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1、tuipm,ealynmdanmneemr.bermbined up, e nsuresuccessfully complr oots party buildi ngthi s year,t o studyeducatiL _.11. Ill -._ofproblemPubli c informationork to strengthenthis unit to thesystem study and educati on ilypoororgan theregi onspecifi c guidan ce.Orga nization decompletedlevel s leadershi

2、p generaltask, ensure successful lycom pleted poverty stormi ngannualtargettask,ensure socialoverall harmony stable.Thre e,compacti ng themai nresponsibilitiesa nd stre ngthe n the "two" leadershi pofeducati onal organizati onsdoaa nization, theproblemsare many,t ocriti cize,to accountabil

3、 ity. Ma in is re sponsiblefor comrade to consci ouslybear up first responsi bilitypeople duties, notonly to tube goodcadre s,a ndwit h good team,al soto ube g ood members,and with goodteam, both first examples,lonveyinglayer upartments,a sthe lea dde partment,tostrengthe nthe planning,organizati on

4、, coordinatia nd g uidance ,goodde sign, decomposition, eachkeyaction to implement. Carry out studyand education,torelyonstri ct docreal gui de, pressurecdoa g oodjob "two"education withoutastrong orga nization andlead ershi p. Party construction ofpartyorgani zations at all levels s,lead

5、participate in lear ning e ducation,and by Qia ncommand, inpute noug hoftimea nd e nergy, strengthe ned Gui deand c一一 > _ - . I - . IL. . I_. - -I L . . .II I _ I- I I - - upon layer,stepbyste p, compaction of responsibility.In steeringt he Steering must prevent formalism,catch t he way thethi nk

6、ing ofpreventishoul d firmly establish themainconsciousne ss, grasping party buildi ng asthe first responsi bility, strengthe n lea dershi p, demonstrable, scientifictoe nsure solid educati on effectively. First,thelayersofresponsibility. Partycommittees (leading partygroup)tostudy education a s ama

7、jorpolitica ltask,primary responsid checksrol e,onwork programmepersonallyvalidation,on importanttask personallydeployment,on exists problemtimelysol ution,thr oughoutputre sponsibility carryin shoulderSha ng, impr oper"shuai shouzha nggui".T heCounty partyCommittee and muni cipal party Co

8、mmitteemunicipalw orkers,Various enter.III 一- - . 一IL. 一 . I _ .1. - - - . 一 一.-.- - 1_L _I - I . . 一 ._ .1 I _ _ - 一ona ctivities,st udyand education,preventingroutine aside,preventsimple, donig as muchas meeting note stojudge thee ducational results.Totakereports, customized research,attending the

9、 meeting, randomspotchecks,briefi ngsand ot hermeans,to focusthepushGuideto grassroots,on thebility foreffective implementation, strengthen lea dership,carefullygui ding theSteering,doa g oodjob overall,st udya ndsolvepr oblem s inaprise s and instit utions, Commission, partycommittees andde partmen

10、ts i n charge of industrypractice, developspecifi c impleme ntation plan,II I - I I ._ 一 - -I II. party branch, in-dept hundersta nding ofeducation and a ctualeffect,sum up freshexperiencet oprom ote grassroot s, to detect andcorrect thesignsepartments shoul d pay spe cialattenti on to publi copini

11、on,in-de pth i nformation relating to provincial,muni cipa land Ce ntralde cisi onsand arrangementsto promote educationaleffectiveness and progress ofthetypi calexperience,a nd create agoodsocialatmosphere.Second,perseveri ng inabove rates.Lea dingbodies at alllev els,l eadership,p, leadi ngca dress

12、houldtake thelead, asa goodexample,and askingot hersto do youfirstdo it,asksofother sand notthemselvesdetermined notto do,forexampleofsuperiorto subordnate,teamleader forteammembers forexample,levelto level,level with levels, layers of driven model, layeruponlaye r,formationoftheshots,theeoverall ge

13、neral effecectoflinkage. Need stresse d ofis,regardless ofw hatranks, andws,are to totoGeneral membersidentityputhimself pendulum in,seriously implementation Ce ntral and provi nci al,and municipalonlearningeducationofthe requirements,strictlyimplementation doubleorganiseinto operational, a followin

14、gthe fieldthe id,ba sic system,lea d lear ning di scussi on, lead onexperience,a nd tol dparty le cture,a nd for re port,lea d participatein 11. . IL . . - - 一一bleto put inpla ce ways.ndustryofmembers toTograspfrom thespecific w ork,har d,catchi ng fine practice,withorganisedwillI - -一concrete re su

15、ltst o verifythe educati,and democratic comments, lI. Ieadshoev ocati onal due dilige nce,a nd base d postforco->I. I_L . . L. I L -onalre sults.Shoul dbetargeted.Differentparty member'side ologi caltrends a ndntribution,do"I _ I . do"fourtoldfourha s"ofqualifiebehavi ors, diff

16、er entialtreatmentineducation,prd Communist,strivet- I_ .一ecisi onapplication polimakeslearning research mcy, "keystartslore in-de pth, and che.L > - -.tolearmean and do themesureseach partymckpendulum probl I .em more de epI - I _ember,e,To reorga nizetheim- -.一.-I - -nabli ngthemtplementat

17、iI -o access ton ofmore rao educati on, im prove, makedical,ava nt-gardemore repeople feelMemspe ctabl e image,thus learniI .-一bersofthe ne wchanges.To reflecttheng education effective.T-. hird,stre ngthenthe guidannds of peopl e,and giveexpressoin differences,- I. . 1>argepersonnelba.I_Ldlcharac

18、teristi cs. Indeterse,wi de field, hierarchy, difI. . -I.L . II_ I I .mining thelference,a ndtodifferentiatebetweeearni ng whe nthe topi cwas discussed,accordington counties, departments,grasscsandots unit s,allkindsofparty or 一 I > _and existi ng problemsorganizatibothclosely li nked t othe t hI

19、 .1 I . I_ . >Iual characteristi cs ofhierarchionthecal classificati on positionsput forwardmeasures to一 - 一up. Do qualifie dComm unist ofstandar d also ca nnot uniform,County aTohav e operable.EaI. IIch partyshould devell eader s sta ndar d tomorespecific programmesand specificmeasures,eJ I.duca

20、ti on principle s and learni ng requirementshigh m ore strict,t oinsi sted loyalty clea n pla y,doJiao Yulu type ofgoodnce.Thee ducation forallmembers,la nd partymember betweenthe actocks", down toofparty members,bove mem bers l _ _ 一 .課程設(shè)計任務(wù)書題目:轉(zhuǎn)速檢測顯示裝置設(shè)計1.1 課程設(shè)計任務(wù)測速是工農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)中經(jīng)常遇到的問題, 人們經(jīng)常需要精確測量每

21、秒鐘轉(zhuǎn)軸的 轉(zhuǎn)速,學會對電機轉(zhuǎn)速的測量和顯示具有重要的意義。 本設(shè)計采用光電傳感器感 受輸入光信號,產(chǎn)生的脈沖電信號, 該脈沖信號送入計數(shù)器,累計所產(chǎn)生的脈沖 數(shù),并使計數(shù)器每秒鐘做一次清零, 就可以記下每秒鐘的轉(zhuǎn)速。在每次周期性的 清零前一時刻,將計數(shù)器記下的數(shù)值傳入寄存器存儲,并進行顯示,這就是測量 到的上一秒鐘的轉(zhuǎn)速。1.2 課程設(shè)計目的1)掌握利用光電傳感器進行非接觸式轉(zhuǎn)速測量的方法;2)掌握測量和顯示電路的設(shè)計方法;3)培養(yǎng)實踐技能,提高分析和解決實際問題的能力。1.3 課程設(shè)計要求1)轉(zhuǎn)速測量顯示范圍為09999轉(zhuǎn)/秒。2)轉(zhuǎn)速測量誤差每秒不超過一圈,內(nèi)部時鐘穩(wěn)定度每天不超一秒。3

22、)電路原理要求簡單,便于制作調(diào)試,元件成本低廉易購。1.4 課程設(shè)計內(nèi)容1、整形電路、計數(shù)電路、鎖存電路、時鐘電路和譯碼顯示電路的設(shè)計;2、電路的連接和各部分調(diào)試;3、硬件電路原理圖及清單。1.5 課程設(shè)計報告要求報告中提供如下內(nèi)容:1、目錄2、正文2.1 課程設(shè)計任務(wù)書;2.2 總體設(shè)計方案2.2.1 原理框圖(手畫)2.2.2 各部分電路原理說明2.3 調(diào)試、運行結(jié)果(包含各部分電路的波形圖)3、設(shè)計小結(jié)(心得體會)4、參考文獻1.6 課程設(shè)計進度安排進度表如表1-1所小表1-1工作日工作內(nèi)容第1天布置課程設(shè)計任務(wù),查找相關(guān)資料,熟悉相關(guān)芯片第2天設(shè)計總體方案和繪制原理圖第3天調(diào)試各部分電

23、路第4天調(diào)試各部分電路,系統(tǒng)聯(lián)調(diào)第5天完成課程設(shè)計報告,答辯1.7 課程設(shè)計考核辦法本課程設(shè)計滿分為100分,從課程設(shè)計平時表現(xiàn)、課程設(shè)計報告及課程設(shè)計 答辯三個方面進行評分,其所占比例分別為 20% 40% 40%二概述2.1 相關(guān)背景和簡介目前國內(nèi)外測量電機轉(zhuǎn)速的方法很多, 按照不同的理論方法,先后產(chǎn)生過模擬 測速法(如離心式轉(zhuǎn)速表、用電機轉(zhuǎn)矩或者電機電樞電動勢計算所得)、同步測速 法(如機械式或閃光式頻閃測速儀)以及計數(shù)測速法。計數(shù)測速法又可分為機械式 定時計數(shù)法和電子式定時計數(shù)法。傳統(tǒng)的電機轉(zhuǎn)速檢測多采用測速發(fā)電機或光電 數(shù)字脈沖編碼器,也有采用電磁式 (利用電磁感應(yīng)原理或可變磁阻的霍

24、爾元件 等)、電容式(對高頻振蕩進行幅值調(diào)制或頻率調(diào)制)等,還有一些特殊的測速器 是利用置于旋轉(zhuǎn)體內(nèi)的放射性材料來發(fā)生脈沖信號.其中應(yīng)用最廣的是光電式, 光電式測系統(tǒng)具有低慣性、低噪聲、高分辨率和高精度的優(yōu)點.加之激光光源、 光柵、光學碼盤、CCD器件、光導(dǎo)纖維等的相繼出現(xiàn)和成功應(yīng)用,使得光電傳感 器在檢測和控制領(lǐng)域得到了廣泛的應(yīng)用。 而采用光電傳感器的電機轉(zhuǎn)速測量系統(tǒng) 測量準確度高、采樣速度快、測量范圍寬和測量精度與被測轉(zhuǎn)速無關(guān)等優(yōu)點,具 有廣闊的應(yīng)用前景。2.2 總體設(shè)計方案設(shè)計思路:(1) 利用光電開關(guān)管做電機轉(zhuǎn)速的信號拾取元件,在電機的轉(zhuǎn)軸上安裝一個圓盤,在圓盤上挖1小洞,小洞上下分別

25、對應(yīng)著光發(fā)射和 光接受開關(guān),圓盤轉(zhuǎn)動一圈即光電管導(dǎo)通 1次,利用此信號做為 脈沖計數(shù)所需。(2) 對光電開關(guān)信號整流放大(3) 脈沖經(jīng)過單片機內(nèi)部的計數(shù)器和定時器進行計數(shù)和定時(4) 顯示電路采用單片機動態(tài)顯示:e.cof membesto岫JU 心 A3 M KJJUCEAl證BT甌曲u-XBV ) 1 4 JI-7 h I re .1 ta . 、 m hu L Ifa- p p p p p p p pb 皿 皿 BJ 皿 JQ _理山。口??;DBOt<CSP.ELH- lie d om musrem_ e三硬件的電路設(shè)計3.1 傳感器的類型光電傳感器是采用光電元件作為檢測元件的傳感

26、器。它首先把被測量的變化 轉(zhuǎn)換成光信號的變化,然后借助光電元件進一步將光信號轉(zhuǎn)換成電信號。 光電傳 感器一般由光源、光學通路和光電元件三部分組成。光電檢測方法具有精度高、 反應(yīng)快、非接觸等優(yōu)點,而且可測參數(shù)多,傳感器的結(jié)構(gòu)簡單,形式靈活多樣, 因此,光電式傳感器在檢測和控制中應(yīng)用非常廣泛。這些信號調(diào)理電路負責將光電傳感器輸出的微弱的光電信號進行放大、整 形,轉(zhuǎn)換成所單片機定時計數(shù)所需要的脈沖信號。不同的光電元件,所要求的測量電路也不相同,為此設(shè)計時必須詳加考慮。我們采用光電開關(guān)管,它是利用被 檢測物對光束的遮擋或反射,由同步回路選通電路,基本的原理就是當發(fā)射管光 照射到接收管時,接收管導(dǎo)通,反

27、之關(guān)斷。以透射式為例,如圖1所示,當不透光的物體擋住發(fā)射與接收之間的間隙時,開關(guān)管關(guān)斷,否則打開。為此,可以制 作一個帶有均勻小孔的鋁盤如圖 2所示,安裝在轉(zhuǎn)軸上,當小孔經(jīng)過時,產(chǎn)生脈 沖信號。當小孔數(shù)較多時,旋轉(zhuǎn)一周可以獲得多個脈沖信號。豆夕C圖1光電傳感器的原理圖圖2脈沖發(fā)生源硬件結(jié)構(gòu)圖(左為正視圖,右為側(cè)視圖)wauie3.2 傳感器接口電路設(shè)計傳感器借口電路如下圖:R24K7R11K光電開關(guān)管一 d om musrem_ e電路核心由一個光電開關(guān)管組成, 平時電機轉(zhuǎn)輪靜止,發(fā)光二極管所發(fā)出的 光被輪子擋住,所以接收管處于截止狀態(tài),1端為高電平。當電機轉(zhuǎn)動一圈,會 使接收管導(dǎo)通一次,1端

28、輸出一個低電平,1端波形為圖3所示:在實際電機工作狀態(tài)中,會受到各方面的干擾,波形會存在許多雜波成分, 需要對波形進行處理,處理成符合記計數(shù)器所需要的矩型波。波形處理電路有一個施密特觸發(fā)器組成, 如上圖3-6所示。當輸入電壓逐步 升高時,致使VI>施密特上VT+,內(nèi)部觸發(fā)器發(fā)生翻轉(zhuǎn)。當VI逐步下降時,致使 VI<VT-,電路再次發(fā)生翻轉(zhuǎn),通常VT+>VT-所以只要VI<VT-電路就能穩(wěn)定在低 電平,VI>VT+電路就穩(wěn)定在高電平,這樣就有效的防止了雜波的干擾, 并使輸出 得到矩形脈沖,符合了下級計數(shù)的需求。典型的施密特其工作波形如下圖4所示:*里圖43.3 單片機

29、最小系統(tǒng)單片機最小系統(tǒng)包括時鐘電路和復(fù)位電路。單片機工作時,從取指令到譯碼再進行微操作,必須在時鐘信號控制下才能有序地進行, 時鐘電路就是為單片機 工作提供基本時鐘的。單片機的時鐘信號通常有兩種產(chǎn)生方式:內(nèi)部時鐘方式和外部時鐘方式。內(nèi)部時鐘方式的原理電路如下圖所示。在單片機XTAL1和XTAL2 引腳上跨接上一個晶振和兩個穩(wěn)頻電容, 可以與單片機片內(nèi)的電路構(gòu)成一個穩(wěn)定 的自激振蕩器。外接電容的作用是對振蕩器進行頻率微調(diào),使振蕩信號頻率與晶振頻率一致,同時起到穩(wěn)定頻率的作用,一般選用 2030pF的瓷片電容。復(fù)位 電路是利用電容充電來實現(xiàn)復(fù)位。在電源接通瞬間,RST引腳上的電位是高電平(Vcc)

30、,電源接通后對電容進行快速充電,隨著充電的進行,RST引腳上的電位也會逐漸下降為低電平。最小系統(tǒng)如圖5所示C119卜 XT AL 1POWADOP0.1/AD1P0.2/AD2XTAL2P0.3/AD3P0.4/AD4P0.5/AD5RSTPORAD?P2.0/ASP2,1/APP2 2/A10ALP2 3/A11EAF2.4/A12PZ5 他 13P2.6/A14Pl 0P3.0/RXDpi.ips.irrxDPl.2P3N 直叵Pl.3P3.3/INT1Pl.4P3<T0Pl 5P3,5EPl.6P36/WRFL7P3.7/RD3918要373693534抬322?302122232

31、431251孤27篇10211§12413514615716317U1e.cof membesto圖5最小系統(tǒng)3.4 顯示電路設(shè)計led數(shù)碼管(LED Segment Displays )是由多個發(fā)光二極管封裝在一起 組成“8”字型的器件, 引線已在內(nèi)部連接完成, 只需引出它們的各個筆劃, 公共電極。led數(shù)碼管常用段數(shù)一般為 7段有的另加一個小數(shù)點,還有一種 是類似于3位“+1”型。位數(shù)有半位,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10位等等.led數(shù)碼管根據(jù)LED的接法不同分為共陰和共陽兩類,了解LED的這些特性,對編程是很重要的,因為不同類型的數(shù)碼管,除了它們的硬件電路有差

32、異 外,編程方法也是不同的。共陰和共陽極數(shù)碼管,它們的發(fā)光原理是一樣 的,只是它們的電源極性不同而已。內(nèi)部電路如下:點亮LED顯示器有兩種方式:一是靜態(tài)顯示,二是動態(tài)顯示。動 態(tài)顯示,就一位一位地輪流點亮各位顯示器(掃描),對于每一位顯示器來說, 每隔一段時間點亮一次。顯示器的亮度既與導(dǎo)通電流有關(guān), 也與點亮時間和間隔時間的比例有關(guān)。調(diào)整電流和時間參數(shù),可實現(xiàn)亮度較高較穩(wěn)定的顯示。本文 采用4位LED動態(tài)顯示電路如圖6圖6 4 位動態(tài)LED顯示電路日日日日+5V3.5 電源模塊設(shè)計變壓器后面由4個二極管組成一個橋式整流電路,整流后就得到一個電壓波動很大的直流電源,所以在這里接一個330uF/2

33、5V的電解電容。變壓器輸出端的9V電壓經(jīng)橋式整流并電容濾波,在電容 C1兩端大約會有11V多一點的電壓,假如從電容兩端直接接一個負載,當負載變化或交流電源有少許波動都會使C1兩端的電壓發(fā)生較大幅度的變化,因此要得到一個比較穩(wěn)定的電壓, 在這里接一個 三端穩(wěn)壓器的元件。三端穩(wěn)壓器是一種集成電路元件,內(nèi)部由一些三極管和電阻 等構(gòu)成,在分析電路時可簡單的認為這是一個能自動調(diào)節(jié)電阻的元件,當負載電流大時三端穩(wěn)壓器內(nèi)的電阻自動變小,這樣就能保持穩(wěn)壓器的輸出電壓保持基本 不變。因為我們要輸出5V的電壓,所以選用7805。四軟件部分的設(shè)計4.1 程序設(shè)計方案本系統(tǒng)采用89C51中T0定時器和T1計數(shù)器配合使

34、用對轉(zhuǎn)速脈沖定 時計數(shù)。計數(shù)器T1工作于計數(shù)狀態(tài)對外部脈沖進行計數(shù);TO工作為定 時器方式每次定時50ms,采用60次中斷,即在計數(shù)器T1在3秒鐘內(nèi)對外部脈沖進行計數(shù),然一根據(jù)3秒鐘內(nèi)的計數(shù)侑推兌變eat t u.一t"i.tie-. "iil”". a a gte dd- eei ss g e - . xei c a eat g siase c .ese g i ve ae eaig e ti iv s eesilalgdeSu k-ll .exam a ask g- is . - 1- s a them eseteie - exam 1sle u . atta

35、led ta e s - a e le to l il lae v die a .ma- - ts vea ge are -ageNed stessga.ssrakaseledaGaemed - iee.e.uTiemgaearsy-ele 1rg c sraeeee aayl- e-e - c - gi .ea c e - l a s a l.ig. a st i . -u- - s l ii -v- kee gea e c k l l e e To e ga - eeaa id ra gad ee- l ige - e ig.di -e-e Tri - g -gi e -o - 1rs a

36、 g e s l did iacy i-e e e i-eei- eee -sea- s gas - s l -n. - ga-ree-e-a-lcaaeiacilii-ia as e lirgai-i e-oll-inlagas-ii-a. c g i aie i- c c e l - v-yeu-i les- l -gee i-e e a-ee id i. l e a a- siee- a - eaei .i ai lcksa - .- - - eau e e - e e a g - e- cs-.ciiv k le-ee c g s - - ieec N u - m a d e agv

37、x e ss i-e c caaeisis - e eiig la g r - a .css. c . g - i-e ca ceis c ei-g e-e scsy l- -eiyea-eee-ili u is -a scu-NihDeuie4.2定時/計數(shù)器的初始化T1被用于計數(shù),我們當然希望計數(shù)量大為好,這樣,可以獲得較大的測量范圍,因此,T1定為工作方式1 (16位的計數(shù)方式),設(shè)計中,沒有使用外部控制端,僅用指令置位/清零TR1來進行計數(shù)的啟動/停止,這樣,電路較為簡單。本系統(tǒng)T1用自由計數(shù)方式,不用預(yù)置初值定時/計數(shù)器的方式控制字TMOD其8位控制內(nèi)容如下表:處理TH仇THE救旅G

38、ATEC/T M1 M0 GATEC/T M1 M0T1T0根據(jù)前面的描述要求,確定TMOD的控制字應(yīng)為0x51。對定時器T0與計數(shù)器T1的初始化程序如下timer_init()Ea=1;ET0=1;ET1=1;TMOD0X51;TH0=(65535-50000)/256;TL0=(65535 - 50000)%256;TH1=0;TL1=0;TR0=1;TR1=1;4.3定時器中斷程序中斷部分要對單片機產(chǎn)生的中斷次數(shù)計數(shù),定時器每次觸發(fā)中斷需要的時間為 50ms我們需要單片機在3秒鐘內(nèi)對脈沖計數(shù),所以要對中斷計數(shù) 60次。中斷程 序要給THQ TL0賦初值,同時要開啟定時器T0O定時器中斷程

39、序 void timer0() interrupt 1n+;TR0=0;TR1=0;TH0=(65535-50000)/256;TL0=(65535- 50000)%256;if (n =60) mm0;mm=TH1;mr=(mn<<8) | TL1;TH1=0;TL1=0;n=0;eat t u.一t"i.tie-. "iil”". a a gtedd-eeissg e -.xeicaeat gsiasec.eseg iveaeeaig e ti iv s eesilalgdeSu k-ll.examaaskg- is . - 1-s a theme

40、seteie-exam1sleu.attaledtaes - aele to l illaevdiea.ma-tsveageare-age Ned stessga.ssrakaseledaGaemed-iee.e.uTiemtai e a acluclaig.euiemes、- ietai.gaear syee eg c sraeeeeaayl-e-e-c-gi.ea c e - l a sal.ig.a s- - i .-u-slii-v- ke e geaecklleetega-eeaa id ra gadee- l ige - eig.ci-e-eTri-g-gie-o-1rsagesl

41、didiacy i-e eei-eei- ee -sea-sgas-sl-n.-ga-ree-e-a-lcaae iacilii-iaaselirgaiveaEdayseelsiigae-ase.aiiie e-i e-oll-inlagas-ii-a.cgiaie i- c c e esl - v-yeu-i les-l-gee-eea-eeidi.leaa-siee-a-eaeiu.iailcksa-l-eauee-eeag-e-ces-.ciivkle-eecgs-ieecNu-madeagvxess-eccaaeisis-eeiig lagr -a.css.c.g-i-ecaceisc

42、ei-ge-e scsyl-eiy ea-eee-uliuis- a scu -uy a e see -d.egs-i-e- la ly a l y11TR0=1;TR1=1;進A. ktillj中也v4.4顯示部分程序本系統(tǒng)采用動態(tài)數(shù)碼管顯示,xian_shi() uchar qian,bei,shi,ge;uint jj;jj =mm;jj =jj /3; qian =jj /1000; bei =jj %000/100;shi =jj %00/10;ge=jj %0;P2=0x10;P0=tableqian;delay; P2=0x20; P0=tablebei;delay; P2=0x

43、40;所以程序如下:ork to strengthenthis unit to thesystem storganizati on, coordinatia nd g uidance ,goodde sign, decomposition, eachkeyaction to implemeparty branch, in-dept hundersta nding ofeducation and a ctualeffect,sum up freshexperiencet oprom ote grassroot s, to dete ct andcorrect thesignsofproblemP

44、ubli c informationtuipm,ealynmdanmneemr.bermbined up, e nsuresuccessfully complr oots party buildi ngthi s year,t o studyeducatiL _.11. Ill -._n theregi onspecifi c guidance.Orgalycompletedlevel s leadershi p generaltask, ensure successful lycom pleted poverty stormi ngannualtargettask,e nsure socia

45、loverall harmony stable.Thre e,compacti ng themai nresponsibilitiesa nd stre ngthe n the "two" leadershi pofeducati onal organizati onsdoa g oodjob "two"education withoutastrong orga nization andleadershipoororga nization, theproblemsare many,t ocriti cize,to accountabil ity. Ma

46、in is re sponsiblefor comrade to consci ouslybear up first responsi bilitypeople duties,notonly to tube goodcadre s,a ndwit h good team,al soto t ube g ood members,and with goodteam, both first examples,lead participate in lear ning e ducation,and by Qia ncommand,- -" . I - _ _ I _| 一 一一 - .一 -

47、一 L I 一 - . I -I - _.一 L一. . I. I. . I-_ L. > 一一 > _ - . I - . IL. . I_. L _L. Inization departments,a sthe lea dde partment,tostrengthe nthe planning,organizati on, coordinatia nd g uidance ,goodde sign, decomposition, eachkeyaction to implement. Carry out studyand education,torelyonstri ct d

48、ocreal gui de, pressureconveyinglayerupon layer, stepbyste p, compa ction of responsibilitp. Partyconstruction ofpartyorgani zations at all levelsshould firmly establish themainconsciousne ss, grasping party buildi ng asthe first responsi bility, strengthe n lea dershi p, demonstrable, scientifictoe

49、 nsure solid educati on effectively. First,thelayersofresponsibility. Partycommittees (leadi ng partygroup)tostudy education a s amajorpolitica ltask,primary responsiinpute noug hoftimea nd e nergy, strengthe ned Gui deand che cksrole,onwork programmepersonallyvalidation,on importanttask personallyd

50、eployment,on exists problemtimelysol ution,thr oughoutputre sponsibility carryin shoulderSha ng, impr oper"shuai shouzha nggui".T heCounty partyCommittee and muni cipal party Committeemunicipalw orkers,Various enter.- -I L . . .II I _ I- I I - - - . III 一- - . 一IL. 一 . I _ .1. 一. - _ II. 一

51、 一.-.- - 1_L _I - I . . 一 ._ .1 I _ _ - 一y.In steeringt he Steering must prevent formalism,catch t he way thethi nking ofpreventiona ctivities,st udyand education,preventingroutine aside,preventsimple, doi ngasmuchasmeeting note stojudge thee ducational results.Totakereports, customized research,att

52、ending the meeting, randomspotchecks,briefi ngsand ot hermeans,to focusthepushGuideto grassroots,on thebility foreffective implementation, strengthen lea dership,carefullygui ding theSteering,doa g oodjob overall,st udya ndsolvepr oblem s inaprise s and instit utions, Commission, partycommittees and

53、de partments i n charge of industrypractice, developspecifi c impleme ntation plan,II I - I I ._ 一 - -I II. P0=tableshi; delay(1);P2=0x80;P0=tablege; delay(1);4.5 單片機總體程序如下:#include <reg51 . h>#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intuint mm =0;uchar n;uchar codetable = 0xc0,0xF9,0xA4,0xB0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xF8,0x80,0x90 ;delay(uint


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