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1、戴氏教育本課指津:不定式和動詞像一對兄弟一樣親密,本不該拆開來講,可是篇幅有限,只能讓他們分開了。不定式的構(gòu)成非常簡單,告訴我是什么?對!是to+動詞原形。當然啦,to有時也可以不帶。非謂語動詞之動詞不定式課標解讀1理解動詞不定式的概念2、掌握動詞不定式的基本構(gòu)成 3、掌握動詞不定式在句子中的功能知識梳理|一、概念動詞不定式是動詞的一種不帶詞形變化從而不指示人稱、數(shù)量、時態(tài)的形式。它被叫做不定式,是因為動詞不被限定,或者說不被詞形變化所局限。不定式屬于非謂語動詞。二、構(gòu)成基本構(gòu)成為:to+動詞原形否定形式:not+( to+)動詞原形注:不定式有時可以不用to,這里的to是不定式符號,本身無詞

2、義。三、句法功能功能例句說明主 語To speak En glish is not easy for us=It is not easy for us to speak En glish.講央語對我們來說不容易。作主語用的不定式,常常用it作形式 主語,而把不定式放在后面。表 語My work is to clea n the room everyday. =To clea n the room every day is my work. 我的工作就是每天打掃這間屋子。多數(shù)情況下,不定式作表語,可轉(zhuǎn)換 作為主語。賓 語What sports does he like to play?他喜歡做什

3、么運動?He likes to play basketball 他喜歡打籃球。只能做某些動詞的賓語,一般不作介 詞的賓語。賓補My mother made me play the piano all the time. 我媽媽讓我一直彈鋼琴。在 make, let,see, hear,watch 等使 役、感官動詞后,不定式省略to。疋語Have you got any thi ng to say? 你有要說的嗎?不定式作定語,要放在所修飾詞的后 面。狀語rm sorry to trouble you.(表原因)很抱歉,給你添麻煩了。I went to the library to study

4、 English.(表目的)不定式作狀語,其邏輯主語要和句子 的主語一致??键c聚焦考點一:不定式作主語動詞不定式作主語時,常用it作形式主語,而將真正的主語放在句末其結(jié)構(gòu)為:lt+ be + adj. ( + for/ of sb.)+動詞不定式如: To learn English well is useful It is useful to learn English well.It 'mportant for us to protect the environment.注意:在kind, good, nice, clever等表示人的品質(zhì)的形容詞后,不用for而 用of。如:It

5、's very kind of you to help me.你幫助我真是太好啦。It's very clever of you to do like that .你那樣做真是太聰明啦?!镜湫屠}】1. It's our duty the room every day.A. to clean B. cleaned C. clean D. cleans2. It's hard for us English well.A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. learning3. 建造這座立交橋?qū)⒒ㄙM工人們一年多的時間。It will th

6、e workers over a year the flyover.4. It's very nice you to get me two tickets the World Cup.A. for , of B. of , forC. to, forD. of, to考點二:不定式作 賓語 有些謂語動詞后只能用不定式作賓語, 常見的這類詞是 表示命令、打算或希望 的, 女口: would like, like, want, wish, hope, decide, plan, expert。如: Would you like to see a film this evening? 你今晚

7、想去看電影嗎? 在 find, think 后跟不定式作賓語時, 常用 it 代替,而將真正的賓語放在后面。 如:I find it easy to read English every day. 常見的一些不帶 to 的動詞不定式Why not do., Why don't you do., had better(not)do., would rather do, could/would/will you please(not)do.I would rather stay in the room 我寧愿待在房間里。【典型例題】1. He wants some vegetables.A

8、. buyB. buyingC. to buyD. buys2. Don't forgetyour homework with you whe n you come to school.A. to bring B. bringing C. to take D. taki ng3. He found it very difficult.A. sleep ing B. sleepsC. sleptD. to fall asleep考點三:不定式作賓語補足語不定式作賓語補足語時與賓語有邏輯上的主謂關(guān)系。如:Lucy asked him to tur n dow n the radio.露西讓

9、他關(guān)小收音機。tell, ask, want, allow, get, would like, en courage 后常跟動詞不定式作賓語補足語。女口: My mother encourages me to learn English.我媽媽鼓勵我學英語。注意:還有一些使役動詞和感宜動詞也用不定式作賓補,這時不定式要省略to。這些動詞有:一感(feel)、二聽(hear, listen to、三讓(let, make, have)、四看(look at, see, watch, notice)。但變被動語態(tài)時,必須加上to。如:My friends were made to work the

10、 whole night by the boss.老板讓我的朋友們工作 了一整夜?!镜湫屠}】1. Robert ofte n asks ushis Chin ese, so his Chin ese is much better tha n before.A. help himB. to help him with C. to help with D. helps him with2. Mr. Li ofte n teaches his Japa nese friendsChi nese food.A.cookB.cooks C. to cook D.cooked3. We saw himt

11、he buildi ng and go upstairs.A. to en terB. enterC. en teri ng D. en tered4. So much work usually makes themvery tired.A. to feel B. feels C. feeli ngD. feel5. I was mademy homework in the after noon.A. doB. doi ngC. to doD. did考點四:不定式作定語 不定式作定語時,應放在名詞之后。它 與名詞有邏輯上的動賓關(guān)系。 如果是不及物動詞,且與所修飾的詞之間有動賓關(guān)系,要在不定式

12、后加上適當 的介詞。There is nothing to worry about.沒有什么可擔心的?!纠} 1 Would you like somethi ng?A. drinkB. drinking C. to drink D. drinks【例題 2 I have a lot of homework.A. doB. doi ngC. didD. to do【例題 3 He is not an easy man.A. get on B. to get on C. get on with D. to get on with考點五:不定式作狀語目的狀語,置于句首或句末,置于句首時常表示強調(diào)。

13、如:In order to catch the early bus, she got up very early.A group of young people got together to discuss this questio n.She came to this city to visit her daughter. 原因狀語,多見于 “sb. + be + adj. +to do.”結(jié)構(gòu)句中。如:I feel very lucky to have him.he ran out of money to buy old bikes. 結(jié)果狀語,多見于“ too.to”,“enough

14、to.”結(jié)構(gòu)句中。如:I'm too_ tired to do it well.The room is big enough for three peopled。live in.1. She wenther teacher.A. to see B. looksC. sawD. see ing2. Meimei likes En glish very much. She does her bestEn glish well.A. learnB. learni ng3. I'm sorrythat.A. hearsB. heari ng4. I'm sorryyou.A.

15、trouble B. to troubleC. to lear nD. lear nsC. hearD. to hearC. troubli ngD. troubled5. My mother was very gladher old friend.A. to meet B. meetC. metD. meets6. The panda is so fat that it can't go through the hole同意轉(zhuǎn)換)The holesuch a fat panda to go through.7. The ice on the lake was so th in tha

16、t people could n't skate on it 同意轉(zhuǎn)換)The ice on the lake was n'teno ughpeople考點六:不定式常和疑問詞 what, which, when, where, hoW等連用,相當于一個賓語從句。如:The teacher is telling the studentswhat to do.老師正告訴學生們做什么。He did n't know where to go 他不知道去哪里?!纠} 1 There' re so many kinds of new bikes on sale that

17、I can' t make up my mto buy.A. whatB. whichC. howD. where【例題 2 He can' decideto stay or not.A. whether B. ifC. eitherD. if he will專題過關(guān)檢測zhuaniiguoguwiance()1. My mother ofte n tells meso many mistakes.A. not to make B. to not make C. don ' t makD. not make()2. The doctor asked the patien

18、trich food after the operation手術(shù)).A. to eat not B. eati ng not C. not to eat D. not eati ng()3 The workers want ustogether with them.A. workB. work ingC. to workD. worked()4. I saw himout of the room.A. goB. wentC. is goingD. goes()5. He often makes his little sister,A. cryB. cryingC. criedD. to cry

19、()6. - The light in the office is still on.-Oh, I forgot.A. turni ng it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. turned it off()7. We agreedhere.A. met B. meeting C. to meet D. meet( ) 8. Frank is the kind of person who people like to .A. make friend with B. make friends of C. make friends D. make fr

20、iends with ( ) 9. She reached the top of the hill and stopped on a big rockA. rested B. restingC. to restD. rest( ) 10. I need a day or two .A. to think it over B. to think over C. of thinking( ) 11. He was too excited .A. speak B. to speak C. not to speak D. speaking( )12. I ' m hungry. Get me

21、something .A. eatB. to eatC. eating D. for eating( ) 13. - I usually go there by train.- Why not by boat for a change ?A. to try goingB. trying to goC. to try and go D. try going( )14. They won ' t let his mother him in that way.A. to treatB. treatedC. treat D. treats( ) 15. I ' m sorry I fo

22、rgot your dictionary. Let' s borrow one from Li MingA. to takeB. takingC. to bring D. bringing( ) 16. She couldn ' t decide which restaurant .A. to have lunch B. to eat C. to eat at D. eating at ( ) 17. The chair looks very old, I want a new one .A. sit B. to sit on C. satD. sit on( ) 18. Is

23、 necessary to return the book tomorrow ?A. this B. that C. it D. which 【課后練習】根據(jù)上句意思完成下句,使兩句意思相近或相同,每空一詞。1. He was so angry that he couldn' t say anything.He was too angry anything.2. I don ' t know when we will have the meeting.I don ' t know when the meeting.3. He said he would write a

24、letter.He said he would have a letter .4. That you read English in the morning is very important.It is very important you English in the morning.5. He was so strong that he could lift the stone.(石頭)He was strong the stone.6. His father went to Beijing for his holiday.His father went to Beijing his holiday.7. They got up early so that they could get there in time.They got up early there in time.8. His brother decided that he would buy the book.His brother decided the book.9. He hopes that he c


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