



1、after 的反義詞和例句以下是為大家整理了 after 這個(gè)詞的反義詞和例句, 希望大家喜歡。after 的反義詞: beforeafter 的反義詞例句: B comes before C in the alphabet.B 在字母表里排在 C 之前。He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下議院當(dāng) 眾發(fā)表了一個(gè)聲明。He always put the interests of others before his own. 他總把他人的 利益放在第一位。I'd met him once before.我曾經(jīng)見過他。I w

2、as inspired to work harder than ever before. 我受鼓勵(lì)比以往任何 時(shí)候都更加努力地工作。after 的英語例句:The day after, he apologized 日,他抱歉了。They lived happily ever after他們後來一直生活得很幸福。After dinner we paired off and went to dance. 飯后我們成雙成對(duì)地 跳舞去了。After travelling for three days I slept for twenty hours at a stretch. 連 續(xù) 3 天旅行之后,

3、我一連睡了 20 個(gè)小時(shí)。C comes after B in the alphabet在字母表中 C接在 B 后面。They in quired after you 他們問候你。We ran after the thief 我們追趕竊賊。We've named the baby after you.我們是依照你的名字給這嬰兒取名的After you left, we all missed you. 你走了以后,我們都很想你。He headed for me after I called him. 叫了他一聲之后,他朝我走過 來了。After I told her the news,

4、she stared at me in astonishment. 我把消 息告訴她之后,她驚駭?shù)帽牬罅搜劬Χ⒅?。He blacked out after they hit him on the head. 他們擊打他的頭之后, 他暈過去了。After finishing his share of the work he went to help the others. 他完 成了自己的那局部工作以后,又去幫助別人。Please cover the typewriter after use. 用完后請(qǐng)把打字機(jī)罩好。Thank you for looking after us so well.

5、 感謝你們對(duì)我們照顧得如此 周到。They usually meander down to the pub after work. 他們通常下班后 漫步到那家小酒店去。After lunch he reposed on the couch. 午飯后他躺在長沙發(fā)上休息。After an sweri ng his questi on, she asked back .答復(fù)他的問題之后,她 反問他。He nestled up against his mother after waking up. 睡醒之后他依然 依偎在媽媽身邊。She still kept up with her classmate

6、s after graduation. 畢業(yè)后她仍然 與她的同學(xué)保持聯(lián)系。After answering my questions, he slept on. 答復(fù)完我的問題后, 他又 接著睡覺了。After the wedding we all posed for a photograph. 婚禮之后,我們?nèi)?體排好拍了一張照片。She disowned their son after she eloped. 她私奔后遺棄了他們的兒 子。He nipped away after giving me some coins. 他給了我?guī)酌队矌胖螅?便匆匆離去了。I always shower after getting up. 起床后我總是洗個(gè)淋浴。After breakfast he perused the newspapers. 早飯后,他讀了各種報(bào) 紙。She promenaded the children along the


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