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1、很久很久以前,在一個未開化的國家里,有個圓形的競技場一一這是國王審判犯人的地方。競技場內(nèi)有兩扇門, 一扇門關(guān)著饑餓不堪的老虎,一扇門關(guān)著絕世美女。 一切交給老天爺決定。國王相信如果犯人無罪,他應(yīng)該會幸運選到美女,選到美女的則馬上在競技場內(nèi)舉行盛 大的婚禮,然后帶美女遠走高飛過幸福的日子;而選到老虎的人,則馬上會被老虎咬死。國王有個美麗的女兒, 偏偏愛上一個平民青年。國家規(guī)定王室跟平民相戀是有罪的。所以國王發(fā)現(xiàn)后憤怒不已, 把這名平民關(guān)起來并抓到競技場。同樣的,一扇門內(nèi)關(guān)了老虎,一扇門 內(nèi)關(guān)了一位美女。這樣無論他選擇哪個門都不可能再與公主在一起,這樣國王就可以放心了。全國的人們涌入競技場觀看,國

2、王在場,公主也在場。公主事前就已經(jīng)知道哪一扇門后面是老虎,哪一扇門是美女。她在看臺上,臉色蒼白。青年望了她一眼,他知道公主一定知道兩 扇門的秘密,他渴望公主給他一個方向。然而,公主的內(nèi)心掙扎萬分。 她認識門后的那位美女,那是宮中最美麗的女仆。她無法忘懷相愛的點滴,無法接受他與美女遠走高飛,重新生 活,卻也不愿看到心愛的人死亡。所以她想了很久很久終于,她微指了右邊的那扇門。 青年于是慢慢走向了右邊那扇門,所有人都屏息以待門被打開的結(jié)果。公主卻緩緩地走出了競技場在這個競技場上,接受審判的并不僅僅只是青年,還有那位公主以及他們之間的愛情。無論公主選擇什么都將只有一種結(jié)局一一她不可能再擁有他。一個深愛

3、著卻不能在一起的人,寧愿讓他死去,還是看著他與另一女子生活?而場上的青年,真是個傻得可愛的男子。 一個用自己的生命去相信自己戀人的男子, 一 個不用任何博弈的心態(tài)來面對愛情的男子。他本能地相信,本能地順從了心靈的指引,毫無懷疑,毫無戒備,毫無猶豫。公主是矛盾的,當她纖細的手臂緩緩地抬起暗示男子時,她知道,她的任何決定都是種殘忍的了斷,唯一不同的不過是她將承受何種煎熬。She had lost him, who should have him?青年走得很堅定,因為他知道無論門的背后等待他的是老虎還是美女,他走的每一步都攜帶著她們之間的回憶,太重太重,卻愈行愈遠譯文如下,水平有限,僅供參考:Lon

4、g ago, in the very olden time, there lived a powerful king.Some of his ideaswere progressive. But others caused people to suffer.很久以前,在一個非常古老的國家,那里住著一位非常有權(quán)勢的國王。他的一些想法是非常先進的,但其他大部分的卻讓人們痛苦不堪。One of the king's ideas was a public arena as an agent of poetic justice.Crimewas punished, or innocence wa

5、s decided, by the result of chance.When a personwas accused of a crime, his future would be judged in the public arena.國王的想法其中之一就是在一個競技場里執(zhí)行一個判決。犯罪或者偶然因為冤屈而誤判都將受到處罰。當一個人被指控犯了罪,他的將來將在競技場里被審判。All the people would gather in this building. The king sat high up on his ceremonial chair. He gave a sign. A d

6、oor under him opened. The accused person stepped out into the arena. Directly opposite the king were two doors.They were sideby side, exactly alike.The person on trial had to walk directly to these doorsand open one of them.He could open whichever door he pleased.所有的人都將聚集在競技場里。國王坐在他舉行儀式的椅子上。他會發(fā)出一個信號

7、。一扇門在他下面打開。被告人走進競技場。面對著國王的是2扇門。他們并排著一一當然是一模一樣的。被告人不得不走到門前并打開其中一扇。他樂意打開哪扇門由他自己決定。If the accused man opened one door, out came a hungry tiger, the fiercest in theland. The tiger immediately jumped on him and tore him to pieces as punishment for his guilt.The case of the suspect was thus decided.如果被告人打

8、開一扇門,從里面會沖出一只饑餓的老虎一一萬獸之王。老虎立刻撲向他并把他撕為碎片一一這就是作為對他罪行的懲罰。嫌疑犯的案子因此這樣被定罪。Iron bells rang sadly. Great cries went up from the paid mourners. And the people, with heads hanging low and sad hearts, slowly made their way home.They mournedgreatly that one so young and fair, or so old and respected, should hav

9、e died this way.鐵鈴響起了陣陣悲傷。哀悼者傳來了陣陣的痛苦。人們低著頭帶著悲傷的心情,慢慢的回到了他們的家。他們沉痛的哀悼那些因為這個方法而死去的人,不論他們是如此年輕,優(yōu)秀, 又或者是年老,受人尊敬的人們。But, if the accused opened the other door, there came forth from it a woman, chosen especially for the person.To this lady he was immediately married, in honor ofhis innocence. It was not

10、a problem that he might already have a wife and family, or that he might have chosen to marry another woman.The king permitted nothingto interfere with his great method of punishment and reward.但是,如果被告者打開另一扇門,面對他的是一個為他特別挑選的女人。他可以與這個小姐立即結(jié)婚一一這是他獲得清白的榮譽。就算他已經(jīng)結(jié)婚或者擁有家庭都不是問題,又或者他可以選擇另外的女人結(jié)婚。國王允許對他偉大的作為處罰和

11、獎賞的方式毫不干預(yù)。Another door opened under the king, and a clergyman, singers, dancers and musicians joined the man and the lady. The marriage ceremony was quickly completed. Then the bells made cheerful noises.The people shouted happily. And the innocentmanled the new wife to his home, following children

12、who threw flowers on their path.在國王下面的另一扇門將會打開,一個牧師和許多歌手,舞者和音樂家將加入這對男女?;槎Y慶典將很快完成。這是大鐘鳴起歡快的聲音。人們開心的叫喊著。無罪釋放的男人將帶著她的新妻子回到家里,許多孩子將跟隨在他們后面拋著鮮花在他們走過的路上。This was the king's method of carrying out justice. Its fairness appeared perfect. The accused person could not know which door was hiding the lady.H

13、eopened either as he pleased, without having knowing whether, in the next minute, he was to be killed or married.這就是國王執(zhí)行審判的方式。它非常的公平。被告人不知道哪扇門后隱藏著的是老虎哪扇門后面隱藏著女子。他打開其中一扇是隨他的心意而定,他不知道在下一分鐘,他將被殺死或者結(jié)婚。Sometimes the fierce animal came out of one door.Sometimes it came out of theother.有時從一扇門沖出的是兇猛的野獸,有時又是

14、其他。This method was a popular one. When the people gathered together on one of the great trial days, they never knew whether they would see a bloody killing or a happy ending. So everyone was always interested. And the thinking part of the community would bring no charge of unfairness against this pl

15、an.Did not theaccused person have the whole matter in his own hands?這個方法是非常受歡迎的。當人們齊聚在審判日那天,他們不知道他們看到的將會是一次血淋淋的殺戮又或者是一個幸福的結(jié)局。因此每個人都非常感興趣。這種大眾普片的想法使得沒有人對這種不公平的審判采取反抗,被告人真的是把他的命運掌握在他自己手中嗎? (MUSIC)The king had a beautiful daughter who was like him in manyways. He loved her aboveall humanity.The princes

16、s secretly loved a young man who was the best-looking and bravest in the land. But he was a commoner, not part of an important family.國王有一個非常漂亮的在很多方面都非常像他的女兒。他愛她勝過了所有的人。公主秘密的愛著一個在這片大陸上長的最英俊并且最勇敢的青年。但是他是一個平民一一沒有顯赫的背景。One day, the king discovered the relationship between his daughter and the young man

17、. The man was immediately put in prison.A day was set for his trial in theking's public arena. This, of course, was an especially important event. Never before had a common subject been brave enough to love the daughter of the king.一天,國王發(fā)現(xiàn)了他的女兒和這個青年的關(guān)系。這個男子馬上被投進了監(jiān)獄。有一天他將在國王的競技場里進行判決。這件事無疑是一件非常特別

18、, 重要的大事。因為還從來沒有哪個 平民有足夠的勇氣去愛一個國王的女兒。The king knew that the young man would be punished, even if he opened the right door. And the king would take pleasure in watching the series of events, which would judge whether or not the man had done wrong in loving the princess.國王知道這個年輕人將被懲罰,即使他打開了正確的那扇門。國王將非常

19、樂意看到這一系列的事情一一這個人因為錯愛了公主而將受到審判。(MUSIC)The day of the trial arrived.From far and near the people gathered in the arenaand outside its walls.The king and his advisers were in their places, oppositethe two doors. All was ready. The sign was given. The door under the king opened and the lover of the prin

20、cess entered the arena.審判日來到了。無論遠方還是近處的人們都爭相恐后涌向競技場和它的高墻之外。國王和他的顧問坐在他們的地方面對著2扇門。一切都準備就緒。 信號發(fā)出了!在國王下面的門打開了,公主的愛人進入了競技場Tall, beautiful and fair, his appearance was met with a sound of approval andtension. Half the people had not known so perfecta young man livedamongthem.No wonder the princess loved h

21、im! What a terrible thing for him to be there!高大,英俊,皮膚白皙,他的出現(xiàn)引起了人們一陣陣帶著贊可和緊張的議論。一半的人們甚至不知道在他們之中竟然有有一個如此完美的年輕人。所以并不驚訝公主會愛上他!但是在這里對于他而言將會有一件可怕的事情!As the young man entered the public arena, he turned to bend to the king.But hedid not at all think of the great ruler.The young man's eyes instead were

22、 fixedon the princess, who sat to the right of her father.隨著青年進入競技場,他向國王彎身致敬。但他并沒有對這個偉大的統(tǒng)治者做過多的思考。他的眼睛里一直充滿了公主的身影一一公主就坐在她父親的右邊。From the day it was decided that the sentence of her lover should be decided in the arena, she had thought of nothing but this event.從那天決定要對她的愛人在競技場進行判決之時,她的腦海里除了這件事外就沒有思考其他

23、東西。The princess had more power, influence and force of character than anyone who hadever before been interested in such a case. She had done what no other person had done. She had possessed herself of the secret of the doors. She knew behind which door stood the tiger, and behind which waited the la

24、dy.Gold, and the power ofa woman's will, had brought the secret to the princess.公主比任何人都具有權(quán)勢,影響力和人格魅力。她做了沒人做的事。她持有了門的秘密。她知道在哪扇門后的是老虎而哪扇門后是女子。金錢和女人的力量將把秘密帶給公主。She also knew who the lady was. The lady was one of the loveliest in the kingdom. Now and then the princess had seen her looking at and tal

25、king to the young man.她也知道門后的女子是誰。這個女子是在這片國土上最可愛的女子中的一位?,F(xiàn)在,這時公主看著她的目光落在青年身上并和他說話。The princess hated the woman behind that silent door. She hated her with all the intensity of the blood passed to her through long lines of cruel ancestors.公主憎恨這個在這扇門后的女人。(后面這句不知道怎么翻譯通順,大概意思就是她恨自己為什么身體里流動著王室的血液以至于不能和青年相

26、愛)Her lover turned to look at the princess. His eye met hers as she sat there, paler and whiter than anyone in the large ocean of tense faces around her.He saw thatshe knew behind which door waited the tiger, and behind which stood the lady. He had expected her to know it.她的愛人轉(zhuǎn)過身來凝視著公主。他看到她坐在那里, 臉色比

27、起任何人來都顯得蒼白無助,緊張的表情充滿了她的臉龐。 他猜想她知道哪扇門后面是老虎,而哪扇門后面是女子。 他希望并且期待她知道這一切。The only hope for the young manwas based on the success of the princess in discovering this mystery. When he looked at her, he saw that she had been successful, as he knew she would succeed.唯一的希望對于青年來說就是公主能成功的發(fā)現(xiàn)這個奇跡。他當看著她的時候,他看到了她成功了

28、,正如他早知道她會成功一樣。Then his quick and tense look asked the question: "Which?" It was as clear to herThere was not time to be if he shouted it from where he stood.NoThe princess raised her hand, and made a short, quick movement toward the but her lover saw it.Every eye but his

29、was fixed on the man in the arena.這時他快速并緊張的問到:“哪個?”聲音清晰的就像他站在這向他大聲呼叫一樣。已經(jīng)沒時間了公主抬起她的手,并且做出了一個簡短,迅速的動作指向了右邊。除了青年沒人看到,因為每雙眼眼睛都聚集在了競技場里的這個年輕男子的身上He turned, and with a firm and quick step he walked across the empty space. Every heart stopped beating. Every breath was held. Every eye was fixed upon that m

30、an. He went to the door on the right and opened it.他轉(zhuǎn)過身,邁著一個堅定,迅速的腳步走過了這段空地。此時此刻,每顆心都停止了跳動, 每道呼吸都凝住了,每雙眼睛都聚集在了這個男子的身上他走向了右邊的那扇門并且打 開了它(MUSIC)Now, the point of the story is this: Did the tiger come out of that door, or didthe lady?現(xiàn)在,這個故事的關(guān)鍵是:是兇猛的老虎沖了出來還是漂亮的女子?The more we think about this question, t

31、he harder it is to answer.It involvesa study of the human heart.Think of it not as if the decision of the questiondepended upon yourself. But as if it depended upon that hot-blooded princess, her soul at a white heat under the fires of sadness and jealousy.She had lost him,but who should have him?我們

32、會更多的思考這個問題,但難以回答。因為它包含了對于人們心理的研究。思考這個問題:不是以自己的角度去做出決定,而是以全身熱血沸騰的公主的角度去思考,她蒼白的靈 魂下隱藏著的是強烈的悲傷和妒忌。她失去了她最愛的人,而誰又得到了他?How often, in her waking hours and in her dreams, had she started in wild terror,and covered her face with her hands?She thought of her lover opening the dooron the other side of which wa

33、ited the sharp teeth of the tiger!多少次,在她醒著的時候,在她的睡夢中,她都感到深深的恐懼,她害怕的用手去捂住自己的臉龐?她在想她的愛人打開一扇門時等著他的是老虎鋒利的尖牙!But how much oftener had she seen him open the other door? How had she ground her teeth, and torn her hair, when she had seen his happy face as he opened the door of the lady! How her soul had burned in pain when she had seen him run to meet that woman, with her look of vic


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