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1、1997年9月ENV I RONM EN TAL SC IEN CESep.,1997高濃度難降解有機(jī)廢水低壓濕式催化氧化處理3楊潤昌周書天(湘潭大學(xué)環(huán)境工程系,湖南湘潭411105(湘潭大學(xué)化學(xué)工程系,湖南湘潭411105摘要在濕式空氣氧化法和Fenton 試劑的基礎(chǔ)上,研究了一種新的低壓濕式催化氧化法.該法與濕式空氣氧化法相比,壓力為011-016M Pa ,而后者壓力為315-10M Pa ;溫度小于180;與Fenton 法相比,當(dāng)H 2O 2 COD (重量比小于112時(shí),對COD 大于14000m g L 的含酚廢水,COD 去除率提高20%以上,試驗(yàn)證實(shí)硫酸在加溫、加壓(011-

2、016M Pa ,104-165條件下對Fenton 試劑除COD 具有協(xié)同作用.用該法還進(jìn)行了部分染料和農(nóng)藥廢水處理研究.關(guān)鍵詞濕式氧化,Fenton 試劑,催化氧化,有機(jī)廢水,廢水處理.3湖南省教委科技攻關(guān)項(xiàng)目收稿日期:1997202226由美國Zi m p ro 公司開發(fā)的濕式空氣氧化法(W et air ox idati on 已成功地用于城市污水污泥、造紙黑液、石油化工等高濃度有毒有害廢水的處理,它一般需高壓和較高溫度的條件,投資費(fèi)用高.自60年代E isenhauer 研究使用Fen 2ton 試劑處理苯酚廢水和烷基苯廢水之后,Fen 2ton 試劑在工業(yè)廢水處理中的應(yīng)用研究受到國

3、內(nèi)外的普遍重視,它特別適用于難生物降解或一般化學(xué)氧化難以奏效的有機(jī)廢水處理,該方法的最大問題是處理成本過高,目前還難以推廣1,2.本研究在上述2種方法基礎(chǔ)上探討一種能有效處理高濃度難降解有機(jī)廢水的新方法低壓濕式催化氧化法(L ow p ressu re w et catalytic ox i 2dati on ,簡稱L PW CO ,該法主要是利用硫酸和Fen ton 試劑的協(xié)同作用,使廢水中有機(jī)物在較低的溫度和壓力下進(jìn)行濕式催化氧化、炭化處理,以推進(jìn)濕式氧化法的工業(yè)進(jìn)程.1實(shí)驗(yàn)方法及分析111主要設(shè)備儀器和原料成分分析自制不銹鋼低壓反應(yīng)釜(<116M Pa ,含酚廢水用化學(xué)純苯酚配制,

4、98%硫酸、硫酸亞鐵和雙氧水(30%均為化學(xué)純.水樣中苯酚采用42氨基胺替比林比色法和L C 26A 高效液相色譜儀(日本分析,COD 用重鉻酸鉀法分析,鐵用401.112實(shí)驗(yàn)方法先用高濃度苯酚進(jìn)行實(shí)驗(yàn),然后再用高濃度染料、農(nóng)藥水樣進(jìn)行實(shí)驗(yàn).實(shí)驗(yàn)中將一定濃度苯酚、硫酸、硫酸亞鐵和過氧化氫加入反應(yīng)釜中,再用蒸餾水定容,反應(yīng)液為釜容積的1 2-1 3(保證液相反應(yīng),密封反應(yīng)釜,加熱升溫升壓,反應(yīng)后,降溫冷卻取樣分析.2含酚廢水處理結(jié)果與討論211過氧化氫濃度的影響取一定量的含酚水樣(酚6000m g L ,COD =14350m g L ,加入硫酸(控制H 2SO 4濃度為01939m o l L

5、 ,即912%、FeSO 4 7H 2O (使水樣中鐵離子量達(dá)1121×10-3m o l 、不同量的H 2O 2.反應(yīng)在016M Pa (表壓165下恒溫恒壓反應(yīng)1h ,反應(yīng)后取樣分析,結(jié)果如圖1所示.由圖1可見,就去除苯酚而言,L PW CO 法與Fen ton 法一般都在85%以上,但對去除COD 而言,在H 2O 2 COD 為012-114范圍內(nèi),L PW CO 法比Fen ton 法的效果要高20%-40%,反應(yīng)后水樣由白色變?yōu)樽攸S色,水樣中出現(xiàn)黑褐色沉淀,此沉淀一部分沉入水底,一部分浮于水面,隨著H 2O 2 COD 的比值增大,浮于水面的黑褐色圖1H2O2投量與COD

6、、苯酚去除率關(guān)系11L PW CO法酚去除率21Fenton法酚去除率31L PW CO法COD去除率41Fenton法COD去除率懸浮物逐漸增多;在H2O2 COD比值大于114后,Fen ton法對COD的去除率隨H2O2投量的增加而增大較多,而L PW CO法則增加不多,最后2條曲線趨于接近.D evlin3等人研究了水中苯酚的化學(xué)氧化機(jī)理,可粗略地描述為:苯酚2苯醌2馬來酸2乙醛酸、乙二酸、丙二酸2丙酸、乙酸、甲酸2CO2+ H2O,濃硫酸對纖維素、糖、脂肪碳水化合物有很強(qiáng)的脫水能力,造紙黑液中的主要污染物是木質(zhì)素,木質(zhì)素是以芳香結(jié)構(gòu)為主體含有酚羥基的大分子化合物,在加壓加溫(011-

7、016M Pa,104-165條件下稀硫酸(5%-10%能使其脫氫(脫水、聚合(縮合、炭化4.活性污泥的組分以脂肪結(jié)構(gòu)為主,也具有一定的芳香結(jié)構(gòu),在同等的溫度壓力條件下,稀硫酸(5%-10%也能使其脫氫、聚合、炭化.同樣,在此條件下稀硫酸也能使水中的苯酚、苯醌類有機(jī)物脫氫、聚合、炭化.L PW CO法處理含苯酚水時(shí),在H2O2 COD值較低(012-018階段,Fen ton試劑與硫酸的共同作用,使苯酚、苯醌等較大分子有機(jī)物脫氫聚合炭化,成為大顆粒從水中沉淀出來,使COD降低.所以與Fen ton相比,L PW CO法對COD的去除率提高很多,達(dá)40%左右.在H2O2 COD值較高時(shí)(018-

8、210,由于前期Fen ton 試劑與硫酸共同作用,水中絕大部分苯酚、苯醌類大分子有機(jī)物已除去,剩下的有機(jī)物大部分是小分子的甲酸、乙酸等,由它們構(gòu)成的COD只能靠Fen ton試劑中的羥基自由基的氧化分解作用才能除去.所以,在H2O2:COD比值較高階段L PW CO法與Fen ton試劑法的效果趨于接近,僅相差20%左右.圖1中a點(diǎn)為往含酚廢水中投加H2O2+ Fe2+H2SO4時(shí)的COD去除率;b點(diǎn)為只投加H2O2+Fe2+時(shí)的COD去除率.由此比較看出硫酸與Fen ton試劑的協(xié)同效應(yīng).21 2Fe2+濃度的影響試驗(yàn)條件基本同211.固定水樣H2O2濃度為01491m o l L,H2O

9、2 COD為1115,只改變Fe2+的濃度,結(jié)果見圖2.圖2Fe2+濃度與COD、苯酚去除率關(guān)系11酚去除率21COD去除率由圖2可見,在L PW CO中Fe2+濃度對酚去除率影響不大,H2O2本身就是強(qiáng)氧化劑,在加溫加壓和H2SO4存在的條件下,其氧化能力本身就很強(qiáng),很容易破壞苯酚的羥基,即使不加Fe2+,酚的去除率也高達(dá)98%,而Fe2+濃度對COD去除率影響較大,未加Fe2+時(shí),雙氧水及硫酸的協(xié)同作用使COD去除率達(dá)70%左右,隨著Fe2+濃度增高至016×10-3時(shí),COD去除率增高20%,以后Fe2+增高對COD去除率影響不大,這表明在此條件下Fe2+起到了催化作用,它使過

10、氧化氫催化分解成羥基自由基( O H,羥基自由基具有比雙氧水高得多的氧化電極電位.Fe2+H2OFe3+HO +HO-HO +H+eH2O(標(biāo)準(zhǔn)電極電位2180VH2O2+2H+2eH2O(標(biāo)準(zhǔn)電極電位27環(huán)境科學(xué)18卷 1177V 所以,Fen ton 試劑中的H 2O 2比單獨(dú)的H 2O 2氧化能力更強(qiáng),對COD 去除率更高.水中Fe 2+濃度增高有利于Fe 2+與H 2O 2的分子碰撞,發(fā)生催化分解,但Fe 2+達(dá)到一定濃度后,這種作用影響就不大了.反應(yīng)前后水樣中鐵離子用原子吸收分光光度計(jì)進(jìn)行定量分析,結(jié)果表明鐵離子的總量未發(fā)生變化,同時(shí)對水樣中黑褐色的沉淀物進(jìn)行定性分析,也未發(fā)現(xiàn)含鐵,

11、再次證明在L PW CO 法中Fe 2+起的是催化作用.213硫酸投量的影響試驗(yàn)條件基本同上,鐵離子濃度固定為01604×10-3m o l L ,投入不同量硫酸,進(jìn)行L PW CO 試驗(yàn),結(jié)果見圖3.圖3H 2SO 4濃度與COD 、苯酚去除率關(guān)系11酚去除率21COD 去除率由圖3可見,未投加硫酸時(shí),同樣的加溫加壓條件,Fen ton 試劑對COD 的去除率為6414%(常溫時(shí)為56%,投加硫酸后,由于硫酸的脫氫、聚合和炭化作用,其COD 去除率隨硫酸投量的增加而增大,但硫酸的脫氫、聚合和炭化作用對大分子的碳?xì)浠衔?如芳烴有效,而對小分子的甲酸、乙酸則不起作用,故硫酸投量增大到

12、一定量后,由于H 2O 2 COD 值固定,COD 去除率不再增高.對試驗(yàn)反應(yīng)前后水樣中的SO 2-4用鋇鹽法分析,SO 2-4總量也未發(fā)生變化,結(jié)果表明H 2SO 4在此起的也是催化作用.214溫度壓力的影響取一定量不同濃度含酚水樣,固定硫酸濃度為01563m o l L ,Fe 2+濃度為01604×10-3L ,H 2O 2濃度為01491m o l L ,在不同溫度壓力下恒溫恒壓反應(yīng)1h ,冷卻后取樣分析,結(jié)果如圖4.由圖4可見,反應(yīng)壓力(溫度對COD 去除率影響不顯著,這說明在此條件范圍內(nèi)壓力(溫度不是L PW CO 法的決定因素,決定因素仍然是H 2O 2 COD 的比值

13、.用圖4中壓力為016M Pa 所對應(yīng)的1、2、3、4條曲線中COD 去除率與圖1中曲線3對應(yīng)點(diǎn)比較,兩者基本吻合,相差不大,再次說明在一定的壓力(溫度、硫酸濃度、鐵離子濃度、反應(yīng)時(shí)間條件下,影響COD 去除率的主要因素是 H 2O 2 COD 的比值大小.圖4壓力(溫度與COD 去除率的關(guān)系11COD =14350m g L H 2O 2 COD =1116H 2S O 4 COD =314321COD =35870m g L H 2O 2 COD =01481H 2S O 4 COD =115331COD =71750m g L H 2O 2 COD =01232H 2S O 4 COD

14、=017641COD =107600m g L H 2O 2 COD =01155H 2S O 4 COD =01513染料、農(nóng)藥等廢水試驗(yàn)配制各種濃度的染料、農(nóng)藥等難降解的高濃度廢水,按214條件(固定反應(yīng)壓力016M Pa ,164進(jìn)行試驗(yàn),結(jié)果見表1.表1L P W CO 法處理染料、農(nóng)藥等廢水試驗(yàn)結(jié)果水樣濃度 g L -1反應(yīng)前COD m g L -1反應(yīng)后COD m g L -1COD 去除率 %活性艷紅5103450720167911亞甲基蘭510515812697514十二烷基硫酸納10102140051547610甲胺磷1110941816438216間苯三酚715116590

15、11129313試驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,L PW CO 法處理高濃度難降解有機(jī)廢水的效果很好,適用的污染物種類375期環(huán)境科學(xué)也較多.4結(jié)束語L PW CO 的作用原理可初步看作是基于加溫加壓下硫酸與Fen ton 試劑的協(xié)同催化作用,適于高濃度難降解有機(jī)廢水處理,特別適用于農(nóng)藥、染料、石油化工生產(chǎn)中含硫酸的高濃度有機(jī)廢水處理.L PW CO 法處理高濃度難降解有機(jī)廢水的適宜條件為:H 2O 2 COD (重量比=012-110,Fe2+=016×10-3m o l L 左右,H 2SO 4=015m o l L 左右,廢水COD >1×104m g L ,操作壓力011-01

16、6M Pa ,溫度104-165.與Fen ton 試劑法相比,本法在H 2O 2 COD =012-018范圍內(nèi)COD 去除率提高40%左右,故將該法作高濃度難降解有機(jī)廢水的預(yù)處理,然后再進(jìn)行生化處理,將是一種有效實(shí)用的處理工藝.該工藝避免了Fen ton 法H 2O 2消耗過高的問題,廢水中剩下的COD 主要是小分子易降解有機(jī)物(如甲酸、乙酸、丙酸等,可用廉價(jià)的生化法進(jìn)行處理.與濕式氧化法(W AO 相比,本法雖然消耗了一些H 2O 2,但操作壓力僅為W AO 法的1 10,設(shè)備投資費(fèi)大大降低,操作條件較易達(dá)到,易于實(shí)現(xiàn)工業(yè)化.參考文獻(xiàn)1溫東輝,祝萬鵬.高濃度難降解有機(jī)廢水的催化氧化技術(shù)發(fā)

17、展,環(huán)境科學(xué),1994,15(5:882王永儀,楊志華等.廢水濕式催化氧化處理研究進(jìn)展,環(huán)境科學(xué)進(jìn)展,1995,3(2:353D evlin H R ,H arris I I .M echanis m of the O xidati on of A queous Pheno l w ith D isso lved O xygen ,Ind ,Eng .Fundam .1984,23(4:387-3924Yang R unchang ,Zhou Shutian .H ydraulic and Carboniaing A cti ons of Sulfuric A cid to Straw Pul

18、p and Paper B lack L iquo r .Journal of Environm ental Sciences ,1995,7(1:101-1065楊潤昌,周書天.石油煉廠污水污泥硫酸催化炭化研究.環(huán)境科學(xué),1996,17(4:54-566F raser J A L .H ydrogen Peroxide in M unici pal ,L andfilland Industrial Efluent T reatm ent .Efluent W ater T reat .,1984,24(5:184-188(上接第70頁 圖8制酸尾氣中SO 2濃度波動對SO 2吸收效率的影響固

19、液比:1 10,液氣比:016L Nm 3表2產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量比較項(xiàng)目M nSO 4 H 2O%Fe%pH 國標(biāo)二級19501008527本產(chǎn)品294158117861GB1622286標(biāo)準(zhǔn)2按GB1622286檢驗(yàn)標(biāo),Fe 超標(biāo),這主要是因?yàn)楫a(chǎn)品制取過程未設(shè)置氧化除鐵所致1若設(shè)置專門工序除鐵,用軟錳礦(M nO 2氧化母液中Fe 2+為Fe 3+后再中和及靜置沉淀,然后將母液過濾濃縮,產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量可望達(dá)到國家二級標(biāo)準(zhǔn).3結(jié)論(1軟錳礦經(jīng)還原再吸收SO 2生產(chǎn)M nSO 4 H 2O 具有SO 2吸收效率高、M n 利用率高及產(chǎn)品M nSO 4 H 2O 含量高等特點(diǎn),用于處理低濃度SO 2是完全可行的1

20、(2所采用的軟錳礦,在最佳操作條件下,還原效率可以保證大于94%1用篩板塔吸收SO 2能保證反應(yīng)充分、迅速1產(chǎn)品制取不需復(fù)雜工藝1因此,該法具有工藝簡單、操作控制方便、便于推廣應(yīng)用等優(yōu)點(diǎn)1參考文獻(xiàn)1 津羅克諾普1從工業(yè)氣體中回收SO 21北京:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社,1966:962天津化工研究院1無機(jī)鹽工業(yè)手冊1北京:化學(xué)工業(yè)出版社,1982:1853寧平等1無機(jī)鹽工業(yè),1991,2:414南化公司研究院1低濃度SO 2煙氣脫硫1上海:上??茖W(xué)技術(shù)出版社,1981:505H uss A .J .Phys .Chem .,1982,86:422447環(huán)境科學(xué)18卷Groundwa ter Pollut

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23、he si m u lating facto r,the variati on s of ground2 w ater hydrau lic heads and F-concen trati on w ere si m u lated.A t last,the po llu ted area and po llu ti on,degree of F-w ere p redicted by the m odel.A cco rding to the si m u lating resu lts,the m odel is reasonab le,reliab le and p racticab

24、le.It p rovides a scien tific m ethod to p redict the po l2 lu ted area and po llu ti on degree cau sed by the w aste ash ponds.Key words:groundw ater po llu ti on,po llu tan t tran spo rt m odel,num erical si m u lati on,po llu2 ti on p redicti on,coal2fired pow er p lan t.A Study of Pulsed Corona

25、D ischarges for M ethlene Chlor ide D estruction.Zheng L ei and J iang Xuanzhen(D ep t.of Chem istry,Zhejiang U n iversity,H angzhou,310027:Ch in.J.E nv i2 ron.S ci.,18(5,1997,pp.6264in th is p ap er,H igh vo ltage p u lsed co rona D is2 charges has been u sed fo r destructi on of m eth2 lene ch lo

26、ride w ith concen trati on of4218m o l L in air.Bo th po sitive and negative p u lse gen2 erato rs w ere tested and found that the po sitive one can give m uch h igher destructi on efficien2 cy than that on the nagetive one.T he value of cap acito rs fo r p u lse fo rm ati on(C pand the m aterial of

27、 electrodes also influence the de2 structi on efficiency.A p acked bed co rona reac2 to r w ith23mm sp hericalB aT i O3p ellets as a catalyst w as u sed in th is exp eri m en ts.En2 hancem en t of CH2C l2destructi on and the con2 versi on of90%w ere dem on strated.It m ay be attribu ted to the p art

28、ial co rona discharge in2 duced by the con tacted po in ts betw een B aT i O3 p ellets,and then the den sity of co rona w as en2 chanced.T he co rona and catalyst com b ined techno logy gives a better destructi on efficiency com p ared w ith that w ithou t B aT i O3catalyst. Key words:p u lse co ron

29、a discharge,destruc2 ti on,CH2C l2,B aT i O3.Co m par ison of Effect for Re m ov i ng M utagen s and I nogan ic Ion s i n TapW a tar by Revese O s-m osis and Nanof iltra tion.L i L ingzh i(D ep t.of Chem.,P ingdingshan T eachers Co llege, H enan,467002,Zhou Rong and W ang Zhan2sheng(D ep t.of Enviro

30、n.Eng.,T singhua U n i.,B eijing100084:Ch in.J.E nv iron.S ci., 18(5,1997,pp.6567In o rder to get sup eri o r drink ing w ater,tap w ater w as treated resp ectively by reverse o s2 m o sis(ROand nanofiltrati on(N Fin the labo rato ry.T he rem oval effects of m u tagen s and i on s by Ro and N F w er

31、e com p ared.T he Am es test resu lts show ed that bo th RO and N F cou ld convert m u tagen icity from po sitive to negative,w h ile the i on s rem oval effects of the RO and N F m em b ranes are differen t,the rem oval rate of one2valence po sitive i on s (N a+,K+by N F is tenp ercen t low er than

32、 that by RO,the rem oval rate of tw o valence po sitive i on s(Ca2+,M g2+is a little low er than that by RO.M o re i on s w h ich are benefi2 cial to hum an health p ass th rough nanofiltra2 ti on m om b rane in to drink ing w ater.Key words:reverse o s m o sis,nanofiltrati on,ad2 vanced w ater,m u

33、tagen s,inogan ic i on s,Am es test.Study on W etD esulphur iza tion w ith Pyrolusite to Produce M nS O4 H2O i n S m elti ng Plan t. N ing P ing,Sun Peish i et al.(D ep t.of Envi2 ron.and Chem.Eng.,Kunm ing U n iversity of Science and T echno logy,Kunm ing 650093:Ch in.J.E nv iron.S ci.,18(5,1997, p

34、p.6870A n additi onal exp eri m en t,in w h ich reduced p yro lu site(m ade in labo rato ryis u sed as ab2 so rp ti on agen t in w et desu lp hu rizati on to p ro2 duce M nSO4 H2O,has been done in a foam tow er at a s m elting p lan t.O p ti m um conditi on s fo r bo th reducti on of p yro lu site a

35、nd ab so rp ti on of SO2are ob tained and p u re of95%M nSO4 H2O has been p roduced by p ri m ary crystalliza2 ti on of the ab so rp ti on m o ther liquo r.Key words:sufu r di ox ide,reduced p yro lu site, w et desu lp hu rizati on,s m elting gas,foam tow2 er.Study on the L ow Pressure W et Ca ta ly

36、tic Ox i-da tion Trea t m en t of H igh Concen tra tion and Refractory Organ ic W a stewa ter.Yang R un2 chang,Zhou shu tian(D ep t.of Environ. Eng.,D ep t.of chem.Eng.X iangtan U n iver2 sity.X iangtan411105:Ch in.J.E nv iron. S ci.,18(5,1997,pp.7174B ased on catalytic w et air ox idati on and Fen2

37、 ton reagen t,a new w et catalytic ox idati on (L PW COm ethod,w h ich requ ires low p res2 su re fo r the treatm en t of h igh concen trati on and refracto ry o rgan ic w astew ater w as stud2 ied.T he m ethod com p ared w ith general catalytic w et air ox idati on,the p ressu re of the treatm en t

38、 is0.1-0.6M Pa,and the latter is 315-10M Pa.In additi on,its tem p eratu re is59NO15HUAN J I N G KEXU E 96 HU AN J I G KEXU E N Spectrophotom etr ic M ethod for the S i ultanem ous D eterm ina tion of Phenols and Aroma tic Am ines in Sewage w ith Extraction - Reextrac2 . tion. L iM eirong, Yuan Cung

39、uang et a l (D ep t. of Chem. Eng. , U n iversity of Pet ro leum , Shandong, 257062 : C h in. J . E nv iron. S ci. , 18 ( 5 , 1997, pp. 7880 T h is p ap er dea ls w ith a m ethod of si u ltane2 m ou s determ ina t ion of p heno ls and a rom a t ic am ines w h ich ex t racted by ether, then reex 2 t

40、racted by 10% N aO H and 10% HC l resp ec2 t ively. T he sen sit ivity is i p roved h igh ly, and m m any k ind s of in terferences is rem oved effi2 cien t ly. Pheno ls of 0. 03- 6. 0 m g L and a ro 2 m a t ic am ines of 01008 - 015m g L can be de2 term ined. Key words: p heno ls, a rom a t ic am i

41、nes, ex t rac2 . no m o re than 180 T he rem ova l of COD by the t rea tm en t is over tw en ty p ercen t s m o re than Fen tons, w h ile, H 2O 2 COD ( w eigh t ra t io less than one po in t tw o a t the cond it ion of p heno l influen t con ten t m o re than 14000m g L of COD. T he ex istence of sy

42、ner2 g ist ic effect fo r COD rem ova l in H 2 SO 4 + Fen 2 ton sy stem under the cond it ion of added p res2 su re and hea t ing ( 011- 0. 6M Pa, 104- 165 w a s verified. It w a s ca rried ou t tha t five k ind s of dye and p est icide w a stew a ter w a s t rea ted u sing the m ethod. Key words: w

43、 et ox id it ion, Fen ton reagen t, ca ta ly t ic ox ida t ion, o rgan ic w a stew a ter, w a stew a ter t rea tm en t. Study on the D etox ica tion Effect of Chroma te Sludge by Red Br ick M ethod w ith Sha le Rock. Clunch. Yang Guang et a l (R esea rch Cen ter of R esou rces Com p rehesive U t ili

44、za t ion Eng. , Chongqing U n iversity 630044 : C h in. J . E nv i2 ron. S ci. , 18 ( 5 , 1997, pp. 7577 T he ch rom a te sludge b rick w a s m ade u sing sha le rock, ch rom a te sludge and clunch a s . m a in m a teria ls W hen d irect ion s fo r p roducing m a teria ls a re 20% of ch rom a te slu

45、dge and 10% of clunch. T he determ ina t ion of w ho le b rick pow der show ed tha t detox ica t ion of C r ( is tho rough and stab le; and determ ina t ion of b rick su rface layer pow ter show ed tha t the leach ing concen t ra t ion of w a ter so lub le C r ( is 1. 16m g L. th rough five yea rs f

46、o llow 2 ing t ra il of test s under the free a ir and sun concen t ra t ion can st ill cond it ion s C r ( ach ieve the standa rd of GB 5086285. T he detox ica t ion effect is m a in ly influenced by k iln tem p era tu re, acid 2a lka li p rop erty of the sy s2 tem , coa l con ten t and aux ilia ry

47、. Key words: ch rom a te sludge, b rick m anufac2 tu re, red b rick m ethod, sha le rock, clunch, detox ica t ion. t ion 2reex t ract ion, doub le 2 aveleng th, sp ec2 w t rop ho tom et ry, ether. The Appl ica tion of Artif ic ia l Neura l Network . in Ch inese Env ironm en ta l Foreca st W ang Y in

48、g and Sang D ayong (D ep t. of A eronau t ia l M anagem en t Eng ineering, T he A ir Fo rce In 2 st itu te of Eng ineering, X ian 710038 , Sun L inyan ( Schoo l of M anagem en t , X ian J iao 2 tong U n iversity, X ian 710049 : C h in. J . E nv i2 ron. S ci. , 18 ( 5 , 1997, pp. 8183 A cco rd ing to

49、 su itab ility of m odels fo r environ 2 m et fo reca st, a m u t ip le layer p ercep t ron envi2 ronm en t fo reca st m odel w a s bu ilt u sing a rt ifi2 cia l neu ra l netw o rk a s a new fo reca st m ethod, w ith w h ich the environm en t ind ices of 2000 w ere fo reca sted ba sed on environm en

50、 ta l da ta and econom ic da ta in 12 yea rs ( 1981- 1992 . Fu tu re st ra teg ies w ere a lso ana lyzed on the ba sis of fo reca sted da ta. Key words: environm en t fo reca st, a rt ificia l neu ra l netw o rk, m u t ip le layer p ercep t ron envi2 . ronm en t fo reca st m odel Da ta Acqu isition for Inven tory Ana lysis in LCA. X i D eli, Peng X iaoyan (D ep t. of Envi2 ron. Eng. , T singhua U n iversity, B eijing 100084 : C h in. J


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