



1、 智 課 網(wǎng) G R E 備 考 資 料 GRE寫作備考素材之愛迪生(二-智課教育旗下智課教育GRE寫作素材對于提高寫作水平有很大的意義,本文主要介紹了關(guān)于愛迪生的GRE寫作備考素材,希望對大家備考GRE寫作有一定的參考作用。如果您想要在GRE寫作考試中游刃有余,就一定要在備考中積累很多的寫作素材,下面小編就給大家提供一些GRE寫作備考素材之愛迪生,供大家參考。Edison, Thomas (Alva 1847 - 1931Inventor. Born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. His father was a jack-of-all-trades,

2、his mother a former teacher. Edison spent three months in school, then was taught at home by his mother. At the age of 12 he sold fruit, candy, and papers on the Grand Trunk Railroad. In 1862, using his small handpress in a baggage car, he wrote and printed the Grand Trunk Herald, which was circulat

3、ed to 400 railroad employees. That year he became a telegraph operator, taught by the father of a child whose life Edison had saved. Exempt from military service because of deafness, he was a tramp telegrapher until he joined Western Union Telegraph Company in Boston in 1868.Probably Edison's fi

4、rst invention was an automatic telegraph repeater (circa 1864. His first patent was for an electric vote recorder. In 1869, as a partner in a New York electrical firm, he perfected the stock ticker and sold it. This money, in addition to that from his share of the partnership, provided funds for his

5、 own factory in Newark, N.J. Edison hired technicians to collaborate on inventions; he wanted an "invention factory." As many as 80 "earnest men," including chemists, physicists, and mathematicians, were on his staff. "Invention to order" became very profitable.From 187

6、0 to 1875, Edison invented many telegraphic improvements: transmitters; receivers; the duplex, quadruplex, and sextuplex systems; and automatic printers and tape. He worked with Christopher Sholes, "father of the typewriter," in 1871 to improve the typing machine. Edison claimed he made 12

7、 typewriters at Newark about 1870. The Remington Company bought his interests.In 1876 Edison's carbon telegraph transmitter for Western Union marked a real advance toward making the Bell telephone practical. (Later, Emile Berliner's transmitter was granted patent priority by the courts. With

8、 the money Edison received from Western Union for his transmitter, he established a factory in Menlo Park, N.J. Again he pooled scientific talent, and within six years he had more than 300 patents. The electric pen (1877 produced stencils to make copies. (The A. B. Dick Company licensed Edison's

9、 patent and manufactured the mimeograph machine.Edison's most original and lucrative invention, the phonograph, was patented in 1877. From a manually operated instrument making impressions on metal foil and replaying sounds, it became a motor-driven machine playing cylindrical wax records by 188

10、7. By 1890 he had more than 80 patents on it. The Victor Company developed from his patents. (Alexander Graham Bell impressed sound tracks on cylindrical shellac records; Berliner invented disk records. Edison's later dictating machine, the Ediphone, used disks.To research incandescence, Edison

11、and others ncluding J. P. Morgan rganized the Edison Electric Light Company in 1878. (Later it became the General Electric Company. Edison made the first practical incandescent lamp in 1879, and it was patented the following year. After months of testing metal filaments, Edison and his staff examine

12、d 6,000 organic fibers from around the world and decided that Japanese bamboo was best. Mass production soon made the lamps, although low-priced, profitable.Prior to Edison's central power station, each user of electricity needed a dynamo (generator, which was inconvenient and expensive. Edison

13、opened the first commercial electric station in London in 1882; in September the Pearl Street Station in New York City marked the beginning of America's electrical age. Within 4 months the station was lighting more than 5,000 lamps for 230 customers, and the demand for lamps exceeded supply. By

14、1890 it supplied current to 20,000 lamps, mainly in office buildings, and to motors, fans, printing presses, and heating appliances. Many towns and cities installed central stations. Increased use of electricity led to Edison-base sockets, junction boxes, safety fuses, underground conduits, meters,

15、and the three-wire system. Jumbo dynamos, with drum-wound armatures, could maintain 110 volts with 90 percent efficiency. The three-wire system, first installed in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, in 1883, superseded the parallel circuit, used 110 volts, and necessitated high-resistance lamp filaments (metal

16、alloys were later used.In 1883 Edison made a significant discovery in pure science, the Edison effect lectrons flowed from incandescent filaments. With a metal-plate insert, the lamp could serve as a valve, admitting only negative electricity. Although "etheric force" had been recognized i

17、n 1875 and the Edison effect was patented in 1883, the phenomenon was little known outside the Edison laboratory. (At this time existence of electrons was not generally accepted. This "force" underlies radio broadcasting,long-distance telephony, sound pictures, television, electric eyes, x

18、-rays, high-frequency surgery, and electronic musical instruments. In 1885 Edison patented a method to transmit telegraphic "aerial" signals, which worked over short distances, and later sold this "wireless" patent to Guglielmo Marconi. The vast West Orange, New Jersey, factory,

19、which Edison directed from 1887 to 1931, was the world's most complete research laboratory, an antecedent of modern research and development laboratories, with teams of workers systematically investigating problems. Various inventions included a method to make plate glass, a magnetic ore separat

20、or, compressing dies, composition brick, a cement process, an all-concrete house, an electric locomotive (patented 1893, a fluoroscope, a nickel-iron battery, and motion pictures. Edison refused to patent the fluoroscope, so that doctors could use it freely; but he patented the first fluorescent lamp in 1896.The Edison battery, finally perfected in 1910, was a superior storage battery with an alkaline electrolyte. After 8000 trials Edison remarked, "Well, at least we know 8000 things that don't work." In 1902 he improved the copper oxide bat


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