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1、Chinese Culture Project:Chinese Culture Project:Chinese MedicineChinese MedicineMichelle DevanMichelle DevanIntroductionnTraditional forms of medicine have been Traditional forms of medicine have been used in China since the 3used in China since the 3rdrd Century. Chinese Century. Chinese medicine i

2、s very holistic and is mainly medicine is very holistic and is mainly focused on the balance of “Yin and Yang,” as focused on the balance of “Yin and Yang,” as well as of body and mind. Chinese medicine well as of body and mind. Chinese medicine mainly consists of natural and herbal mainly consists

3、of natural and herbal remedies, as well as body/mind techniques.remedies, as well as body/mind techniques.Traditional MedicinenTraditional medicine revolves Traditional medicine revolves Around the principles of Yin and Around the principles of Yin and Yang, which are the opposites found Yang, which

4、 are the opposites found in everything, such as day (Yang) or in everything, such as day (Yang) or night. (Yin)night. (Yin)nPractitioners believe that every Practitioners believe that every person has a life force known as “Qi.”person has a life force known as “Qi.”nThe purpose of medicine is to The

5、 purpose of medicine is to establish a balance of the bodys Qi.establish a balance of the bodys Qi.nThe first use of Chinese Medicine The first use of Chinese Medicine dates back to 200 B.C.dates back to 200 B.C.nThe forms of Chinese Medicine The forms of Chinese Medicine include: Acupuncture/Pressu

6、re, include: Acupuncture/Pressure, Moxibustion, Herbal remedies, Moxibustion, Herbal remedies, Nutritional Balance, Massage, Qi-Nutritional Balance, Massage, Qi-Gong, Tai Chi and Meditation.Gong, Tai Chi and Meditation.AcupuncturenOne of the oldest forms of One of the oldest forms of Chinese Medicin

7、eChinese MedicinenAcupuncture involves the Acupuncture involves the stimulation of anatomical points stimulation of anatomical points on the body with thin needled.on the body with thin needled.nContrary to what you might Contrary to what you might think, acupuncture patients think, acupuncture pati

8、ents usually feel little to no pain.usually feel little to no pain.nAcupuncture needles are hair-Acupuncture needles are hair-thin and are manipulated either thin and are manipulated either by hand or hand or electricity.nNeedles are placed at “Yin/Yang Needles are placed at “Yin/Yang

9、 Meridian points”Meridian points”MoxibustionnMoxibustion involves the Moxibustion involves the placement of burnt moxa on placement of burnt moxa on specific points of the body.specific points of the body.nThe purpose is to strengthen The purpose is to strengthen the blood and improve Qi the blood a

10、nd improve Qi flow.flow.n2 methods, direct and 2 methods, direct and indirectindirectnTraditionally used to treat Traditionally used to treat colds.colds.nIn western medicine, it is used In western medicine, it is used to turn breech babies to a to turn breech babies to a normal position for normal

11、position for childbirthchildbirthHerbsnHerbs are a vital part of Herbs are a vital part of Chinese healing.Chinese healing.nEach ingredient has unique Each ingredient has unique characteristics.characteristics.nThe ingredients work in The ingredients work in harmony to help a persons harmony to help

12、 a persons body.body.nHerbs can help boost Qi Herbs can help boost Qi and balance Yin/Yang.and balance Yin/Yang.nSome Chinese herbs can be Some Chinese herbs can be purchased in the US.purchased in the US.MassagenChinese massage is known Chinese massage is known as Tui Naas Tui NanUses wave-like mot

13、ions to Uses wave-like motions to loosen joints and nourish loosen joints and nourish muscles.muscles.nBrings awareness back to a Brings awareness back to a persons body, making it a persons body, making it a first step in the healing first step in the healing cess.nStimulates the flow of

14、 Qi, Stimulates the flow of Qi, blood and body fluidsblood and body fluidsnCan be used to treat pain, Can be used to treat pain, stress or digestion stress or digestion blems.QigongnQigong is a Chinese form Qigong is a Chinese form of exercise.of exercise.nIt regulates the mind and It re

15、gulates the mind and breathing to promote the breathing to promote the flow of Qi.flow of Qi.nQigong is often used to Qigong is often used to treat diseases.treat diseases.nExternal Qigong is External Qigong is performed on a person by performed on a person by a Qigong mastera Qigong masternInternal

16、 Qigong is Internal Qigong is practiced by oneself.practiced by oneself.MeditationnMeditation has been practiced Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years.for thousands of years.nIt involves focusing on one It involves focusing on one thing, such as breathing patterns, thing, such as brea

17、thing patterns, while clearing all other thoughts while clearing all other thoughts from the mind.from the mind.nMeditation is used to replenish Meditation is used to replenish the flow of Qi, which helps to the flow of Qi, which helps to ward off illnesses.ward off illnesses.nPeople may experience

18、various People may experience various feelings during meditation. feelings during meditation. Some people may begin to feel Some people may begin to feel overjoyed, while others may overjoyed, while others may experience extreme sadness, and experience extreme sadness, and even cry.even cry.nMeditat

19、ion is also popularly Meditation is also popularly practiced in western countries as practiced in western countries as a means of stress relief.a means of stress relief.Final ThoughtsI found learning about Chinese medicine I found learning about Chinese medicine techniques to be very interesting. I was fascinated by techniques to be very interesting. I was fascinated by their beliefs in forc


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