



1、新蕾快樂英語二年級下冊教案 Unit5 my homeLesson1 this is my bedroom教學目標 1. 知識目標: The students should be teached to learn these words: a lving room, a dining room, a bathroom, a study, a kitchen. They are required to be able to speak, write and use these new words.2能力目標: The students are required to be able to spe

2、ak and use these new words freely in daily life. The teacher should as much as he/she can encourage the students to speak English in daily life.3. 情感目標: the teacher should create a condition where the students can enjoy themslves much while they are learning English. In other words, learning English

3、 should be a fun, not a boreing job.過程與方法 The teacher shoule make full use of CAI and all kinds of tools to make the English classes vivid and interesting. The main method is using pictures with words to enable students to master the new knowledge.教學重點 The learning of the new words.教學難點 Its difficul

4、t for students to master these new words well and pronounce them crrectly. Especially, its difficult for them to speak them well.教學工具 課件,單詞卡片,等等。 教學過程 Step1 warm-up1. greeting 2. sing a song Step2 new class presentation1. teach the word “room” 1)出示一張房間的圖片 T:這是什么??? Ss:房子。 T:right. Its a room,房間。(出示單詞

5、room,領(lǐng)讀幾遍,然后抽查學生讀,且加以糾正其發(fā)音) 接著出示幾張不同的房間圖片。 2)討論 讓學生們各自說說自己的room里面都有哪些擺設(shè)(床,桌子等等)1. teach the phrases(a living room,a dining room, a bathroom, a study, a kitchen) T: 大家說一說咱們家里都有哪些room呢? S1:臥室 S2:廚房 S3:客廳 T:同學們說的真好,對,咱們各自家里都有廚房kitchen(出示廚房圖片),洗澡間bathroom(出示洗澡間圖片),書房study(出示書房圖片),餐廳a dining room(出示餐廳圖片)

6、,客廳a living room(出示客廳圖片) T:living room,我們在living room聊天,看電視。哪位同學告訴我我們在bathroom可以干什么呢? S1:吃飯 T:嗯,不對。還有誰知道? S2:洗澡 T:right. 我們在bathroom洗澡,在bathroom洗頭,在bathroom我們把自己洗的干干凈凈的,然后在bathroom把身上噴上香水,香噴噴的。同學們知道我們在那個room寫作業(yè)嗎?S3:room里面寫作業(yè) T:只說對了一半哦,我們在什么樣的room寫作業(yè)呢?他是專門用來寫字看書的哦。對了,是study,我們在study里看書,寫作業(yè),study里面有書架

7、,書架上面有好多的書,還有桌子,我們在桌子上寫作業(yè),還有臺燈,臺燈照亮了整個study。 T:(出示一張kitchen圖片)這是什么呢?哦,對了,它是kitchen。誰知道kitchen是用來做什么的嗎? S4:kitchen是用來吃飯的 T:嗯,不對。Kitchen不是用來吃飯,是用來做飯的。媽媽在kitchen里面叮叮當當給我們做美味的飯菜,哦,好香?。ǔ鍪疽粡埐说膱D片)來大家跟我讀讀,kitchen,kitchen,kitchen,美味的飯菜在kitchen。 T:媽媽在kitchen準備好了飯菜我們該上哪去吃呢? S5:living room.T:非常好哦,記住了這個單詞哦。但是liv

8、ing room 不是吃飯的地方哦,吃飯我們應(yīng)該在dining room。在dining room里面,媽媽把飯菜擺放好以后,我們就可以開動了哦。來跟老師說:dining room,dining room,美味的飯菜填滿小肚肚。1. practice 1. 填空 I eat(吃飯)in .I have a bathe(洗澡) in .I write(寫) my homework in .Mum(媽媽)cooks(做飯) in .I have a chat(聊天) with my parents(父母)in .2. 背一背 順口溜 Room,room,room, 我家的room可真多, Kitchen里面把飯做, Dining room里圍一桌, Living room里把話說, Bathroom可真好, 舒舒服服洗個澡, Study靜悄悄, 寫完作業(yè)睡大覺。 Step3 homework1


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