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1、四川省珙縣巡場鎮(zhèn)2021-2021學(xué)年八年級英語下學(xué)期義務(wù)教育階段教學(xué)質(zhì)量 檢測試題2021年春期義務(wù)教有階段教學(xué)質(zhì)量監(jiān)測八年級英語分鐘總分值120考生纜婦:1-本試辛分為試邇卷和答砸卡兩郵分口爭試站束怎,試崎慝和備地卡一拝上交°2.善題訴,考生丸睦自己的琴號、姓名、璉圾円簽字筆紋鈿豐堆寫潰覽* 工猶項(xiàng)在零題卡的對應(yīng)住置上韓超*宥在其他地方無城b詳丸答趙卡上特it叨.第1卷選擇題共四局部,總分值舲分第一局部聽力共四節(jié),總分值20分第-節(jié) 聽對話,根搖所聽內(nèi)容選出正確的團(tuán)片。聽拘遍j 毎小題1分,計(jì)占分 1- Which anima dwsnTt The man like?)-What

2、 wai the girl doing at that time?)3. What's the weather like?)4, What does the woman want to be after she finisties school ?)5- What did Mary do last night?八年馥奐出矣l頁共$貢第二節(jié)聽対話.根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選出正確答案.聽兩遍每題分.計(jì)5分6. Who hasn't finished homework?A. Mary.B. Jim,C. The teacher.)7. What docs the boy want to do?

3、A. Give the book back to Man.B. Borrow a book from Mary .C. Return the book to Mary's teacher)& Why doesn't the woman want to see the film? Because,nA* the film isn't interesting B. she ha housework to do C. she has already seen it()9, Where do you think they are?A. On the train.B. I

4、n Beijing.()10. Is the girl still in Hainan Island?A Yes, she isB, Not she isn't.第三節(jié)聽對話,報(bào)據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選岀止確答案.聽兩遍) 聽第1段對話,答復(fù)第11-12小題.()11. Where's Jim now?A. In die US.B, In China,()12. How long will Jim slay there?A. For four days.B. For only a month.聽第2段對話答復(fù)第13-15小題。()13. Where did Mary go?A. To th

5、e cinema,B. To the library.()14+ What did Mary do there?A. Saw a film.B, Read some books.()15, What sublet does Mary like best?A. History.B. English.第四節(jié) 短文理解,根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容,選擇正確的答案。C. On the plane.C. I don't know, (每題1分,計(jì)5分)C. in Japan.U For three weeks.C. To the shop.C. Bought science books.C. Sc ien

6、ce.(聽三遍)(每小鹿1分,計(jì)5)16. Where docs Tony live?A. In a town.B In a village.C. In a city,)17. Why does Tony have to get up early every morning? BecauseA. he wants to caich the early bus.B. he wants tc be the first to get to schooLC. his home is tar from schooL)18, How does Tony go to school every day? 扎

7、By bus*B, By bike*)19, Wh就 activity did his school have la$l week?A. A sports meeting,B. A picnic.)20, What makes Tony btscome stronger and stronger?A. Keeping running to school.B. Getting up early.C. His father's care.C, On foot,C. A class meeting.八年緩英語第2貞共8貢箋二局部 根底知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),計(jì)巧分) 第一節(jié)單項(xiàng)選擇(毎小題|分,計(jì)

8、15分 ()21. What'smatter with you?Nothing serious. I just came here to getA. a;anB. the;an()22" James is the funniest student the four.A. above()23. The boys areA* stupidX-ray.C.the;theB. inC. ofbecause they never tell lies or cheat people.B, honestC. carelesswhile she was cutting up the meat

9、.m sorry to hear that.A. sheB. her()25. you help clean up the kitchen. Tony?Sorry, Irm busymy homcviork.A. Can; doB. Could; doing()26. Did you go to the museum last weekend?No., we went to the park.A. InsteadB. Luckily()27. The physics problem is too difficult toA. check outB. work out()28. Where is

10、 Mr. Smith?C. herselfC. Musi; doingC. Anyway i need some help.C. give out()24 My little sister hurtHe's left a message saying heto Beijing.C+ is going in English. I got full marksA. has goneB. has been()29. With the help of my English teacher, 1 made some _ in the latest exam.A, diflcrcncesB. pr

11、ogressC, mistakes)30, Although Tina is talented, _in our class likes her because she is unfriendly.A. everyoneB, sonjeoneC. nobody)31. The couple have lived in (he buildingthey moved to the city,A. untilB 3S soon asU ever since)32.Alice in Wonderland is really exciting. I want to read it again. .】估

12、one of my favorite books.A. So do IB. So cm IC. So am 1)33, Ewry month parents come to visit our schoat.of them is three hundred.甩(he number of; The number ofB a number of; The number ofC. the number of: A number of)34 Wima heavy rain! Will it last long?_ _ It is getting into the rainy season now.A.

13、 I*rn afraid soB. Of course notC. That's impossible)35. The light in his room is still on. Do you know? Ma> be he is studying for the maih test.A. how long he has sfudiedB, when he'll stop studyingC. why he stays up so late八年級英諂第3頁共R頁第二節(jié) 完形填空(共10個(gè)小題,每小題1分計(jì)10分)When July comes, children kno

14、w they'll have (heir examinations and the school year will 36 soon. Boys and girls will have a nearly 37 holiday, and some of <hem will return home to see their parents by train or car. What's your plan 38 the holidays? Here is some advice about where to go.The summer holidays are the 3?

15、time of the year for most children. The weather is usually good* so one can 40 most of his time playing outside. If one lives in the 41he can go out into the woods and in the fields. If one lives in a big town, he can usually go to a park. The best place for summer holidays s the seaside Some childr

16、en are lucky enough 42near the sea. But tor the others who do not, if they have the chance to stay at one of the big seaside towns for a week or two, they will 43 it all the following school year.44 makes children like the seaside so much? 1 think it is the sand* the sea and the sun. Of course, ther

17、e arc Jots of new things to see, nice food to eat and interesting things to do. But the feeling of the soft sand under their feel and the feeling of the warm 45 on lheir backs make them happier.()36. A+ beginB. comeC. end()37, A. to-menthB. two monthsC twomonth'!()3& A. inB. forC to()39. A b

18、estB. betterC. worst()40. A* takeB. useC. spend()41. A* countrysidetownC. city()42. A, liveB. to liveC. living()43. A. talk aboutB. take photos ofC. take care of()44. A. WhyB. WhoC. What()45. A. sunB.sandC waler第三局部閱讀理解(共20小題,每題2分,計(jì)40分)第一節(jié)閱讀下面四篇材料,從毎題所給的A、B. C. D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最正確選項(xiàng)fA.Kong Rong was a famou

19、s writer during lhe Han Dynasty (漢朝)* He was considcra" when he was only tour.Kong had five elder brothers and a youn呂 brolher. One day, their lather bought lots of peiirs. Some of the pears were big and looked good. Some were small and didn't look so good. The boys were happy and began to

20、choose some. Kong chose the smallest one. Kong*s father lound iT strange and asked, “Why not choose a. bigger oncT my sonT' Kong answered, “I am younger. My elder brothers are older and eat more. They should take the bigger cnes/'* But you have a young brother. He should cake the smallest on

21、e!,#*He is younger and needs more nutrition (營養(yǎng))+ He should get a bigger one, too/' Kong s father was very happy that Kong could be so considerate, lie didnt think of hat he himself wanted. He thought of what others wanted first.()46. What was Kong Rong during the Han Dynasty?A, A painter,B. A w

22、riter.C. A poet.D. A leader,()47. What docs the underlined word considerate mean?A* Always thin king of what other people want.B. Only thinking of what he wants.C. Always doing bad things.D, Never doing wrong things.八審緩英語弟頁共8瓦()48. Kong Rang chose the smaiiest pear because.A. he couldn't eat a b

23、ig oneB. he liked small onesC. he wanted his brothers to cat the big onesD, he wanted (o make others happy,()49, Which of the following is true according to lhe story?A. Kong Rong lived in the Tang Dynasty.B. Kong Rong was the youngest boy in his family.C. Kong Rong's mother died when he was fou

24、r.D. Kong Rong?s father felt very happy about his considerate son.B.The Earth Day is coming. Here are some suggestions for us to take on that day.Leave your cars at homeCars, being the greatest sourcef 來源)of air pollutio叫 can be left at home this weekend. Travelling on public transport is the better

25、 choicu(選樣)+ Another greener choice is riding a bike or you can also walk if you want a healthier choice and if your workplace is not so far away from your home.Be a little dirtyNo, we don't mean it *thaf' way. We only mean to say, don1t take a shower every day. Yest saving water is super cs

26、seniiaK皐本的)* One or two days without a shower won't htiFtn you, but it will cenainly be good for our earth. Showering every day can wash awaj the natural oils that our bodies and hair need.Volunteer you rsetfThis is one of the best things you can do. If you have the (tine, there arc lois of chan

27、ces for you to take, such as planting trees, cleaning a park or simply corning up with ways you can protect Mother Earth.Green-up your homeThis is one of lhe most common things that people do whenever the Earth Day passes by. that is, turn off their lights. However, this is not anything you should d

28、o just for a day and for only an hour. Save 亡ntrgy(能源)by turning off all power and 亡leciricity points whenever they arc not in use. In addition (另外),53 all the plugs (插頭)from plug points even after turning themoflCPledge (承諾 to do more everydayYou know what the best way to celebrate the Earth Day is

29、? Exlend (延 ft) your celebrations. Thais right! Do something everyday that will improve your neighborhood to make the earth a better place (o live on. Always remember that every step is verj important and helpful.The future of our earth is in your hands!()50, Kow many suggestions are mentioned(8,5.)

30、in the passage?A. 6B.5U4D.3()5L What can wc possibly do on the Earth Day?A. Drive a car to workB, Have 帀 long-time showerC* The off all the lights for some time D. Watch TV for a long time()52. What is lhe meaning of the underlined word harm1?九影響B(tài).損害G麗HD.干擾()53. Which is the best to fill in the blan

31、k “53A. take outB. put onC. bring outD. tum on八年級英誥第5頁共8頁c.Li Na is a Chinese great tennis player. She is thv pride of < hina and ev(*n Asia.Li Na bon】 in f ebruun. i982 in Wuhan, She、'朋 a hidnuntoa pla)cr 、hun si e 嘰*、伉 but her coach (敦練)found tlwt she looked as she was plax-ng lennis. She p

32、icked up Ju?r fir>r tennis racket a( (he 辻gc of 8 mid Marled her tennis tareer uhen she 說衛(wèi):i4 But unlockHy. i-i the same year, her falher died.Li Na has goticn good grades since 1999, She won lhe singles champion at the 11 such < )pcn Tennis Io urn ament in Paris, the capiul of Irance, June 4,

33、 20i 1. This is the t i討 ejand siari champion player in China and Asi;i. She Gnalh used her own ;trengih 3【】(J lITorts( to prove herself.Li Na vva> 31 years old in 2021, worked hard in thu pretension al tennis for 'I tennis Li relumed iicm college in 2005. nnd then went back oui m atl kinds o

34、f coni?etniun> It was 12 years before she finally stood on the highest how stage.No doubt Li Na is successful She uscJ her persistence ( VctK)r: la win :bc b()54. When Li Na was 6, she played*C. tennis【工A, ping-poii|Lil. badminton()55r Li Na lose hera( the age of 14.A. jnoihcrB. grandfatherC izru

35、ndmothcr:, -ailwr()56. Li Na returned from college tor tennis at the ag. ofA. 31B. 29C2jD 17)57AVhich of the ful lowing j.s NOT tnse ahoui Li Nlv?A. She is the pride of China and even Asia.B. She is still studying in college now.C. She used her persistence and hard 'Aurk to vir h< nor.D* She

36、is one of the hot tennis players in the worldAt Ihe Gw 和仃/m k 儀力的游 v A ' premiere eve; -(f?映式)in Htlywood on Sui:da>+ showrunnt'i乂!片 人)David Beniolf and Dan Weiss made it sure tha> Rarack Obanui、電科W and Fill" have the chance io enjoy episodes of their ultr/scar# 趙竺世:勺 卜山燦 蛭色甲 ihw

37、show is shown 門町 HI3O. hvrkzr"( Mi*?)i* gding to rv<-?»v< tbu'-:f轉(zhuǎn) .according io cicaiGr fnines ( anKron. I he director announced the new hitnsclf. He viid his plans for t ie Icui1 new "Avjj.h小叫ouitl ht、finished trM;.i:ig during the ncxi sc . h : cr; anJ intended ti> <

38、khut t F P around Christnuis(4 ji. »18. 202仇 2022 and 202*. * *1H1 IM 二 I " I T;' F Ml H KW H 0 E “=M'The Big lian(11 活犬坪炸?jcci ch rated H2(MJth cpisodct hilh a birllui) parly & X ihiara in ! 昉 Angeles on Sundn> with The cast (Ml】the Jraina attending. This 2(Khh 引用mk will ta

39、U in4. !episode 17 which 】、>chednkd(riir < BS at S pm nn Thursday 口妙i.幾年級英語第G歸共R貞第四局部'補(bǔ)全對話每水題1分,總分值5分根據(jù)對話情景*從所給選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最正確選項(xiàng)。A: Hello? Jenny speakingB: Hl5 Jenny. 隨 How it going?A: $7 The weather is great. What are you doing?B: I'm playing basketball with some friends at school.A.

40、May I speak to your brother Toriy?B. This is Steve.C. Sure, no problem.D* Not bad, thanks.E* Could T Lak亡呂 message?A: Sounds like yenfre having a good limeB: Yics. 68A1 Worry* he is not ai home, 69B; Yes. Could ycu tdl him to call me back?A: 一B; Thank you. Byc+第II卷綜合運(yùn)用共五節(jié),總分值30分第一節(jié) 詞匯運(yùn)用每題1分.共5分根據(jù)音標(biāo).

41、首字母提示或用括號中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空.每空一詞.71. They always getdress al seven in die morning.72. We have to/ foboz many rules 甜 school73. It t me 30 minutes to practice speaking English everj day.74.1 am always the first one lo get to the classroom, so I am never 1tor school.75. Tom helped the visit find the hotel.第

42、二節(jié)旬型轉(zhuǎn)換?每示題頁 共5分按要求完成句子,每空一詞.76. Peter went to the city library yesterday.改為般疑問句 Peterto the city library yesterday?77. There are some sheep in the mounuin.改為否認(rèn)句There:sheep in the mcunUin.78. It's over 3_町°陀張罵 from my house to schooL 對劃線局部提問: is it form your house to school?79. Tina takes th

43、e bus to school every day.改為同義句Tina goes io schoolevery day.80. You can't take photos in the art museum,改為祈便句photos in the art inucum.第三節(jié)漢譯英?苗盒序*共5分根據(jù)漢語意思完成英語句子,每空一詞.»k珍妮I你的新»i子有點(diǎn)特別"Jenny your new dress lsspecial.驗(yàn).不同國家的人看問題的方式不一樣.People in different dont see the things in theway.大多數(shù)學(xué)生對這本新書很感興趣"


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