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1、:o 笊o Il- o 摒o 1o :o 怒o Il- o 堞o M o 2020年四川省南充市中考英語試卷題號四五六總分得分1.A. onB. inC. atD. between2.A. strictB. usefulC. popularD. harmful3.A. comingB. endingC. movingD. stopping4.A. orB. soC. thoughD. because5.A. hold onB. turn onC. take offD. cut off保密啟用前注意事項:1 .答題前填寫好自己的姓名、班級、考號等信息2 .請將答案正確填寫在答題卡上評卷人 得分一

2、、完型填空The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides a year into 24 solar terms( 氣).The Spring Equinox which is called chunfen in Chinese usually falls 1 March 20 or March 21 every year.Standing an egg upright is a 2 game across the country during the Spring Equinox. People practice this tradition to

3、 celebrate the 3 of spring. It is believed that if somone can make the egg stand, he will have good luck in the fimire. It's also a good time to fly kites. In ancient times, people did not have good medical resources (資源),4 they wrote theirmedical problems on a paper kite to ask for good health.

4、 When the kite was in the air. people would 5 the line to let the paper kite fly away, which means the lying away of diseases.When I was about 14,1 had a friend who liked to tell me my shortcomings(缺點).For example:I was very short, I wasn't a top student、I talked too much, I was too proud and so

5、 on. I became so angry that I couldn't 6 her at last. I ran to my 7 with tears in my eyes.He listened to me 8 and asked, “Are die thmgs she says true or not? Jane, didn't you試卷第9頁,總10貞ever 9 wha- you Ye really like? G。and make a -is- of cvery-hing she said and mark the poin-s - ha- arcIs. Pa

6、y n。attendon -o rhe orher rhings she said: I did as he -old 5e To my grew surprise,I discovered - har abos half 一 he -hlllgs were ml? Some I couldnY Chang?一 ike being very 11 . BHmany I coEd and I wanodochange, For-hc firs-um9 I had a bc-or unders - anding of mys2.fI brough = he -is - backoDaddy He

7、12 -o read it, ;Tha,s ju* fbr youhe said, .CYbu know 13 - han any o-hcr person_he -rHh abo£yoursaf When 14 said abou-you is tm?you.n find ir will be of help s yoF Donshs your ears,Lls-S ro - hem alL bksonlyhcar-hc ud_h and do wha- you know I-is the righ 二 hingodo.Daddy- 15 has rccrncdome a- man

8、y in-por - an- mom2=s, In my uve never5432Ac-90oo7 0>w o mA. something>A. refusedA. talkativedecideA I raBs p gB. anythingco *B *a rg§a 1R*5 三c L .c0 B *g a.d aB. directlyBB*s w 5.co < eC. nothingc*言rC 1 豆sn .I( .JD C ; 63 Xcms.c had a be 一or piece of advice.o-D, moulerD, quicUyD, reme

9、mber D necessary D, shor- D hurried D, car=erD- Mry-hmg D advice三 疏 A比u,國或假漆The fo=owmg news is from China Du=y( Wwmc/=KK/S.5 §n) which covers diffcrcHfjads.J K, Rowing Publishes New sory O 三 ineThe famous English wri-er J K, Rowling said on Tuesdayrnl producing a new s-ory caUed The which w三 b

10、e free -o read online : I,s 一he Hisr children/ book by J, K Rowling, since she finished Hurry poye,m 2007.China Sends Beidou Successfu一一yChina sen 二 he - as- saQ=Qof Bcidou inospace on Tuesday The sao三 s is -he 59 - h h二 he Bcidou fan三 y I- marks-hc completion of BcidoF one of -he naworks around - h

11、e world, a-ong wi_h -he Unired s-a-es Gps“ Russians GLONASS and die European Union s Galileo, Jeff Bezos Is Taking Ac-krnThe world# riches- person Jeff Bezovrhe boss of Amazon,com announced on Monday - ha 二一c would p£ in 10 s=Hon do=ars _o s_a= a grea- project which -6u-d suppor- scicn-is-s, re

12、searchers and NGOsohap save _he animals in danger and prose 二 he na -ura - world China and France Holds an on=lc comTo deepen -he friendship bc-wecn the people of China and Francpartis-S from bo-h coun-ries stepped onto the same s-age and perfonned on=nc on Monday- The online concert a=ows peopleoen

13、joy bo-h -radiuona- Chinese fo-k songs and French classics.Many counH.es arc developing -he vaccines for COVID'9&f 您詡玲>融B逆 by differen- mc-hods, Some arc even going 一 hrough the final SQP -0 decide how we= the vaccine works and if ITS safb, wh more 一han 160 possible -racemes under studyye

14、xperts hope -ha- vaccine may be ready by 京 end of 202016. According -o -he 2nd piece of news- Ga一二eo is a.A rocket B person c nc_work D, cou_=ry 17 Who is pu-ing in -0 si=ion do=ars -O s-art a grea- project?賓磔圖9注,仁o汪A J K Row-mg. B. Jeff Bezos c. scien_is_s. D, Researchers. 18 Which of -he fo=ovving

15、 is -rue according _0 -he given infosKuion? A The Ickubog is a cheap children/ book by J, K, Rowling B - Jeff Bezos is s-arting a grea- projec- _0 s-udy vaccines. c If you wa-ch -he onHne concern you can enjoy -rad三ona- music- D The vaccines for COVID'9 are ready in many coun2.cs now 19 . Wha二s

16、probab-y -he _opic of -he 2nd piece of _1CWS7 A- Environmen-a- proscHom B Medica- care. c NIOdcs-cchno-ogy D, Fanxms people. 2PWhich one can you read if you arc intcss_cd in hca 三 17 A J K Row-mg Publishes New sory o 三 ine B - Jeff Bexos is Taking Ac-ion c. China and France HOES an OnHne Concert D,

17、The Vaccines May Be Ready Ho,v do qrc know -he -isc.7 A c-ocka a watch or a sobi-e phone can hc-p us- However, many years ago -here were no clocks and knowing -he Hmc was no- so easy Ove 二 he ccncries people have developed diffesm ways ofQ=ng - he umcAbou- 5.»5a year" ago 二 h( Egyp 二 ans i

18、nven-cd -he SSI c - ock This was a -a 二 s-onc bu=ding=s shadow(四4)showed the S0VC5CS of -he sun. So peop-c were ab-c -o know sidday. The Egyp-ians Sade a sundia- abou- 39 500 years ago I- was s5a一一er -han -he sun clock and coEd 亙 pcopoknow -he 工 me for ha-f a day- On coudy days or a一三 gh-i- was impo

19、ssible oo一二 he -imc wi-h a sun aock or a simd - aL waor cocks were -he firs- cocks naouse -he sun. The idea is Si5p一e. wa-cr flows(哥母)from one bo-ue -o ano-hcr When _he wa-er reaches a cer-ain -eve一二 shows -he hours The Egyp-ians used vva-er clocks abo£ 3 400 years ago. These cocks were popud t

20、he Midd-e Eas- and China- Bu 一一 hey failedomake pco>know 一 he exae 二 meIn -he 13=1 cel=ury,-he mechanica- clock was invensd. This was more cxac-9 bu-二 wa" expensiveomake onc, Over -he ncx- few ccHuries - was developed- For cxamppsprings (泮 圖 were added around 1500 This enabled peopleog2一 he

21、correc 二 imc and a=owcd cocks -o be smaller,In 19271he firsr quartz clock was developed. Clocks became cheaper to build, ITS Bso cheaper for ordinary pcopo_0 own a cocrPeople began depending on _hem more and Bore -o 2n busincss9sarke_s al_d so on- More recently- in 1956, case -he digi_a 一 c - ock An

22、d nowadays Su send our mobi-e phones - he 二meo-he exae- second-居藤啰一???冰o狂訂O o 夕卜o 裝There has been ao- of progress in Hmckccpmg- Clocks arc Bways changing bu- some -hmgs never change- Many of us s 三一 have _roubQggung o 三 of bed on Umc and no- being - ao for Schoo- or work-21 , According 6 the passage

23、ywe can.t uses?n -he Umc on a rainy day A-va_er clock B sunck>ck c digi_a-c-ock D sechanica一 cock22 what.s rhe meaning of rhe underlined word ,ordinary ; E -he Bird paragraph?A塔尤當(dāng) Bis c43D1323 How many kinds of cocks as m9=ioncd in the passage?A. Four. B. Five. c. six. D. seven.24 - Which of -he

24、fo=owmg shows the s-ruc - urc(B+g) of -he passage】( Hparagmph 1 喀 pargaph29)25 What does 二ic passage nlain-y -a-k abour?A The i5po=a-ice of UIT1C B The deve-OPInen- of _isckccping c The invesions of clocks. D The his-ory of a digital c-ock One do=ar and eigh-yseven ccn-s. Tha- was a-L Three uses De=

25、a counted i_ O一ic do二ar and cigh-)-«sevcn C2=s And -he ncx- day would be Chris-sas She could no- afford a present so she Sa- down and cried-Jim ana Dc=a had -wo possessions(潭二)which they were bo-h proud of One was Jim.s gold /Ya-ch -har was mom his fhrher and his grandfh-her The。一her /Yas Delia

26、s beauHfbl hal I- fc一一 abou- hcr and reached bcow her knee-Dc=a pu- on her o-d bro-vn jackc- and her o-d bro-vn haL Then she VV2= ou-of -he door and down the stairsOthe s-rccLShe shopped at a *ore, The sign 5 mom of -he ssre read :Hair Goods: fwlll you buy Sy han?: asked Della.Twenty doUars,=lie wom

27、an said,賓磔西 9注仁o汪Then Dc=a searched - hrough -he sorcsookmg for a PreSen- for JinLShe found 二 a一一asL = was a w.a_ch chain The bi= was -wesyonc do一一ars A- seven ocock,rhe cose was made and dinner was ready Jim was never la-e DeUa heard his *eps on the stairs.The door opened and Jim walked m, He soppc

28、d inside -he door, His eyes were fixed on DaF and -here was an expression in -hen 二 ha- she cou 一 d no- read- :JlmJshe C2.ed,;donYook at me -ha- way,I sold my hair to buy you a chns-mas presenum drew a box from his pockc- and PHi- on-he -abpD2-一a openedFTheresry - he set of combs(禹 T) 一ha- she had a

29、lways wal=cd Now -hey were hcrs bu- her hair -Vas goneShe smiled and held Ou- Jlm.s present :I hunfed all ove 二 owns findIFGive n】c your wa-crI /vam -o see how irooks on iL;msoad of obeying (念濘)Jim s down, put his hands behind his head and smiled'rDen?: he said-sold -he /Yarch 一。get -he money -o

30、 buy your combs:26 Dc=a coun-cd her money -hrcc Hines because .A she -Vas i10- good a- cousing soncy B she 一】ad no_hing _o do bin co£= soncy c- she go- differen- numbers each Hmc she counKd = D she wished she cou-d have moremoney27 - How COUEJimfee-when he fixed eyes on De 二 a?A Shocked B Excit

31、ed, c Embarassed D Angry28 - What does -he underlined word /m Paragraph 10 re底r 6?A , The box B- Thewa-chc The wash chamD The sc-of cosbs29 - wha- can we infer(諾臣)fron二he passage】A, They 一<,edarich=fpB Theyovcd each o - her deep-y.c, De一一a didnY like her hair3。 wha,s rhe bes二一二e sr the passage?&g

32、t; Beau-ifu- HairD They migh- have a figh- a二asLB chris-sas Gif-Sc- DisappoinHng Chris-masD Ancicn-Possessions采雄A 施中III,學(xué)曲南>46雷5評卷人得分四、根據(jù)首字母填空O 公O O 摒O 1O O 怒O II- O 堞O M O 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的六個選項中選出能填人空白處的最佳選項,并在 答題卡上將該項涂黑,選項中有一項為多余選項。Too many people want others to be tlieir friends, but they don&

33、#39;t grue friendship back. That is why some friendships don't last very long.31. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest; be generousd康慨的);be understanding.Honesty is where a good friendshi

34、p starts. Friends must be able to trust one another. If you don,t tell the truth、people usually find out. If a friend finds out that you haven't been honest, you may lose your friend's trust. 32.Generousity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You don't have to give your lu

35、nch money or your clothes, of course. Instead you have to learn how to share things you enjoy, your hobbies and interests. Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings.33. They tell your friend what is important to you. By sharing them you help your friend know you better.Sooner or later

36、 everyone needs understanding and help with a problem. Something may go wrong at school. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve.34. So to be a friend you must listen and understand. You must try to put youself in your friend s place so you can understand the problem better.35, But all

37、 tnie friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friendships, you must practice honesty, generosity and understanding.A. To have a friend. you must learn to be one.B - A friend in need is a friend indeed.C. No two friendships are ever exacty alike.D. Turning to a friend can be

38、 a first step in solving the problem.E.These can be valuable to a friend.F.Good friends always tnist one another to speak and act honestly.36. In Western countries, S is the first day of a week.37. Her parents are tall but she is ot in height.38. Chinese people like to eat r and noodles while Wester

39、ners like to eat bread.39. He had to see the doctor by h because his parents weren't at home.40. We should neither feed the animals n touch them in the zoo.41. What e should we do to protect the environment besides planting more trees?42. We sat o each other, so I could see his face clearly.43.

40、After the race, the sportsman was so t that he drank a lot of water in one go.44. My fatlier was born in 1980. and we're planning to celebrate his f birthday nextweek.45. . Our Chinese Dream is sure to be a as long as we all work hard.評卷人得分五、語法填空閱讀下而短文,在空白處填入1個適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)所給單詞的正確形式,并將答案 寫在答題卡相應(yīng)的橫線上

41、。Albert Einstein is a genius(天才).This story about him shows that he's also Inmiorous.Einstein often received46. (invite) to explain his ideas at different universities. On these trips, his driver Hans often said to him? It's a pleasure to dnve a geiims like you. Dr Einstein/'One evening,

42、 on their way to47, unrversity, Einstein said/l,m so tired. I wish I could avoid giving my lecture(講座)tonight. Hans, but I don't want to make my listeners48. (disappoint)."1 know what to do/' said Haiis. 1 can give the lecture for you. You can tnist49. (I),I've listened to your lect

43、ure so many tunes that I've learned it by heart. No one50. ( know) you at this university, so tliey won't find out.,底!®So, they changed places. At the university. Hans was51. (lead) to the front of the hall.Einstein took a seat, listened to Hans give his lecture52. difficulty, and joine

44、d in the applause (掌聲)at the end.However, before Hans left, a man sliouted/l'd like53. ( ask )you a question.' He then asked a question so difficult that Hans had no idea what he was talking about.Emstein turned pale. fcOh no!'Tie thought.46 Now we're in trouble/"54. Hans just l

45、aughed and said, "That's such an easy question that even my driver can answer it. Haiis. please”Einstein stood up and answered the question55, ( perfect).試卷第11頁,總10頁They left the university, witli Einstem driving. A little later, Hans offered to drive." No: ,6 O : M O laughed Einstein.

46、 "It's a pleasure to dnve a gemiis like you, Hans:評卷人得分六、書信作文56.今年受新冠(COVID-19)疫情影響,我市中小學(xué)開展了線上教學(xué)。假如你是李華,你的美國網(wǎng)友Eric即將進行線上學(xué)習(xí),他發(fā)來郵件向你了解相關(guān)情況。請你結(jié)合自身經(jīng)歷和以下提示,向Eric回復(fù)郵件,介紹線上學(xué)習(xí)的利弊,并針對線上學(xué)習(xí)的不足,提出至少一條建議。Online LearningAdvantages1 .convenient2. different resources(資源)Disadvantages J1.influence eyesight2

47、. easily distracted(分心)3.要求:1 .語句通順,意思連貫,語法正確,書寫規(guī)范;2,必須包含所給提示,并做適當(dāng)發(fā)揮;3.文中不得出現(xiàn)真實人名、校名或地名:4.詞數(shù):100詞左右(開頭和結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù))。Dear Eric,Fm so glad to hear from you._試卷第9頁,總10貞參考答案1. A2. C3. A4. B5. D【解析】【分析】本文介紹了中國傳統(tǒng)二十四節(jié)氣中的春分。1.句意:春分在中國被稱為“春分”,通常在每年的3月20日或3月21日。on在(日期前);in在(月份前);at在(具體時刻前);between在之間0句中“Marc

48、h20”表示具體日期,所以使用介詞on。故選A。2.句意:在春分期間,豎立雞蛋是全國各地的流行游戲。strict嚴(yán)格的:useful有用的:popular流行的:harmful有害的,根據(jù)下文中aPeople practice this tradition to celebrate the coming of spring.”可知,人們通過豎立雞蛋這個傳統(tǒng)來慶祝春天 的到來,由此可知,豎立雞蛋是全國各地的流行游戲,所以此處使用popular。故選C。3.句意:人們通過這個傳統(tǒng)來慶祝春天的到來。coming 到來:ending 結(jié)束;moving 移動:stopping 停止。根據(jù)上文中 “ch

49、imfen in Chinese usually falls on March 20 or March 21 every year”和句中spring可知,3月份是春天的開始,所以此 處使用coming,表示“通過這個傳統(tǒng)慶祝春天的到來”。故選A。4.句意:在古代,人們沒有良好的醫(yī)療資源,所以他們把自己的醫(yī)療問題寫在紙風(fēng)箏上,以求 健康。or 否則:so 所以;though 雖然;because 因為。根據(jù)句中 “people did not have good medical resources”可知,此處使用so表示結(jié)果,即:因為人們沒有良好的醫(yī)療資源,所以他們把 他們的醫(yī)療問題寫在紙風(fēng)箏

50、上,以求健康。故選B.5.句意:當(dāng)風(fēng)箏在空中的時候,人們會切斷線,讓紙風(fēng)箏飛走,這意味著遠離疾病。hold on 緊緊抓?。簍urn on 打開:take off 脫掉:cut off 切斷。根據(jù)句中 “ which means the lying away of diseases"可知,此處使用cut off,表示“切斷風(fēng)箏線就意味著遠離疾病”。故選D,6. B7. A8. D9. C10. B11. D12. A13. C14. A15. D【解析】【分析】這篇文章通過作者的故事告訴我們,在我們的生活中,經(jīng)常遇到很多問題需要向他人尋求建 議,而有些建議你將會珍惜一生。6.句意:我

51、非常生氣,最后終于忍受不了她了。hear 聽見:stand 忍受:describe 描述;forget 忘記。分析 “I became so angry that Icouldn't L her at last. I ran to my 2 with tears in my eyes.M 可知,朋友一直說我, 我很生氣,最后忍受不了跑去哭訴。此處強調(diào)“忍受”,其他三項不符合語意。故選B。7.句意:我含汨跑向父親。father 父親;teacher教師 friend朋友;mother 母親。根據(jù)后文 “I brought the list back to Daddy.”可知,我是去向父親

52、尋求建議的。故選A。8.句意:他平靜地聽我說,然后問道:“她說的是真的還是假的?” 答案第1頁,總13貞excitedly激動地:directly直接地;quickly迅速地:quietly安靜地。根據(jù)后文父親的反應(yīng)和 說的話可知,父親是安靜地聽我說然后給我建議,其他三項不符合語意。故選D。9.句意:簡,你有沒有想過自己到底是什么樣的人?decide決定:enjoy欣賞:wonder想知道:remember記得。分析句子可知,此處父親提出問 題,“你有沒有想過自己到底是什么樣的人”,強調(diào)“想知道”。故選C。10.句意:去把她說的每句話都列一個清單,并標(biāo)出哪些是真的。fascinating 迷人

53、的;true 真的:wrong 錯誤的:necessary 必要的。根據(jù)后文 “To my great surprise, I discovered that about half the things were true.v可知,我發(fā)現(xiàn)列出來的有一半是真的,所以 此處也在強調(diào)“真的”。故選B。11.句意:有些我無法改變,比如很矮。talkative健談的,多嘴的:proud驕傲的:top名列前茅的;short矮的。根據(jù)前文“Iwas very short. I wasn't a top strident, I talked too much, I was too proud and

54、so on.“ 可知,我個子矮,這 是沒辦法改變的。故選D。12.句意:他拒絕看它。refused 拒絕:agreed 同意;hated 討厭:hurried 匆忙。根據(jù)后文 “That's just for you” 可知, 父親說這是屬于我自己的,所以他“拒絕”看我寫的清單。故選A。13.句意:你比任何人都更了解自己。worse更壞;closer更近;better更好:earlier更早。分析上下文可知,父親讓我列好清單然 后自己看,因為沒有人比自己更了解自己。故選C。14.句意:當(dāng)說到你的某件情是真的,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)它將對你有幫助。something某事;anything任何事;not

55、hing沒事:everything每件事。分析句子可知,此處用 于從句中作主語,表示“當(dāng)說到你的某件情是真的,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)它將對你有幫助",可用不定 代詞something表示。故選A。15.答案第1頁,總13頁句意:在很多重要的時刻,爸爸的建議都浮現(xiàn)在我的腦海里。word話語:spirit精神:love愛;advice建議。分析上下文可知,父親給了我正視自己的建 議,所以此處表示“爸爸的建議都浮現(xiàn)在我的腦海里”,強調(diào)“建議”。故選D。16. C17. B18. C19. C20. D【解析】【分析】本文主要講了 J.K.羅琳在網(wǎng)上發(fā)布新故事;中國成功發(fā)送北斗:杰夫-貝佐斯正在采取行動: 中法兩國舉行在線音樂會;疫苗可能會研究出來。16.細方理解題° rocket火箭;person人;network網(wǎng)絡(luò);country國家。根據(jù)第一段“one of the networks around the world, along with the United States GPS, Russia's GLONASS and die European Union's Galileo.”可知,Galileo 是全球網(wǎng)絡(luò)之一。故選 Ca17.細 fj 理解題 ° 根據(jù)第三段"The world's richest p


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