1、Unit 3 How many教材簡析:本單元由 Story time, Fun time, Cartoon time, Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time,Ticking time 七個部分組成。安排了“詢問對方有什么東西” 、 “詢問對方有多少東西”這兩個個語言情景,話題貼近生活,學生樂意學習。在教學內容方面,本單元要求能聽懂、會說、會讀和會拼寫單詞 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,nineteen 。能聽懂、會說、會讀和會寫句型How many 7。you have
2、? /What do you have ?I have/Can I ?本?本單元單復數(shù)使用是重難點,需要輔導學生如何何時使用單復數(shù),并講解一些基本規(guī)則。二、教學目的:1 能聽得懂、 會說、 會讀和會拼寫單詞thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen 。2 能聽懂、會說和會讀日常交際用語 Can I have a look? Can I have one?3 .能聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫句型Howmany do you have? /What do you have? I have /Can I ?4 了輔音
3、字母l 在單詞中的讀音。6 能誦讀歌謠Cakes三、教學重點:1、 能聽得懂、 會說、 會讀和會拼寫單詞 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen2、能聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫句型Howmany - do you have? /What do you have? I have /Can I ?3、了輔音字母l 在單詞中的讀音。四、教學難點:1、 能聽得懂、 會說、 會讀和會拼寫單詞 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, ni
4、neteen2、能聽懂、會說、會讀、會寫句型Howmany - do you have? /What do you have? I have /Can I ?.五、課時安排:本單元共安排5 課時Story time 1 課時Fun time, Rhyme time 及新單詞 1 課時Cartoon time, Sound time 及課課練 1 課時Checkout time, Ticking time 及補充習題 . 1 課時復習本單元中單詞、句型、做聽讀訓練。 1 課時第一課時一、教學內容譯林出版社英語四年級上冊第三單元、第二教時( Fun time, Rhyme time 及新單詞) 二
5、、教學目標1. 能初步聽懂、 會讀、 會拼寫 thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen 。2. 能初步聽懂、會說、會讀、會運用本單元句型:Howmanydo you have? /What do you haveI have , /Can I , ?3. 培養(yǎng)學生樂于分享的良好品德三、教學重點1. 能初步聽懂、 會讀、 會拼寫 thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen 。2. 能初步聽懂、會說、會讀、會運用本單元句型:Howma
6、ny - do you have? What do you haveI have Can I ?。3. 培養(yǎng)學生樂于分享的良好品德四、教學難點1. 能初步聽懂、會讀、會拼寫 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen 。2.能初步聽懂、會說、會讀、會運用本單元句型:Howmany - - do you have? What do you haveI have , Can I ?五、課前準備卡片,多媒體(PPT) ,沙包六、教學過程Enjoy a songNumber songStep 1 Greetin
7、g and free talk 1. Greeting 2. Say rhymes看圖提示說Rhyme。例如,出示1 、 2 、 3,學生就說Numbers出示 rice, 學生就說 I like rice. 3. Free talk拋繡球目的:練習使用 "What do you like?" "I like , " 以及一些學過的句型( Do you like/have , ?) 。道具:沙包方法: 1. 學生坐在座位上,或者站成一隊,老師站在學生前面,背向學生拋球,球離手后轉身面對學生。2. 誰接到球就和老師進行對話練習。 對話結束后, 由他取代老師
8、的位置, 上前拋球繼續(xù)游戲。3. 此方法可擴展到其他需要兩個人進行對話練習的語言點。設計意圖:改變以往的 Free talk 比較枯燥的模式,通過這個游戲讓學生爭著說英語,愛上說英語,減輕學生學習英語的思想負擔,在游戲中進行對話練習,激起學生的學習興趣。例如: T:I have a book. Do you have a book? S:Yes, I do./No, I don t.T:What do you have? S: I have Step 2 Presentation1. Story time 導入 教師出示一輛玩具小汽車T: Hey,look.What s this in Eng
9、lish?S: It s a toy car.T: Do you like this toy car?U: Yes,I do./No, I don t.V: Do you have a toy car?S: , 教師出示課文圖片T: Here are many toy cars. How many toy cars?(PPT出示這兩個問題)Let s learn Unit 3 How many?( 出示課題)2.Watch the cartoon and try to find the answers(1) How many toy cars? Thirteen V FourteenFifte
10、en Learning tips: three-thirteen four -fourteen five -fifteen讓學生看這三組單詞的共同點是什么,發(fā)現(xiàn)“十幾”的規(guī)律。出示另幾個單詞,讓學生試著讀讀看,猜是什么意思。sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen除了 13、 15 、 18,剩下的四個單詞都有相同的規(guī)律,讓學生努力在上課的時候記住這些單詞。2. Read and try to match 讓學生分成小組一起閱讀課文,完成連線的練習題。培養(yǎng)學生的團結合作能力。讓成績好的學生幫助后進生,防止后進生在這個環(huán)節(jié)中懶得思考等答案。3. I ' m
11、I have fifteen nice stickers thirteen beautiful toy cars完整的句子: I m Mike. I have thirteen nice toy cars.I m Helen. I have fifteen beautiful stickers.讓學生試著讀句子。4. Play a game- 快速反應( 1 )教師出示撲克牌,讓學生說數(shù)字。 紅心 hearts黑桃 spades 方塊diamonds 草花 clubs( 2 )讓學生抽出數(shù)字,并且讀出來。T: How many, do you have? 板書How many+可數(shù)名詞的復數(shù)形
12、式重點教讀此句型。這個句型學生在二年級的時候已經學過了,在這節(jié)課中重點教授句子的使用方法。(3)教師把兩位學生抽出來的撲克牌放在一塊做加法:andis5. 出示課文中的兩句 How many 的句子,讓學生讀。6. 聽錄音,完成對話填空Mike: Look at my toy cars.Liu Tao: They re nice. How many cars do you have?Mike: Thirteen. Yang Ling: Do you have any cars?Helen: No, I don t. Yang Ling: What do you have?Helen: I ha
13、ve some stickers. Yang Ling: Can I have a look?Learning tips: have a look看一看 have a look at 看一看,Can I , ? 我能 , ? Helen: Yes.Yang Ling: They re very beautiful.How many stickers do you have?Learning tips ” very 非常,很Helen: I have fifteen stickers.Yang Ling: Can I have one? Learning tips:我能拿一個嗎?have 有(讓
14、學生體會兩個have 詞組意思上的區(qū)別)7. Read Story time( 1 )注意語音語調,播放錄音,學生跟讀T : Let s read after the tape.( 2 )學生齊讀T : Let s read it together.( 3 )學生自讀選擇自己喜歡的方式讀書:自己讀,和伙伴分角色朗讀,齊讀( 4 )角色扮演模仿語音語調,比比誰讀的好,角色扮演。Step 3 Consolidation1. Fun timeDo a surveyA: What do you have? B: I have some stickers.B : I have eighteen stic
15、kers.A: How many stickers do you have 2.Summary 讓學生說說這節(jié)課學了什么,讓學生自己來總結。A.復習單詞(1)數(shù)字類的單詞知道十幾的數(shù)字表達規(guī)律。B.復習句型 What do you have? How many have one?C. 復習課文Step 4 Homework1 .Copy the new words four times.2 .Recite Story Time after class., do you have ? Can I have a look? Can I七、板書設計:Unit 3 How many?What do y
16、ou have?many do you haveI have Can I have a look?Can I have one?three-thirteenfive -fifteenfour -fourteensix -sixteenseven-seventeen eight-eighteen nine-nineteenHowYes./Sure.八、教學反思:第二課時一、教學內容譯林出版社英語四年級上冊第三單元、第一教時( Story time )二、教學目標1. 能熟練地聽懂、會讀、會拼寫 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, ei
17、ghteen, nineteen 。2. 能熟練地聽懂、會說、會讀、會運用本單元句型: Howmanydo you have? /What do you have ? I have /Can I ?3. 理解 Cartoon time 的幽默之處三、教學重點1 . 能熟練地聽懂、 會讀、 會拼寫 thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen 。2 .能熟練地聽懂、會說、會讀、會運用本單元句型: Howmany- do you have? /What do you have ? I have /Can I ?3. 理解
18、 Cartoon time 的幽默之處四、教學難點1 . 能 熟 練 地 聽 懂 、 會 讀 、 會 拼 寫 thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen 。2 .能熟練地聽懂、會說、會讀、會運用本單元句型: Howmany- do you have? /What do you have ? I have /Can I ?五、課前準備卡片,多媒體(PPT) ,盒子,單詞卡片,貼紙3、板書準備:課前預先寫好課題Unit 3 How many六、教學過程:Step 1 Greeting and warm up1.Gr
19、eeting3 .Happy time Sing songs and say rhymesS: I can sing/act 4 .Free talk Play a game-Lucky box 教師出示一只盒子,盒子里裝著學生學過的所有的問題和單詞,學生在盒子里抽一張紙回答問題或者是讀單詞(并且說出單詞的中文意思) ?;?答正確的學生可以得到小獎勵。設計意圖: 通過這樣的方式復習之前學過的內容, 培養(yǎng)學生說的語言運用能力并且激起學生 說英語的積極性。5 .Warm up( 1 ) Brain storm 快速閃現(xiàn)上節(jié)課所學數(shù)字單詞,還可以加入詞組或者閃現(xiàn)加法題目,讓學生能注意力集中。快速地復
20、習數(shù)字1-19( 2 ) Revision-Story time 跟讀(教師注意語音和語調的指導與糾正) 自讀(任選一種方式讀)A. 自己單獨讀B.跟伙伴扮演角色讀C. 跟伙伴齊讀比一比,賽一賽,誰讀得好,模仿得像。( 3 ) Fun time 讓學生展示上節(jié)課的 Fun time 中在同學之間做的調查,讓上節(jié)課沒有展示的學生有機會用自己合作努力后的結果來說說,激發(fā)學生心中的成就感。A : What do you have? B: I have some stickers.A: How many stickers do you have? B : I have eighteen sticker
21、s.Step 2 Presentation1 . Cartoon time 導入 生師對話 教師出示物品,讓學生和老師進行Fun time 的對話練習。教師出示 Cartoon time 的圖片T: This is our friend, Sam. Sam has a ball.How about Bobby? Does he have any balls?2 . Watch and answer the question3 .True or false(1)Sam has two balls. x(2)Bobby ' s balls are in the box.VBobby has
22、 eighteen balls.x(4)Bobby can ' t play table tennis. V讓學生說說這個故事的幽默之處。4 .Read the sentences5. 角色表演對話 逐圖跟讀,注意語音語調。讓學生可以加上自己的表情和動作。 A. 自己 單獨讀B. 跟伙伴扮演角色讀C. 跟伙伴齊讀比一比,賽一賽,誰讀得好,模仿得像。利用光盤中的這個角色扮演的功能。Step 3 Consolidation1. Summary the sentence patterns.2. Summary the words.Step 5 Homework七、板書設計:Unit 3 Ho
23、w manyWhat do you have? I have a/someHow many do you have ?I have Can you 八、教學反思:第三課時一、教學內容譯林出版社英語四年級上冊第三單元、第三教時( Cartoon time )二、教學目標1、學生能有感情朗讀Cartoon time 的對話,并且能夠表演2、學生對句型:Can you .? 有初步了解3、學生能夠正確發(fā)出字母l 在單詞中間的發(fā)音/l/ 4 、學生能流利誦讀 rhyme time 的小詩三、教學重點1. 能熟練聽懂、會讀、會拼寫本單元單詞。2. 能熟練聽懂、會說、會讀、會運用本單元句型。3. 字母 l
24、 在單詞中間時的發(fā)音, cartoon time 對話的朗讀四、教學難點字母 l 在單詞中間時的發(fā)音五、課前準備卡片,多媒體(PPT) ,乒乓球六、教學過程Step 1 Greeting and warm up1. 教師與學生玩一個小游戲(認讀數(shù)字) ,借此復習新單詞T: Boys and girls, before the class, let s play a game, OK?Whenyou see the numbers on the screen, you name it loudly and I want to see who the first is. 見課件2. 教師與學生進行
25、簡單對話,復習句型T: Look , what s this?( 拿著球 )Ss: It s a ball.T: Yes, this is a ball. So I have a ball. What do you have?51: I have pens.T: How many pens do you have?T: I have 8pens.T: OK, so you have many pens, thank you.教授新單詞 manyT: Next, you can ask another student to answer you.開火車,讓學生自主問答,請 4-5 名學生進行。S
26、tep 2 Presentation1 教師通過展示圖片的方式引出下一環(huán)節(jié)的內容T: I have a ball, let s see what this is? Ss: A ball.T: Yes. It s also a ball, but it s a big ball. Whose ball is it? Let s watch thecartoon carefully. 讓學生看一遍動畫,了解大意。T: OK. Now tell me whose ball is it? Ss: Sam s.T: Yes, you are right. Sam has a big ball. Who
27、is he talking to? Ss: Bobby.T: Right. Does he have any balls? S2: Yes, he dose.T: OK. Let s watch the video again and see how many ballsdoes Bobby have? Whereare his balls;T: Where are his balls? S3: They are in the box.T: How many balls does Bobby have?S3: Twelve.教新單詞 boxT: Very good. He has twelve
28、 balls in the box. After seeing the balls, what does Sam say? Ss: Can you play table tennis?講解一下 Can you play table tennis( 不做重點 ), 教 play 、 table tennisT: What does Bobby say?S4: No, but I can do this.T: Right. He can t play table tennis, but he said,“ I can do this ” ( 教授新單詞 do, but), so he can pe
29、rform acrobatics(他會表演雜技). He is very good at that.T: Next, read the dialogue in pairs, later, we will see which group is the best.先讓學生自己練習朗讀, 教師可以看看學生需不需要幫助, 之后請 3-4 組學生起來表演, 進 行評述。3. Rhyme timeT: OK, everyone has done a good job. I really enjoy your performance, but Im a little hungry now, I want t
30、o eat a cake. Wow, look, there re some cakes.Let s find out how many cakes are there.教師放錄音,讓學生先看一遍能否理解,講解一下 see how long it takes for you toeat them all. 可以加上自己的例子,讓學生理解得更好, 更直觀( I mhungry, so itwill take me just one minute to eat them all.)第二遍跟讀,糾正一些發(fā)音。 第三遍大家一起讀,可以分組比賽。4. Sound timeT: OK, I m not h
31、ungry now, let s continue our study.Can you read these words?( 課件呈現(xiàn) )T: Yes, very good, what does the letter“ l ” sound?教師講解字母l 在單詞中間時的發(fā)音,發(fā)輔音/l/, 帶領大家讀繞口令,可以讓學生先練習,然后開火車讀。Step 3 Consolidation教師帶領學生講所學內容一一過一遍, 加深映象, 可以鼓勵學生當小老師, 教師最后可以進 行添加。Step 4 Homework1. 復習第三單元所學知識2. 完成評價手冊第三單元相關部分3. 完成 ticking ti
32、me 自主評價七、板書設計Unit 3 How many ?Can you play table tennis? No, but I can do this. many box like elephant lion little 八、教學反思:第四課時一、教學內容譯林出版社 英語 四年級上冊第三單元、 第四教時 ( Sound time, checkout time & Ticking time )二、教學目標1、學生能聽懂、會讀、會說、會正確拼寫: thirteen 、 fourteen 、 fifteen 、 sixteen 、 seventeen 、 eighteen 、 nin
33、eteen2、學生能夠熟練掌握、運用句型:How many . do you have? I have 3、學生能夠自由對話,會詢問對方有多少東西,并敢于發(fā)言4、完成補充習題全部練習以及同步探究的部分練習三、教學重點1. 能熟練聽懂、會讀、會拼寫本單元單詞。2. 能熟練聽懂、會說、會讀、會運用本單元句型。3. 數(shù)字 thirteen nineteen 的教授;句型How many . do you have? 的運用四、教學難點數(shù)字 thirteen nineteen 的發(fā)音及拼法五、課前準備掛圖,卡片,多媒體(PPT)六、教學過程Step 1 Greeting1. Greetings 教師與
34、學生進行簡單對話活躍氣氛,鼓勵學生開口。T: Good morning, xxx. S1: Good morning.U: What s this/that? S2: It s aV: Do you have pencils? How many pencils do you have? S3: Yes, I do. I have3 pencils.2. 教師通過設置問題的方式幫助學生復習第一課時所學課文內容及新單詞、句型。 T: OK, good. Boys and girls, he/she has 3 pencils, right? Do you still remember what d
35、oes Mile have? Ss: Toy cars.T: Yes. How many toy cars does he have? S4: Thirteen.U: Yes, very good. The next question: Does Helen have any toy cars? S5: No, she doesn t.V: What does she have and how many? S5: She has fifteen stickers.Step 2 Play a gamePerfect artist1. 通過語言過渡到下面新的教學T: Yes, you are ri
36、ght. She has fifteen stickers. I think her stickers are very beautiful, so after class, I bought some beautiful stickers, too. Let s seehow many stickers you can see.教師通過PPT展示,鞏固單詞tweke、thirteen 、fourteen、fifteen,然后根據(jù)圖片教授新單詞 sixteen 、 seventeen ,讓學生試著找找規(guī)律,看有什么相同的地方,引導他們猜測 19,18 ,然后給予總結13-19 均以 teen 結尾,除13、 15、 18 有些特殊,其他都是在原來各位數(shù)字的基礎上加 teen 。2. 操練數(shù)字 T : OK, now I will g
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