasn t rained for a long time thereA.milk B.tea C.coffeeD.water27、She always gets the highest marks in the exam.She is one ofin her classA.best studentsB.the top studentsC.the beststude ntD.top stude nt28、I have realized the_ of learning Engli

14、sh I must work bard.A.secret B.experie neeC.importa neeD第 5 頁/共 8 頁.importa nt29、You have a_.You should stop eating anythingA.headache B.backache C.stomachache D.fever30、We have three_jobs for you.And they are_in teresti ng.A.kinds of; kinds ofB.kind of; kinds ofC.kind of; kind ofD.kinds of; kind of

15、第7頁/共 8 頁31、Sam eats too much_ . He doesn t eat any_ .A. chicke ns; tomatoB. tomato; chicke nC. chicke n; tomatoesD. tomatoes; chicke n32、He can play_ . And he can play_, too.A.basketballthe pianoB.a basketballa guitarC.the basketballpiano D.basketballguitar33、All the_ teachers enjoyed themselves on

16、 March% because itwas their own holiday.A. manB. menC.woma nD. wome n34、Mrs. Bo nd is an old friend of _ .A.Jack mother B.Jack mother. sJCcks motheD.Jacksmother s35、一Where are the two_ ?They are talking in the office.A.woman writersB.women writer C.womanswriter D.wome n writers36、Come on, children.H

17、elp yourselves to some_if you like.A.fish and chicken B.fishes and chicken C.fish andchicke ns D.fishes and chicke ns37、As a student, working hard is your_ .第8頁/共 8 頁A. resp onseB.resp on sibleC.resp on sibilityD. resp on sibly38、Mr .Smith always has_ to tell us.A. some good pieces of n ewsB. some p

18、ieces of good n ewsC. some good piece of n ewesD. some piece of good n ewes39、It would be _ good_for me to achieve my dream.A. an; experieneeB./; experiences C. a; experienee D./;experie nee40、I have three pen pals. One is_, the other two are_A. Japa nese, AmericaB. Russia n, Germa nyC. Can ada. AustraliaD. En glish, Fren chme


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