



1、語法專題突破特殊句式感嘆句祈使句比較級感嘆句是英語的一種重要的句型,用來表示人的強(qiáng)烈感情。一般說來,感嘆句是由what或how引導(dǎo),句末 用感嘆號,朗讀時用降調(diào)。它有兩個類型,七種句式。一. 用whal引導(dǎo)的感嘆句有三種句式,此時,what為形容詞,用作泄語,修飾它后而的名詞或名詞詞組。1. What+a/an+形容詞+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)+主語+謂語!例如:She is a very lovely girl! * What a lovely girl she is!(陳述句中的程度副詞 very, quite, really, so 要省略)What a nice day it is!多么好的天氣啊

2、!What an interesting book that is!那是一本多么有趣的書?。?. What+形容詞+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)形式+主語+謂語!例如:She bought usefill books yesterday. > What usefill books she bought!What beautiful flowers they arc!多么美麗的花??!What good teachers they arc!他們是多么好的老師啊!3. What+形容詞+不可數(shù)名詞+主語+謂語!例如:The fried rice tastes quite delicious.>What

3、delicious fried rice it tastes!(陳述句中的程度副詞 quite 要省略)What fine weather it is! (= How fine the weather is !)多好的天氣!二、用how引導(dǎo)的感嘆句有四種句式,此時,how是副詞,用作狀語,修飾后面的形容詞、副詞或動詞。4. How +形容詞+主語+謂語!例如:She is a very lovely girl! > How lovely a girl she is!(陳述句中的程度副詞really要省略)Maria is *ery beautiful. > How beautifi

4、il Maria is!(陳述句中的程度副詞 very 要省略)How hot it is today!今天天氣真熱??!How beautiful the flowers arc!這些花多么美麗啊!5. How+副詞十主語+謂語!例如:_Jim nuns quiet fast. > How fast Jim runs!(陳述句中的程度副詞 very 要省'略)How fast he runs!他跑得多快?。ow hard they work!他們工作多么努力?。?. How+主語+謂語!例如:How time flics!光陰似箭!How she dances!她跳舞跳得多好啊

5、!7. How+形容詞+a/an+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)+主語+謂語!此句式可與句式1進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換。例如:She is a very lovely girl! * How lovely a girl she is!(陳述句中的程度副詞really要省略)How old a building that is!(=What an old building that is!)那是一棟多么破舊的樓房??!特別提示what或howWhat a good girl!多好的一個女孩子呀!Howcold(itis)!天氣多冷呀!祈使句:一概念:祈使句用以表達(dá)命令,要求,請求,勸告等。二相關(guān)知識點精講1祈使句有三種類型,一種是

6、以動詞原形開頭,(但只限于省略第二人稱主語的句子)OTake this seat.坐這兒。Do be careful.務(wù)必小心。否左結(jié)構(gòu):Doni move.不準(zhǔn)動。Don*t be late不要遲到。2以let開頭的祈使句Let的反意疑問句:a. Lefs包括說話者。例如:Lefs have another try, shall we / shan't we? = Shall we have another try?我們再試一次,如何?b. Let us不包括說話者。例如:Let us have another try, will you / won't you? = Wil

7、l you please let us have another try?你讓我們再試一次,好嗎? 否定結(jié)構(gòu):例如:Let's not talk of that matter.不要談這件事。Let us not talk of that matter.你不要讓我們談這件事。3 有主語的祈使句我們知道,祈使句的主語通常就是說話的對方,即第二人稱you,般不表示出來,但在有些情況下,祈使句也可 帶主語。一、為了強(qiáng)調(diào)指明向誰提出要求或發(fā)出命令時。例如:You go with me.你跟我去。You tell him what I said.你把我說的話告訴他°You take th

8、at seat.你坐在那個座位上。二、表達(dá)”氣憤;不滿;厭煩;急躁”等情緒時。例如:You get out of here!你給我滾出這兒!You mind your own business!你少管閑事!You take your hands off me!你把手拿開別碰我!三、表示對照或區(qū)別不同的說話對象時°例如:Helen, you clean the window, and Paul, you sweep the floor海倫,你擦窗子;保羅,你掃地。You come here. Jack, and you go there, Mary.杰克你到這邊來,瑪麗你到那邊去。Yo

9、u ask the first question and I ask the second one.你問第一個問題,我問第二個問題。四、當(dāng)祈使句中有in. out, away, up. off等作狀語的副詞,強(qiáng)調(diào)這些狀語而把它們置于句首時。例如:Out you come!你岀來! Away you go!你走吧! Up you stand!你站起來!五、祈使句以donY開頭,表示關(guān)照或警告對方時。例如:Don't you be late again.你別再遲到 了。Don't you ever forget this lesson!你一定不要忘記了這次教訓(xùn)!六、祈使句的主語也可

10、以是第三人稱。例如:Everybody stand up!大家都站起來!Jack stand there.杰克站到那邊去。Someone open the door.誰去把門打開。There be句型小結(jié)本質(zhì):There be表示"存在有",即當(dāng)我們告訴某人某事存在(或不存在)常用這種結(jié)構(gòu)。其中山ere是引字詞,本身無詞 5l:bc為謂語動詞,后面跟的是名詞,也就是主語,也就是說there be結(jié)構(gòu)的運用也就是倒裝的具體運用。其真正的主 語在there be之后。一. 注意事項:1 there be結(jié)構(gòu)中的be是可以運用各種時態(tài)的。There is going to be

11、a meeting tonight.今晩有個會議。There was a knock at the door.有人敲門。There has been a girl waiting for you有個女孩一直在等你。There will be rain soon.不久天就要下雨了。2動詞be單復(fù)數(shù)形式要跟there be之后的真正的主語一致。并且要根搖就近一致原則來變換be的 單復(fù)數(shù)形式。如:There is a book on the desk課桌上有一本書。How many people are there in the city?這個城市里有多少人口。There is a pen and

12、two books on the desk課桌上有一個鋼筆和兩本書。There are two books and a pen on the desk課桌上有兩本書和一個鋼筆。There are some students and a teacher in the classroom.在教室里有一些學(xué)生和一位老師。There is a teacher and some students in the classroom.在教室里有一位老師和一些學(xué)生。3在there be 起的句子結(jié)構(gòu)中,用來修飾主語的不定式主動形式和被動形式均可。There is no time to lose (= to b

13、e lost)吋間緊迫。There is nothing to see (=to be seen).看不見有什么。There is nothing to do.(=to be done)無事可做。二. 結(jié)構(gòu)變禮在there be結(jié)構(gòu)中還可把be改變從而使得there be結(jié)構(gòu)有了一些改變具體總結(jié)如下:1 There used/seem/ happen/appear to be 如:There might be snow at night.晩上可能有雪。There appeared to be nobody willing to help看來沒人愿意幫忙。There used to be a b

14、uilding here過去這兒有一座樓房 <>There happened to be a man walking by碰巧有個人在此經(jīng)過。There doesn't seem to be much hope 好象沒有太大的希望。2在there be的be前還可以加上冬種情態(tài)詞.如:There must be something wrong定有問題 °There ought not to be so many people.不應(yīng)該有這么多的人。There might still be hope 可能還有點希望。3在there be句型中的be還可以換成其他的動詞

15、與there連用,這些詞都是表示狀態(tài)的如:live stand exist remain 等或用來描寫某事的發(fā)生或某.人的到達(dá)如come, appear, enter, follow, occur等。There lived a rich man這以前住著一個富翁。Then there came a knock at the door.然后有人敲門。Long, long ago, there lived a king很久很久以前,有一個國王。There followed a terrible noise然后是傳來了可怕的聲音。Suddenly there entered a strange ma

16、n究然進(jìn)來了 一個奇怪的人。三. 特殊的表達(dá)方式:1 There is no sense/ point in doing做某事是沒有用的,沒有意狡的There is no sense in making him angry.跟他生氣是沒有用的。There in no sense in going alone. 一個人去是沒有好處的。2. There is no need to do沒有必要做某事There is no need to worry.沒有必要擔(dān)心。There is no need to give him so much money.根本沒有必要給他那么多的錢。四. there be

17、句£的非限定形式。There be的非限定形式有兩種,即there to be和there beingo需要掌握以下幾個情況:1作主語當(dāng)作主語時,一般是There being結(jié)構(gòu),當(dāng)句式中有for時,一般用there to be如:There being a shop here is a great advantage.這兒有個商店,真是方便極了。There being a house with a garden is of great value.擁有花園的房子是很有價值的。2作賓語2作動詞賓語時,一般用there to be結(jié)構(gòu)。常見動詞有:expect, mean, inten

18、d want, prefer等:We expect there to be no argument.我們希望不會出現(xiàn)爭吵。People don't want there to be anther war人們不希望再有戰(zhàn)爭。作介詞的賓語一般用There being句式,但當(dāng)是for吋一般用there to be句式°This depended on there being a sudden change.這需要有一個突然的改變。The teacher was waiting for there to be complete silence.老師在等著大家都安躋下來。3作狀語用作

19、狀語的there be的形式通常用there being結(jié)構(gòu)。There being no buses, we had to walk home.由于沒有公共汽車,我們不得不走著回家。There being no nobody in the room we realized that there was no use crying屋里沒人,我們意識到哭喊是沒有用的。There being nothing else to do, we went home happily.由于沒事可做,我們快樂地回家了。注意:如果句中出現(xiàn)for吋應(yīng)用there to be。It was too late for

20、there to be any buses 太晚了,沒有公共汽車了比較級句式一. the+比較級,the+比較級此句型表示后者隨著前者的變化而變化,意為''越就越二前者相當(dāng)于一個條件句,因此,要用一般 現(xiàn)在時代替一般將來時。如:The better I knew him, the more I liked him.我越了解他就越喜歡他。The more difficult the questioas are, the less likely I ll be able to answer them.題目越難我越答不出二. the+比較級+of the two表示“兩者中較的那個人

21、或物''時,在比較級前加立冠詞山耳如:He is the taller of the two.他是兩人中較髙的那個。She was the more promising worker of the two.她是兩人之中更有培養(yǎng)前途的工人。三. 比較級+and+比較級'此句型表示二越來越二 單音節(jié)形容詞或副詞用-er+and +-ef如:Things are getting better and better every day.情況一天天好起來。It's becoming more and more difficult to find a job.找工作越來越困

22、難 了。Holiday nights are getting less and less expensive.假日機(jī)票越來越便宜 了。四. not+ 比較than/H0+ 比較級 + than比較級前加not,表示前者不如后者,與not as.as相當(dāng):比較級前加no是對兩者的否左,意為''和一 樣不3與neither.nor或論+相反意義的形容詞或副詞+卅相當(dāng)如:He is not taller than me.他不如我高。He is no taller than me.他同我一樣不髙。(即一樣黴)His English is not better than mine.他的英

23、語不如我的英語好。His English is no better than mine他的英語同我的英語一樣不好。(即一樣差)You are not more careful than he is.你不如他仔細(xì)。You are no more careful than he is.你和他一樣不仔細(xì)匚(即一樣粗心)五. no more than 與 not more than兩者均可表示數(shù)量,前者表示F又僅二"只不過",強(qiáng)調(diào)少:而后者表示''不多于二“至多二如:This test takes no more than thirty minutes.這個測驗只需 30 分鐘。For thirty years, he had done no more than he had needed to. 30 年來,他只干了 他需要干的工作。He has not more than three children.他最多3個孩子(有或許還不到3個之意)。六. no more.than 與 not more.than兩者均可用于比較,前者表示對兩者都否立,意為“同一樣


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