



1、E-commerce1) electro nic commerce research2) electro nic commerce research and applicati ons3) 1 ntern ati onal journal of electr onic commerce4) Journal of electr onic commerce research5) Computer in huma n behavior6) Tech no logical forecast ing& social cha nge7) K no wledge and in formatio n

2、systems8) Behavior & in formati on tech no logy9) Decisi on support systems10) 1 nformatio n scie nces11) Soft comput ing12) Social networks13) MIS quarterly14) Bus in ess horiz ons15) Jo urnal of computer-mediated com mun icatio n16) Jour nal of global in formati on man ageme nt17) 1 ntern ati

3、on al jo urnal of in formatio n man ageme nt18) I nformati on system and e-bus in ess man ageme nt19) Jour nal of man ageme nt in formati on systems20) I nformati on &man ageme nt21) 1 nformati on systems and e-bus in ess man ageme nt工程管理 engineering management:1) ASCE journal of con structi on

4、engin eeri ng2) ASCE journal of man ageme nt in engin eeri ng3) I ntern ati onal journal of project man ageme nt4) Project man ageme nt journal5) Jo urnal of civil engin eeri ng and man ageme nt6) Habitat intern ati onal7) C on structio n man ageme nt and economics8) Jo urnal of architectural engin

5、eeri ng and desig n man ageme nt9) Public works man ageme nt10) Automati on in con struct ion11) Buildi ng research and in formati on12) E ngin eeri ng con struct ion and architectural man ageme nt13) C on structio n inno vati on :in formatio n,process,ma nageme nt14) ASCE journal of in frastructure

6、 systems15) ASCE journal of architectural engin eeri ng16) Jour nal of professi onal issues in engin eeri ng educati on and practice17) Proceedi ng of in stituti on of civil engin eers-civil engin eeri ng18) I ntern ati on al jo urnal of con struct ion man ageme nt19) The Australasia n jour nal of c

7、on struct ion economics and buildi ng20) Jour nal of con struct ion man ageme nt in develop ing coun tries21) E ngin eeri ng project orga ni zati on journal22) 1 ntern ati on al jo urnal of project orga ni zati on and man ageme nt23) 1 ntern ati on al jo urnal of con struct ion in formati on tech no

8、 logy市場營銷marketing:1) jour nal of market ing2) Jo urnal of con sumer research3) Jo urnal of marketi ng research4) Market ing scie nee5) Jo urnal of the academy of market ing scie nee6) Marketi ng theory7) Tourism man ageme nt8) Cities9) Ge neral hospital psychiatry10) 1 ndustrial market ing man agem

9、e nt11) Jour nal of bus in ess research12) Jour nal of intern ati onal bus in ess studies13) Europea n jour nal of market ing14) Jour nal of con sumer psychology15) Jo urnal of service research16) Psychology and market ing17) Jour nal of retaili ng18) 1 ntern ati on al jo urnal of research in market

10、i ng19) Jour nal of in teractive marketi ng20) J ournal of advertis ing research21) 1 nternatio nal journal of advertis ing22) Jour nal of advertis ing23) I ntern ati onal market ing review24) Jour nal of intern ati onal market ing25) Jour nal of services market ing26) Jour nal of bus in ess & i

11、n dustrial market ing27) Marketi ng letters28) Jo urnal of travel &tourism market ing29) Jour nal of con sumer behavior30) J ournal of bus in ess ethics工業(yè)工程:in dustrial engin eeri ng1) a nn als of operatio ns research2) Applied ergonomics3) Computers &in dustrial engin eeri ng4) computers &a

12、mp;operati ons research5) decisi on scie nee6) decisi on support system7) Europea n journal of operati on research8) i nterfaces9) mathematics of operati ons research10) ma nageme nt scie nee11) ma nu facturi ng and service operati ons man ageme nt12) n aval research logistics13) operati on research

13、14) operati on research letters15) product ion and operati on man ageme nt16) service scie nee17) INFORMS journal of computi ng18) jo urnal of operati ons man ageme nt19) jo urnal of the operati onal research society20) i nformati on systems research21) transportation scienee22) i ntern ati onal journal of producti on research23) i ntern ati onal journal of producti on economics24) IIE tran sactio ns25) IEEE tran sact ions on in dustrial In formatics26) IEEE tran sact ions on automati on scie nee and engin


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