



1、GSV Self-Assessment FormGSV自我評估表Please complete this Self-Assessment Form and return to Intertek GSV coordinator before the audit date. 請?zhí)顚懸韵伦晕以u估表,并在審核日期前發(fā)送至GSV協(xié)調(diào)員。Factory Name : GSV Registration Number :工廠名稱: 華登(河源)玩具制品有限公司 GSV注冊號:GSV-CHN-07-A-00076-R2Factory Information工廠信息1What type of

2、commodity is produced by the factories? 貴工廠生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品類型是什么? 2What year was the company established?公司在哪一年成立?20053What is the approximate percentage of export into the U.S.?出口美國的比例是多少?80%4How many containers are shipped to US per month or year from this facility?該工廠每月或每年運往美國的集裝箱是多少?10005Numbers/types of b

3、uilding?建筑物數(shù)量/類型? 棟6Approximate property size?工廠大約的面積? 200007Who are the company's major customers?貴公司的主要客戶?WAL MART TARGET 8What are the hours of operations?工作時間?8:00-17:309How many entrance for external in your facility?貴工廠有多少個通往外部的出口?1個10How many employees work in the factory? (Full/Part Time

4、/ Seasonal)工廠有多少員工?(全職/兼職/季節(jié)性)99511What are the names of the company's brokers/freight forwarders? 公司的貨運代理的名稱? 運輸公司12What are names of the company's transportation providers and their current address?公司的運輸商及其現(xiàn)駐址?運輸公司/廣東XXXGeneral綜合信息Yes/No/N/A是/否/無13Do you have a policy that requires all sec

5、urity procedures to be documented? 是否要求所有安全程序有書面制度?是14Do you have a designated security department/chief? 是否有專職的保安部/主管?是Personnel Training 人員培訓(xùn)Yes/No/N/A是/否/無15Is there a process in place to screen prospective employees and to periodically check current employees? 是否對應(yīng)聘人員進行篩查,并對現(xiàn)在員工進行定期檢查?是16When al

6、lowed by law, are background checks conducted on all employees? 在法律允許的范圍內(nèi),是否對所有員工進行背景審查?是17Is the issuance of employee identification centralized and controlled by a specific department?員工證的發(fā)放是否專門的部門負責(zé)?是18Does new employee orientation include security and threat awareness training? 新員工的入職培訓(xùn)是否包括安全和危險

7、意識培訓(xùn)?是19Have you identified restricted areas and determined who is authorized to be present? 工廠內(nèi)是否設(shè)有禁區(qū),是否有進入權(quán)限的規(guī)定?是20Is all training for new employees documented (including information such as subject, date, attendees)?是否對所有的新員工培訓(xùn)進行記錄(包括主題、日期、參加人員等)? 是21Do you have a written code of conduct for empl

8、oyees? 是否有書面的員工行為守則?是22Is there an established procedure to conduct unannounced security checks periodically for all areas of concern? 是否有相關(guān)制度,對所有重點區(qū)域是否定期進行突擊安全檢查?是Physical Security 實體安全Yes/No/N/A是/否/無23Does the facility have an intrusion detection or alarm system? 工廠是否有非法進入監(jiān)測和報警系統(tǒng)?是24Is an employee

9、 identification system used for positive identification and access control?是否實施了員工身份認證系統(tǒng)和出入控制? 是25Do adequate locking devices protect all access points (doors, windows, gates)?所有出入口(門、窗、大門等)都裝有完備的鎖閉裝置嗎? 是26Do you have a documented procedure regarding facility Key Control (assign, date out-in, tracki

10、ng)? 工廠是否有書面的鑰匙管理制度(發(fā)放、收發(fā)日期、追蹤)?是27Is your building perimeter secured by an adequate wall or fence? 建筑物周圍是否有完善的圍墻或護欄?是28Is there any outside flood lighting of entrances, exits, cargo handling and storage areas?入口、出口、貨物裝卸和儲存區(qū)是否有外部泛光照明?是29Are inbound shipments containerized? 輸入的物品是否用集裝箱裝載?是30If yes, a

11、re the shipments seals verified and documented? 如果是,是否對貨物的封條進行查驗并記錄?是31Do you store empty or loaded containers on site?是否將空的或已裝貨的集裝箱存放在工廠內(nèi)? 否32If yes, are the container doors sealed or locked?如果是,集裝箱的門是否貼封條或上鎖?是33Do you have a designated security guard force? 工廠是否有專門的保安力量?是34Are closed circuit telev

12、ision cameras (CCTV) used to monitor the activity inside/outside the facility? 是否采用閉路電視攝像機(CCTV)監(jiān)控工廠內(nèi)/外部的情況?是35Are closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) used to monitor the shipping dock and container loading areas? 是否采用閉路電視攝像機(CCTV)監(jiān)控運輸區(qū)和集裝箱裝貨區(qū)?是36Do you have the recording data stored?是否儲存記錄資料?是

13、37Is there a visitors log maintained? 是否有訪客記錄?是38Are visitors, delivery drivers, and transportation drivers required to show a picture ID before permitted access to the facility?訪客、送貨司機和運輸司機是否需要出示身份證明才能進入工廠? 是39Is a container security seal verified for accuracy against shipping documents prior to de

14、parting the factory? 集裝箱離開工廠前是否要根據(jù)運輸文件對安全封條的準確性進行驗證?是40Is vistitor parking away from entrances and docks? 訪客停車區(qū)是否與入口和貨運區(qū)分開?是41Are vehicles prohibited/prevented from parking near cargo conveyances?是否禁止/防止車輛停在貨物運輸工具附近? 是42Are there procedures in place for detecting and reporting shortages or overages

15、in incoming shipments? 是否有相應(yīng)程序,檢查或匯報入廠貨物的短缺或超量?是Information Access Controls信息資料控制Yes/No/N/A是/否/無43Do you have procedures concerning access to automated systems and documents? 是否有進入自動系統(tǒng)和查看文件的權(quán)限控制?是44Do you have established password controls for your automated systems?自動系統(tǒng)是否有密碼控制? 是45Shipment Informat

16、ion Controls運輸信息控制 Yes/No/N/A是/否/無46Is there a designated company representative responsible for providing accurate information to the broker?公司是否有專人負責(zé)向代理商提供準確的信息? 是47Storage & Transportation/Distribution 儲存和運輸/分銷Yes/No/N/A是/否/無48Are stored container doors secured with a high security locking de

17、vice or seal? 工廠中存放的集裝箱是否裝有高安全性鎖閉裝置或封條? 是49Who provides and affixes the seals to conveyances?由誰負責(zé)提供和加貼封條?李仁山50Is dangerous cargo (including hazardous materials) stored separately and properly identified?危險貨品(包括有害材料)是否單獨存放或標注識別信息? 是51Is loading of containers supervised by a security guard or designat

18、ed supervisor?集裝箱的裝運是否由保安或?qū)iT的主管監(jiān)管? 是52Are there procedures for tracking shipments? (From where to where?)是否有追蹤貨物的程序?(從哪里到哪里?) 是53Are containers utilized for shipments? 運輸是否采用集裝箱?是54Do you only use ISO17712 high security compliant seals for ocean shipments?海運貨物是否只采用符合ISO17712高安全性要求的封條?是55Do you have

19、a documented policy on how to affix,replace, record, and track seals placed on containers? 是否有集裝箱封條加貼、更換、記錄和追蹤的書面規(guī)章制度?是56Do you have procedures in place to properly check the integrity of containers (7-point inspection)? 是否有檢查集裝箱完好性(7點檢驗)的程序?是57Is there a written contract with the transporter that moves containers from the factory to the port? 與將集裝箱從工廠運輸至港口的運輸商之間是否簽有書面合同?是58Is there a procedure for in-country carriers to r


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