



1、新版PEP小學(xué)三年級英語下冊1-3單元知識點匯總一、 寫出下列單詞的中文意思。UK Canada USA China she student pupil he teacher boy and girl new friend today father dad man woman mother sister brother grandmother grandma grandfather grandpa bigfamily thin fat tall short long small giraffe children 二、 根據(jù)中文意思,寫出單詞。貓 書包 手 爸爸 紅色 十 腿 鋼筆 大的 六 豬

2、 牛奶 三、 選出對應(yīng)的詞。1)、A .teacher . B. boy C .she D .father E .man F .sister 1.student_2.he_3.girl_4.woman_5.mother_ 6.brother_2) A.thin B. tall C. short D. big E .grandmother F. grandpa1.grandfather_2.grandma_3.fat_4.long_5.short_6.small_ 五. 選擇填空。1、( ).你向別人介紹Amy,你應(yīng)該說:A.Shes Amy.B.This is Amy. C. Its Amy.

3、2、( )要表達“我來自加拿大”,你應(yīng)該說:A、Im from the UK. B、Im from the USA. C. Im from Canada.3、( ).你想知道對方是哪里人,你應(yīng)該說:A、Whats your name? B、How are you? C. Where are you from?4、( ).你想表達“她是一名新學(xué)生” 你應(yīng)該說:A、Shes a new student . B、Im a new student . C. This is a new student .5、( ).你想表達“他是一名老師” 你應(yīng)該說:A、Hes a teacher. B、Im a te

4、acher . C. This is a teacher6、( )當(dāng)班上來了新同學(xué),你要表達歡迎時,你應(yīng)該說:A、Welcome B、Whats your name ? C. Good bye.7、( )你 想問“那個男孩是誰?” 你應(yīng)該說:A、 Whos that boy? B、Whos that man? C. Whos that woman?8、( )你要表達“這是我的家.” 你應(yīng)該說A、This is my family. B、That is my family. C. Hi, my family.9、( )Chenjie 向你介紹了她的好朋友Sarah, 你應(yīng)該說A、Nice to

5、meet you! B、Thank you! C. Hi10、( ) A: Is she your mother? B: _A、Yes, she is. B、Yes, he is. C. No, he isnt.11、( ) The giraffe is _A、short. B、tall. C. long.12、( )要表達“看那只長頸鹿”,你應(yīng)該說;A、Look at the giraffe B、Its a giraffe . C. This is a giraffe.13、( )“它有一條短尾巴” 你應(yīng)該說;A、It has a short tail. B、Its a short tail

6、. C. This is a short tail.14、( )“它又矮又胖”,英語怎么說:A、Its tall and fat. B、Its short and fat. C. Its short and thin15、( )The monkey has a _ tail. A、short. B、tall. C. long.16、( )A: Is he your father? B: _A、Yes, she is. B、No, he is my teacher. C. No, she is.17、( )它有一個長長的身體,英語怎么說:A、It has a long body. B、He ha

7、s a long body. C. It have a long body18、( )它又高又瘦,英語怎么說;A、It has tall and thin. B、It is short and thin. C. Its tall and thin六、請找出合適的答語編號,填到括號里( )1. Look at that pig. A. No,She is my mother. ( )2.How are you? B. Its so fat.( )3.Your sister? C. Im fine.( )4.Good morning, class. D. Nice to meet you,too.

8、( )5.Nice to meet you, E. Good morning, Miss white.( )6.Good bye. F. Thank you!( )7.She is very beautiful. G. Good bye.( )8. Look at that giraffe. H. Its so tall. ( )1. Whos that woman? A. She is my friend ,Amy.( )2. Whos that man? B. She is my mother. ( )3. Whos this girl? C. Nice to see you ,too.(

9、 )4.Good afternoon, class. D. He is myfather.( )5. Nice to see you again. E. Good afternoon, Miss Liu( )6.Where are you from? F. Im from China.( )7. This is Amy G. No,he isnt( )8.Is he your father? H. Nice to meet you 新版PEP小學(xué)三年級英語下冊4-6單元知識點匯總一、 寫出下列單詞的中文意思。on in under chair desk cap ball car boat ma

10、p toy box pear apple orange banana watermelon strawberry grape buy fruit eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty kite beautiful 二、根據(jù)中文意思,寫出單詞。狗 盒子 橙子 身體 有趣 跑 鴨子 在.下面 二、 選擇填空。1、 ( ).有人遞給你東西,你要說:A、Great! B、OK C、Thanks.2、( ).當(dāng)有人問:“你喜歡蘋果嗎?”,你應(yīng)說:A、Youre welcome.

11、 B、Yes, please. C、No,I dont3、( ).當(dāng)你想要一些雪梨的時候,應(yīng)該這樣說:A、Here you are. B、Lets have some pears. C、Can I have some pears?4、( ).我喜歡蘋果和梨A、I like apples and pears. B、I like apples and peaches. C、I dont like apples and pears.5、( ).我不喜歡梨A、I like pears. B、I like peaches. C、I dont like pears.6、( ).我們來吃點西瓜吧A、Lets

12、 have some watermelons. B、I like watermelons. C、I dont like watermelons7、( ).我能吃一個香蕉嗎?A、Can I have a banana? B、Lets have some bananas. C、Can I have some pears?8、( ).詢問別人的盒子里是什么?可以這樣說 A、Whatt in your box? B、Whatt in your pencil-box? C、Can I have a look?9、( ).有人邀請你一起回家,你應(yīng)該說A、Thank you! B、Ok C、Sure.10、

13、( ).希望別人可以玩得開心點,你可以這么說A、 Have a good time! B、OK C、Can I have a look?11、( ).你想表達讓我們一起買點水果吧,可以這樣說A、Lets buy some fruit. B、Lets buy some apple. C、Lets buy some fish.12、( ).當(dāng)你想表達不喜歡吃葡萄,可以這樣說:A、Sorry . I dont like grapes. B、Sorry . I dont like apples. C、Sorry . I like grapes.13、( ).表達我也不喜歡這種水果時 可以這樣說:A、M

14、e , neither. B、Sorry . I like apples. C、Sorry . I like grapes.14、( ).表達那個黑色的是一只鳥,你可以這樣說:AThe black one is a bird.BThe black one is a dog.C The black one is a bear.15、( ).讓別人看你的新蠟筆!,你可以這樣說:A Look at my new pens! B Look at my new crayons!C Look at my new books!16、( ).當(dāng)看到別人的新東西時,你可以這樣說:A Wow ,Look at m

15、y new crayons! B Oh, how nice!. C Look at my new books!17、( ).當(dāng)別人說對了的時候,你可以這樣說:AWow BOh, how nice!. CThats right!18、( ).詢問別人有多少只蠟筆,你可以這樣說:A、How many crayons do you have? B、How many crayons do you see? C、Thats right!19、( ).詢問別人能看見多少只風(fēng)箏時,你可以這樣說:A、How many kites do you have? B、How many kites do you see

16、? C、I see eighteen.20、( ).Do you like watermelons?-Yes, I _.A、do B、dont. C、likes21、( )She _ bananas very much. A、like B、has C、likes22、( )A :Have some grapes. B: _A、Thanks B、OK C、Guess.23、( ) Can I have some bananas,please? AThanks B、NO C、Here you are!24、( ) A :Where is the ruler? B: _ A、No,it isnt.

17、B、.Its in your desk C、Yes,it is.三、 請找出合適的答語編號,填到括號里。 ( )1. Lets go home! A. No,it isnt. ( )2. Where is my pencil box? B. OK!( )3. Is it in your bag? C.Its in your desk( )4. Do you like peaches? D.Sorry , I dont like grapes( )5. Have some grapes. E.Yes, I do. ( )6. Can I have an apple ? F. Sure. Here you are. ( )1. How many crayons do you have


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