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1、窗體底端ICU; you see me內容基于學習興趣不能用于臨床指導,轉載請附鏈接及作者名稱天使綜合征 上次OOXX過吸血鬼,丑八怪還是萬人迷? 得出給那些委屈了幾千年的吸血鬼一個卟啉癥狂犬病鼠疫?(待排)的診斷。 這次我們分析一下天使。天使有什么特點?背后有翅膀?(那只能稱作鳥人)天使應該是善良純潔的化身,面帶微笑、強大有力、舉止優(yōu)雅.想做一個像天使一樣優(yōu)雅的人 么?我初中班主任曾用學校門口賣豆腐腦的大叔為例的這樣打擊過幻想成為萬人迷的祖國花花草草:“見人就笑,腦子差竅”。這句老話用陜西方言說出來(堅韌九 霄,鬧子插敲),配合打豆花的大叔那個慘淡的經(jīng)濟狀況,一臉微笑的憨厚事實,絕對有說服力

2、。事實也再一次證明我們老祖宗經(jīng)驗的正確性,現(xiàn)實中,還真的有這 樣的人。他們總是微笑,絕對善良,同時.都有嚴重的智力發(fā)育障礙。我們把哪種總是微笑的善良天使(白癡)稱作天使綜合征 Angelman syndrome (AS),天使綜合征 Angelman syndrome (AS),又稱天使征候群、安琪兒綜合癥等)也叫做“快樂木偶病Happy Puppet Disease“。病例特點是愉快面容,一逗就笑,手臂有木偶樣動作,肌張力低,智力嚴重低下,嚴重運動、智力障礙, 共濟失調, 肌張力低下,癲癇,語言障礙和以巨大下頜及張口吐舌為特征的特殊面容。臨床表現(xiàn)的特征為患者常無明顯誘因的大笑。Angelma

3、n綜合征是一種神經(jīng)遺傳性 疾病,有時患者可能就診于兒科或精神科。Angelman綜 合征疾病是怎樣發(fā)現(xiàn)的?1965年,英國兒科醫(yī)生Harry Angelman有三個智力低下,總是微笑,不會言語的小病人,他在沒有任何進一步實驗室檢查條件的基礎下,僅僅根據(jù)臨床表現(xiàn)發(fā)表了他的發(fā)現(xiàn)。后來他去 Verona 的Castelvecchio博 物館,看見這幅一個孩子完成木偶以后得意的回頭微笑的油畫a Boy with a Puppe,一瞬間靈魂附體,將那個疾病命名為“快樂木偶病”。后人為了紀念,也叫做天使?。]辦法,人家名字就是天使男)對比油畫和患者,確實神似,都是那種純粹的沒有雜質的快樂。很多年以后(19

4、91),他這樣寫信給他的朋友講述他的發(fā)現(xiàn)經(jīng)過: "The history of medicine is full of interesting stories about the discovery of illnesses. The saga of Angelman's Syndrome is one such story. It was purely by chance that nearly thirty years ago three handicapped children were admitted at various times to my chil

5、dren's ward in England. They had a variety of disabilities, and although at first sight they seemed to be suffering from different conditions, I felt that there was a common cause for their illness. The diagnosis was purely a clinical one, because in spite of technical investigations, which toda

6、y are more refined, I was unable to establish scientific proof that the three children all had the same handicap. In view of this I hesitated to write about them in the medical journals. However, when on holiday in Italy I happened to see an oil painting in the Castelvecchio museum in Verona called

7、. . . a Boy with a Puppet. The boy's laughing face and the fact that my patients exhibited jerky movements gave me the idea of writing an article about the three children with a title of Puppet Children. It was not a name that pleased all parents, but it served as a means of combining the three

8、little patients into a single group. Later the name was changed to Angelman syndrome. This article was published in 1965, and after some initial interest lay almost forgotten until the early eighties." 這病Angelman綜合征在白人中發(fā)病率為1/10000-1/40000,他就見到3個,不得不說,丫的人品是好。目前已知引起Angelman綜合征的遺傳機制共有4種。最常見的是15q11

9、-13區(qū)段染色體微缺失,見于70-75%的患者,多數(shù)缺失大小相 似,約4Mb,且斷裂點相同,多數(shù)缺失為新發(fā)的母源性15q11-13缺失,缺失機制與該區(qū)域上的低拷貝重復序列有關;其次有約20%的患者為編碼泛素蛋 白連接酶的UBE3A基因突變,其余患者為15號父源單親二體或相關區(qū)域異常甲基化引起。95%以上的患者為散發(fā)病例,但在UBE3A基因突變的患兒其母 親約有20%可能帶有相同突變。特別有趣的是, 染色體15qll-13的缺失在臨床上可以引起完全不同的疾病,Angelman綜合征和Prader-Willi綜合征。這也是第一個人類基因組印跡 (genomic imprinting)的例子。當15

10、qll-13缺失是由母系傳遞時,臨床表現(xiàn)為Angelman綜合征(左圖);當其由父系傳遞時,臨床為 Prader- Wili綜合征(右圖)AS表現(xiàn)為共濟失調、過度活躍、嚴重智障、少語、表情愉悅,(左圖)PWS表現(xiàn)為肥胖、身材矮小和輕度智力發(fā)育遲緩(右圖)Angelman綜合征的典型臨床特征是:嚴重的生 長發(fā)育遲緩和智力發(fā)育遲緩,癲癇發(fā)作,共濟失調,語言障礙,下顎突出,張口吐舌,小頭畸形,枕部扁平;部分患者還可出現(xiàn)毛發(fā)色素減少和藍眼病等。 Angelman綜合征還有其特有的行為改變即頻繁出現(xiàn)的、易激惹的、不合時宜的大笑、伴有明顯的興奮動作和手撲翼樣運動、多動、注意力僅能短暫集中等, 但并非所有患

11、者均表現(xiàn)出以上典型特征。Prader-Willi PWS綜合征的典型臨床特征是:在 出生前,PWS胎兒即可表現(xiàn)出胎動減少;PWS新生兒可出現(xiàn)張力減退,反射減弱,吸吮反應弱,吞咽困難,及外生殖器發(fā)育不全,1歲內手腳發(fā)育在正常;患者 在1歲到1歲半后出現(xiàn)無法控制的過量飲食、向心性肥胖,但同時伴有生長發(fā)育遲緩和智力發(fā)育遲緩、特征性面容(窄長臉,杏仁眼,斜眼,大下巴)和肌肉張力減 弱引起的模仿能力降低;6歲后,患者可出現(xiàn)體癢,抓后留痕,腹部出現(xiàn)嗅紋,嘴角含稠的唾液,對疼痛不敏感;青春期后因糖攝入過多引發(fā)飲食性糖尿病,青春期 發(fā)育差,大多數(shù)患者25-30歲以后死于糖尿病和心肌衰竭。下圖示(PWS/AS)

12、遺傳譜。PWS左/AS右 Angelman 綜合征(AS)在白人中發(fā)病率為1/10000-1/40000,男女發(fā)病率無明顯差異,大概有70-75%的患者發(fā)生15q11-13中間約4Mb片段 的染色體微缺失。95%以上的患者為散發(fā)病例,但在UBE3A基因突變的患兒其母親約有20%可能帶有相同突變。Prader-Willi綜合征(PWS)本病呈常染色體顯性遺傳,通常由于父源的15號染色體長臂的SNRPN基因和其它未知基因缺失而導致。人群中發(fā) 病率為1/25000左右,70-80%的PWS患者可檢出染色體微缺失。本病大多為散發(fā),70%-80%的患者有為染色體15q11.2-q12微缺 失,少量患者為

13、染色體不平衡易位引起,在部分患者還發(fā)現(xiàn)有額外染色體。研究發(fā)現(xiàn)父源的15q11.2-q12微缺失和母源15q11.2-q12單親 二體均可導致PWS。目前已在PWS關鍵區(qū)15q12(大小約320kb)定位了SNRNP基因,該基因在腦和中樞神經(jīng)元有表達,其功能可能是參與腦部特 定mRNA剪切。 遺傳印跡是指同一個遺傳物質,由父系傳遞和由母系傳遞的表達有所不同。這兩種疾病都和神經(jīng)功能失調相關。PWS 是由 于突變導致父本印記基因在大腦中高表達所致,如SNPNP基因高表達;AS是由于母本的UBE3A基因的缺失或受到抑制所致,該基因編碼泛素蛋白連接酶并 在腦中表達。父本表達的SNRNP基因的微

14、缺失可導致PWS,而在其上游進一步缺失則可導致AS,這說明這兩個區(qū)域就是印記中心所在的位置。如果缺失父本 染色體上的PWS印記中心將導致SNRNP基因以及附近的父本表達的等位基因被抑制,而缺失父本染色體上的AS印記中心則沒什么變化,但若缺失母本染色體 上的AS印記中心將導致UBE3A被抑制而導致AS。診斷與產(chǎn)前診斷    臨床診斷需有賴于其詳細的生長發(fā)育史和新生兒神經(jīng)行為檢查,F(xiàn)ISH技術可檢測SNRNP基因是否缺失,PCR技術可有效檢出UBE3A基因突變的患者。 PCR和甲基化檢測技術可區(qū)別PWS和AS(Angelman綜合征)。先證者父母再次生育時需行產(chǎn)前診斷

15、,對臨床疑似患者進行Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) 檢測( 75% 陽性),有利于提供 遺傳咨詢和臨床決策依據(jù);對攜帶UBE3A突變基因的母親進行植入前診斷或產(chǎn)前診斷可早期檢出胎兒,有效防止患兒出生。CompGene檢測 AS 相關基因 (GABRB3, D15S11, D15S113)。Southern blot analysis is shown below. A photograph of the ethidium bromide stained gel is shown in the left panel while the South

16、ern blot of this gel is shown in the right panel. In this situation (see right panel), a deletion of maternal origin is detected in the affected individual. This is seen as a reduced intensity in the 6 Kbp Hind III maternal and paternal co-migrating fragments (Lane 3) and as a complete absence of th

17、e 6 Kbp Hind III/Hpa II fragment which is of maternal origin (Lane 6). Left and right panels: Lane 1, DNA size markers; lane 2/5, normal control DNA sample; lane 3/6, AS patient; lane 4/7, query AS patient.In the example shown below, the parents were concerned about the recurrence of a child affecte

18、d with AS despite a very low recurrence risk in AS shown to be due to a deletion of maternal origin or paternal uniparental disomy. In this case, the AS patient shows absence of maternal alleles at GABRB3 and D15S113. D15S11 was uninformative. In the current pregnancy, normal maternal and paternal c

19、ontributions were observed at all three loci. 研究歷程12006 年 人類第15號染色體的分析結果(Zody AKE)對人類第15號染色體所做的分析表明,該染色體是高度分段復制的。該染色體復制的不尋常之處是,它們集中在兩個遙遠的區(qū)域,而不是沿染色體分布。 其中一個區(qū)域包括可引起Prader-Willi 和 Angelman綜合癥的基因刪除。復制的絕大部分都有一個共同的祖先,可以追溯到同一個起源事件。(Nature雜志,2006年3月30日 Letter p. 671)a | The imprinted gene UBE3A (ubiqui

20、tin protein ligase E3A) lies within the Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)Angelman syndrome (AS) locus. The methylation status of the paternal and maternal alleles are indicated above and below the chromosome, respectively. The imprinting control region (ICR) for the PWSAS locus consists of two parts, with

21、 the more centromeric component functioning as the AS ICR. The two ICRs direct the allele-specific expression of imprinted genes within these regions (indicated by arrows; not all genes in the region are shown). The SNRPN (small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N)SNURF (SNRPN upstream reading f

22、rame) gene produces a long and complex transcript that leads to the expression of not only SNURFSNRPN, but also several small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs). This transcript is also thought to inhibit the expression of UBE3A from the paternal allele through an antisense mechanism. UBE3A expression has bee

23、n shown to be regulated by MeCP2 (methyl-CpG-binding protein 2), as UBE3A mRNA levels are reduced in MeCP2-deficient cells. This downregulation of expression correlates with a biallelic production of UBE3A antisense RNA and changes in chromatin structure, with increased acetylation and methylation o

24、f H3K4 (histone 3 lysine 4), and reduced methylation of H2K9 at the PWSAS imprinting centre87. This indicates that MeCP2 might mediate the interpretation of imprinted DNA-methylation marks in this region, in combination with other chromatin-binding proteins. b | MeCP2 can also regulate gene expressi

25、on and maternal imprinting through formation of a silent chromatin loop. The yellow and blue arrows indicate MeCP2-interacting sequences that have been identified by chromatin immunoprecipitation. When MeCP2 is present (left panel), it interacts with sequences that are near the imprinted DLX5 (dista

26、l-less homebox 5) and DLX6 genes and define the boundaries of an 11-kb chromatin loop, the formation of which is induced by MeCP2 binding88. This leads to an integration of DLX5 and DLX6 into a loop of silent, methylated chromatin, and represses their expression. In neurons that are deficient for Me

27、CP2 (right panel), the chromatin in this region is structured into a distinct conformation that corresponds to active chromatin loops, which are delimited by sequences (indicated by purple and orange arrows) that interact with chromatin factors. Therefore, in MeCP2-deficient neurons, the expression

28、of DLX5 and DLX6 is no longer repressed, which results in the overexpression of these genes. Part b is modified with permission from Nature Genetics Ref. 88 © (2005) Macmillan Publishers Ltd.2 LTP的機制 (作者bluebacopa)1973 年,Bliss 等在海兔海馬的單突觸傳入通路上給與短串強直刺激后,使突觸后細胞的興奮,突觸后電位出現(xiàn)長達數(shù)天乃至數(shù)周的振幅增大,這種現(xiàn)象稱之為長時程突觸

29、增強(LTP)。從此,LTP 受到了神經(jīng)科學家的廣泛重視,認為是學習和記憶的基本神經(jīng)基礎。191983 年,科學家發(fā)現(xiàn)NMDA(N甲基D門冬氨酸)受體通道復合體在LTP 過程中起著重要作用。關 于LTP的誘導和形成機制,文獻上研究和討論最多的是哺乳動物海馬CA1區(qū)的LTP。有關機制可以簡略概括為:當突觸前的傳入纖維受到高頻刺激時,興奮性 神經(jīng)遞質谷氨酸從突觸前膜到突觸間隙,和突觸后膜上的N M D A受體結合,激活N M D A受體,使阻礙鈣離子內流的鎂離子被移除,大量鈣離子內流,激活細胞內的一系列分子過程,最終形成LTP。關于LTP與LTD的分子機制,一般認為突觸前谷氨酸(Glu)釋放與突觸

30、后NMDA受體結合后導致的突 觸后 Ca2+的量的多少以及PPI活性的強弱有關,例如高頻刺激引起高濃度Ca,激活Ca-CaM激酶,突觸蛋白磷酸化,導致LTP;而低頻刺激引起低濃度 Ca,優(yōu)先激活磷蛋白磷酸酶,使突觸蛋白去磷酸化,導致LTD。最近的觀察發(fā)現(xiàn),在LTP和LTD發(fā)生前,PPI由于內源性抑制物 1(inhibitor1)的存在而處于低水平的或潛在的磷酸化狀態(tài)。當?shù)皖l刺激時激活AMPA受體,使Ca2+輕度增加;輕度激活對Ca-CaM低親和 力的calcineurin,使抑制物1去磷酸,進而PPI作用于AMPA受體和其他器官,引起LTD;高頻刺激時,通過激活NMDA受體使Ca大量增 多,對

31、Ca-CaM低親和力的CaM激酶使PPI自身去磷酸化,磷酸化與去磷酸化轉換,導致凈磷酸化和LTP。對LTP對記憶的作用在神經(jīng)電生理方面的知識很多,這里僅僅放一個冷泉港malinow lab 經(jīng)典模型Synaptic model proposed to explain long-term synaptic potentiation (LTP), a possible cellular substrate of learning and memory. In this model, excitatory synapses have either AMPA receptors (AMPA-R) an

32、d *A receptors (*A-R), or only *A receptors. LTP causes postsynaptic activation of protein kinases (PK) and the delivery of AMPA receptors to both types of synapses.  3 LTP的分子機制-CaMKII (作者bluebacopa beckyhuangchenzhiyong2008)CaMKII這個蛋白是個很特殊的蛋白,在腦內含量非常高,大約占總蛋白量的1-2%。 在突觸部位的含量很高,并且是PSD(postsynapt

33、ic density)主要蛋白。但這個蛋白最特殊之處是其具有自身調節(jié)能力,仿佛自己本身就是一個具有學習記憶的功能。讓我們看看這個蛋白的“光輝形象”。從外部看這個蛋 白的形狀象兩片重疊在一起的雪花,12個亞基(subunit)形成一個雙層的六角形,12個亞基排列 的非常規(guī)則。除了這個美麗動人的外表之外,這個蛋白作為與學習記憶,與LTP密切相關的重要蛋白之一,有著她自己獨特的分子生物學特性-自身具有記憶 功能。CaMKII有四種亞型(isoform),分別為,其中以,在腦內的含量最高。這里我只說亞型,也就是CaMKII的故事。說到分子結構,首先要知道的就是這個分子有幾個結構域(domain) 。C

34、aMKII的每一個亞基有四個結構域,一個催化活性結構域,自身抑制結構域,自身磷酸化結構域,一段Self-association domain(包含一段自由可變區(qū))。催化活性域由底物結合位點,具有催化活性,這一結構域具有催化磷酸轉移酶反應的作用;Self- association domain是多個亞基互相結合不可缺少的,我想不需要過多的討論。但這個蛋白的自身抑制結構域和自身磷酸化結構域非常特殊,咳,咳,注意了,你可以忽略 剛說的這一段讓人感覺很枯燥的話,但不要忽略下邊一段。剛說了,這個蛋白分子有一個催化活性結構域,但由于有自身抑制結構域的存在,在正常的情況下催化活性結構域并沒有催化活性。自身抑

35、制結構域的作用就像是一 把鎖,在自身抑制結構域內有一段蛋白結構和CaMKII的催化底物結構相似,這個假催化底物區(qū)占據(jù)催化域中的底物結合位點(S-site), 使酶無法和底物結合,抑制其磷酸激酶活性。開這把鎖的鑰匙就是“鈣離子/鈣調蛋白復合物”,當細胞受到高頻刺激,NMDA受體開放,鈣離子內流,細胞內鈣 離子濃度增高,就有了開鎖的鑰匙了。不過這把鎖很怪,一旦打開了,就很難再鎖上了,總開著。是因為和鈣離子/鈣調蛋白結合以后,“鎖區(qū)”-自身抑制結 構域中的T-site中的一個氨基酸位點(Thr286)被相鄰的亞基磷酸化,鄰近結構發(fā)生變化,不再能夠和S-site結合了。這時即便是細胞內的鈣離 子已經(jīng)降

36、低了,由于相鄰亞基的互相磷酸化作用,這個CaMKII一直處于活化狀態(tài)(記憶?)。CaMKII的分子記憶功能就表現(xiàn)在這里:她自己能夠“記住 ”曾經(jīng)和鈣離子/鈣調蛋白復合物結合過,并且這個記憶可以保持一段時間(幾分鐘到一小時,對分子來說已經(jīng)很長了)。CaMKII在細胞內有3種不同程度的活化狀態(tài):a. 不包括自身磷酸化的活化狀態(tài):受到的刺激比較弱,12個亞基中的某一個或兩個不相鄰的亞基和鈣離子/鈣調蛋白短暫結合而活化, 0.1s -0.2s后失活。(0.1s -0.2s正好是鈣調蛋白和CaMKII的解離時間常數(shù))b. 自身磷酸化狀態(tài):受到的比較強的刺激的時候,鈣離子升高的時間和幅度都增大,同一個全酶

37、(holoenzyme)結構中的至少兩個亞基和兩個鈣離子/鈣調 蛋白復合體結合。一個鈣離子/鈣調蛋白復合體激活一個亞基A ,同時另一個鈣離子/鈣調蛋白復合體激活相鄰的亞基B并引起亞基B的變構,使Thr286暴露出來,被亞基B被亞基A激活,然后亞基B可以進一步激活亞基 C,直到整個全酶的12個亞基都被活化。一旦被激活后,即使是細胞內的鈣離子水平已經(jīng)下降到正常水平,CaMKII還可以繼續(xù)保持活化狀態(tài)。這種活性狀態(tài) 可以持續(xù)幾分鐘,直到Thr286位點去磷酸化失活。c. 第三種狀態(tài):自身磷酸化的過程經(jīng)常和去磷酸化過程同時存在,但當細胞受到的外界刺激很強時,自身磷酸化的速率大于去磷酸化的速率,CaMK

38、II蛋白表現(xiàn)為 長時間持續(xù)活化狀態(tài)。敲除了腦內一個蛋白-CaMKII,徹底抑制了 LTP的誘導,同時發(fā)現(xiàn)動物的空間學習記憶功能嚴重受損。證明了CaMKII在 LTP的誘導和學習記憶中的作用,從CaMKII的特殊分子特點可以推斷出,下一步就是需要證明CaMKII的這一特殊分子特點(Thr286位點磷酸化 引起的自身磷酸化)在LTP和學習記憶中的作用了。這時Alcino Silva已經(jīng)在冷泉港實驗室建立了自己的實驗室,后來的結果證明是,只需改變CaMKII蛋白中的的一個氨基酸,就足以對LTP和學習記憶產(chǎn)生影響了。 3 關于突觸鏈接的相關蛋白,這里也簡單放一張圖,作為背景了解(作者chen

39、zhiyong2008) Synaptic Proteins at the Synaptic Junction The postsynaptic density (PSD) is a submembranous structure at the postsynaptic membrane mainly at the excitatory synapses. The neurotransmitter receptors are assembled and fixed at the PSD, and several molecules implicated in thesynaptic

40、plasticity are also enriched. PSD-95/synapse-associated protein (SAP) 90 is involved in the molecular organization of these components of the PSD and essential for learning and memory. The common feature of these postsynaptic proteins is that they have PSD-95/Dlg/ZO-1 (PDZ) modular domains for prote

41、in-protein interaction. PDZ domains of these proteins directly recognize the C termini of their target proteins and are believed to play a central role in targeting and clustering of receptors to propersynaptic membranes 2007年UNC-Duke大學的研究員建立小鼠模型,發(fā)現(xiàn)AS的小鼠CaMKII含量低下,導致 Long-Term Potentiation (LTP)長時程突

42、觸增強的抑制。對于CaMKII的研究2008年被評為Scientific Highlight of the Year(Nat Neurosci 2007, 10:280-282)Motor performance. AS mice show impaired motor performance when tested on the rotarod compared to their wild type littermates, which is rescued when the mice are crossed with mice that have a mutation in the CaM

43、KII gene, resulting in less inhibition of CaMKII (AS/CaMKII-305/6 /-).Learning of the hidden platform watermaze. Shown are the color plots of the probe trial, indicating where the mice spent most of their swimming time searching for the platform. The black dashed circle indicates the position of the

44、 platform during training. AS mice show impaired hippocampal learning at the probe trial given at day 6 compared to their wild type littermates. This impairment in spatial learning is rescued when crossed with the CaMKII-305/6 /- mice, indicating that this learning deficit is a result of increased phosphorylation of CaMKII at Thr305/306.Synaptic plasticity in AS mice. AS mice show impaired Long-Term Potentiation (LTP), which again is restored to Wild-type level when crossed with CaMKII-305/6 /- mice.52009年5月,UN


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