



1、六西格瑪術(shù)語中英文對照$kThousands of dollars千美元$MMillions of dollars百萬美元% R & RGage % Repeatability and Reproducibility % 重復性和再現(xiàn)性ANOVAAnalysis Of Variance 方差分析AOPAnnual Operating Plan年度運營計劃BBBlack Belt黑帶;A process improvement project team leader who is trained and certified in the Six Sigma breakthrough me

2、thodology and tools, and who is responsible for project execution.經(jīng)“六西格瑪”方法論和工具使用培訓并認證的過程改進項目的項目負責人,負責項目的執(zhí)行。BODBoard of Directors董事會BPMBusiness Process Management商業(yè)流程管理BTSBreakthrough Technology Solution 突破性改進解決方案C & ECause and Effects matrix因果矩陣CAPChange Acceleration Process加速變革流程Capability能力 T

3、he total range of inherent variation in a stable process. It is determined by using control charts data.在穩(wěn)定過程中全部內(nèi)在固有變化的改變范圍。它由控制圖的數(shù)據(jù)來確定。Capability Index能力指數(shù)A calculated value used to compare process variation to a specification. Examples are Cp, Cpk. Can also be used to compare processes to each oth

4、er. 能力指數(shù) 為一計算值用來比較對給定區(qū)間的過程變異。例如:Cp, Cpk能用來對過程進行相互比較。CEOChief Executive Officer首席執(zhí)行官CFOChief Financial Officer首席財務(wù)官CIOChief Information Officer首席信息官CNMCustomer Need Map顧客需要圖COBChairman of the Board of Directors董事長Control PlanA process control document that describes the system for controlling process

5、es and parts. 控制計劃 流程控制文檔來描述控制流程和部件的系統(tǒng)COOChief Operating Officer首席運營官COPQCost of Poor Quality劣質(zhì)產(chǎn)品成本Cost associated with poor quality products or services. Examples: Product inspection, Sorting, Scrap, Rework, and Field Complaints. 由低質(zhì)量產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)所導致的成本。例如:產(chǎn)品檢驗,挑選,廢品,返修和客戶抱怨。COQCost Of Quality質(zhì)量成本CpIndex o

6、f process capabilityprocess centered過程能力指數(shù) 對中心點過程C-PCapacity-Productivity能力-生產(chǎn)率CpkIndex of process capabilityprocess not centered過程能力指數(shù) 非中心點過程CTQCritical Of Quality 關(guān)鍵質(zhì)量點DefectAny characteristic that deviates outside of specification limits or customer requirements.瑕疵 任何偏離限制或客戶需求的特征DFSSDesign Of Six

7、 Sigma六西格瑪設(shè)計DMAICDefine, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control定義,測量,分析,改進,控制DOEDesign Of Experience實驗設(shè)計:An efficient method of experimentation that identifies, with minimum testing, factors (key process input variables) and their optimum settings that affect the mean and variation.一種試驗的有效方法,通過最少次測試,來識別

8、因素(關(guān)鍵過程輸入變量)以及影響均值和變異的優(yōu)化設(shè)置DPMODefect Per Million Opportunity百萬機會缺陷數(shù)DPUDefects Per Unit單位產(chǎn)品的瑕疵EHSEnvironment Health Safety環(huán)境、健康和安全FMEAPotential Failure Modes and Effect Analysis潛在失效模式和效果分析FPYFirst Pass Yield首次產(chǎn)出率 The percentage of products or services that are successfully completed on the first atte

9、mpt without requiring remedial action or rework. 在第一次嘗試中不經(jīng)補救和返修得到的產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)的成功率FTAFault Tree Analysis故障樹分析Gage Bias (aka Accuracy)The difference between the true or reference value and the observed average of multiple measurements of identical characteristic on the same part. 標準測量偏差 對同一部件的某一可識別特征多次測量的平均

10、觀察值與真值或參考值之間的差異。Gage RepeatabilityThe variation in measurements obtained with one measurement instrument when used several times by one appraiser while measuring the identical characteristic on the same part.標準測量重復性 當同一位觀察者使用同一測量儀器對同一部件的某一可識別特征進行多次測量,所得結(jié)果的變異。Gage ReproducibilityThe variation in the

11、average of measurements made by different appraisers, using the same measuring instrument when measuring the identical characteristic on the same part.標準測量再現(xiàn)性 當不同觀察者使用同一測量儀器對同一部件的某一可識別特征進行多次測量,所得結(jié)果的變異。GBGreen Belt綠帶GR&RGage Repeatability and Reproducibility測量系統(tǒng)重復性和再現(xiàn)性HistogramA graphic way of su

12、mmarizing data by plotting possible values on one axis and the observed frequencies for those values on the other axis. It helps one visualize the central tendency and dispersion of the data.直方圖 一種把可能出現(xiàn)的值標注在一條數(shù)軸,把觀測頻率標注在另一數(shù)軸上從而形成圖像的數(shù)據(jù)歸納方法。HRHuman Resources人力資源ISInformation Systems信息系統(tǒng)ISOInternationa

13、l Standards Organization國際標準化組織ITInformation Technology信息技術(shù)ITSPMIT Small Project Management信息技術(shù)小項目管理KJTool to Organize and Focus Qualitative Data分析客戶需求并轉(zhuǎn)化為產(chǎn)品功能要求的工具KPIVKey Process Input Variable關(guān)鍵過程輸入變量 The vital few process input variables that have the greatest effect on the output variable(s) of

14、interest. They are called “Xs”, (normally 2 6) 至關(guān)重要的過程輸入變量,對過程輸出變量具有最大影響。它們被稱作:X,(通常有2至6個)KPOVKey Process Output Variable關(guān)鍵過程輸出變量The output variable(s) of interest. They are called the “Ys”, (usually 1). May be process performance measures or product characteristics. 過程的輸出變量。它們被稱作:Y,(通常只有1個)??蔀檫^程表現(xiàn)結(jié)

15、果或產(chǎn)品特性。LSLLower Specification Limit下限MAICMeasure, Analyze, Improve, Control測量,分析,改進,控制MBBMaster Black Belt 黑帶大師A person who is "expert" in Six Sigma breakthrough techniques and project implementation. MBBs play a key role in training and coaching Black Belts. 他是六西格瑪突破技術(shù)和項目實施的專家,在培訓黑帶方面起關(guān)鍵作

16、用。Measurement SystemThe complete process used to obtain measurements. It consists of the collection of operations, procedures, gages and other equipment, software, and personnel used to assign a number or value to the characteristic being measured.測量系統(tǒng) 得到測量數(shù)值的全過程。它包括:收集運營,程序步驟,測量儀器和其他設(shè)備,軟件,指定的測量人員。M

17、initabThe main statistical software package to support Six Sigma六西格瑪黑帶使用的主要統(tǒng)計軟件工具包MOCManagement Of Change變革管理MSAMeasurement System Analysis測量系統(tǒng)分析Multi-VariType of multiple variable process study一種多變量過程研究Multi-Vari ChartA graphic way of depicting variation within a single part, machine or process, or

18、 between parts (produced at the same time or over time). Allows the study of process inputs and outputs in a passive mode (natural day-to-day process).多變量圖 一種用來描述單一部件,機器或流程,或部件之間(同時生產(chǎn)的)的變異的圖形方法。該方法可用主動方式(自然的日復一日的流程)研究過程的輸入和輸出Normal DistributionA continuous, symmetrical, bell-haped frequency distribu

19、tion for variable data. 正態(tài)分布 對變化的數(shù)據(jù)的一種連續(xù)的,對稱的,鐘形頻率分布。NPINew Product Introduction新產(chǎn)品介紹P/TMeasurement precision to customer tolerance ratio測量精確度比允許誤差PFTProcess Functional Analysis流程功能分析PPMParts Per Million每百萬單位ProbabilityThe chance of an event happening or a condition occurring in a random trial. 概率 某

20、一事件在隨機試驗中的發(fā)生或條件發(fā)生的機率。ProcessThe combination of people, equipment, materials, methods and environment that produce output a given product or service. It is the particular way of doing something. 流程 可以輸出給定產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)的人員,設(shè)備,材料,方法,以及環(huán)境的組合。它是做事的一種特殊方法。Process MapA step-by-step pictorial sequence of a process s

21、howing process inputs, process outputs, cycle time rework operations, and inspection points. 流程圖 對流程進行的分步的圖解序列,它列示出流程的輸入、輸出、周期和檢查點。Process SpreadThe extent to which the distribution of individual values of the process characteristic (input or output variable) vary, often shown as the process average

22、 plus and minus some number of standard deviations. Other related measures of spread include range and variance. 流程分布度 對某一流程特性(輸入或輸出變量)的個體值的變化分布的擴展,經(jīng)常以流程的平均值加減標準差來表示。與分布度相關(guān)的其他測量值為范圍和變異。QAQuality Assurance質(zhì)量保證QCQuality Control質(zhì)量控制QFDQuality Function Deployment質(zhì)量功能展開RRange范圍, 極差R & RRecognition an

23、d Reward認可和獎勵R&RRepeatability and Reproducibility (for measurement)重復性與再現(xiàn)性Rolled Throughput Yield (RTY)The multiplication of all individual first pass yields of each step of the entire process. 累計產(chǎn)出率 在全流程中全部每步個體首次產(chǎn)出率的乘積。RTYRolled Throughput Yield累計產(chǎn)出率 (也作累積合格率)sStandard Deviation標準差A measure of

24、the spread of the process (width of distribution).測量流程分布的一種方法(分布的寬度)SIPOCSupplier Input Process Output Customer高層流程圖,包括供給,輸入,過程,產(chǎn)出和顧客Six Sigma SponsorA business leader who facilitates the leadership, implementation and deployment of the Six Sigma initiative and breakthrough philosophies, and provide

25、s support to black belt(s) and/or green belt(s) and their project(s). 六西格瑪發(fā)起人 為業(yè)務(wù)領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)導,他推動項目的領(lǐng)導權(quán),實施,展開六西格瑪?shù)闹鲃有袆樱约巴黄普軐W,并向黑帶和綠帶們提供項目支持。SOPStandard Operation Process標準操作程序,Standard Operating Procedure標準運營程序SPACERSafety, Purpose, Agenda, Code of Conduct, Expectations, Roles安全,目的,日程,行為規(guī)范,期望,角色SPCStatistical Process Control統(tǒng)計過程控制SpecificationThe engineering or customer requirement for judging acceptabilit


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