



1、國際議會制辯論形式簡介(以下資料由吉林大學大學英語辯論賽組委會提供)PART ITHE FORMAT OF DEBATE辯論形式as1. A debate shall be adjudicated by a panel compris ing an odd nu mber of adjudicators, usually 3. One of these shall be desig nated as Chairpers on by the orga ni zers, andwill function as Sp eaker. It ' compulsory for the tutor

2、of each team to act adjudicator in the Competiti on.每場比賽評委人數(shù)為奇數(shù),通常是 3個人。2. A debate shall be timed by a timekeeper.每場比賽都須安排人員計時。3. Each team will comprise the followi ng members.參賽隊伍由下列成員組成:3.1 GOVERNMENTa) Prime Mi nister.b) Member of the Government.正方1) 一辯2) 二辯3.2 OPPOSITIONa) Leader of the Opposi

3、ti on.b) Member of the Oppositi on.反方1) 一辯2) 二辯4. Debaters (or members) will speak in the followi ng order.i) Prime Min ister. (7 minu tes)ii) Leader of Opposition. (8 minutes)iii) Member of the Government. (8 minutes)iv) Member of the Opposition. (8 minutes)v) Leader of Opposition Rebuttal (4 minut

4、es)vi) Prime Minister Rebuttal (5 minutes) 辯手按照以下順序發(fā)言:1)正方一辯(7分鐘)2)反方一辯(8分鐘)3)正方二辯(8分鐘)4)反方二辯(8分鐘)5)反方一辯總結(4 分鐘)6)正方一辯總結(5 分鐘)5. Point of Information ( POI )5.1POIs are comments made by members directed at the speech of the member holding the floor; POI should be brief, pertinent and preferably witt

5、y. Points of order and points of personal privilege are prohibited.POI 指在對方發(fā)言時, 針對發(fā)言者正在申述的論點提出的本方觀點。 POI 要簡短, 切題, 機智。嚴禁針對比賽規(guī)則和個人提出問題。5.2A Point of Information' must be indicated by a member of an opposing team risingfrom his/her seat and extending one hand towards the member holding the floor. A

6、 member offering a Point of Information may draw attention tothe offer by saying“ onthat point Sir/Madam, ” or similar.提出 POI 時要從座位上起立, 將一只手指向發(fā)言的人。 提問者可以用類似 on that point Sir/Madam 的話引起發(fā)言者的注意。5.3A member holding the floor must respond to an opposing member, or members offering Points of Information,

7、 in one of the following ways: 發(fā)言者可采取以下方式回應對方提出的 POI :A clear gesture or hand signal rejecting the offer 用清晰的手勢拒絕對方A verbal rejection of the offer語言拒絕A verbal acceptance of the offer接受提問5.4If a Point of Information is accepted, the point should be phrased as clarification, or comment, and made in tw

8、o sentences (or less) within 15 seconds.如果提出 POI 的要求被發(fā)言者接受, 那么 POI 的陳述要以澄清事實或提出評論為形式, 用一兩句話在 15 秒內表達出來。5.5If a Point of Information is accepted, the speaker accepting it must frame an answer or resp onse to it with in the con text of his/her speech.辯手如果接受POI,那么就應圍繞自己的發(fā)言回答問題。5.6Points of In formati o

9、n may be offered duri ng the first four con structive speeches, after the first single knock of the gavel and up to the second single knock of the gavel. Points of Information may not be offered during the first and last minutes of constructive speeches. Points of Information may not be offered duri

10、ng final two rebuttal speeches.POI只能在前面四個建設性發(fā)言中提出,并僅限于兩次一下槌”之間,第一分鐘和最后一分鐘內不可以提出 POI ;在總結陳詞階段不可以提出 POI。5.7'Poinout ofSpeakers not holdi ng the floor ' may not rise duri ng speech uni ess it is to offer a of Information' . Speakers doing so, or considered to be heckling, barracking or whos

11、ebehavior is interfering with the acceptable course of a debate will be declared order ' or will be called to order ' by the Chairperson.除非要提出POI,否則沒有輪到發(fā)言的辯手不得在別人發(fā)言時起立。如果辯手違反規(guī)則發(fā)言,或者有擾亂正常比賽的行為,那么此選手將被評委主席宣布犯規(guī)。5.8Poi nts of in formatio n should be assessed accord ing to the effect they have on

12、 both the cases of the offeri ng team and the resp onding speaker (speech and team).評價POI的提出是否得當,應該看它對于正反雙方接下來的辯論的影響如何。5.9Although not required to, each debater should attempt to take at least two points of information during a speech. The opposing side should attempt to rise at least four times for

13、 POIs in each con structive speech.Debaters who fail to seek opport un itiesto offer POIs or who fail to take POIs during their speech may be penalized by the adjudicatio n pan el.每次建設性發(fā)言,每個辯手須至少接受 2次POI,對方至少要站起4次提POI。辯手若 沒有抓住機會提POI或者在發(fā)言中沒有接受POI,評委可酌情扣分。PART IIDEFINITIONS AND CHALLENGE OF DEFINITION

14、定義以及對定義提出質疑1. The definition is the interpretation of the motion as put forward by the Prime Minister in his ope ning remarks.定義就是正方一辯對辯題的解釋。2. The definition should be reasonable. 定義要合理。3. The definition should state the issue or issues arising out of the motion to be debated, state the meanings of

15、 any terms in the motion requiring clarification and display clear and logical links to the wording and spirit of the motion.做定義時, 應該解釋清楚辯題中需要澄清的術語, 并將定義和辯題的中心內容有機聯(lián)系 起來。4. The definition should not be4.1A truism (a matter stated as fact). This refers to any Definition that forces the Opposition to c

16、ounter an inarguable fact or truth, clearly an impossible task.4.2A tautology (a definition which, in development, proves itself). (Because neither allows any reasonable substantive case to be mounted in opposition).4.3Place set (setting an unnaturally restrictive geographical or spatial location as

17、 its major parameter).4.4Time set (setting an unnaturally restrictive chronological duration as its main parameter).(Because neither allows the opposition reasonable access to Matter). 4.5Wholly unreasonable (displaying no clear or logical links to the original motion) that any person would question

18、 the validity , violates the principles of fairness, as it denies the opposition any reasonable ' access to Matter and preparation). 定義不應該是: 真理(事實存在) 同義反復(即循環(huán)定義) 定位(人為限定特定的空間或地理位置) 設定時間(人為限制特定的時間跨度作為參照系)(以上這些將使反方無法準備素材) 完全不合理(定義與所給辯題無清楚邏輯關系,使反方無法準備素材,違背公平原則)5. The Opposition may only challenge t

19、he definition advanced by the Government on the basis of one of the conditions outlined in PART VII-4. The Opposition may not challenge a definition supplied by the Government on the basis that: 反方只有當正方的定義發(fā)生了第七章第四點中提到的錯誤的情況下, 才可以對正方的定 義提出質疑,而不能在以下情況下質疑正方所做的定義:5.1The Opposition ' s own definition

20、 is MORE reasonable. 認為本身的定義更合理。5.2A better debate will result. Nor may the Opposition re-define terms or words contained in the motion so that a completely different debate is thereby set up. However, an Opposition may contend with the specific or general approach to term ino logy supplied by the d

21、efi niti on of the Gover nment.認為將會產(chǎn)生更好的辯論效果。反方也不得為偷換辯題而重新定義辯題中的術語。但是,反方可以就正方在定義中使用的術語提出質疑。6. If the defi niti on adva need by the Leader of the Government con trave nes any of the prohibiti ons set out in term PART VII-4, the Oppositi on has the right to challe nge the defi niti on.如果正方提出的定義違反第七章第四

22、節(jié)中的任何一個規(guī)定,則反方有權利質疑正方的定義。7. The onus to prove that a defi niti on is un reas on able is on the Oppositi on.證明定義不合理的責任在反方這邊。8. Adjudicators will not indicate during the debate which definition they find to be (more) acceptable. But he/she can take the un reas on able defi niti on drew by the Governmen

23、t into con siderati on.在辯論過程中,評委不可以暗示哪個定義更加合理,或哪個定義可以接受。但是評委在打分時有權將正方的不合理定義考慮在內。9. Defin iti ons should not require members of the house to have access to, or possess, specific or expert kno wledge.定義內容不得涉及過于專業(yè)的知識。PART IIIMATTER素材1. Matter ' relates to the issues in debate, the case being presen

24、ted and the material used to substa ntiate argume ntati on.Matter指辯論過程中的素材,即用來支持定義的論點和論據(jù)。2. The issues un der debate should be correctly prioritized (by teams) and ordered (byin dividuals), deali ng with the most importa nt/pert inent first.素材應該按照由主到次的順序提出,將最切題、最重要的素材放在前面。3. Matter should be logical

25、 and well reas on ed.素材要符合邏輯而且合理。4. Matter should be releva nt, both to the issue in conten ti on and the cases being advaneed.素材要與辯題密切相關。5. Matter should be persuasive.素材要有說服力。6. Matter will be assessed from the viewpoi nt of theaverage reas on able pers on '. Adjudicators must disregard any sp

26、ecial kno wledge they have, even though pertinentto the issues un der debate.對素材的評價將以常人”的觀點為標準。評委應該忽略辯手提出的專業(yè)知識,即使這種知識很切題。7. Bias will not affect an adjudicator' s assessment (objective) or evaluation (subjective)of a debate. Debaters must not be discrim in ated aga inst on the basis of religi on

27、, sex,race, fame of their university, sexual preferenee, age, social status, accent or any disability.評委不應被偏見所左右。辯手不能因為宗教信仰、性別、種族、學校知名度、性取向、 年齡、社會地位、口音或殘疾等原因而受到歧視。8. No new matter ' is to be introduced during Rebuttal Speeches. The Rebuttal Speech prese nts teams with an opport un ity to focus o

28、n the major issue(s) in the debate andthe way in which both teams approach that pointf Clash ' The Rebuttal Speech should also give an optimistic overview ' of the gen eral approach to the debate andthe relative weak nesses in the case of the oppos ing team.在總結陳詞過程中不得提出新的素材。辯論雙方應利用總結陳詞來重申主要論

29、點及雙方立論方法??偨Y陳詞要從總體上對己方的觀點給予肯定,同時指出對方的弱點??偨Y陳詞不得繼續(xù)辯論,也不得將辯題引入新的方面。9. All speakers should develop positivematter 'in advancing their respective cases. While an Oppositi on team may win by dem on strati ng that the Government has notproved the motion true, they should not rely purely on their rebutta

30、l of the Government case and will likely ben efit from prese nti ng positive matter in oppositi on to the moti on.所有辯手在發(fā)展己方觀點時要從正面闡述觀點(不得一味反駁對方觀點或給對方指出錯誤)。反方不可一味反駁正方觀點站不住腳,應提出與正方觀點相反的論據(jù)以證明己方觀點。PART IVMANNER辯論風格1. Manner refers to the prese ntati on and delivery style of a speaker.Mann er指辯手陳述己方觀點的風格

31、。2. The followi ng list represe nts some of the eleme nts which are, or may be, subsumedun der Manner. The list is inten ded as a guide, rather tha n as a nu mber of markingcategories. It is the comb in ati on of these eleme nts (rather tha n the accomplishme ntof each), i n various proporti ons tha

32、t con tributes to an in dividual speaker' s style. Themajor in flue nee on an adjudicator mus t be:'Is the speaker ' s Manner EFFECTIVE inadva ncing the case?'以下僅是評判辯手風格的一些指導性要素而非全部,評委須綜合評判辯手的辯論風格。a) Vocal Style: Volume, clarity, pronun ciati on, pace, inton ati on, flue ncy, con fid

33、e nee, and authority.b) Lan guage: Con versati on al.c) Use of no tes: Should not distract, should not be read.d) Eye Con tact: With audie nee.e) Gesture: Natural, appropriate.f) Sin cerity: Believability.g) Pers onal Attacks: (derogatory comme nts are not to be tolerated).h) Humor: Effectiven ess,

34、appropriate ness.說話方式:音量,清晰度,發(fā)音,節(jié)奏,語調,流利程度,自信心以及說服力語言:口語化表達提示條的使用:不能照本宣科目光交流手勢:自然、恰當真誠:要有可信度不得使用貶低性的言語進行個人攻擊幽默感:要有效、適度3. Participa nts in FLTRP CUP must be aware that they will experie nee many differe ntdebating styles from the different universities and experienee levels represented there in. Ther

35、e is no sin gle correct ' or right ' style to adopt in this competiti on.本比賽沒有一成不變的正確”風格。4. Adjudicators of FLTRP CUP must be aware that for the participants, English is aforeign Ianguage. Considerationmust be given to the Manner in which a debaterprese nts his or her argume nts, but En glis

36、h Ian guage compete ncy should not be the exclusive or primary criteri on on which an assessme nt of Manner is made.評委應該記住英語并非參賽辯手的母語,英語水平可以作為評分的一個依據(jù),但是評委不能把英語水平作為主要的評分依據(jù)。5. As with Matter pers onal bias must not be allowed to in flue nee an adjudicator ' s assessme nt of Manner.評委不得受個人偏見的影響。PAR

37、T VMETHODand the teams辯論方法1. Method refers to the strategy and tactics employed by debaters they represent 。辯論方法指的是辯手及其辯論隊所采取的策略和方式。2. The following list represents some of the elements which are, or may be, subsumed under Method. The list is intended as a guide, rather than as a number of marking categories. It is the combination of these elements (rather than the accomplishment of each)


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