



1、2018年莘莊中學高一實驗班3月份第四周周測II. Grammar and lcabulary (45)Section AAfter reading the passage below, fill in the blank to make die passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word tha

2、t best fits each blank.A new survey has found stli. new iii college students in China. They prefer paying bills tlirough mobile devices paying in cash.According to the survey, 92%/ of tliose (2)(bear) in the 1990s used mobile payments iii 2016, with each student (3)(pay)an average of 40,893 yuan tli

3、rough Alipay, a 97-percent increase from 2015.Tlie survey also fbimd that female students use e-payment more often than tlieir male peers, (4)male students tend to spend more.Hu Hao, a junior at a university in Shanghai, calculated that he spent about 16.000 yuan (5)( chase)onlme, accounting for 70

4、of (6)total of liis expenditure for the whole year.He said (7)(judge) from his own experience, male college students seemed to spend more (8)they seldom compare prices/ 9) tliis reason, some male students may have to buy gifts or pay bills for their girlfriends, which may also be a reason(10)tliey s

5、pend more.【答案】1. to2. bom6. the7. judging3. paying8. because4. although9. Besides5. purchasing10. why【分析】1 .本題考察 prefer 的用法,prefer sth. to sth.2 .本題考察過去分詞做后置定語,92%/ofthose(bear) in die 1990s1 bom 1 j those是被動關系。3 .本題考察現(xiàn)在分詞的用法,with each student (3)(pay)an average of 40,893 yuan through Alipay, studen

6、t 與pay之間是主動關系,所以填paying。4 .本題考查連接詞,根據(jù)空前后都有謂語動詞且兩分句主謂賓完整,所以填連接詞,再根據(jù)前后句子意思,含 有轉(zhuǎn)折關系,所以填although.5 .本題考察 spend 的用法,spend money doing sth.6 .本題考察冠詞,of the total.表特指,所以填the。7 .本題分詞,表主動關系,所以填judging。8 .本題考查連接詞,根據(jù)空前后都有謂語動詞且兩分句主謂賓完整,所以填連接詞,再根據(jù)前后句子意思,含有 轉(zhuǎn)折關系,所以填because.。9 .本題考察介詞的用法,根據(jù)文意“男生花費多,除了不對比價格,還因為要為女朋

7、友買東西“,所以填besides.10 .本題考察定語從句,先行詞是reason.從句不缺成分,所以填why。Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by vising the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.TheA. occurred B. extended C. tragedy D. fined AB. overlookApple tempted of buyer

8、sAC. concernsCD. nmst-haveAD. suspensionABC. incidentsBC. inevitably BD. illegallaimch ofiPhone 4sthousandsto its twooutlets in Beijing on the cold winter mght of Jan 12th. But the size of the crowds brought a sudden (1)of sales of the iPhone 4s on the morning of Jan 13th and one store in Beying did

9、n't open at all, because the growing crowd of eager Apple followers created safety.This is not tlie first time Apple marketing strategy has caused such trouble among die buying public, for similar trouble (2)in January last year when the first release launch of die iPhone 4 was made.Apple's

10、clever marketing has made company's products (3)lifestyle accessories for many, but tliis strategy will (4)result in mass mles and disturbance and if it continues witli this marketing strategy it is only a matter of time before one of its product launches ends in (5).Intentionally fueling demand

11、 by limiting a product release to create a state of panic among consumers , who fear they may not get their hands on their objects of desire , is not only immoral but also (6).Apple should take the lessons from the experience of Unilever. The giant consumer goods company was (7) by the Chinese gover

12、nment for repeatedly spreadmg minors of price rises.Apple has the ability to make it easier for consumers to order new products online or by telephone. Apple cannot afford to (8)die Clmiese market, so it has no excuse for not changing its strategy so as to avoid such (9)in the fiiture.Keys: 1-9: AC

13、A CD BC C BD D AB ABC1:考名詞.大群購買者使人們擔憂。2:考謂語動詞。類似的情況也發(fā)生過.3:考名詞°生活必需品。4:考副詞°這個悲劇不可避免的導致a5:考名詞,他的產(chǎn)品發(fā)布以悲劇告終只是時間問題。6:考形容詞,不僅沒有道德還非法.7:考謂語動詞被動,被罰款o8:考謂語動詞原型,忽略.9:考名詞,避免類似的情況發(fā)生,III. Reading comprehension. (46)Section A ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words

14、or phrases marked A. B, C and D. Filling in each blank with the word pr phrase that best fits the context.第二節(jié) 完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分,共15分)Parents may leani less than 800 yuan(US$101) montlily, but they (1) give their child 300 yuan(S38)(2) pocket money every month. A survey on 3,800 students in elementary

15、 and secondary schook and 1.000(3)in Shanghai launched by Adolescence Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Scieiices(4) that too much pocket money is given to children in Shanghai.More than 69.1% of elementary and 28.9% of secondary school secondary school responders say that they can get (5) 50 yua

16、n($6.3) every montli from their parents, and some (6)300 yuan. Meanwhile, elementary students can often receive large (7)of money from their (8)during die Lunar New Year, (9) 76% of them getting 500 yiian(S63), and 11.8% even 3.000 yuan(S380).This report finds that 4.7% of student respondents whose

17、family (10) is less than 800 yuan monthly(ll)300 yuan every month. Experts tlmik these students must be extravagant spenders, but what(12)them is that only 4% of students from (13)fainilies(with a family income of 10 thousand yuan($l,272) or above monthly) get as much for pocket money per month.Sun

18、Baolong, director of the center, said too much pocket money is not (14)for children's development, and parents need to give their children money based on the family economic (15).1. A. mayB. mustC. shouldD. need2. A. forB . likeC. asD. to3. A. headmastersB. teachersC. childrenD. parents4. A. rep

19、ortsB. aimoiincesC. showsD. declares5. A. at lastB. at mostC. at leastD. at length6. A. evenB. stillC. yetD. ever7. A. sumsB. numbersC. dealD. amoimt8. A. friendsB. classmatesC. relativesD. neighbors9. A. because ofB. in spite ofC. asD. witli10. A. moneyB. incomeC. payD. salary11. A. acceptB. receiv

20、eC. giveD. offer12. A. delightsB. astonishC. disappointsD. puzzles13. A. poorB. richc. bigD. small14. A. harmfillB. healthyC. badD. good15. A. conditionsB. traditionsC. developmentD. growth【答案】Keys:l-5. CACCA 6-10.ACDBB 11-15. DBDA【分析】L考查情態(tài)動詞。父母應該給孩子零花錢,含責任義務.2 .考查介詞aGive sb. sth. for表目的°3 .考查名

21、詞.調(diào)查孩子的零花錢,故選children.4 .考查動詞。調(diào)查顯示。故選shows。5 .考查短語。至少50元。6 .考查副詞。程度副詞,甚至300元。7 .考查名詞短語。在新年的時候孩子從親戚那里得到大數(shù)目的錢。故sums.8 .考查名詞。參照上句翻譯。9 .考查介詞。表伴隨,零花錢的數(shù)目變化范圍。10 .考查名詞。家庭收入,故選11 .考查動詞。學生從父母那里收到零花錢。故選B。12 .考查動詞。令人困惑的,因為下文提到收入和零花錢跟上文不一樣的情況。13 .考查形容詞??吹缴衔奶岬绞杖胼^高的家庭孩子的零花錢較少,所以是有錢人的孩子,故選nch。14 .考查形容詞,太多零花錢對孩子成長不

22、好。15 .考查名詞。父母應該根據(jù)家庭收入情況去給孩子零花錢aSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best accordmg to the mfbmiation given in the passage y

23、ou have just read.Compared to Japan, the Korea and Vietnam, Chinese urban youngsters have more pocket money, a survey by Japanese scholars showed. Chinese parents are too casual in giving money to their children.When describing the situation of Chinese children's pocket money, Japanese scholars

24、said the gap between the rich and the poor is shocking. In a Chinese class there are students having over 1, 000 yuan for pocket money each month. but also those who have almost none. Parents are more casual in doing so. Even in families of equal income, parents give noticeably different amounts of

25、pocket money to their children due to their different conceptions in education.In Japan and Korea, students in a class, though of different economic backgrounds, have their pocket money kept at almost the same level. Parents would even ask each other's amoiuit privately and agree on a certain su

26、m to avoid comparison and jealousy among the children.Chinese children are not free to use their pocket money. Although they have a bigger sum. especially money given by relatives during the Chinese lunar New Year, the money is usually spent by parents on tuition fees and textbooks. In Japan student

27、s have complete control over their pocket money while tuition and other fees are certainly expenditures shouldered by their parents. Japanese and Korean parents are certainly careful in giving pocket money, but once giving the money to the children. they no longer ask how it is going to be used, thi

28、nking it way of teaching children how to deal with the money by themselves.1 .The following descriptions about Chinese children's pocket money are tnie EXCEPTA. the gap between the children is bigB. Chinese parents are too casual in giving money to their childrenC. the children have a less contr

29、ol on the money given to themD. parents give money to their children in a fixed way2 .The second paragraph mainly tells us thatA. Chinese children have more pocket moneyB. Chinese childreifs pocket money depends on parents1 incomeC. many families in China are poorD. the gap of pocket money between t

30、he Chinese children is big3 .Korean parents try to avoid comparison and jealousy among the children byA. giving their children enough pocket moneyB. comparing different economic backgroundsC. agreeing on a certain sum of pocket moneyD. giving their children pocket money privately4 .The tuition of th

31、e children in JapanA. is paid by the childrenB .is supported by their parentsC. uses the childreiVs pocketD. is paid by relatives【答案】l.D 2.D3.C4. B【分析】1 .本題問:對下列中國小孩零花錢的說法哪項是沒有的。由文章第一段中Chinese parents arc too casual in giving money lo【heir children.8I第二段中 In a Chinese class【here arc sludenls having

32、over 1, OOP yuan for pockel money each month, but also ihosc who have almost none. Parenls are more casual in doing so,可 知:中國父母給孩子零花錢不是固定的.這,該題D選項parents give money to their children in a fixed way是相反的說法。故本題選D。2該題問第二段主要講了什么。由該段中 In a Chinese class there are sludems having over L 000 yuan for pockcl

33、money each inonlln bin also Ihose who have ahnosl none. Parents are more casual in doing so. Even in families of equal income, parcnls give noticeably different amounts of pockcl money I。ihcir children due lo (heir different conceplions in education.可見,中國不同家庭小孩之間的零用錢差跖是非常大的。故選 Do3 .題干問:韓國的父母為了避免讓孩子之間產(chǎn)生攀比和嫉妒是怎么做的?由第三段In Ja


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