



1、北京市西城區(qū)2012 2013 學(xué)年度高三第一學(xué)期期末考試英語試題本試卷分第一卷(選擇題)和第二卷(非選擇題)兩部分,共 150 分??荚嚂r間 120 分鐘。第一卷 (三部分,共115 分)第一部分:聽力理解(共三節(jié),滿分30 分) 第一節(jié) (共 5 小題;每小題 1 5 分,滿分 7 5 分)A 、 B、 C 三個選項中選出最10 秒鐘的時間來回答有關(guān)小題聽下面 5 段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的佳選項,并標在試卷的相應(yīng)位置。聽完每段對話后,你都有和閱讀下一小題。每段對話僅讀一遍。1 What kind of movie does the woman probably want

2、to see?An action movie ClassmatesAt 9 : 00 In a bank.On footA A comedy B A science movie C 2 What s the probable relationship between the two speakers?A Husband and wife B Teacher and studentC 3 What time does the TV series begin?A At 8 : 00B At 8 : 30 C4 Where does this conversation probably take p

3、lace?A In a shopB In a restaurantC 5 How would the man like to make the trip?A By air B By car C第二節(jié)(共10 小題;每小題 1 5 分,共 15 分)聽下面4段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨自后有幾道小題,從每題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。聽每段對話或獨白前, 你將有 5 秒鐘的時間閱讀每小題。聽完后,每 小題將給出 5 秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白你將聽兩遍。聽第 6 段材料,回答第6 至 7 題。6 What does the man offer to do?A Lend his um

4、brella to the woman B Get the woman s umbrella for her C Do the presentation for the woman 7 What is the woman probably going to do right away?A Wait for the man B Study in the library C Go for the presentation 聽第 7 段材料,回答第8 至 9 題。8 What is the Woman s problem?A She hasn t got the ticket to Josh Tum

5、er's concert B She wants to go to a concert but hasn t finished her work yetC. She hasn't got a partner to go with her to the concert .9. What is the woman probably going to do to satisfy both sides?A . Put off her work .B. Cancel the show plan .C. Finish her work after the show . 聽第8段材料,回答第

6、10至12題。 10. What is the woman worried about?A . She doesn't have time to move .D. She doesn't have a truck to help her move .E. She doesn't have enough money to buy a truck.11. Which suggestion is NOT given by the man?A . Calling the rental serviceB. Arranging a time for tomorrow .C. Sav

7、ing money for her textbooks .12. What does the woman think of renting a truck?A . It is a good idea . B . It is too expensive . C. It is too troublesome . 聽第9段材料,回答第13至15題。13. What is true about a potluck lunch?A . It's a formal family meeting .B. It must be held in the garden .C. It allows gues

8、ts to dress causally .14. Why does the speaker think a potluck lunch is fun?A . The host doesn't make any food for guests .B. Every guest has to prepare a dish for the lunch .C. All the guests will be surprised by some special gifts .15. What does the speaker have to do as the host?A . Supply th

9、e drinks . B . Bring a gift .C. Put the dish on the table.第三節(jié)(共5小題;每小題1. 5分,共7. 5分)聽下面一段對話,完成第16題至20題,每小題僅填寫一個詞。聽對話前,你將有 20秒鐘的時間閱讀試題,聽完后你將有60秒鐘的作答時間。這段對話你將聽兩遍。請將答案寫在答題紙上。Stohm RefiervdtMHi FormTekplione numberUiwlirI*(714) 667-9785Type of romnAmm wilh d17哂k癡Frw Wi-Fi_ _ _值_Oieck-En呼 6*Fee Mondujf lo

10、 Suundiuy, fcr fivePritt and ptyitHni多加產(chǎn)jt ri v k,cardN門 advsnrF Mmki啤 f”第二部分:知識運用(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié):單項填空(共15小題,每小題1分,滿分15分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。21. As a college freshman, he wanted to be an interpreter,he joined a translation clubA forB butC soD as22Lucy, how are you getting on with

11、 your composition? I have rewritten it so many times that I wonder if I itA finishB finishedC have finishedD will finish23 It is said that Mo Yan's hometown is the place has inspired him throughout his writingcareerA in whichB whereC thatD as24 The more active you are, the more likely you'll

12、 be new friendsA madeB to makeC makingD to have made25 Normally, students will be given a certificate completion of the courseA onB withC toD in26Our physics eacher is as humorous as he is intelligent It could never be I like him so muchD as trueD could have hadAtruerBtrueCthe truest27 But for the p

13、ouring rain, we a pleasant journey last weekendAshouldhave Bwould haveCmust have had28 We are so sorry for that We'll try to determine exactly went wrong that eveningA whereB whatC which D how29Beautiful day, isn't it? Yes It's not like what the weatherman at allA saysB had saidC saidD i

14、s saying30 You can spend your free time in our library There is a reading room more than 600studentsA seatsB to be seatedC seatedD seating31 Being more realistic, the elderly have learned to focus on things that make them happy and letgo of that don'tC thatD thoseA themB it32 We believe the time

15、 and hard work in completing such an important project areworthwhileA involvingB involvedC to involveDhavinginvolved33What did Michael do after graduating from university? He considered advertising before settling on teaching He that ever sinceA didBdoesC has been doingD had been doing34It's so

16、cold! Why are your windows still open? Oh, they A aren't closing B won't closeC won't be closed D aren't closed35 The worried lady made second thorough search of her pockets before finding purseon the tableA a, theB a, aC the, theD the, a第二節(jié) 完型填空(共20 小題;每小題 1 5 分,滿分 30 分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各

17、題所給的四個選項( A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項, 并在答題卡上涂黑。Good Work Ethics(規(guī)范)When I was younger, about 14, I was already ready to work . My father was a dairy man and he had been working his entire life . For him, getting up at 5 a . m. and working a couple of hours before I went to school, and then 36 more after schoo

18、l until there was not enough37 to see, were normal.My father considered putting good work ethics in me to be very 38 . He began to show me these, not through 39 , but through his actions . He would not 40 a job until it was done. He 41 put his all into everything he did .42, he showed me this not ju

19、st inworking, but in everything . Like when I was in soccer, I wanted to 43 a game once, and he explained to me-that I had made a 44 and that even if I just skipped one game, then I did not 45 to play the rest of the games.So the day I started my first job at the age of 14, I was 46 to show my fathe

20、r that I could do it well, and that I was not going to 47 . My entire 48 was to make my father proud of me. I knew that 49 I did, he would not say it in words, but he would show it . My first job was doing 50for a company. As most of you know, construction is not an easy job,especially being so51. W

21、hen someone as young as I was started working, they would either52 or get stronger. I got stronger. I worked the 53 I had been taught and I gave that dayeverything I had . In the end, my boss was impressed . He even called to tell my parents what a good worker I was, and my parents' eyes 54. Fro

22、m that day on I have worked every job tomy full 55, because that day defined (explain the truth of ) my life . It defined how I wasgoing to work, and I will always stick to it .36. A.goingB.learningC. workingD.playing37. A.timeB.lightC. chanceD.strength38. A.ridiculousB.easyC. hopelessD.important39.

23、 A.factsB.truthC. wordsD.practice40. A.quitB.findC. doD.finish41. A.mightB.wouldC. couldD.should42. A.FinallyB.ThusC. ThereforeD.However43. A.enjoyB.defeatC. skipD.dip44. A.commitmentB.improvementC. devotionD.conclusion45. A.decideB.stopC. deserveD.resist46. A.preparedB.shockedC. delightedD.interest

24、ed47. A.stickB.leaveC. failD.play48. A.problemB.worldC. trickD.goal49. A.in caseB.even ifC. now thatD.as though50. A.constructionB.negotiationC. communicationD.reception51. A.weakB.poorC. oldD.young52. A.breakB.struggleC. pauseD.work53. A.mannerB.momentC. wayD.method54. A.staredB.shoneC. liftedD.clo

25、sed55. A.ambitionB.skillC. spiritD.potential第三部分:閱讀理解(共20小題,每題2攵卜,滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。立 Er*.3Ygi 標V芍 d 叩巴血 t dnl khirh opcratrs Ihr nkett»iac lock mi 產(chǎn)m n口加 dvur and m key for tk電 MMHi door T the bnk*-I, Th戶釬 nu- yrmr 即而疝biLy uitd hheiuld jimcr toe Irnl 附 anyone

26、,anient.mcJuding your fiitlw 也后襠。咫皿出If you W七的yuu訃山出嘈H £ 2口尸r寸/后。Rw leave *r mnm JinltMk J rwrn <or ah® 火ri帆鼠 Unkmunutdy, EhrFI fmm 般板也 后 iflerr rommon srd in wrance won】"n小 ,用 not pay fur Mokn pxxia unkvi you OiJi fini世 山般 yn»r room wa hrukrn min by foECe."s- " - &q

27、uot; '""I"""" I""," "" " 尸 ' 1i > bmm , : aiwangqiqi , .JL J i d i i |_,g Visitm斗由k 就吃 luU' d£i> rviinv iiviiilable Jflfnccrpl at lilt end uf Lbe kgjiiizikf 5rm. Wan ;Jenlim, 口陪卜娟 mtrn怕 will be MJr to trJi 歲曲 and cut

28、心iidle % kmki嚕 A :1】Riar* l t& rnarip, 5tan uLsn kreps s同 oP Scrul 即EtJvMi*一4Mh K*imr jrHnnritlaoji ab<xui wtiul thrvW hkn prirfi?1 T 叫e- Ym 占忙 hIw dllnwrd to i»t ritipiv licds for up tv Qie mi曲tx, with. tlw?1Ohneifl eEii耳MMIMr e(ample, if ihr p'rw whft 46g 產(chǎn)區(qū)病 門用皿 后、/; %由心 weekend&#

29、39;),; hul jrtrti naist icdixtri Sian bf*iont< y«ur 臺宣汨,唔s. mj rhar he an 靖tact.0口抽in ihrMolding ti fl it? bir«kHm” JStAjdenii urt not dU>wd In flurgr 更他人 udiei 3 thik_,g KJtchtns,i* * kiichen 的"匕h Dtwi wlkrrv 1aM 內(nèi)面1匕 dri胖k <?lc tnay % 捫七;mt«L EmIi M a Larpr friK,'

30、n作d s 卜泡rupboird. All imxl 五tiouki hr Htard. clfarfy mrkM 浦tH the 以wnf.,.小心 tn <w of the* Iwv jrlws. k - -4 dfanfrt havr iHAtnKtibi 1» irmovcbe sure >qu do dl ”*jMihinRu第,oLkt (akr c:ur (ha'nfArl*y btdnwm;.BedrflUiits arn km vhte ar (bod to be 由rnnpd * and 擊產(chǎn): *n)food fcwinl m Jimi, A

31、fter。4鵬 ihr Hirlbens pludM irrHOHliflirly amf Ipavp it iHyT IF ynu use il Lahr iti di產(chǎn): yt*u du i5o qinriiy in order lu avoid di或urbiugh? 56. If a friend visits you for the weekend, he or she can .A. stay at a local guesthouseB. book an empty house for freeC. use an empty bed without permissionD. sh

32、are your room by paying your roommate57. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A . Your insurance will cover what you have lost .B. The cleaners will take away food left in the bedrooms .C. Spare rooms are least likely to be available in summer .D. Students will be fined for lendin

33、g their cards to others .58. The passage is probably taken from.A . a travel guide bookB. a hotel brochureC. a school posterD. a club newsletterBMy eighth grade consisted of 28 classmatesWe knew each other so well that most of uscould distinguish each other's handwriting at a glance Although we

34、grew up together, we still had class outcasts From second grade on, a small group started harassing (騷擾) two or three of the others I was one of those two or three, though I didn't know why In most cases when children get picked on, they aren't good at sports or they read too much or they we

35、ar the wrong clothes or they are of a different race But in my class, we all read too much and didn't know how to play sports We had also been brought up to carefully respect each other's race This is what was so strange about my situation Usually, people are made outcasts because they are i

36、n some way different from the larger group But in my class, large differences did not exist It was as if the outcasts were invented by the group out of a need for them The harassment came in the form of laughter when I talked, and rolled eyes when I turned around If I was out on the playground and a

37、pproached a group of people, they often fell silent Sometimes, someone would not see me coming and I would catch the tail end of a joke at my expenseThere was another girl in our class who was perhaps even more rejected than I She provided the group with a lot of material for jokes One day one popul

38、ar girl came up to me to show me something she said I wouldn't want to miss We walked to a comer of the playground Three or four girls there were reading aloud from a small book, which I was told was the girl's diary I sat down and, laughing till my sides hurt, heard my voice finally mixed w

39、ith the others Often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted by oneself, even though the satisfaction does not last Looking back, I wonder how I could have participated in making fun of this girl when I knew perfectly well how it felt If I were in that situation today I would

40、 react differently, but I can't honestly be sure 59 The author was made an outcast because A she couldn't play sports as well as othersB her family belonged to a minority groupC her classmates found her clothes funnyD her classmates needed to find an outcast60 How was the author treated as a

41、n outcast?A She was often the target of teasingB No one responded to her talking C She was refused to approach othersD Her diary was often made public 61 What did the author do to the girl mentioned in Paragraph 3?A She showed great sympathy with the girl B She joined others in making fun of the gir

42、l C She stopped the others from hurting the girl D She found more materials about the girl for jokes 62 What does the passage intend to tell us?A Everyone is likely to become an outcast B We shouldn't hit a person when he is down C One should pay somebody back in his own way D Everyone has a des

43、ire to be accepted by othersCBreaking the CodeOne school night this month I walked quietly up to Alexander, my 15-year-old son, and touched his cheek gently in a manner I hoped would seem casual A year ago he would have ignored this disturbance but now he reacted impatiently and leaned back to his c

44、omputer screen .I made a mistake: breaking into my teenager's personal space . "The average teenager has pretty strong feelings about his privacy," Lara Fox and her friend Hilary Frankel told me. Mr . Frankel and Mr . Fox, both 17, are the authors of Breaking the Code, a new book that

45、seeks to bridge the generational divide between parents and adolescents . It is being promoted by its publisher as the first self-help guide by teenagers for their parents, a kind of "Kids Are From Mars, Parents Are From Venus" that explains the language and actions of teenagers . The girl

46、s dealt with issues including hanging out late, money, school pressures, smoking etc .Personally, I welcome their opinions . The most common missteps in interacting with teenagers arise from the war between parents exercising their rights to know what goes on under their roof and teenagers firmly gu

47、arding their privacy . Teenagers can be quick to interpret their parents' remarks and respond with anger that masks their vulnerability (脆弱 ).Ms Fox said, "What we want above all is your approval . Don't forget, no matter how much we act as if we don't care what you say, we believe

48、the things you say about us ."Nancy, a New York child-raising expert said she didn't agree with everything the authors suggested but found their arguments reasonable . "When your kids are saying, ' You don't get it, and you never will, ' there are lots of ways to respond so

49、 that they will listen and that is what the writers point out .""My parents helped me see that, " Mr . Fox told me, " even though they used to stay out late and ride their bicycles to school, times have changed and the way parents educate children is different . These days there

50、is a major fear factor in bringing up kids . Parents worry about their child crossing the street. " The writers said they hoped simply to throw light on teenage thinking . 63. Why does the author mention the book "Kids Are From Mars, Parents Are From Venus ?A . It is one of the best-seller

51、s .B. It is also written by the two girls .C. The two books have the similar theme . D. The two books have different opinions . 64. The underlined sentence "You don't get it, and you never will" in the 4th paragraph implies that.A. the teenagers don't want/to admit their weaknessB.

52、 the teenagers think that their parents will never understand themC. the parents do not necessarily force into the world of their childrenD. the generation gap cannot be shortened despite their parents' efforts 65. It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that .A . teenagers should guard

53、their privacyB. Nancy totally agrees with the two girls' opinionsC. parents are more concerned about children's safetyD. the two girls have obtained numerous support from the public 66. According to the two girls, teenagers nowadays are .A. independent B. intelligentC. sensitiveD. inconsider

54、ateDHumankind has tried to improve its standard of living since the very beginning of civilization . Back then, as well as today, providing food and security was the basic task for a person. However, nowadays the range of required goods has expanded significantly . People feel the need for not only

55、some primary things, such as a piece of bread and a roof over their heads, but also for various facilities and luxuries . Providing humanity with these things is connected to theuse of natural resources, which requires energy In turn, the common sources of energy we use today cause pollution, so eco

56、nomic growth is almost inevitably associated with environmental damageEconomic growth is the increase in numbers of goods and services produced over time by an economy, and it's calculated in terms of real Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) Before growth is calculated, inflation ( 通貨膨脹) is adjusted

57、in order to take into account its misleading effect on the price of goods and services Economic growth can also be explained as the increase in expected output, which results from an increase in actual output, or total demand There are certain aspects of economic growth which affect the environment The first of these is the fact that in order to produce more goods and products, at a faster rate, the construction of large industrial plants is required These plants produce a lot of waste, leading to th


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