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1、本試卷共7頁,七大題,滿分10 0分 .、單詞辯音(共5分,每小題1分)從下面每組四個單詞中找出一個劃線部分的發(fā)音與其它三個不同的選項,并將其序號 (A、E、C或D)填入題前的括號內(nèi)。()1.A .takeB.makeC . lakeD .have()2.A .foodB.toolC . poolD.took()3.A .lowB .knowC . nowD .grow()4.A .dreadB.threadC .meantD .great()5.A .saysB .stayc .playD .day、單詞拼寫(共 10分,每小題1分)根據(jù)句意和結(jié)構(gòu),按照給出的首字母或括號里的漢語意思,寫出句

2、中所缺單詞的正確形式,每空只填一詞。6 . They are doing a scientific e in the lab.7 . How many I can you speak?8 . Take your u with you, in case it rains.9 . He failed in the last exam, but he will (成功)this time.10 . We (奉獻(xiàn))our life to our country.11 . December is the (第十二個)mon th of the year.12 . It better to buy a (

3、電腦)of IBM686.13 . Will you lend me your (詞典).14 . Throw it into the (垃圾桶),please.15 . Comrade Lei Feng was (樂意)to help anyone in trouble.三、單項選擇(共 20分,每小題1分)()16 . Do you have The War of the world? Yes, but no more than one copy. Would you like to take ?A . some B . them C . it D . one()17 . So how l

4、ong have you bee n here? Just a couple of days actually. Im on a big jour ney, you know.I all the places of interest here.A . am visit ing B . visited C . have visited D. will visit()18 .Id like to settle down somewhere the climate is mild and the sunshines all year long.A . which B . that C . where

5、D. whe n()19 . Try the new clea ner. Just a few min utes every day thats all it takesyou could have shining floors and furn iture.A . and B .but C . or D. so() 20 . Since you have made such good preparations, there be anyproblem about pass ing the coming exam.A . must nB . sha nC . should nD. n eed

6、n() 21 . After dinner he gave Mr. Smith ride to Capital Airport.A . the ; a B . a ; the C . / ; a D. / ; the() 22 . It is reported that the school will take efficie nt measures to make surethat it will be among the best on es. ? I don th ink it will come true.A . For what B . So how C . For how D. S

7、o what()23 . As I grow up in a small tow n at the foot of a mountain, the visit to thevillage scenes of my children.A . called up B . called for C . called on D.called in()24 . However excellent the finished products are, if they are not properly pricesthey well.A . won sell B . are not sold C . won

8、 be sold D. can sell ()25. The secretary asked her boss whether he had anything mo beforeshe went back home.A . to type B . typed C . to be typed D. has typed () 26 . electricity plays such an important role in our daily life?A . Why was it thatB . Why is it thatC . Why is it whatD. Why it is that()

9、27. It scloudy outside. Please take an umbrella.A . Yes, take it easyB . Well, it just depe ndsC . Ok, just in caseD. All right, you re welcome()28. How many of you have bee n to Paris? at all, but we all hope to.A . Not B . No C . Nobody D. None()29. The folks in the village told us to follow the m

10、ain course wereached the mouth of the river.A . wherever B . while C . un til D. whe nver()30. The cottage seemed as if it hadnbeen used for ages.A . small white woode nB . small woode n whiteC .white woode n small) 31. Shanghai is one of citiesD. woode n white small the world.3A . the largest; of B

11、 . largest; in C .the largest; in D. largest; of()32. There are people in the meeting room that it is difficult for me tofind out a seat.A . so many B . so much C . such many D. such muchD. Not knowing()33. anything about the accident, he went to work as usual.A . Not known B . Known not C .Knowing

12、not ()34. A lot of my friends here.A . isB . are C .wasD. has bee n()35. beautiful city it is.C .What a D. WhatA . How a B . How四、閱讀理解(共 30分,每小題2分)A)Dog owners now have a little help understanding their furry friends. A new device (裝置)called Bow Lin gual “Fan slates dog barks in to En glish, Korea n

13、 or Japa nese.Bow-L in gual Japa nese inven tors spe nt much time and money an alyz ing dog barks. They found that dog no ises can be broke n dow n into six differe nt emoti ons: happ in ess, sad ness frustrati on, an ger, asserti on and desire.Part of the BowLin gual device hangs on the dogs collar

14、. The other part is a handle held unit for the owner. When the dog barks, the unit displays translated phrases.Some people have scoffed at Bow- Lin gual. : Who would pay US $ 120 to read a dogsmind? they ask.But those who have purchased 購買)Bow Lin gual praise the device. Pet owner Keiko Egawa, of Ja

15、pan, says it helps her empathize (同情)with her dog, Harry.Before we go to the park, he always says he wants to play,says Egawa, and after a walk, he always says he is hun gry.Bow Lingual is not yet available (可用的)in Chinese. So youd better keep study ing Studio Classroom, or soon your dog may know mo

16、re En glish tha n you do!()36 . This passage is mainly talking about .A. Bowlingual sinventorsB. dog barks and their different emotionsC. talk ing dogsD. a little help for dog owners()37 . Which of the follow ing senten ces is TRUE accord ing to the passage?A. Dog owners now can un dersta nd their d

17、ogs better.B. Bow Lin gual en ables dogs to talk in En glish, Korea n or Japa nese.C. People who have used the Bow Linual say it helps them better un dersta nd their dogs.D. More Chinese dog owners would keep studying Studio Classroom in order to know more En glish tha n their dogs.()38 . What does

18、scoffed af mean in the 4th paragraph?A. Shouted atB. Questi oned about.C. Laughed at.D. Doubted about.()39 . The writer of this passage is most likely to be .A. a reporterB. a dog ownerC. an advertiserD. an expert on dog barks() 40 . The underlined word fkiends” in the first paragraph has the meanin

19、gto.A. their petsB. their pare ntsC. their classmates D. their leadersB)For many the on ly way to enjoy Irela ndfa ntastic and breathtak ing see nery is to take to the open road on a motoring holiday. Itrue to say that motoring can still be a pleasure on roads so empty of the traffic you are used to

20、. You can choose your own route or let us suggest one or two. You can peibook all your accommodati on or just go as you please. You can choose your accommodati on from good quality hotels in coast or coun try. Village or city, guesthouses, tow n and country homes or farmhouses throughout the isla nd

21、. Naturally we will supply you with a good quality map to help you around.Our value Motori ng holiday in cludes a wide select ion of hotels and guesthouses. All hotels are fully licensed and certain guesthouses (as indicated) are also licensed. Bed and full Irish breakfast for 2 or 6 ni ghts are in

22、dicated in your holiday price. Hotel and guesthouse gradi ng are also show n by a figure in brackets after the n ame of each of the places. Facilities available are also shown after the grading. You may choose to travel on a Go As You Please or a prbooked basis. On a Go As You Please holiday only th

23、e first night is booked for you in advanee. For the rest of your holiday you book ahead as you travel (hotel reception will help) using the information lists we provide. A slight note of caution: in July and August it is advisable to book 2 or 3 days ahead.If you prefer to plan your holiday in advan

24、ee, then we will pre book all accommodati on for you. Just complete the book ing form carefully using hotel codes in dicated. If your first or sec ond choice is not available, we will book an alter native in the same place.() 41. Why does the writer say a motori ng holiday is the only way for many t

25、oenjoy the beauty of Irela nd?A. Because travelers can drive and choose the route freely.B. Because its price is low and travelers feel comfortable.C. Because travelers can go sightsee ing at many places.D. Because travelers have many good quality hotels to choose from.() 42. How many ways of accomm

26、odati on does a Value Motori ng holiday supply?A. Two B. Four C. Six D. Eight() 43. If the travelers choose to travel on a Go As You Please holiday, the travelagency will .A. do nothing to help themB. only prebook the first night for themC. pre book all the accommodati on for themD. charge them less

27、 for the service() 44. Supposing the travelers accommodation choices arent available in thetourism seas on, the travel age ncy will .A. give up serv ing themB. choose one for them in ano ther placeC. book an alter native in the same placeD. only book the first ni ght for them() 45. Accordi ng to the

28、 passage, if your first choice is not availableA. we won book an alter native in the same placeB. we will book an alter native in the same placeC. you won book an alter native in the same placeD. you will book an alter native in the same placeC)In the little island of Symi in Greece, people used to

29、have little water. They saved every drop they could. They eve n had to buy water brought to the isla nd by ships. The reason for this is that it is hot and there are very little rain falls on the isla nd.Now Symi has its own factory to cha nge salt water from the sea into fresh water that people can

30、 drink. Right in the middle of the town are some long ponds(池塘). They are only a few in ches deep. The men of Symi dug out earth to make the pon ds. Over each pond is a low ten t. It is made of plastics that you can see through.At ni ght, sea water is pumped into the pon ds. The n ext day, the hot s

31、un shines through the ten ts. The suns hest tur ns the water into vapor(蒸汽) that rises from the pon ds, leav ing the salt beh ind. Fresh water runs dow n the sides of the plastics tent, filling a tank with fresh water. The salt left behind in the ponds is washed out each ni ght. Then more sea water

32、is pumped in. The factory is ready for the n ext d work.The tents and other parts of the factory cost very little. Sea water and sun cost nothing. Most people on Symi are poor. So to them this new way of getting fresh water seems won derful.() 46. The people of Symi usedto have eno ugh fresh water b

33、ecause.A. it shot thereB. theresvery little rain thereC. Symi is an isla ndD. A and B()47. What does the factory make?.A. Sea food B. PlasticsC. Ten tsD. fresh water()48. Which is NOT men ti oned in the passage?.A. The way the people of Symi get fresh waterB. The reas on why most people on Symi are

34、not richC. The positi on the long ponds are locatedD. The use of the tents()49. Fresh water is produced when .A. it is ni ghtB. the hot sun shines through the tentsC. the people dig out earth to make the pondsD. the people want to have a drink() 50. The best title for the passage is.A. Salt Water in

35、to FreshB. The Isla nd of SymiC. The Stra nge PondsD. The Sun and the Sea五、完形填空(共 15分,每小題1分)先通讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從下邊四個答案中選擇可以填入相應(yīng)空白處的最 佳答案。Mike had been delivering(送 )newspapers for a week , but he was still not quite sure 51 he was going to like his first job. Today he was to collect the month money fro

36、m his customers(顧客).At the first house, Mike walked past the Pierces barking dag, which was tied 52in the front yard.Whe n he 53 the door, he got up eno ugh 54 to ring the bell. He told the man what he 55 . Pierce didn smile or say anything, 56 he handed Mike a $5 bill. Mike carefully counted out th

37、e man scha nge.57 the time he got to the sec ond house, Mike felt a little more at ease. Mr. Sim on was repairing his car. He, too, gave Mike a $5 bill, but he smiled and talked as Mike gave him his 58 .59 Mike walked to the third house, he 60 a bit un easy. Mr. Swenson was just coming home from the store, and he stopped 61 he saw Mike. Mr. Swenson paid Mike the exact amount in cha nge.They stood 62 in front of the house 63 . This was n go ing to be such a difficu


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