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1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 同步測試題Part One 聽力和詞匯 (共25分)A. 聽力。(略)(20分)B. 詞匯。(5分)根據(jù)句意及所給首字母提示寫單詞,補全句子。(5分)1. Dont be n_ in the classroom. You must keep quiet. 2. What is her mother doing? She is cleaning the dishes in the k_.3. He doesnt like the rule. Its t_. 4. Its 10:00 pm and its very dark (黑暗的)o_.5.

2、 Susan always f_ tired after she runs for a long time. 語法按括號內(nèi)的要求,進行句型轉(zhuǎn)換。每空一詞。(10分)1. You must come here early. (改為祈使句)_ here early. 2. Look at the dog over there! (改為否定句)_ _ at the dog over there. 3. You cant listen to her. (改為祈使句)_ _ to her. 4. Let her help you. (改為否定句)_ _ her help you. 5. You cant

3、 be late next time. (改為祈使句)_ _ late next time. 課文要點A. 單項選擇。(15分)( ) 1. David is not a good boy. He often _ with other (其他的) boys. A. fights B. studies C. plays D. helps ( ) 2. Linda, its 7:30. If (如果) you dont get up, you will _ for school.A. do homework B. play gamesC. watch TV D. arrive late( ) 3.

4、 _?I have to do my homework. A. What do you haveB. What do you do C. What do you have to do D. Where do you do it ( ) 4. _ do they often have lunch? In the dining hall.A. WhereB. WhatC. How D. Why( ) 5. I must clean my bedroom because its_. A. boring B. dirtyC. big D. interesting( ) 6. Dont eat in t

5、he classroom. _, I wont do it again.A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. No( ) 7. Students cant _ hats in the classroom.A. put on B. wear C. in D. wearing( ) 8. We cant be late _ school.A. of B. on C. at D. for( ) 9. Cindy, can you _ my book to me? I need it.A. take B. know C. bringD. see ( ) 10. D

6、o your parents let you watch TV at night? No, they dont. They are _ with me.A. old B. strictC. good D. difficult ( ) 11. His sister can go out _ school nights, but she has to be back _ nine oclock. A. at; before B. on; after C. on; before D. in; for ( ) 12. We _ play computer games on Fridays. That

7、is a rule. A. arent B. isntC. cant D. doesnt ( ) 13. What are their _?They cant listen to music here, butthey can read here. A. ideas B. rules C. favorites D. answers ( ) 14. Can we talk in the room?_. We have to be quiet. A. Yes, we can B. Yes, we doC. No, we dont D. No, we cant ( ) 15. The picture

8、 tells us “_”. A. No photos B. Dont eat hereC. Be quietD. No food B. 根據(jù)漢語意思,完成英語句子。每空一詞。(5分)1. 我們應(yīng)該按時到校。We should get to school _ _.2. 房間里有太多的書。There are _ _ books in the room.3. 我起床后常整理床鋪。I often _ _ _ after I_ _.4. 我不想外出。I dont want to _ _. 5. 我們必須遵循這些規(guī)則。We must _ _ _.C. 補全對話。(5分)從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)倪x項補全對話。A

9、: Hi, Tony! Hows your new school?B: Its very good. 1 A: Oh. What rules? Do you have to wear sports shoes for gym classes?B: A: B: No, we dont, but we cant wear shorts.A: Hows the dinner?B: We have to eat in the dining hall. A: Can you listen to music in the classroom?B: 5 A. Do you have to wear unif

10、orms?B. But I dont like the rules.C. And we cant eat in the classroom.D. No, we cant.E. Yes, we do. 綜合能力訓(xùn)練A. 完形填空。(10分)My name is Emily Brown. I am a middle school student. We have some 1 at school and at home. We cant get to 2 late. We have to finish our homework. We cant stay out 3 school nights.

11、Some students think these rules are 4 , and they dont like them. 5 I cant agree with (同意) them. I think these rules can help 6 a lot. If we dont obey (遵守) them, 7 can we do well in our study? For example, our teachers ask us to clean our classroom every day. If we 8 , the classroom will be very dirt

12、y. It is bad for our health, too. If your parents ask you 9 in bed early and you dont listen to them, you cant 10 on time next morning. Everyone needs some rules. Do you think so? ( ) 1. A. books B. clothesC. rules D. classmates ( ) 2. A. school B. home C. office D. dining hall ( ) 3. A. at B. in C.

13、 for D. on ( ) 4. A. goodB. bad C. funny D. easy ( ) 5. A. But B. So C. Or D. And( ) 6. A. me B. you C. us D. them ( ) 7. A. what B. how C. when D. where ( ) 8. A. cant B. arent C. doesnt D. dont ( ) 9. A. to be B. to do C. be D. do ( ) 10. A. get to B. get in C. get up D. get on B. 閱讀理解。(10分)(A)Hi,

14、 boys and girls! Welcome to our museum. Its free. You dont have to pay any money. But we have some rules for you, please remember them and do as I say. Firstly, dont have food or drink here. You may make our museum dirty. Secondly, you can take photos here, but dont touch (觸摸) the things here. Third

15、ly, keep quiet in the museum. Dont talk loudly. Fourthly, the museum is not open after five oclock in the afternoon. Please leave before five. Have a good time here! Thank you!根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。(5分)( ) 1. They are some rules for a _.A. store B. park C. school D. museum ( ) 2. Whats the Chinese meaning (

16、意思) for the word “free” in the article (文章)? A. 免費的 B. 迅速的C. 高興的D. 自由的( ) 3. Students can _ in the museum. A. have food and drink B. take photos C. touch the thingsD. talk loudly ( ) 4. Students can stay in the museum _.A. all day B. before 5:00 amC. before 5:00 pm D. after 5:00 pm ( ) 5. We can lea

17、rn from the article that _.A. students dont want to pay any money B. the museum has five rules for the studentsC. the speaker who tells the students the rules is a teacher D. the speaker hopes the students have a good time (B)School rulesIm Bob and Im a student of No. 2 Middle School. We have many r

18、ules in our school. I think some of them are good for us, but others are not so good. We have to wear our school uniforms. I think its good. If we dont have this rule, some students will wear expensive clothes. We cant be late for school and we have to listen to the teacher carefully in class. All o

19、f these rules are good for our study and I like them. We cant take mobile phones (手機) to school. I dont think its a good idea. Sometimes our parents are busy and cant get home early. They need to tell us about that. If we dont take phones, how can they call us? Also, we cant go to the movies on week

20、ends. I know we should study hard, but we need to relax a little, too. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳答案。(5分)( ) 6. What does Bob think of his school rules? A. He cant stand most of the rules. B. He thinks the rules are strict. C. He thinks some of the rules are good.D. He doesnt mind them. ( ) 7. Which rule does Bob l

21、ike?A. Listen to the teacher carefully in class.B. Cant eat outside. C. Cant go to the movies on weekends. D. Wear sports shoes to school. ( ) 8. Why doesnt Bob like the rule of no mobile phones at school?A. Because he cant play games and listen to music on it. B. Because his parents cant call him w

22、hen they are busy. C. Because he cant call his friends when he wants to see them. D. Because he cant call his parents when he cant go home. ( ) 9. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Bob studies in No. 12 Middle School. B. Bob has to wear sports clothes at school. C. The parents dont ask their childre

23、n to take mobile phones. D. Bob thinks students should not spend all their time on their study. ( ) 10. How many rules are there in the passage?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. C. 選詞填空。(10分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,用方框中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(每詞限用一次,注意大小寫)clothes, never, clean, because, rule, read,interesting, learn, watch,

24、oclockDear Dr Liu,I have too many (1) _ in my house. It isnt (2) _. I have to get up at 6(3) _ every morning. I have to (4) _ English every day. I cant play with my friends after school (5) _ I have to walk my dog. I cant (6) _ TV in the evening. On weekends, I have to (7) _ my room. Then I have to wash (洗) the (8) _. After that I have to go to (9) _ to play the violin. I(10) _ have any fun. What can I do? Yours, Zhao MingD. 書面表達(dá)。(10分)請根據(jù)你所在學(xué)校的紀(jì)律要求,寫一段60詞左右關(guān)于遵守紀(jì)律的短文。提示如下:1. 不許遲到;2. 課上認(rèn)真聽老師講課,及時交(hand in


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