



1、送別祝福語英語1、編織一個相思的美夢,遙寄給遠(yuǎn)方求學(xué)的你。Weave a dream of lovesickness and send it to you from afar.2、愿你一路順風(fēng),善自珍重,常開笑口!May you have a good journey and take good care of yourself.3、愿我們之間友誼長存,祝你在未來的日子里夢想和生活同行。May our friendship last forever, and I hope you will enjoy your life in the future.4、愿你在他鄉(xiāng)事事順心!天天開心!I wis

2、h you all the best in your hometown! Happy everyday!5、雖離別,但愿我們,友誼天長地久!Though parting, I hope our friendship will last forever.6、這一生把你掛牽,暖暖的祝福是永遠(yuǎn),愿你一路平安。This life is pulling you, warm blessing is always, I wish you a safe journey.7、離別,朋友,帶著我的祝福一路珍重。Farewell, my friend, take my blessing and cherish it

3、.8、友誼不會因距離的遙遠(yuǎn)而縮短,祝朋友分別后依舊笑臉看藍(lán)天!Friendship will not be shortened because of the distance.9、愿你新的旅程能夠好運連連,一切順利!May your new journey be a great success!10、待到重逢的日子,讓我們再一起舉杯和著眼淚和訴說,一起 干完相思的杯。When we meet again, let's toast and tear together and talk about it together, and finish the cup of Acacia toge

4、ther.11、別離的淚水,為記憶的長河增添新的浪花。The tears of separation add new waves to the long river of memory.12、愿你一路平安,奔向旅程那頭,把快樂幸福擁有!珍重,朋友!I wish you a safe journey to the end of the journey, to have happiness and happiness! Take care, friend!13、親愛的朋友請不要難過,離別以后要彼此珍重。Dear friends, please don't be sad, and cheri

5、sh each other after leaving.14、我們不得不分離,輕聲地說聲再見。We had to separate and say goodbye in a soft voice.15、遠(yuǎn)離家鄉(xiāng),一切珍重,愿你事事順利!Away from home, take everything seriously, and wish you every success.16、別離,是點滴難舍在心間,牽掛的情緒灑滿心田。Parting, is a bit difficult to leave in the heart, worried mood full of heart.17、留不住的時光

6、把我們分離,請把我的情意留在你心里。Lost time to separate us, please leave my affection in your heart.18、親愛的是朋友啊,即使我走,我們都沒有離別,愛你。Dear friends, even if I go, we have not left, love you.19、愿離別后的每一天都有燦爛心情,人生處處都是靚麗風(fēng)景!May every day after departure be filled with brilliant feelings, and everywhere in life is beautiful scen

7、ery.20、祝一路順風(fēng),堅強(qiáng)常在,旅途愉快,我的祝福永遠(yuǎn)在。I wish you a pleasant journey and a h2 journey. I wish you a pleasant journey.21、祝愿你人生的旅途里,永遠(yuǎn)不會有寂寞!I wish you endless loneliness in the journey of your life!22、朋友,即將遠(yuǎn)行,請把我的短信揣在胸懷,讓我的祝福無處 不在。Friends, will soon travel, please put my message in my heart, let my blessing e

8、verywhere.23、明晨行別,但愿云彩、艷陽一直陪伴你走到遙遠(yuǎn)的天涯。Do not leave tomorrow morning. I hope the clouds and the bright sun will accompany you to the distant horizon.24、地球是圓的,今日的離別是為了他日的重聚。The earth is round, and today's departure is for the reunion of another day.25、只有分離,讓時間去忘記這一份默契。Only separation, let time forget this tacit understanding.26、愿你注意身體莫勞累,健健康康每一天!May you pay attent


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