七年級英語上冊(人教版)單元測試卷:Unit 7 How much are these socks_第1頁
七年級英語上冊(人教版)單元測試卷:Unit 7 How much are these socks_第2頁
七年級英語上冊(人教版)單元測試卷:Unit 7 How much are these socks_第3頁
七年級英語上冊(人教版)單元測試卷:Unit 7 How much are these socks_第4頁




1、Unit 7 How much are these socks.單項選擇1.The shop _ sweaters, pants, shoes and socks.Asells Bsell Cbuys2.Do you like the red hat?No, I like the yellow _Aone Bthis Cit3.This pair of socks _ look nice.Aisn't Baren'tCdoesn't4. Where are my _?Your jacket is on the sofa, but I don't know whe

2、re your trousers are.Abooks Bsweaters Cclothes5.Can I help you?_ANo, not BDon't help meCYes, please6.I want that red coat._AHere you are BHere is itCGive you7._ girls, we have skirts _ green, white and yellow _ only$12.A. For; in; for B. For; for; at C. In; in; at8. Do you like this sweater?No,

3、I don't. It's _ for me. I want a small one.Abig Bshort Cinteresting 9.These shoes are nice and cheap. I'll _ them.Awant Btake Cbring 10.They sell their clothes_ very good prices.Ain Bfor Cat.完形填空Near my house there is a big_11_. It is called Hongqi Clothes Store. You can_12_ all kinds of

4、_13_in it. Do you like sweaters? They have very beautiful sweaters for only 95 yuan. Do you need_14_? They sell great bags_15_ 36 yuan. They_16_ have nice skirts for girls_17_ red, green, white and blue, and football socks for boys. And they_18_many other其他的 nice clothes. Do you want to go there wit

5、h me? Let's go together this Sunday!11.A.school BfactoryCstore12.A.sell BbuyCgo13.A.vegetables BclothesCfood14.A.bags BhatsCbooks15.A.for Bon Cin16.A.too Balso Conly17.A.in Bfrom Con18.A.like Bsell Cwant.閱讀理解 Peter has five dollars and he wants to buy a birthday present禮物 for his sister, Mary. M

6、ary will be six years old next Saturday. Peter is in a shop now. He looks at books, paints and footballs. However, he doesn't think they are right presents for his sister. He is ready to leave when a tall shop assistant stops him.“Can I help you? the shop assistant asks.“I'm looking for a pr

7、esent for my sister, Peter answers. “But I can't find anything nice.“There are some kites in the boxes, the shop assistant says and points to some boxes in the corner角落. “They are popular this season. Would you like to have a look at them?The kites are really great, and they cost only $4.30. Pet

8、er thinks he finds the best present. He buys a green kite with a fish on it. He knows it will make Mary happy.19.Where does this story happen?AIn a school. BIn a shop.CIn a playground.20.How does Peter find the kite?AHe sees it through透過 the window. BHe sees a boy flying one.CA shop assistant shows

9、it to him.21.What is on the green kite?AA dog. BA fish. CA soccer ball.22.How much does Peter still have after he buys the kite?A$4.30. B$0.70. C$5.00.23.Which is the best title for this story?AMary's birthday BA toy shopCA present.補全對話10分根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,選擇方框內(nèi)最正確選項完成對話。A: Good morning, sir. 24._B: I'

10、d like to buy a shirt, please.A: Oh, good! We've got lots of new shirts in different styles. This way, please. 25._B: Let me have a look first.A: This blue one is made of cotton棉, and that green one is made of silk. Both of them feel soft and cool in summer.B: The green one looks nice. 26._A: Of

11、 course. Hmm, it fits you very well.B: Thank you! 27._A: $78.B: 28._A: But it really looks great on you.B: That is true. OK. I'll take it.ACan I try it on?BHere is the money.CWhich one do you like?DThat is a little bit expensive.EWhat can I do for you?FHow much is it?.根據(jù)語境或句意,用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空29How mu

12、ch_ the apples?be30He needs 500_ for it.dollar31I need two_ of brown shoes.pair32Can you_ these things to your brother?take33Where_ my schoolbag?be.根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子,每空一詞34你想要什么顏色的?What _ do you _?35這些女老師都三十歲了。These _ teachers are all _36所有的物品都在促銷嗎?Are all the goods_ _? 37我們這里有僅售20美元的紅毛衣。We _ sweaters _ re

13、d _ only 20 dollars.38這些短襪一雙2美元,兩雙3美元。The socks are two dollars _ one _ and three dollars _ two _.用方框中所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式完成短文price, for, much, like, sweater, father, sell, only, buy, sport Tom and Jim are brothers. Today they go to Mr. Smith's Clothes Store and the clothes there are on 39._. They like 40.

14、_. The sweaters at the store are at a very good 41._only $5! They 42._ two sweaters from the store. Tomorrow is their 43._ birthday. Their father needs a 44._ bag. How 45._ are the bags? They are 46._ $2. Their mother 47._ skirts. The skirts at the store are also on sale. Tom and Jim buy a red skirt

15、 48._ their mother. Then they go home happily. .書面表達假設(shè)你在網(wǎng)上開了一家名為“樂購的店鋪,店內(nèi)出售各種各樣的衣、帽、鞋、襪等。請你根據(jù)以下圖提示寫一那么銷售廣告,宣傳自己的店鋪。要求:50詞左右。開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Legou Clothes StoreWelcome to Legou Clothes Store! We have many clothes at good prices. _答案:.1-10 AACCC AAABC .11.C12.B13.B14.A15.A16B17.A18.B.19.B20.C21.B22.B23.C

16、.24.E25.C26.A27.F28.D.29.are30.dollars31.pairs32take33.is.34.color; want35.women; thirty36on sale37.have; in; for38for; pair; for; pairs .39.sale40.sweaters41.price42.buy43father's44.sports45.much46only47.likes48.for.One possible version:Legou Clothes StoreWelcome to Legou Clothes Store! We have many clothes at good prices. Do you like T­shirts? They a


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