已閱讀5頁,還剩14頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、初中英語最重要的55個重點句型,包含全部高頻考點,建議收藏!今天老師分享初中英語當(dāng)中最重要的55個句型(附例句),包含了初中所有 的高頻考點,家長可以為孩子收藏起來,對孩子學(xué)習(xí)英語會有很大的幫助。1. as.as 和.一樣中間必須用形容詞或副詞原級。例如:This classroom is as big as that one.這間教室和那間一樣大。He runs as fast as Tom.他和湯姆跑的一樣快。否定結(jié)構(gòu):not as/so.as/z不如.”。上面的兩個句子可分別改為:This classroom is not as/so large as that one.這間教室不如那間

2、大。He doesn't run as/so fast as Tom.他跑得不如湯姆快。2. as soon as 一.就.用來引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句。若主句是一般將來時,從句要用一般現(xiàn)在時。例如:I'll tell him the plan as soon as I see him.我一看到他就告訴他這個計劃。He'll go home as soon as he finishes his work.他一完成工作就回家。It takes her fifteen minutes to walk to the bus stop from here.從這兒走著到公交車站將花費她1

3、5分鐘。It took the old man three days to finish the work.那個老人花了三天時間完成這項工作。29. keep (on) doing sth, 一直堅持做某事keep doing sth.一般用于靜態(tài)動詞。keep on doing sth.意為“繼續(xù)不停地做某事, 一般用于動態(tài)動詞,但二者的區(qū)別并不是很嚴(yán)格,有時可以互換。例如:Don't keep on doing such foolish things.不要再做這樣的傻事了。He kept sitting there all day.他整天坐在那里。30. keep.from doi

4、ng sth.阻止. .做某事才目當(dāng)于 stop.from doing sth., prevent.from doing sth. 在主動句中,stop 禾口 prevent 后面的from可以省略,但在被動結(jié)構(gòu)中,from不可以省略。例如:Please keep the children from swimming in the sea.請別讓孩子到海里游泳。The big noise outside my room stopped me from doing my homework.屋外巨大的噪音使我不能做作業(yè)。31. keep sb. doing sth.讓某人 -直做某事不可和keep

5、 sb.from doing sth.結(jié)構(gòu)混淆。例如:Why do you keep me waiting for a long time?你為什么讓我等了很長時間?32. make sb. do sth,使某人干某事make意為"使時,其后要有不帶to的動詞不定式。例如:He made me work ten hours a day.他讓我每天工作10小時。注意:上句如改為被動語態(tài),則work前的to不能省略。例如:I was made to work ten hours a day.33. neither.nor.既不也不當(dāng)連接兩個并列主語時,謂語動詞與鄰近的主語取得一致(就進(jìn)-

6、致原則)。例如:Neither we nor Jack knows him.我們和杰克都不認(rèn)識他。He neither knows nor cares what happened.他對發(fā)生的事情不聞不問。34. not.until.直到.才until后可跟名詞或從句,表示時間。例如:He didn't come until late in the evening.他直到晚上很遲才來。He didn't arrive until the game began.直到比賽開始他才來。35. sb. pays money for sth.某人花錢買某物此句型主語是人。例如:I'

7、ve already paid 2,000 yuan for the motor bike.我己經(jīng)花了 2000元買這輛摩托車。36. spend time/money on sth./(in)doing sth.花費(時間、錢)在某事上/做某事 其中in可以省略,通常主語為人。例如:I spent five yuan on this book.我在這本書上花了五元錢。I spent two hours (in) doing my homework yesterday.昨晚我花了兩個小時做作業(yè)。37. so.that.太.以至于.用于復(fù)合句,that引導(dǎo)的是結(jié)果狀語從句。so是副詞,后面應(yīng)接形

8、容詞或副詞, 如果接名詞,應(yīng)用sucho例如:The ice is so thin that you can't walk on it.冰太薄了,你不能在上面走。He is such a kind man that we all like him.他是一個非常好的人,我們都很喜歡他。38. stop to do sth., stop doing sth.stop to do sth.意為“停下來去做另一件事",stop doing sth.意為“停止正在做的事” 例如:You're too tired. You'd better stop to have a

9、rest. 你們太累了,最好停下來休息一會兒。The teacher is coming. Let's stop talking.老師來了,咱們別說話了。39. Thank you for doing sth,感激你做 了 for之后除了加動名詞doing外,還可以加名詞。例如:Thank you for giving me the present.謝謝你給我的禮物。Thank you for your help. =Thank you for helping me.謝謝你的幫助。40. thanks to 多虧,由于thanks后的s不能省略,to是介詞。例如:Thanks to m

10、y friend Jim, I've worked out this problem.多虧了我朋友吉姆的幫助,我已經(jīng)解決了這個問題。41. There be 句型在此結(jié)構(gòu)中,there是引導(dǎo)詞,在句中不能充當(dāng)任何成分,也不必翻譯出來。 句中的主語是某人或某物,謂語動詞be要與主語的數(shù)保持一致。例如:There is a man at the door.門口有一個人。當(dāng)主語是由兩個或者兩者以上的名詞充當(dāng)時,謂語動詞be要跟它鄰近的那個名 詞的數(shù)一致(就近一致)。例如:There are two dogs and a cat under the table.桌下有兩只狗和一只貓。比較:Th

11、ere is a cat and two dogs under the table.©There be句型中的be不能用have來代替,但可以用lie(位于,躺),stand(靠 立),exist(生存),live(生活)等詞來替換。例如:There stand a lot of tall buildings on both sides of the street.街道兩旁矗立著許多高樓。There lies lake in front of our school.我們學(xué)校前面有一個湖。Once there lived a king here.這兒曾經(jīng)有一個國王。There is g

12、oing to be a sports meeting next week.下周準(zhǔn)備開一個運動會。there be 的拓展結(jié)構(gòu):there seem(s)/happen(s) to be.There seems to be one mistake in spelling.似乎有一處拼寫錯誤。There happened to be a ruler here.這兒碰巧有把尺子。There seemed to be a lot of people there.那兒似乎有很多人。42. The + adj.比較級,the + adj上匕較級 越.,越.此句型表示一方隨另一方的變化而變化。例如:The

13、 harder he works, the happier he feels.他工作越努力,就感到越幸福。The more, the better.多多益善。43. too+adj./adv. +to do sth.太.以至于不能此句型為簡單句,后面的to表示否定含義。例如:The ice is too thin for you to walk on.這冰太薄,你不能在上面走。The bag is too heavy to carry.這個袋子太重搬不動。44. used to do sth.過去常常做某事used to是情態(tài)動詞,表示過去的習(xí)慣動作或狀態(tài),現(xiàn)在己不存在,因此只用于 過去時態(tài)。

14、例如:He used to get up early.他過去總早起。When I was yong, I used to play tennis very often.我年輕時經(jīng)常打網(wǎng)球。否定形式有兩種:didn't use to;used not to,例如:He didn't use to come. = He usedn't to come.他過去不常來。45. what about.? .怎么樣?后面可接名詞、代詞、動名詞等。與"how about.?"同義。例如:We have been to Hainan. What about you?

15、我們?nèi)ミ^海南,你呢?What about going to the park on Sunday?星期天去公園怎么樣?46. What day/date is it today?今天星期兒(幾月幾 S)?What day is it today?Sunday.What date is it today?June 24th.47. What's wrong (the matter) with.?怎么 了?What's wrong with you, Madam?夫人,您怎么了?You look worried. What's wrong with you?你看上去很焦急,

16、出什么事了?48. Why not do.?為什么不做.?謂語動詞用原形。與Why don't you do.?同義。例如:Why not go to see the film with us?= Why don't you go to see the film with us?為什么不和我們一起去看電影呢?49. would like to do sth.想做后用動詞不定式作賓語。例如:I would like to drink a cup of tea.我想喝一杯茶。疑問句式:Would you like (to drink) a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶嗎?50.

17、 adj./adv.比較級+ and adj./adv,比較級 越來越 若形容詞/副詞為雙音節(jié)詞及多音節(jié)詞,則這一結(jié)構(gòu)變?yōu)?quot;more and more +形容詞 /副詞。例如:It's getting warmer and warmer.天氣變得越來越暖和了。The little girl becomes more and more beautiful.小女孩變得越來越漂亮了。51. adj.比較級+thanthan引導(dǎo)的是典型的比較級句型,表示一者比另一者.”,其前用形容詞或副詞 的比較級,than從句可以用省略形式。例如:I know you better than sh

18、e does.我比她更了解你。This house is bigger than that one.這所房子比那所房子大。52. though-從句 though引導(dǎo)的是讓步狀語從句,意思是“雖然.但是.但不能和but連用,英語中表達(dá)"雖然.,但是.”時,though和but只能用一個。例如:Though it was snowing, it was not very cold.雖然下著雪,可并不太冷。I was late for the last bus though I hurried.雖然我拼命趕路,還是沒搭上最后一班公交車。We didn't feel tired t

19、hough we walked a long way.雖然我們走了很長的路程,但是并沒有感到累。53. if-從句If引導(dǎo)的是條件狀語從句,“如果;假如。如主句用一般將來時,if從句要用一般 現(xiàn)在時(主將從現(xiàn))。例如:If I go to the Great Wall tomorrow, would you like to come along?如果明天我去長城,你會和我一起去嗎?If it rains tomorrow, I won't go.如果明天下雨,我就不去了。54. because-從句引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句,“因為。例如:He didn't hear the knock

20、ing at the door because he was listening to the radio.他沒有聽見敲門聲,因為他正在聽收音機。55. so + do/be + 主語"So + be/助動詞/情態(tài)動詞+主語表示前面所述內(nèi)容也適用于另一人或物。be、 助動詞或情態(tài)動詞的選擇視前面陳述句中謂語動詞的時態(tài)形式而定。例如:He likes football and so do I.他喜歡足球,我也如此。Jim was playing football just now and so was Tom.剛才吉姆在踢足球,湯姆也在踢足球。比較:“So +主語+be/助動詞/情態(tài)動

21、詞.結(jié)構(gòu),是用來證實前一句所表達(dá)的內(nèi)容(起 強調(diào)作用)。be、助動詞或情態(tài)動詞的選擇視前面陳述句中謂語動詞的時態(tài)形式 而定。A: It is very hot today.今天天氣很熱。B: So it is.確實如此。3. be busy/enjoy/hate/go on/finish doing sth.忙于/喜歡/討厭/繼續(xù)/完成做某事 在enjoy, finish, hate, go on, be busy等詞語后,-般用動詞-ing形式作賓語。例如: Lin Tao is busy making a model plane.林濤正忙著做飛機模型。My mother enjoys ta

22、king a walk after supper.我媽媽喜歡晚飯后散步。I hate watching Channel Five.我討厭看五頻道。When someone asked him to have a rest, he just went on working.當(dāng)有人讓他休息一會兒時,他仍繼續(xù)工作。I have finished writing the story.我己經(jīng)寫完了故事。4. fill.with 用.裝滿;be filled with 充滿了.; be full of 充滿了(l)be filled with說明由外界事物造成的此種狀態(tài),表示被動。例如:The box i

23、s filled with food.盒子里裝滿了食物。©befullof說明主語處于的狀態(tài)。此外,還可表示程度,意為“非常。例如:The patient's room is full of flowers.那個病人的房間擺滿了花。The young man is full of pride.那個年輕人非常驕傲。這兩種結(jié)構(gòu)還可以相互改寫。例如:I fill the box with food. The box is full of food.5. be good/bad for有利于/有害于此句型是:be+adj.+for+n.結(jié)構(gòu)。例如:Doing morning exer

24、cises is good for your health.做早操對你的健康有益。Always playing computer games is bad for your study.總玩電腦游戲?qū)δ愕膶W(xué)習(xí)不利。6. be used to(doing) sth.習(xí)慣于后必須接名詞或動名詞,可用于現(xiàn)在、過去、將來的多種時態(tài)。be可用get,become 來代替。例如:He is used to life in the country.(He is used to living in the country.)他習(xí)慣于鄉(xiāng)村生活。He will get used to getting up ear

25、ly.他將會習(xí)慣于早起。注意:be used to do的意思是“被用來做.例如:Wood is used to make paper.木材被用來造紙。7. both.and.兩者都用來連接兩個并列成分;當(dāng)連接兩個并列主語時,其后謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)。例如:Both the students and the teachers will go to the History Museum tomorrow.不論老師還是學(xué)生明天都會去歷史博物館。8. can;t help doing sth.禁不住做某事help在此的意思是抑制,忍住,其后接動詞-ing形式。例如:His joke is too funn

26、y. We can't help laughing.他的笑話太有趣了,我們禁不止笑了起來。9. sth. costs sb. some money某物花費某人多少錢此句型的主語是物。cost 一詞帶的是雙賓語,它的過去式、過去分詞和原型一樣。This book cost me five yuan.這本書花了我五元錢。10. either.or.不是.就是.,或者.或者.用來連接兩個并列成分,當(dāng)連接并列主語時,謂語動詞與鄰近的主語保持一致。You may either stay here or go home.你可以呆在這兒,也可以回家。Either she or I am right.

27、 = Either I or she is right.不是她對就是我對。11. enough (for sb.) to do sth.足夠做在此結(jié)構(gòu)中,for用來引出不定式的邏輯主語。例如:The ice isn't thick enough for you to walk on.這冰還沒有厚到你可以在上面走的程度。12. feel like doing sth.想要做此處like為介詞,后面跟動詞-ing形式。此句型與would like to do sth.同義。例 如:I feel like drinking a cup of milk.我想喝一杯牛奶。13. feel/fin

28、d/think it adj./n. to do sth.認(rèn)為某事在此結(jié)構(gòu)中it為形式賓語,不定式短語作真正的賓語。例如:I find it very interesting to play football.我發(fā)現(xiàn)踢足球很有趣。She thinks it her duty to help us.她認(rèn)為幫助我們是她的職責(zé)。14. get ready for sth./to do sth.get ready for sth.意為“為某事做準(zhǔn)備;get ready to do sth.意為“準(zhǔn)備做某事”例如:We are getting ready for the meeting.我們正在為會議做

29、準(zhǔn)備。They were getting ready to have a sports meet at that moment.他們那時正準(zhǔn)備開運動會。15. get/receive/have a letter from 收到.的來信,相當(dāng)于 hear fromDid you receive a letter from John?你收到約翰的來信了嗎?I got a letter from my brother yesterday.我昨天收到了我弟弟的一封來信。16. had better (not) do sth.最好(別)做某事had better為情態(tài)動詞,其后需用動詞原形o had b

30、etter常用縮寫,變成#d better, 其否定形式是在其后直接加not。例如:We had better go now. = We'd better go now.我們最好現(xiàn)在走吧。You'd better not go out because it is windy.今天刮風(fēng),你最好別出去了。17. have sth. done使(某事)完成(動作由別人完成)sth.為賓語,done為過去分詞作補語。例如:We had the machine repaired.我們請人把機器修好了。注意區(qū)分:We have repaired the machine.我們(自己)己經(jīng)修好

31、了機器。18. help sb. (to) do sth./with sth.幫助某人(做)某事,其中的to可以省略。例如:I often help my mother with housework.我常常幫助媽媽做家務(wù)。Would you please help me (to) look up these words?請你幫助我查查這些詞好嗎?19. How do you like ?你認(rèn)為 怎么樣?與 what do you think of.?同義。例如: How do you like the weather in Beijing?你認(rèn)為北京的天氣怎么樣?你覺得這部新電影如何?20.1

32、 don't think/believe that.我認(rèn)我/相信.不.其中的not是對賓語從句進(jìn)行否定而不是對主句否定(否定前移)。that可省略。 例如:I don't think it will rain.我認(rèn)為天不會下雨。I don't believe the girl will come.我相信那女孩不會來了。21. It happens that.碰巧.相當(dāng)于 happen to do,例如:It happened that I heard their secret.可改寫為:I happened to hear their secret.我碰巧聽到了他們的秘密。22. It's/has been +段時間+since從句自從某時起做某件事情己經(jīng)一段時間了該句型中since引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句常用一般過去時。例如:It's twenty years since he came


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