



1、八年級(jí)英語質(zhì)量檢測(cè)班級(jí)姓名分?jǐn)?shù)一根據(jù)句意,找出與劃線部分意思相同或相近的選項(xiàng)。(5分)( )1.The boywas able to read before he was seve n.A. couldB. mustC. should D. would()2.His fatherjo ined the basketball club last year.A. took part in B. became a member of C. came into D. became a member()3.1 cannot find my pen any where.A. everywhereB. an

2、ythingC. no whereD. everyth ing( )4.Over 1,000 people lost their lives.A. More tha n B. Much tha nC. Much more D. More and more( )5.The girl ofte n cares for his gran dfather.A. looks afterB. look after C. looks forD. look at二.單項(xiàng)選擇。(15分)()6 Yesterday the teacher told us that the earth_ aroundtheChan

3、.A. more; more B. less; less C. more; fewer D. fewer; more()19 .Everyone except Tom and John_ there when the classbega n.A. areB isC. wereD. was()20. I think she is_at dancing tha n singing.A. betterB. goodC. wellD. best三完形填空(10分)Once there was a father and a son. They were ill-tempered(壞脾氣的)and nev

4、er gave way to 21.One day the father _ to ask some friends to dinner in his house. He 23 _his son to buy some meat in tow n. When the son walked towards the tow ngate, a man was coming from the outside. The gate was n24 eno ughtblet two men in and out at the same time. But neither of 25 would give w

5、ill easilyfind the place tomorrow.“You re right.”Bruno said happily .Let me do that.”“How foolish,”said Bruce.“If it rains tonight, the rain water willwash theline off, and how can we find the mark tomorrow. You must cut a line with yourknife.”Dick came up to them and s aid angrily.“Neither of you i

6、s clever.How canwe find the place if we have ano ther boat tomorrow? We should not go backtoni ght.”()31. The three boys_ .A. were all too young to go to school .B . came from the cityC. were from the workers familiesD. liked eat ing fish very much()32. The boys wan ted to go to the place aga in tom

7、orrow because_A. it was a good placeB. they got a lot of fish thereC. there was a mark on the side of the boat D. they were good atsun.A moved B. moves C. was moving D. had moved()7. It is importa nt for us_En glish well.A. to lear nB. learni ngC. learns D. learned()8. Alice_ to see his aunt if she_

8、free tomorrow.A. will come; will be B . come ; is C. will come ;is D. comes ;will be( )9.How much did you_ the house?A. pay forB. cost for C. paid forD. cost on()10._ a sport game on the playgro und n ext week?A. Will there be B. Will there have C. Will there D.Will be thereway to the other. They st

9、ood straight face to face in side the gate hour after hour.But the father was worried.“Whatshall I do? My son hasnt26 yet. I cantwait any more.”He wan ted to know what27as thevith his son. So he left hisfriends at home ,and went to tow nfish ing()33. Bruno was ready to(準(zhǔn)備)make a mark becauseA. he wa

10、s older tha n his friends B.28his()11 .I didnt want to talk about that_ the phone.A. onB. inC. at()12.-_do you go to a movie?A. How soo nB. How ofte n C. How oldD. by-Twice a week.D. How much( )13.Could you please_me some_ ?A. givi ng; advices B. give; advices C. give; advice D. to give; advice()14.

11、He asked me if I_ mad_him.A. am; atB. was; atC. was; toD. am ; to()15. Dont leave your books on the table. Please_.A. take away it B. take them away C. take away them D. take it away()16.My mother wants me_ milk every day.A. drink B. drinksC. drinking D. to drink.()17.Who broke the door? Lets_ .A. l

12、ook it out B. find it outC. take out itD. keep out it.()18.Mr Cha ng has_ money but _ friends tha n Mr.son.“You may first takeC .he was the cleverest of the threeBruce she had a pencil in his handhe had the same ideathe 29 home for my friends丄et me 30 here()34. The line they drew was not_he said to

13、his son whe n he knew what had happe nedA. thickB. useless C. easy()21. A. oneB. ano therC. otherD. others( )35. They should make a mark()22. A. decidedB. decidesC. decideD. decisi onA. thicker and color it redB. on the fish()23. A. hopedB. toldC. letD. tellsC. in the lakeD. on every boat()24. A .lo

14、ngB. wideC highD .tall()25. A. theirB. theyC. themD. theirsA woodcutter(伐木工)wasworking in the forestone day whe n()26. A .go neB boughtC. returnedD. beenfound a box full of gold coins.Unfortunately, his wifewas the kind()27. A. wrongB. accide ntC. thi ngD. matterwoman who could not keep asecret. Som

15、ehow, heknew, he had()28. A .to look forB. looked forC. to findD. fou ndpreve nt(阻止)her from talk ing about the gold.()29 A meatB. dinnerC. breadD. moneyHe thought about this for a long time, the n had an idea.()30 A stoodB. sta ndsC. sta ndD. sta nding“I found something in the forest”,he told his w

16、ife,“come with me and四.閱讀理解(30分)show you.”.His wife followed him into the forest and soon they came to aD. usefulaga inst him instead.IBruce and his other two frien ds, Bruno and Dick lived in the same cityin England. They were free in their summer holiday. So they came tovillage by a large lake. Th

17、ey liked fishing very much. Then the next day afterthey got there, they got to a boat and went fishing in the lake. They boatedfarther and farther. They came to an out-of-way place. They were very happybecause there were a lot of fish. When it was time for them to gohome, Bruce said to his friends:t

18、ree.“Look at that!”the woodcutter said to his wife, and pointed to the tree.“Theres a fish grow ing on that bran ch! ife wassu Hissed ,especiallywhen he climbed up the tree and brought dow n the fish for her to see.They walked on andsoon came to the river.Ill just pull in my net and see wlIve caught

19、”, the woodcutter said.He pulled in his net and in side there were several hares野兔).“HowWe d better make a mark here so thtewsting!”he said“there are now hares in the river.”After that, theycame to where the woodcutter had found the box of gold.“Look, wife ”,hesaid“this is what I have found. A box o

20、f gold coins.”The next day, his wife could not stop herself from telling her friends aboutall the won derful things she had see n.Of course, n obody believe her! ()36.Where did the woodcutter find the box of gold?A. When he was work ingB. In his garde nC. In the forest where he was work ingD. On his

21、 farm fields,where he was farmi ng()37. The woodcutters wife couldn t keep a secret, could she?A. No, she couldnt. B. Yes, she couldntC. No, she couldD. Yes, she could.()38. Where do you usually see hares?A. I n the street.B. I n the forest.C. I n the river.D. I n the sea.()39. Why did his wife tell

22、 her friends what happe ned? Because_A. she was very surprised.B. she wondered why the hares werein the river and fish was in the treeC.she could not stop herself ()40.Which stateme nt is right? A. The wifewas very foolish.C. Hares often live in the river. clever.A. The earth caves are dug into the

23、hill side.B. The earth caves can last four or five hun dred years.C. The soil of the earth caves should be good caves .D The earth caves are cheaper tha n stone caves.()44. About the sto ne caves, which of the followi ng is wrong?A. They are more expe nsive tha n earth caves and ordinary housesB.The

24、y can last four or five hun dred yearsC. They n eed major repairs D. They n eed some paper, wood or paint for win dows and walls.()45. If you live in a cave,_A. you can enjoy the beauty n ature all year round B. you feel very dirtyC. you feel very cold in win ter, and hot i n summer D. you will spe

25、nd moremoney九完成對(duì)話。(5分)A.But if I dont do now. Ill never do it.B.But money isnt everything, son.C.Dont you think its really exciting?D.I know you want to be happy.E.Why not?A. You shouldnt join the Lions.B:4657. The old man makes a_(live)by sell ing fruits.58.1m against_ (stay) here. We must go now.5

26、9. How_(luck) that boy felt!60. She said she_(watch) TV at this time yesterday.61. Japa nese compa nies have already made robots_ (walk).62. The football player is_(popular)tha n you.63. He in vited her_ (da nce)for me.64.1 thi nk I_(stay) at home tomorrow.65.My sister would like_ (be)a movie star.十

27、二.作文。(20分)以“My best friend”為題寫一篇短文。(詞數(shù)在60-80) 內(nèi)容提示如下:1 .外貌;2.學(xué)習(xí)情況;3.業(yè)余愛好;4.為人。People in our part of the country like livingin caves(窯洞, 山洞).It is a nicerand better living space than an ordinary (普通的,平常的)house. Its warm in winter and cool in summer.There are two kinds of caves, earth ones and stone o

28、n es. The earth caves aredug(挖)into the hill side. The first thing to do is to find a place with the right kindof soil. The soil should be of good quality(質(zhì)量).Earth caves dont last well.Usually they last only thirty years.Stone caves are better and stron ger. They are more expe nsive to build tha nb

29、oth earth caves and ordinary houses. An ordinary houses wongo more()41. The cave is_A. an ordinary house B. a beautiful house C. an office D. a nicerand better liv ing space()42. The caves areA. earth cavesB.stone cavesC. ordinary houseD.earth caves or stone caves()43. About the earth, which of the following is wrong?A: If you become a professional soccer player, youll never go to college.B: But I really want to play soccer. I want a job I love, I want to be


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