1、1Unit FivePart 1 Listening, Understanding and SpeakingListening IKeysExercise 1V1,V4,V5,V6,V7,V8Exercise 2ACDBExercise 3I) strange, 2) strange force, 3) very steep, 4) at the bottom, 5) watching6) be punished, 7) in the darkness, 8)scared, 9)avoid ,10)exam,II)interpreting dreams, 12) disappointing,
2、13) making mistakes, 14) symbolExercise 4Sample1. I think Jennifers nightmare has something to do with her fear of failure, failure inexams, failure in living up to her Parents expectations etc. She probably didnt dowell at collage and she had experiencedfailures. What she feared in life wasrepresen
3、ted in her dream.2. I often have nightmares and my nightmares are generally the same. One typicalnightmare I have is that I am chased by someone and I try to run fast but I cant. Andusually when I am about to be caught I wake up, sometimes sweating all over. Ivetold people about it and the interpret
4、ation given is that my schedule is too tightmost of the time. I dontknow how Freud would interpret it, but the interpretationseems to make sense.ScriptPart AJennifer is talk ing to an in terviewer about her ni ghtmare.Jennifer: It was always the same. Always. I was in a house, a strange house, and I
5、 knewsomehow that I should nt have gone in. But there was some stra nge force pulli ng me.There were some stairsvery steep stairs and I started to climb them, andand the n,sudde nly fell. Then whe n I was at the bottom of the stairs, I sudde nly realized that therewas some on e- or someth ing else i
6、n the house with me, and that these eyes had beenwatching me all the time, andI knew then that something terriblewas going to happe nto methat I was going to be puni shedbecause fd done somethi ng I should nthavedon e. I did n tknow what it was, but I knew it was wrong, very wrong. Then I could hear
7、2itwhatever it was in the house with me co ming closer in the dark ness,becauseeveryth ing was dark, you see, and it came closer and closer. And I was scared - and there was no thi ng, nothing I could do to avoid it nothing. I was trapped! Trapped inthat dark house at the bottom of the stairs. There
8、 was no way out.Interviewer: And how ofte n Jennifer: No way out !Part BInterviewer: How ofte n have you had this ni ghtmare?Jennifer: When I was in college, just about every time I had an exam. And the n, a fewyears later, whe n I was tak ing an inten sive Italia n course in Italy, I had the same d
9、reamaga in. Just the same as before.Interviewer: And you discussed it with a psychoa nalyst ?Jennifer: Yes, later, after I came back to Los An gles, I started therapy, and this dreamcame up, and we discussed it quite a bit.Interviewer: And what did the psychoa nalyst say?Jennifer: He said uh you hav
10、e to be very careful about in terpreti ng dreams, but weboth agreed that the dream was a symbol of my fear of failure - of disappointing my parents whe n I was in college, for example, by faili ng my dreams, or or whe n I was tak ingthat Italia n course, I remember how scared I was sometimes.Intervi
11、ewer: Scared of what?Jennifer: Of making mistakes in class, in front of the teacher or the other stude nts. I wasalways in fear.Interviewer: I see.Jennifer: And the dream was a kind of classic symbol of that fearof the fear of failure.Falli ng dow n stairs in a dream is a symbol of that. The two wor
12、ds are very similar.Interviewer: Which which two words? Oh, you mea rJennifer: Yes, fall-fail, falling-failure. Very similar, aren they?3Listening IIKeysExercise 11.C 2. A 3. I 4. H 5. F 6. D 7. J & GExercise 21. Because dreams are closely related to wakng lives.2. more women have careers.3. The
13、 possible reasons is that they are making important decision about career ,marriage and life direction.4. solve problems.5. Life experience /Biological conditioning and social conditioning , life stages andattitudes.Exercise 3Sample1. In Chinese culture, fish is a symbol of prosperity. As a dream sy
14、mbol, fish,particularly salmon, is associatedwith knowledge and intelligence. If you dreamabout eating fish, it is believed that you gain knowledge and wisdom.2. In dreams, the snake has many interpretations. It is regarded as a symbol oftemptation or wisdom. It is also interpreted as someone trying
15、 to harm you inunderhanded or sneaky manner. In Chinese culture, it is believed that snake is asymbol of fortune in a dream.3. The sword in a dream is a symbol of power, authority, protection, or a need tocut away some part or aspect in your life.4. Something that is covered with dust is something t
16、hat has not been touched fora long time. Therefore, dust in a dream may be a symbol of a shut away emotion,fear, or desire within the conscious.5. Houses in dreams are regarded by many psychoanalysts as representing onepersonality. If you dream about a beautiful house, you could have a positiveself-
17、image. If you dream that you keep moving from house to house, you mayhave been trying different aspects of your personality, or you may be trying tofind out what kind of person you are. And the level of the room in the house isbelieved to indicate the depth of a particular part of personality in you
18、unconscious.But the basement in a dream, for instance, can be as a symbol ofthe deepest part your personality.6. Death in ad dream can mean the death or change to a part of your personality orthe end of a certain phase in your life, For instance, if you dream that a frienddies, it could mean that yo
19、u have ended up or you have been feeling the need toend up a period of time spent with them.ScriptNew research shows that dreams are ofte n distorted reflect ions of our daily life. manyexperts now believe our dreams are so closely related to our wak ing lives that we canuse them to help us recog ni
20、ze our inner con flicts.4Accord ing to some experts, men and wome n dream differe ntly because of biological andsocial conditioning. In a study of 1000 dreams, half from each sex, experts found that menmore often have action dreams .Usually these are set outdoors or in unfamiliarsurroundings. Women
21、dream more about emotional struggles with loved on es, usually inin door sett in gs. As more wome n have careers, their dreams might become more likeman. Researchershave found that while housewives dream more about childre n, wome nin the workplace dream about bosses and colleagues. Small childre n
22、who are easilyscared dream about frighte ning an imals and mon sters that that chase and attack them.Teen agers dream about roma nee and sex.Some dream researchers found in a study that people betwee n 21a nd 34 have moreanxiety over issues of right and wrong in their dreams, possibly becausethey ar
23、e mak ingimporta nce decisi ons about career, marriage and life direct ion. People of age 35 to 49are much less hostile toward others in their dreams, perhaps because they are reachi ngtheir greatest achieveme nt and have less n eed for aggressi on while awake. After age 65,an xiety about agi ng app
24、ears much more ofte n in peoptedreams.If life stages affect our dreams, so do out attitudes. Studies show that angry people act outtheir an ger in their dreams, and depressed people sometimes dream they are victim ofrejectio n.Creative people often use their dreams to solve problems. According to th
25、e author NaomiEpel, when some writers, artists or scientists go to sleep, they ask their subc on scious fora dream that will help them solve problems.Listening IIIKeysExercise 1V2,V3,V6Exercise 2CBCACExercise 3SampleAdvantages of daydreamingIt helps kill boring time.It helps children develop and exp
26、lore their imagination.It can reduce a persons fear or anxiety.It can keep us awake under dull conditions.Disadvantages of daydreamingIt can be a waste of time when you spend too much time daydreaming.Childrens problem-solving skills may weaken if they spend too much time5daydreaming instead of putt
27、ing their imagination into work.When you realize the wide gap between reality and daydreams, daydreaming canlead to greater anxiety and deeper frustration.It distracts our attention, and may lead to danger in certain situations, like whenwe are driving a car.ScriptAlmost all people day dreaming duri
28、ng a normal day. We tend to daydreaming the mostduring those quiet times when we are alone in our cars, sitting in waiting rooms, or preparing for bed. day dream ing or fan tasiz ing is not abno rmal; it is a basic huma ncharacteristic. Most people have reported that they enjoy their day dreams . So
29、me peoplehave very probable and realistic daydreams while others have unrealistic fan tasies suchas in heriti ng a milli on dollars.Psychologists report that men daydream as much as women , but subject of theirdaydreams or fan tasies is differe nt. Men day dream more about being heroes and goodathle
30、tes while wome n tend to daydream about fashi ons and beauty. As people grow older,they tend to fan tasize less, although it is still com mon in old age. Older people tend todaydream a lot about the past. daydreaming or fantasizing enters into the games ofchildren. Psychologists believe that it is v
31、ery important for children to participate in fantasyplay . It is a normal part of their development. It helps children develop and explore theirimag in ati on.Daydreaming has advantagesand disadvantagesln some situations it can reduce a persons fear or an xiety. can also keep us en terta ined or awa
32、ke un der dull or bori ng con ditions. Unfortun ately, to en gage in a daydream or fan tasy, we must divert part of our atte ntion from our en vir onment. When it is importa nt for us to rema in alert and pay atte nti on towhat is going on around us, day dream ing can cause problems.Listening IV Key
33、s Exercise 11) parting2) wrong3) dream4) night5) none6) seem7) shore8) sand9) fingers10) grasp11) save12) wave6Exercise 1Sample1 The fifth line in the first stanza 詩節(jié)), That my days have been a dream”,indicates that the poet regarded his life as a dream.2 That last two lines of both stanzas are quit
34、e similar in the wording “Is all that wesee or seem/But a dream within a dream, ” which means that what we see, appear orhope is even more elusive than the life itself that we are living, and is, therefore, adream within a dream.3 The grains of the golden sane” may have referred to the start of the
35、gold rush”in California in 1848, the year before the poem was written, Another interpretation isthat it may symbolize the people or things that the poet had valued and treasured,as he was so eager tgrasp them with a tighter clasp.4) The pitiless wave” can be interpreted in two ways. It can be viewed
36、 assymbolizing time”,which is compared to fide” in the saying Time and tide wait forno man”. Or it can be interpreted as death” , which, just as time”,sweeps awaypeople around us, no matter how eagerly elike them to stay.Exercise 3Sample1 This poem may have been addressed to his beloved (could be hi
37、s wife) in herdeath bed, who received a farewell kiss from the poet. This can be seen from thefirst two lines: Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now,”2 The poets hope is expressed in the second stanza. He wished that he could holdonto people and things that he treasured. But he
38、could not stop the time and deathtaking away his beloved, however hard he tried. His helplessness led to hisconfusion, which can be seen from more questions posed by the poet in the secondstanza. Physically, the poem is very interestingly laid out in two stanzas, just liketwo layers of dreams: the f
39、irst being life”,a dream, and the second layer hope”,a dream within a dream, which is more confusing than the first. This idea is verysimilar to that in the movi4nception(盜夢(mèng)空間) )-the more layers of dreams have,the less stable they become.3 The poets depressing tone may have resulted from his trouble
40、d and miserablelife since his childhood. He felt betrayed by everyone. His mother, who died whenhe was a small child; his biological father, who abandoned him; his step father, whonever legally adopted him and who, ultimately, cast him adrift; and, abovea_La_Lhishisyoungyoungdeaddeadwifewifea abeauf
41、ybeaufysymbo_symbo_izingizingpurifypurifyandandpeacepeaceininhishiseyes.eyes.LifeLifeiffe-fiffe-fhadhadseeminseeming-yg-yfhwartfhwartedBw)edBw)hishiseveryeveryhopehopeandandefforteffortscriRADreamWifhinADreamTakefhiskissuponfhebrow 一And-inpartingfromyounow-Thusmuch-efmeavowiYouarenofwrong-whodeemTha
42、imydayshavebeenadream 八Yesifhopehasfownaway-na2ghLorinaday-navision-orinnon-sifthereforefhe-essgone?A=fhafweseeorseem-sbufadreamwifhinadream-sQrndamidfheroarOfasurfdormenfedshorpAnd-ho-dwifhinmyhandGrainsoffhego-densandiHowfew 一YefhowfheycreepThroughmyfingersfofhedeep-whi-e-weepiwhi-e-weep一oGod 一Can
43、-nofgraspThenwifhafighferc-asp2oGod 一Can-nofsaveOnefromfhepm-esswave?-sa=fhafweseeorseemBufadreamwifhinadream?Part3viewingunderstandingandSpeakingKeysKeysExercise亠BACDBACDExerciseExercise2 2亠foofoogoodgoodfofobebe=rue=rue2 2variousvariouskindskindsofof3 3igonoredigonored4 4ssrndssrnd5 5hashassomethi
44、ngsomethingfofododowifhwifh96.gathering fruit7.cantafford8.something wrong with9.ripe, at hand10. come trueExercise 4SampleI had a dream after I watched the movie of theHarry Porter series. I was walking down astreet when my shoes turned into a pair of roller skates. I skated on the pavement, andsaw
45、 a section of the road suddenly collapsed. I was about to fall when my roller skatersturned into a broomstick! And before I knew it, I found myself flying in the sky, just asHarry Porter did in the movie.ScriptMary: (She awakes from a sweet dream) AhDarling, everything is so wonderful! The sun, thea
46、ir, the water- I feel as if I were in a dream.John: (He still reads the book with not much resp on se.) A dream? Yes, a dream. Mary: Have alook at the beautiful sce nery around you, darli ng. Donyou think itttoo good to be true?John: Mm, maybe.Mary: Eh, you arenliste ning to me. What are you readi n
47、g now?John: (He closes the book.) IttFreuds Interpretation of Dreams. Honey, have you everwondered whatswhatsthe meaning of you dreams? You might get some satisfactoryexplanations for your dreams from this book, because Freud explains various kinds of dreams init.Mary: It must be a very interesting
48、book! Otherwise, you wouldnhave ignored me. It seems tome that Im not as attractive as Freud.John: Yes, it really is.Mary: Yes? ! You mean Im not charm ing eno ugh? I can hardly sta nd your rude ness. John: Ofcourse no t. I mean its really an in teresti ng book. Freud says that everyth ing in our dr
49、eams hassomething to do with our real life.Mary: Really? I often dream Im gathering fruit in an orchard. What does fruit represe nt in ourdreams?John: It predicts good fortune. Youllbe rich, hon ey.Mary: But the fact is we still canafford to buy a house.John: I have to admit thatsabsolutely true. I
50、spe nt about all I had on our hon eym oon. Mary:Well, there must be something wrong with your interpretations, darling, I doubt whether dreamscan predict the future.John: Before I can be more exact, you have to give me more details.Mary: What further in formatio n do you n eed?Joh n: Well, hon ey, c
51、ould you tell me what the color of the fruit is in your dreams? Mary: Erthefruit doesntseem to be ripe. In my dreams, I think its green.John: Ive got it. If the color of the fruit is green,you cant be rich immediately, because only ripe10fruit is in terpreted as good fortune at hand.Mary: Oh? Are yo
52、u sure about that?John: Definitely. I e just looked it up in Freuds book.Mary: Then welljust have to wait and see?John: Thats right, hon ey. Do you have any other happy dreams?Mary: Yes. I had another one just now. It was so sweet that I smiled from ear to ear.Would you like to have ano ther try, Mr
53、. Freud?John: It s my pleasure, madam. Whappened in this dream? I guarantee you I can give you another good expla nati on.Mary: Whe n I was doz in g, I dreamed that you gave me a beautiful diam ond n ecklace asmeme nto of our won derful hon eym oon, what do you think that means?John: (He un dersta n
54、ds his wife actual in ten ti on and tries to find a way out.)Er Er I m not sure. Er maybe I m not kno wledgeable eno ugh! But any way I can turn tothe book for help. Wait a minu te!Mary: Take it easy, darling! I ml siure you know how you can make it come true.John: Too bad!Mary: What s wrong?John: (
55、He smiles cunningly at his wife.) I nafraid Freud didn tell me how to in terpret adaydream, only dreams at ni ght.Mary: Daydream?!John: Yes, it must be a daydream since you had it during the day.Part 3 Video Appreciation and Singing for Fun Video AppreciationKeysExercise 1DEFFExercise 21) Mix the so
56、und2) Drag you back3) seagulls4) taking a walk5) police siren6) pulls off the earphones7) alarming dreamsExercise 31) remained alert2) sounds of danger3) the reason4) are reliant on5) alive11Exercise 4SampleI fell asleep after a session of yoga to a light, soft background music once. I dreamedthat I
57、 was lying on a beach, basking in the sun, with the waves lapping gently againstthe rocks, and seagulls flying over me. It was so comfortable and relaxing that I feltenergetic again after I woke up from the nap.I once traveled by train and saw a young mother fast asleep, with the passengersaround ch
58、attering away. However, she seemed to be very alert to her 3- or 4-year-oldscry, even if it was in a very low voice. As I saw it, we can sleepthrough the soundsthatwe dontcare about, but tend to be dragged back to wakefulness by sounds thatworry us.I dreamed about taking a math test once before my c
59、ollege entrance examination. Iwas still struggling with one tough problem when the bell rang sharply, whichsignaled the end of the test. I felt like being paralyzed in my seat, unable to move asingle inch. When I woke up in misery and sweat, I found the bell was nothing but myalarm clock. To a colle
60、ge entrance exam taker, the bell is indeed a very threateningsound signal.ScriptEpisode 1We live in a world of incessant sounds. During our waking hours, our ears are bombarded with noise. But what happe ns whe n were asleep? Sleep takes up a third of our lives, and thatswhenwe re at our most vulnerable
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