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1、牛津高中英語說課稿評優(yōu)課一等獎?wù)f課稿(全英文)來源:中考 Tag:牛津高中英語說課稿 點擊: 386次牛津高中英語說課稿評優(yōu)課一等獎?wù)f課稿(全英文)牛津高中英語說課稿2010年04月29日以下是全市高中英語教師評優(yōu)課一等獎的全英文說課稿,現(xiàn)注銷來,希望對大家有點幫助,說課的內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義是牛津高中英語(江蘇版)第11板塊第2單元Project中的閱讀材料。 Good morning, ladies and gentlemanx Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading

2、x In the reading process, I will focus on students long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategiesx In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independentlyx My teachellong plan will include 3 sectionsx Theyre analysis of the reading material, ident

3、ifying the teachellong aims and teachellong proceduresx Section 1 Analysis of the teachellong material The selected teachellong material is a magazine article taken from the Project section of Module 11, Unit 2 of Advance with Englishx The article is about British students who take a gap year, whell

4、och is intended to develop the theme of the unit, that is, Getting a jobx After analyzing it carefully, I find the article has two uni2ue characteristicsx First, its a long passage with 688 words, much more than the usual textsx Second, it deals with a new topic, that is, a gap yearx The topic is un

5、familiar to most studentsx Section 2 Indentifying the teachellong aims Based on the analysis of the teachellong material, I have chosen the following as the teachellong aims of my lesson: The 1st aim: Students learn the skills and strategies to read a prolonged textx The 2nd aim: Students get a bett

6、er understanding of what a gap year isx The 3rd aim: Students are encouraged to figure out the implied meaningx The 4th aim: Students are familiar with various expression_r_r_r_r_rs or approaches to express the same thellong or ideax Section 3 Teachellong procedures In order to achelloeve the teache

7、llong aims mentioned above, I decide to choose guided reading and Task-Based Teachellong as the main teachellong approachx With the teachellong methods, I can guide students to use effective reading strategies toprehend the text, solve problems andplete different tasksx The teachellong procedures in

8、clude four partsx Theyre getting ready, focusing on main facts, reading between the lines and responding the textx Part 1x Getting ready Reading begins before a book is openedx Its important to activate students existing background knowledge and draw their attention to the topic of the textx In thel

9、los part, I will use the pre-reading activities to increase students concentration, arouse their curiosities, fire their imagination and give them a purpose for readingx The part consists of two tasks: Task 1: A time machellonex I start my lesson by asking senior 3 students what the date isx Then, I

10、 go on to show a picture of a time machellonex I tell students that the machellone with a magic power will bring them to their graduation from hellogh school, whelloch is 1 year awayx At that point, I get them to imagine where they are and what they are doingx After it, I give a summary of their pre

11、sentations as follows: After leaving hellogh school, most of Chellonese students go straight to universityxYes, at thellos time next year, most of you will be studying in a universityx (With the task, I inspire students former knowledge and imagination about graduating from hellogh school and going

12、to college, whelloch can draw their attention to the theme of the reading material and get them ready for the following readingx) Task 2: Brainstormingx After the summary, I go on to show some more pictures of British students fresh from hellogh schools, and tell students that more and more students

13、 in the UK are doing somethellong different instead of going straight to universityx After that, I play the tape of Parax1 and get students to catch the answer to the 2uestion: They will travel or work on projects for up to a year before entering universityx (With the task, I excite students desire

14、to know more about what their British e2uivalents will do before going to collegex With the 2uestion in mind, students will definitely be eager to listen to the tape to find the answerx ) Part 2x Focusing on main facts During the part, I will ask the students to answer the 2uestionWhat does the auth

15、or say? Students are supposed to get a main idea of the text and understand the basic meaning of the textx 8uestions of thellos kind are not very difficult and they can be answered directly from the textx The part includes six tasks: Task 1: Three examplesx I move on to tell students as follows: Las

16、t year, Carol Smith, Daniel and Martin Johnson, 3 students from the UK, went to some remote places and did somethellong specialx After the instructions, I play the tape of Paragraphs 4-6 and get students toplete the following tablex (With the task, I get students to listen to the three paragraphs in

17、stead of reading them, thus reducing the amount of reading time and reliving their psychological burden, otherwise students would be discouraged by such a long articlex) Task 2: Matchellongx After listening, I get students to open books and scan the three paragraphs to check the answers to the previ

18、ous tablex Then theyre re2uired toplete another table with a second readingx Whom do the results belong to? Carol_ Daniel_ Martin_ Ax felt being part of another culturex Bx be more independentx Cx found it challenging and rewardingx Dx felt that it was a special experiencex Ex ready to face challeng

19、es in the futurex Fx learnt how to deal with difficult situationsx Gx felt like she really made a differencex Hx learnt a lot about getting on with local peoplex (With the task, students learn to use a table to gather the main facts about the three British studentsx Theylle to know that a table is o

20、f great help in their future readingx) Task 3: Scanning for a detailx I get students to scan the rest paragraphs and find the answer to the 2uestion: What do people call the year off between finishellong school and starting university? In doing so, I introduce the theme of the article and write on t

21、he blackboard the title: Mind the gap yearx (With the task, students are expected to grasp the theme of the articlex The task serves as a bridge,whelloch connects the main facts in Paragraphs 4-6 to the opinions about the gap year in the rest paragraphsx) Task 4: Definition of the gap yearx Students

22、 watch a VCR with a 2uestion in mind: What three types of activities do the UK students choose to do during a gap year? The key is: Many students use that time to travel, learn new skills or be a charity volunteerx (The task serves as a supplementary to the second task of Part 1x With the task, stud

23、ents are expected to know more about the gap yearx) Task 5: History of the gap yearx I play a second VCR and get students to answer the 2uestion: When did the gap year start in the UK? (The task enables students to have a good knowledge of the hellostory of the gap yearx) 說課是20百年80年代后期隨著教改深切而產(chǎn)生的帶有教誨

24、科學研究性質(zhì)的教研勾當,其理論和實踐越來越受到正視(宋斌華,2007)。它是教師依據(jù)課程尺度、教誨教學理念,口頭表述自己對教學內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義、教學目標、教學重難點、教學要領(lǐng)、教學步伐等進行創(chuàng)造性設(shè)計的一種教研形式(崔小春,2005)。通俗地說,就是闡述“教什么內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義、為什么教這些個、怎么教和為什么這么教”的問題。由于說課能夠揭示出教師在備課中的思維創(chuàng)新歷程,能凸顯出教師對課程尺度、教材、學生的理解和駕馭的水平和運用有關(guān)教誨理論和教學原則社團教學的能力 由于時間短、易操作、見效快,說課深受教誨行政、科學研究部門和下層學校的青睞,常被應(yīng)用在教師雇用、基本功競賽、教學研究等勾當中。2008年10

25、月張家港市教誨局在張家港外國語學校舉行了全市高中英語教師說課角逐。說課內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義是牛津高中英語(江蘇版)第11板塊第2單元Project中的一篇閱讀材料,是本單元話題(getting a job)的延伸和拓展。教學對象是高三學生。作者就以此次勾當為案例,聯(lián)合17位參加比賽教師的具體表現(xiàn)和主要問題,跟英語教師談一談如何說好課。 問題一:說課,是背長篇累牘的教誨理論,還是談獨具巧妙的心思的教學設(shè)計? 在此次勾當中,有不少教師事前作了大量準備,網(wǎng)絡(luò)了許多時尚的英語教學理論和教學要領(lǐng),把一大半時間用來談理論,說要領(lǐng),而本節(jié)課的教學設(shè)計卻輕描淡寫,一帶而過。給評委們的印象是,說課變成了教學理論的演講,

26、內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義雷同征象嚴重,而且自己所倡導的理論和要領(lǐng)并沒有在教學設(shè)計中得到表現(xiàn)。 說原理,講要領(lǐng),是說課的一個顯著特性,但絕不是說課的主體。成功的說課,應(yīng)該把教學設(shè)計和教學理論有機地聯(lián)合在一路,且要略側(cè)重于教說學設(shè)計。教材特點和學生現(xiàn)實是說課的兩個重心。教師必得牢牢圍繞這兩個重心,精心設(shè)計教學勾當或任務(wù),以此來展覽自己對教誨教學理論理解的深度,展覽自己對學生學情駕馭的精確度,展覽自己在教學設(shè)計上的獨到之處。“說”是形式,“課”及“課理”是內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義,只有做到形式與內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義辯證統(tǒng)一,才氣達到預定的日期的說課目的。換言之,說課不是長篇大論地演講教學理論,而是要談自己不論什么運用教學理論解決教

27、學中所遇到的現(xiàn)實問題。 本次說課材料具有兩個特點:一是,篇幅長,全文長達688個詞;二是,話題新,“休學實踐年(a gap year)”,對絕大多中國學生來說是一個新物質(zhì)。于是,如何合理施用教學理論突破這兩個難點就成了本次說課的重點和亮點地點。朱俊爽老師大膽創(chuàng)新,用夾敘夾議的體式格局敘述了自己的奇特思考,令評委有線人一新的感覺,其主要亮點是:把閱讀材料分化為主要事實和評價兩個部分,即三個學生參加休學實踐年的履歷領(lǐng)會,和英語政府、雇主、大學對這種做法的評價,便于學生掌握文章的主要事實和不雅點;調(diào)解部分段落的處理順序,把第四、5、6天然段這三段視為一個整體,看做聽力材料,放在閱讀以前就處理掉,緩解

28、學生的閱讀生理承擔;(3)分析篇和章結(jié)構(gòu),讓學生領(lǐng)會到,盡管第二、3天然段和第七、8天然段的表述體式格局迥異,但內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義大抵相同,并設(shè)計了響應(yīng)的任務(wù)(similar sentences)。 問題二:說課,是紙上談兵,還是上課前的模擬預演? 通過此次說課角逐,有8名教師勝出,參加了接下來的評優(yōu)課角逐。這此中發(fā)生了一個稀罕征象:有個體教師在說課時顯得理念時尚、手眼新鮮,什么三維目標、任務(wù)型教學、合作探索追究、多媒體運用等比比皆是,而在后來的評優(yōu)課中卻顯得邁步維艱,缺乏辦理和調(diào)控課堂的實踐智慧和教學藝術(shù)。為什么會呈現(xiàn)這種“說得好,不一定上得好”的窘境呢?在說課以前,社團者就奉告說課教師,此次勾當

29、的優(yōu)越者將在一個普通高中展覽自己的教學設(shè)計。按原理說,說課教師已經(jīng)事前已經(jīng)了解學生的情況。但是,有的說課教師為了趕時髦盲目跟風,或迎合評委的口胃,而掉臂學生和教材的現(xiàn)實情況,掉臂語言教學的基本規(guī)律,一味地去挖空心力設(shè)計奇異新鮮的任務(wù)或勾當。 說課本身的不足之處是,說課的全歷程缺乏了學生的參與。為了躲避不切現(xiàn)實的隨意闡揚,說課勾當社團者必得事前奉告說課教師學生的英語現(xiàn)實水平;說課教師要牢牢抓住學生和教材,圍繞這兩個重心設(shè)計教學。教學目標的確立、內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義的分析、問題的配備布置、練習的安排及教學要領(lǐng)的運用,都必須以學生的現(xiàn)實情況為參考系。不然,再標致的說課也是蜃樓海市。要說好課、上好課,取得預想

30、成效,教師就必須對教材、課程尺度有充實的認識,理解教材內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義,掌握教材各個知識點之間相互的瓜葛,了解學生的需要和現(xiàn)實。 說課不是說給自己一個人聽,也不是自編、自導、自演,而是一場實彈演習。說課教師要在同行或評委面前,說自己對教材、對課準的認識,說自己對知識點的講解,說自己采納什么樣的要領(lǐng)給學生上課,說可能在什么地方學生會存在問題,當問題呈現(xiàn)時采納什么樣的要領(lǐng)去解決,針對不同的問題和學生,選擇什么樣的教學要領(lǐng)等等。在如許的一個歷程中,同行或評委就會對說課者的說課情況加以分析研究,看看還存在著什么問題,運用什么樣的要領(lǐng)來幫助說課者提高。應(yīng)該說,說課的歷程就是發(fā)現(xiàn)問題、解決問題的歷程,是說課者

31、和評課者共同提高的歷程。只管即便做到在還沒有上課以前就高發(fā)現(xiàn)一些問題,而且把問題目解釋題決掉,提高課堂教學效益。 問題三:說課,該采用哪一種語言和敘述體式格局? 在此次說課勾當中,全部參加比賽教師都采用英語說課,在展覽自己教學設(shè)計的同時,也充實凸顯了嫻熟的英語表達能力。能用流利的英語展覽自己的教學思想和設(shè)計,是我們英語教師共同尋求的理想目標。但是,英語終究是一門外語,會對說課的預定的日期成效產(chǎn)生一定程度的毀傷。因此,至于說課是采用英語還是漢語,說課勾當?shù)纳鐖F者,要思量到現(xiàn)實情況,要因時、因地、因人而定,不能盲目跟風。 此外,在本次說課勾當中,還有部分教師在肢體語言、敘述體式格局、能否脫稿說課三

32、方面上還存在缺憾。有的說課教師身姿僵硬,表情呆板;有的采用不適當?shù)臄⑹鲶w式格局,在全般說課歷程中把評委都當成學生,施用了過多的課堂用語;有的說課教師不能做到脫稿,而是把備課稿從頭至尾朗讀了一遍。 在現(xiàn)實教學中,教學的肢體語言、手勢、與學生的眼神兒交流對教學目標的達成也起著重要的匡助效用。因此,說課教師要適當借助于適當?shù)闹w語言、手勢來表述自己的設(shè)計和意圖,注意和評委做好眼神兒交流,不媚不冷,在平等中溫情交流。說課教師要只管即便做到脫稿,必要時再參照說課綱要,得當?shù)剡\用好肢體語言、手勢、和眼神兒,聲情并茂地說課,把評委的注意力吸引到自己預設(shè)情景中去,使他們受到感染,產(chǎn)生共鳴。 說課教師面對的是同

33、行或者教學研究者,宜采用陳述性語言,有層次地說明自己的設(shè)計意圖及具體的操作策略。偶爾,說課教師要預演課堂中將會呈現(xiàn)的教學場景時,可以暫時把自己的身份切換成教師,好像處身于課堂上,面對著學生,通過自己繪聲繪色的課堂語言把預設(shè)的教學內(nèi)或許環(huán)境展覽在評委眼前。 問題四:在英語說課中,還有哪些細節(jié)值得注意? 細節(jié)決定成敗。一些細節(jié)問題處理不好,也會影響說課的成效。在本次勾當中,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)以下一些普遍存在的細節(jié)問題: 1不知道如何教說材。有的說課教師忽略這一環(huán)節(jié),有的教師則長篇大論。實在,教說材就是說明如何依據(jù)某一課在全冊或單元中的地位,確定教學目標、教學的重難點,主要是介紹該課在教材中的地位和效用和和前

34、后課文的知識聯(lián)系,還要進行簡略的教材分析,依據(jù)教材內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義和學生現(xiàn)實,說明自己對教材的處理和如許處理的理論依據(jù)。值得注意的是,教說材時要點到為止,不要過多的展開。 2教學設(shè)計缺乏創(chuàng)新。說課是上課的預演,強調(diào)從學生和教材現(xiàn)實出發(fā),來設(shè)計教學任務(wù)。但這其實不意味著,說課教師在設(shè)計教課時抱殘守缺,不求創(chuàng)新。此次說課的課型是閱讀教學,不少說課教師的教學勾當設(shè)計就缺乏新意,雷同征象嚴重,教學步調(diào)一般都分為讀前、讀中、讀后,教學勾當局限于回答問題、課文填空、判讀正誤、復述等通例勾當。朱俊爽老師牢牢抓住學生和閱讀材料現(xiàn)實,做了一些成功的嘗試,例如:她設(shè)計了任務(wù)Similar Sentences,讓學生在

35、文章第二、3、七、8天然段中找出意思附近而表達不同的句子,增加了學生的可理解性輸入,為后面口頭和書面表達做好鋪墊。 3主線不突出,語言表述混亂。在此次勾當中,占相當比例的教師在說課時沒有選準角度或分清層次,東一錘子西一棒,想到那里說到那里,以至于評委聽得一頭霧水,底子弄不清楚說課教師的教學步調(diào)。其原因之一,說課教師沒有凸顯出一個主線索,把多個教學勾當串聯(lián)起來,從而引起表述雜亂無章;另一個最主要的原因是出在項目編號格局上。在書面語中,類似于“I、II、III”,“一、二、3”,“、(3)”的項目編號可以很清楚地表白敘述內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義的層次,但在口頭語就不行了,因為它們聽上去都是一樣。因此,說課教師

36、要善于用“Step1, Step 2, Step 3 ”,“Pre-reading, Whellole-reading, Post-reading”等手眼來加以區(qū)別或甄別。 4忽視板書的匡助效用?;蛟S由于受說課時間的限定,有些老師在說課時沒有板書。實在,適當?shù)陌鍟梢詫φf課起到畫龍點睛的效用。在說課前,教師可以用粉筆把黑板一分為二,一半用作為枚舉說課內(nèi)部實質(zhì)意義的主要步調(diào)和關(guān)鍵詞。另一半黑板可用來展覽虛擬課堂教學的板書設(shè)計,或可以幫助評委或同行在聽完后重構(gòu)教學設(shè)計,或可以幫助說明難于言盡的步調(diào)和設(shè)計;或可凸顯自己設(shè)計的奇特之處。 竣事語 總而言之,說課,是英語教師對自己教學基本功和教學實踐智慧

37、的一次集中展覽。說課講究的是教材駕馭精確,教法選擇得當,學法引導有效,板書綱要挈領(lǐng),歷程清晰明朗。這篇文章只討論了說課當時的一些注意事項,而說課的成敗取決于說課前的日常平凡積累。英語教師要說好課,就要注重日常平凡的窮年累月,多學習教學理論,多研究教材和學生,鍛煉好自己的英語表達能力,培養(yǎng)自己的教學基本功。 _ 用來參考的書籍目: 崔小春x2005x “說課”斷想Jx人平易近教誨,(2)x 宋斌華x2007x說課:英語教師專業(yè)化發(fā)展的有效途徑Jx教誨實踐與研究,(12A)x Task 6: Commentsx The second, thellord, seventh, eighth parag

38、raphs deal with thements of the government, universities, employers and the public on students taking a gap year before going to collegex I get students to read the four paragraphs to gather thements andplete the tablex (The task helps students get a further understanding of the role a table plays i

39、n helping gathering main facts or opinionsx) Part 3x Read between the lines: In thellos part, I will encourage the students to answer the 2uestionWhat does the author mean? As we know, armation in a reading passage is not always stated directlyx Sometimes students have to infer, or make guesses ordi

40、ng the armation whelloch is available in the readingx So in thellos part, the students are asked to infer the implied meaning, distinguish the main ideas from the supporting details and understand how the text isanizedx The part consists of three tasksx Task 1: Similar sentencesx The English languag

41、e enjoys various ways of expressing the same thellong or ideax As we can see, the second and thellord paragraphs are similar to the seventh and eighth paragraphs in the content, both dealing withments on the gap yearx Some sentences actually express the samementsx I will get students to read the fou

42、r paragraphs for a second time to find out the similar sentencesx(The first is done as an examplex) It (a gap year) is more than just a long holidayx (Line 50) A gap year is more than just a year away from studyingx Employers say they prefer to hellore graduates who have taken a gap yearx (Line 15)

43、_ (3)A gap year gives young people an opportunity to learn skills and gain life experiencex It helps young people develop and growx (Lines 17-18) _ (4)Living away from home taught me to be more independentx (Lines 22-23) _ (The task is designed to help students learn and use different ways to expres

44、s the same ideax The task gets students ready for talking and writing about the gap year in the next partx) Task 2: Guessing from the contextx I get students to guess from the context the meanings of the four words or phrases: the career ladder (Line 4) _ every point of thepass (Line 5) _ (3)delicat

45、e (Line 22) _ (4)an edge in the job market (Line 54) _ (The task helps students to recognize that in most language-leaning situations they wille across vocabulary they dont knowx With the task, students are guided to look at the context in whelloch a word or phrase is used and try to find any clues

46、to its meaningsx) Task 3: Benefitsx Students are asked to collect advantages of taking a gap year in the textx After that, students have the chance to listen to a thellord VCR, whelloch contains more armation about advantagesx Whellole listening, students are encouraged to take notes of what they ca

47、n catchx teach students to be independent; help students develop and grow; learn new skills; see life in a different way; be ready to face challenges; gain life experience (The task is intended for students to collect more armation about students taking a gap year, whelloch also makes them well prepared for the writing task in the next partx) Task 4: Recognizing the implied messagex I play a fourth VCRx Whel


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