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1、 . . . 微機接口實驗報告院系:計算機科學(xué)與技術(shù)完成時間:2012-6-1實驗一 IO地址譯碼器編程一、 實驗題目使用一片74LS00(4 X二輸入與非門),一片74LS30(八輸入與非門)和一片74LS138(3-8譯碼器)設(shè)計一個固定地址譯碼器.1)使用10位地址線(A0 A9)2)譯碼器對以下8個地址段產(chǎn)生CS信號:280H287H,288H28FH,290H297H,298H29FH 2A0H2A7H,2A8H2AFH,2B0H2B7H, 2B8H2BFH3)控制信號AEN, IOR, IOW(三個信號均為低電平有效)參與譯碼, 可實現(xiàn)對指定單元的讀寫.二、實驗要求1)所有地址段的

2、CS信號,都要經(jīng)過仿真驗證.2)驗證控制信號AEN, IOR, IOW的作用.三、實驗分析1、IO地址譯碼地址譯碼是指通過CPU發(fā)出的地址碼來識別和確認與之交換信息的端口。譯碼電路的具體功能是,將CPU發(fā)出的地址碼經(jīng)過譯碼產(chǎn)生選擇I/O接口的片選信號。只有當I/O端口所在的I/O接口與譯碼電路相連接的片選信號有效時,該接口電路上的I/O端口才能被CPU訪問,從而實現(xiàn)CPU和I/O設(shè)備之間的信息交換。PC機I/O端口地址譯碼器的設(shè)計遵循以下兩個設(shè)計原則:第一,正確識別I/O端口操作周期。由于PC機中I/O端口操作和DMA操作使用一樣的地址線、數(shù)據(jù)線和讀/寫控制信號。區(qū)別這兩種操作的信號是AEN。


4、于一個輸出端為低電平,此外,還有三個控制端,只有G1為高電平,另兩個控制信號為低電平時有效。圖 1 3-8譯碼器CBA輸出1 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 01 0 00 0 00 0 10 1 00 1 11 0 01 0 11 1 01 1 1僅為0僅為0僅為0僅為0僅為0僅為0僅為0僅為0其他狀態(tài)XXX全檢出1表 1 3-8譯碼器真值表2、固定地址譯碼器由74LS00和74LS30、74LS138組成的固定地址譯碼器的電路如圖2所示。輸出信號cs(0 to 7)由輸入端信號A3-A5和控制信號控制,其他的4個輸入信號A6-A9全為低時整個電路有效。當AE

5、N為低時,整個電路可以進行片選,對應(yīng)的輸入信號(A3-5)與輸出信號為0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1。讀信號為上升脈沖時有效,可進行譯碼。當AEN為高時,整個電路不可以進行譯碼,輸出信號均為111111111。圖 2固定地址譯碼器由上述邏輯電路,可以推導(dǎo)出以下邏輯表達式:=即=+·。因此,只有當片選信號AEN為低時可以進行譯碼。四、實驗步驟與截圖1、ISE新建工程(1)啟動ISE13.1軟件;(2)新建工程,路徑為file->new project,在彈出的窗口中輸入要新建工程的名字和地址,各個參數(shù)設(shè)置如下:family(Automotive Spartan3)device(X

6、A3S200)package(PQG208)speed(-4Q)Synthesis Tool(XST)Simulator(Isim)在Preferred Language中選擇VHDL一欄,點擊next可以查看工程信息,建立完畢;(3)給工程添加新的文件。右鍵單擊工程,然后添加需要添加的文件,這里應(yīng)該只需添加基本的文件和測試文件即可,或者先建立文件,再將代碼修改在基本文件中即可;(4)在Synthesize中選擇check進行編譯,出現(xiàn)綠色對勾即可;(5)添加測試文件。路徑為project->new source,選擇VHDL Test文件,然后編寫測試文件;(6)雙擊process窗口

7、的Simulator Behavior可以查看仿真圖形。2、實驗截圖。實驗代碼截圖:實驗測試文件截圖:實驗結(jié)果仿真截圖:五、實驗源代碼程序源代碼:- Company: - Engineer: - - Create Date: 13:21:58 04/17/2012- Design Name: - Module Name: ad - ad_Behavioral - Project Name: - Target Devices: - Tool versions: - Description: - Dependencies: - Revision: - Revision 0.01 - File Cr

8、eated- Additional Comments: -library IEEE;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating- any Xilinx primitives in this code.-library UNISIM;-use UNISIM.VComponents.all;entity ad is Port ( addr :

9、 in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 to 9); aen, iow, ior : in STD_LOGIC; cs : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);end ad;architecture ad_Behavioral of ad issignal en: std_logic;signal out_temp: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);begin out_temp(7 downto 0) <="11111110" when addr (3 to 5) = "000"

10、else"11111101" when addr (3 to 5) = "100" else"11111011" when addr (3 to 5) = "010" else"11110111" when addr (3 to 5) = "110" else"11101111" when addr (3 to 5) = "001" else "11011111" when addr (3 to 5) = "

11、;101" else"10111111" when addr (3 to 5) = "011" else"01111111" when addr (3 to 5) = "111" ;process (addr, aen, iow,ior)begin en <= not (not addr(6) and addr(7) and (not addr(8) and addr(9) and (not aen) and (not (iow and ior);for i in 7 downto 0 loopcs

12、(i) <= out_temp(i) or en;end loop;end process;end architecture ad_Behavioral;測試文件源代碼:- Company: - Engineer:- Create Date: 19:15:02 05/29/2012- Design Name: - Module Name: D:/vhdl/abc/test.vhd- Project Name: abc- Target Device: - Tool versions: - Description: - - VHDL Test Bench Created by ISE for

13、 module: ad- - Dependencies:- - Revision:- Revision 0.01 - File Created- Additional Comments:- Notes: - This testbench has been automatically generated using types std_logic and- std_logic_vector for the ports of the unit under test. Xilinx recommends- that these types always be used for the top-lev

14、el I/O of a design in order- to guarantee that the testbench will bind correctly to the post-implementation - simulation model.-LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;- Uncomment the following library declaration if using- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values-USE ieee.numeric_std.AL

15、L;ENTITY test ISEND test;ARCHITECTURE behavior OF test IS - Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT) COMPONENT ad PORT( addr : IN std_logic_vector(3 to 9); aen : IN std_logic; iow : IN std_logic; ior : IN std_logic; cs : OUT std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); END COMPONENT; -Inputs signal ad

16、dr : std_logic_vector(3 to 9) := (others => '0'); signal aen : std_logic := '0' signal iow : std_logic := '0' signal ior : std_logic := '0' -Outputs signal cs : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); - No clocks detected in port list. Replace <clock> below with - appr

17、opriate port name BEGIN- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) uut: ad PORT MAP ( addr => addr, aen => aen, iow => iow, ior => ior, cs => cs ); - Clock process definitions - Stimulus process stim_proc: process begin - hold reset state for 100 ns. - insert stimulus here aen <='1

18、'iow <='1'addr (3 to 9) <= "0000101" ior<='0' wait for 1 ns; ior<='1'wait for 9 ns;addr (3 to 9) <= "1000101" ior<='0' wait for 1 ns; ior<='1'wait for 9 ns;addr (3 to 9) <= "0100101" ior<='0'

19、 wait for 1 ns; ior<='1'wait for 9 ns;addr (3 to 9) <= "1100101" ior<='0' wait for 1 ns; ior<='1'wait for 9 ns;addr (3 to 9) <= "0010101" ior<='0' wait for 1 ns; ior<='1'wait for 9 ns;addr (3 to 9) <= "1010101&q

20、uot; ior<='0' wait for 1 ns; ior<='1'wait for 9 ns;addr (3 to 9) <= "0110101" ior<='0' wait for 1 ns; ior<='1'wait for 9 ns;addr (3 to 9) <= "1110101" ior<='0' wait for 1 ns; ior<='1'wait for 9 ns;addr (3 to

21、9) <= "0000101" ior<='0' wait for 1 ns; ior<='1'wait for 9 ns; wait; end process;END;實驗二 簡易中斷優(yōu)先權(quán)分析器編程一、 實驗容與要求用VHDL語言設(shè)計一個簡易中斷優(yōu)先權(quán)分析器。1) 參考教材8259A優(yōu)先權(quán)分析器邏輯框圖.2) 不考慮IMR屏蔽功能, 8路中斷直接進入優(yōu)先權(quán)分析器.3) ISR的容以3位二進制編碼,從外部輸入比較器4) 不考慮多重中斷. 既假定每次只有一個中斷發(fā)生.要求仿真驗證優(yōu)先權(quán)分析器的實際效果。二、實驗分析1、中斷C



24、先級不能發(fā)生中斷響應(yīng)。三、實驗截圖四、實驗代碼1主程序源代碼- Company: - Engineer: - - Create Date: 20:37:30 05/22/2012 - Design Name: - Module Name: MY8259A - Behavioral - Project Name: - Target Devices: - Tool versions: - Description: - Dependencies: - Revision: - Revision 0.01 - File Created- Additional Comments: -library IEE

25、E;use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;- Uncomment the following library declaration if using- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values-use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL;- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating- any Xilinx primitives in this code.-library UNISIM;-use UNISIM.VComponent

26、s.all;entity MY8259A is Port ( IR0 : in STD_LOGIC; IR1 : in STD_LOGIC; IR2 : in STD_LOGIC; IR3 : in STD_LOGIC; IR4 : in STD_LOGIC; IR5 : in STD_LOGIC; IR6 : in STD_LOGIC; IR7 : in STD_LOGIC; ISR : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); INT : out STD_LOGIC);end MY8259A;architecture Behavioral of MY8259A i

27、sSIGNAL BIG, MORE1 :STD_LOGIC;begin PROCESS(IR0,IR1,IR2,IR3,IR4,IR5,IR6,IR7) VARIABLE A :STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0); BEGIN IF (IR0 = '1') then A := "000" ; MORE1 <= '1' ELSIF (IR1 = '1') then A := "001" ; MORE1 <= '1' ELSIF (IR2 = '1&#

28、39;) then A := "010" ; MORE1 <= '1' ELSIF (IR3 = '1') then A := "011" ; MORE1 <= '1' ELSIF (IR4 = '1') then A := "100" ; MORE1 <= '1' ELSIF (IR5 = '1') then A := "101" ; MORE1 <= '1' ELSIF (IR

29、6 = '1') then A := "110" ; MORE1 <= '1' ELSIF (IR7 = '1') then A := "111" ; MORE1 <= '1' ELSE A := "111" MORE1 <= '0' END IF; IF(A < ISR) then BIG <= '1' ELSEBIG <= '0'END IF; end PROCESS;INT <

30、= BIG AND MORE1;end Behavioral;2、Test代碼- Company: - Engineer:- Create Date: 21:24:55 05/22/2012- Design Name: - Module Name: E:/PROJ2/test.vhd- Project Name: PROJ2- Target Device: - Tool versions: - Description: - - VHDL Test Bench Created by ISE for module: MY8259A- - Dependencies:- - Revision:- Re

31、vision 0.01 - File Created- Additional Comments:- Notes: - This testbench has been automatically generated using types std_logic and- std_logic_vector for the ports of the unit under test. Xilinx recommends- that these types always be used for the top-level I/O of a design in order- to guarantee tha

32、t the testbench will bind correctly to the post-implementation - simulation model.-LIBRARY ieee;USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;- Uncomment the following library declaration if using- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values-USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;ENTITY test ISEND test;ARCHITECTURE behavio

33、r OF test IS - Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT) COMPONENT MY8259A PORT( IR0 : IN std_logic; IR1 : IN std_logic; IR2 : IN std_logic; IR3 : IN std_logic; IR4 : IN std_logic; IR5 : IN std_logic; IR6 : IN std_logic; IR7 : IN std_logic; ISR : IN std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); INT : OUT

34、std_logic ); END COMPONENT; -Inputs signal IR0 : std_logic := '0' signal IR1 : std_logic := '0' signal IR2 : std_logic := '0' signal IR3 : std_logic := '0' signal IR4 : std_logic := '0' signal IR5 : std_logic := '0' signal IR6 : std_logic := '0'

35、; signal IR7 : std_logic := '0' signal ISR : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) := (others => '0'); -Outputs signal INT : std_logic; - No clocks detected in port list. Replace <clock> below with - appropriate port name BEGIN- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) uut: MY8259A PORT MAP ( IR0 => IR0, IR1 => IR1, IR2 => IR2, IR3 => IR3, IR4 => IR4, IR5 => IR5, IR6 => IR6, IR7 => IR7, ISR => ISR, INT => INT ); - Stimulus process stim_proc: process begin - hold reset state f


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