高中英語 (Unit1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained)三點剖析優(yōu)秀資料 新人教版選修10_第1頁
高中英語 (Unit1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained)三點剖析優(yōu)秀資料 新人教版選修10_第2頁
高中英語 (Unit1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained)三點剖析優(yōu)秀資料 新人教版選修10_第3頁
高中英語 (Unit1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained)三點剖析優(yōu)秀資料 新人教版選修10_第4頁
高中英語 (Unit1 Nothing ventured,nothing gained)三點剖析優(yōu)秀資料 新人教版選修10_第5頁
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1、名師導(dǎo)航三點剖析單詞·典句·考點 【經(jīng)典例句】 An expedition with the great Sir Ernest Shackleton to the South PoleI was hooked.跟著偉大的歐內(nèi)斯特·沙克爾頓爵士去南極探險我被迷住了?!究键c聚焦】 1)hook作動詞的常見搭配是be/get hooked on sth.,表示“迷上某事物”。如:The man got hooked on heroin.那人吸海洛因成癮。2)hook作名詞,意為“鉤;困境;鉤拳”。如:a fish hook 魚鉤;a left hook左勾拳;get o

2、ff the hook擺脫困境;off the hook(指電話聽筒)未掛上【經(jīng)典例句】 His perseverance won our complete faith in him.他的堅持不懈完全贏得了我們的信任?!究键c聚焦】 faith用作名詞,一般作不可數(shù)名詞,后面常跟介詞in ,常見的搭配有:have faith in sb./sth. 信仰(信任)某人(某物); give ones faith to sb. 保證擁護某人; keep/break faith with sb.對某人守信用(不守信用);in good faith 真誠地;誠實地 【活學(xué)活用】 1.翻譯句子1)我不再信任

3、那家伙。_答案:1)Ive lost faith in the fellow.2)他對人不守信用,朋友都離開了他。_答案:2)He always breaks faith with others and friends have left him.【經(jīng)典例句】 There were no differences in rank or in social status.這里沒有等級與地位的差別?!究键c聚焦】 1)rank用作名詞時,常見的搭配有:break ranks 出列,落后;fall into ranks 加入行列,排隊;keep ranks 保持隊形,維持秩序2)rank用作動詞時,意為

4、“位居;被分類,被評價”。如:She ranks high in her class.她在班上名列前茅?!净顚W(xué)活用】 2.完成句子1)The soldier was promoted to _ (上尉軍銜).答案:the rank of captain 2)People from _(各階層、各階級)are equal here.答案:all ranks and classes 3)How do you _(將湯姆列為級)as a chess player?答案:rank Tom 【經(jīng)典例句】 All our hotels have been selected for the excellen

5、t value they provide.我們住的旅館都是精心挑選的,最為合算?!究键c聚焦】 select還可用作形容詞,意為“精選的;選擇成員嚴(yán)格的”。如:I just bought a A Select Collection of Poetry from Cotemporary Authors.我剛買了一本當(dāng)代作家詩歌選集。n. 耽擱;延誤;被耽擱或推遲的時間【經(jīng)典例句】 We might never know their fate and possible delays.我們可能從來不知道他們的命運及還需要耽擱多久?!究键c聚焦】 1)固定搭配:without delay 立即,馬上。如:

6、We must leave without delay.我們必須立即離開。2)delay還可作為動詞,意為“延誤;耽擱;延期;推遲”。如:She delayed(for)two hours and missed the plane.她耽擱兩小時,把飛機誤了?!净顚W(xué)活用】 3.完成句子1)The train _(延誤一小時)by the accident.答案:was delayed an hour 2)I arrived there _(毫無耽擱).答案:without delay 3)They decided to_(推遲出國).答案:delay going abroad 【經(jīng)典例句】 We

7、 had to gather fresh water by grasping and then melting sea ice.我們不得不通過撈一些浮冰再融化得到一些淡水?!究键c聚焦】 1)grasp at sth. 盡力抓住某物2)grasp用作名詞時,意為“抓住;把握;理解;領(lǐng)會”。如:Take a firm grasp of the handle and pull.抓住把手用力拉?!净顚W(xué)活用】 4.翻譯句子1)你最好抓住這一機會。_答案:Youd better grasp the opportunity.2)她始終不明白該怎樣做。_答案:She could never grasp how

8、 to do it.3)她對該學(xué)科有深刻的了解。_答案:She has a good grasp of the subject.短語·典句·考點hold on等一下;停住;堅持住【經(jīng)典例句】Hold on now,Perce.Dont you go turning into another Tom.堅持下去,珀西,不要變成另一個湯姆?!究键c聚焦】 1)hold on還可表示“將固定住;抓住;保留”,表示“抓住;保留”時,后面常接to sb./sth.。如:He held on to the rock to stop himself slipping.他緊緊抓住巖石以免自己往

9、下滑。You should hold on to your oil shares.你應(yīng)該繼續(xù)保留自己的石油股份。2)其他由hold構(gòu)成的短語:hold back (from sth.) 退縮;躊躇hold sb./sth. back 阻止;扣住;抑制hold out 維持;保持;抵抗hold up 阻礙;延誤;搶劫【活學(xué)活用】 5.用以上詞組的正確形式填空1)They managed to _ until help arrived.答案:1)hold on 2)I would _ the house for the time being.答案:2)hold on to 3)He bravely

10、 _ his tears.答案:3)held back 4)We can stay here for as long as our supplies _.答案:4)hold out give way (to)妥協(xié);屈服 【經(jīng)典例句】 He was always with us and never gave way to disappointment,even when the ship sank.他對我們總是很坦誠,他從不灰心喪氣,即便是在船沉的時候。【考點聚焦】 1)give way還可表示“讓位;轉(zhuǎn)為;被代替”。如:The storm gave way to bright sunshine

11、.暴風(fēng)雨過后出現(xiàn)了燦爛的陽光。2)同義詞組:give in to sb./sth. 屈服;讓步;投降【活學(xué)活用】 6.翻譯句子1)讓右方駛來的車輛先行。_答案:1)Give way to traffic coming from the right.2)那女孩陷于絕望。_答案:2)The girl gave way to despair.3)冬天過后,春天來了。_答案:3)Winter gave way to spring.give off 散發(fā)出:發(fā)出;放出 【經(jīng)典例句】 When wine is fermented it gives off bubble of gas.酒發(fā)酵時會放出氣泡。【

12、考點聚焦】 1)同義詞組:give out放出;發(fā)出;公布;用完;耗盡;分發(fā) 2)注意二者的區(qū)別:give off常用于煙、氣體、氣味;give out常用于光、熱、聲響。【活學(xué)活用】 7.用give off/give out的適當(dāng)形式填空1)This device _ flashes of light in the fog.2)The engine _ smoke and steam.3)Both my strength and money _.答案:1)gives out2)gives off3)gave outsuffer from 苦于;患病 【經(jīng)典例句】 I was sufferin

13、g badly from sea sickness.我患了嚴(yán)重的暈船癥?!究键c聚焦】 1)反義詞:enjoy 享受2)suffer的同根詞:suffering n.(身體上、精神上)痛苦,苦惱;苦難,困難be about to do sth. 即將;就要【經(jīng)典例句】 I was just about to ask you the same thing.我剛才正要問你同一件事?!究键c聚焦】 1)常與when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句連用。一般不與具體時間點連用,而be to do sth.則可以。2)注意:be not about to do sth.意為“不打算;不愿意”。難句·剖析

14、3;拓展Our circumstances are so desperate that it is uncertain whether we will ever return alive.我們所處的環(huán)境是那么令人絕望以至于我們不敢肯定是否能活著回去。【剖析】 1)句中so.that 引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句;在狀語從句中it為形式主語,whether引導(dǎo)的句子為真正主語。2)alive在句中作狀語,表明主語的狀態(tài)?!就卣埂?形容詞作伴隨狀語時,常位于句首或句尾,用來描述主語所處的狀態(tài)。Calling us calmly together,he made an urgent announcement t

15、hat we must save only essential supplies before the ship sank,particularly the small boats,food,cooking equipment,candles,bedding and clothes.他鎮(zhèn)靜地把我們叫到一起,發(fā)布一條緊急通知:在船沉沒之前,我們必須留一些必需品,特別是小船、食品、炊具、蠟燭和被褥。【剖析】 1)句中that引導(dǎo)同位語從句,來解釋說明announcement 的內(nèi)容。2)calling us calmly together 是現(xiàn)在分詞短語,在句中作時間狀語,相當(dāng)于一個時間狀語從句

16、after he called.。3)particularly the small boats,food,cooking.and clothes補充說明essential supplies?!就卣埂?現(xiàn)在分詞短語作狀語時,常位于句首或句尾,表示時間、伴隨、原因、結(jié)果等。We who remained on Elephant Island swore that we would do as he advocated:Remain optimistic and recover our health before he returned to rescue us.我們這些留在象島等待的人都發(fā)誓我們要

17、按他主張的那樣去做:在他回來之前保持樂觀、恢復(fù)健康?!酒饰觥?1)who.引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾we。一般來說當(dāng)先行詞為表示人的單獨一個代詞或名詞時用who引導(dǎo)定語從句。2)that we would do as he advocated 作swore的賓語。3)as he advocated作方式狀語從句?!就卣埂?as 還可以引導(dǎo)時間、原因、比較、讓步狀語從句。The danger of what lay ahead of them,the chances of them ever returning to find us,the fear that we might never know th

18、eir fate and possible delays,at first made us feel low and discouraged.擺在他們面前的危險,他們回來找到我們的機會,我們可能永遠不曉得他們的命運所來帶來的恐懼以及可能的耽擱,起初使我們感到情緒低落,信心不足。【剖析】 1)句中the danger.,the chances.,the fear.,possible delays是并列關(guān)系,同時作made的主語。2)句中the chances of them ever returning.一句中,them作returning的形式主語。3)that we might never

19、know their fate作fear的同位語?!就卣埂?動名詞的邏輯主語除了使用代詞賓格外,還可以使用形容詞性物主代詞和名詞所有格形式。語法·剖析·活用現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞在句中作定語以及定語從句之用法本單元學(xué)習(xí)的語法項目是定語,能夠作定語的有名詞、形容詞、代詞及其詞組;不定式、現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞和從句。我們重點學(xué)習(xí)一下現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞作定語和定語從句。1.作定語用的現(xiàn)在分詞如果是單詞,一般放在被修飾詞的前面;如果是現(xiàn)在分詞短語,則放在被修飾詞后面,它的作用相當(dāng)于一個定語從句。如:This is a very interesting book.這是一本很有趣的書。The

20、 girl standing (who is standing)there is my sister.站在那邊的女孩是我妹妹。The factory making(that makes)the pens is a small one.制造鋼筆的是一家小廠。2.作定語用的過去分詞,如果是單詞,一般放在被修飾詞的前面,一般與被修飾詞構(gòu)成被動完成關(guān)系,但有時只表示完成,不表被動;過去分詞短語作定語,則放在被修飾詞的后面,與被修飾詞構(gòu)成被動、完成的關(guān)系。如:There are many fallen leaves on the ground.地上有許多落葉。This is a book written

21、 by a peasant.這是一本農(nóng)民寫的書。My spoken English is no better than his.我和他的英語口語都不好。3.定語從句一般放在先行詞后,分為限制性和非限制性兩種。能引導(dǎo)定語從句的關(guān)系代詞有who,whom,whose,which,that等和關(guān)系副詞where,when,why等。關(guān)系代詞和關(guān)系副詞在定語從句中擔(dān)任句子成分。A dictionary is a book which gives the meaning of words.字典是解釋詞語的書。The young man was very happy to get back the gol

22、d ring(which)he had lost on the train. 那個年輕人領(lǐng)回了他在火車上丟失的金戒指,非常高興。The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman.正在和我父親握手的那個人是警察。【活學(xué)活用】 8.單項填空1)Tell the children _ there not to make so much noise.A.playB.playingC.to playD.played答案:1)B本句的主要結(jié)構(gòu)為tell sb. not to do sth.,所以空格處需要一個定語修飾children ,c

23、hildren與play的關(guān)系為主動關(guān)系。2)The _ look show that he met a _ problem.A.puzzled;puzzledB.puzzling;puzzlingC.puzzled;puzzlingD.puzzling;puzzled答案:2)C現(xiàn)在分詞一般修飾人,過去分詞一般修飾物。 look在此意為“人的表情”。3)Did you go to the party _ on New Years Eve?A.heldB.holdC.to be heldD.being held答案:3)A本句的時態(tài)是過去時,即晚會已經(jīng)舉行了。過去分詞表示被動的和完成的含義。4)The television is a _ machine.A.newl


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