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1、What would you like?知識目標(biāo)1.交際用語:What is your favourite food? I like .best My favourite .                       What would you like? Id like some        

2、;               Would you like some? Yes, please. No, thanks.2.單詞和短語:hamburger, noodle, coffee, potato,a cup of tea, two glasses of water能力目標(biāo)1.能夠用就餐時的基本用語進(jìn)行交際。2.學(xué)會簡單談?wù)勛约旱娘嬍沉?xí)慣教學(xué)重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn)1.能夠用就餐時的基本用語進(jìn)行熟練交際。2.學(xué)會與同學(xué)交流自己的飲食及習(xí)慣。 

3、教學(xué)步驟:Step 1,  引入(1)根據(jù)投影上的圖片或?qū)嵨?,用英語學(xué)過的食物、飲料和水果名稱。(2)Free  talk( In groups )What would you like?     Id like some Step 2 把教室布置成快餐店。把學(xué)生分成若干組.組內(nèi)一人當(dāng)?shù)陠T,其他人當(dāng)顧客。 店員:Can I help you? What would you like?學(xué)生店員:Eight yuan.Step3:Group actions小組形式展現(xiàn)出用餐時的交際用語。Step 4 :Hom

4、ework      根據(jù)自己的情況,寫一篇文章介紹自己的一日三餐健康飲食。任務(wù)型教學(xué)活動案例活動名稱:點(diǎn)菜活動目的:創(chuàng)設(shè)真實情景,讓學(xué)生運(yùn)用有關(guān)用餐的英語句型,在食店點(diǎn)菜. 使學(xué)生在輕松愉快的氛圍中掌握英語,激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣,并做到學(xué)以致用。語言技能:Listening and speaking語言知識:食物名稱和價格的表達(dá)方法提示詞語及句型:1、必備單詞和句型句型rice, hot dog, hamburger, fish, beef, soup, noodles, Coke, coffee, pear, apple, watermelo

5、nWhat would you like?     Id like some milk2、擴(kuò)展詞匯與句型詞匯:sandwiches(三明治), tofu(豆腐),pork(豬肉),mutton(羊肉),cabbage(白菜),cucumber(黃瓜),chili(辣椒), white ground (冬瓜),carrot(胡蘿卜),onion(洋蔥),spinach(菠菜).句型:Can I help you? How much is it? Its How much are they? Theyre   Wait a mi

6、nute.活動形式:四人小組 活動過程:一、 熱身活動,引起學(xué)生的興趣 1. Free talkT: I like chicken.  What do you like?S1: I like hamburger.  T: I like chicken.   S2: I like beef.( 對沒有學(xué)過的食物單詞允許學(xué)生說中文,教師說出英文。)2A guessing game 用多媒體課件讓學(xué)生猜食物的名稱。把食物和飲料的圖片用模糊的形式出現(xiàn),讓學(xué)生去猜。二、Pre-task(呈現(xiàn)完成任務(wù)需要的知識,介紹任務(wù)的要求和實施任務(wù)的步驟)1

7、.T:(教師演示課件,一個學(xué)生放晚學(xué)回家來到廚房)Look at the screen, can you guess the topic of this class from the picture?Ss: Eating.(教師引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說出)T:  Do you know What Mike will say to dad?Ss: I dont know.T plays the CAI again. T helps Ss say the sentences:Mike: Dad, Im hungry. Whats for dinner? Id like some soup and ri

8、ce.Dad:  Ok. Wait and see.三、While-task (設(shè)計數(shù)個微型任務(wù),構(gòu)成任務(wù)鏈,學(xué)生一個人或小組形式完成各項任務(wù))1.單詞滾雪球游戲T: Id like some beef for dinner.   What would you like for dinner? S1: Id like some beef and vegetables. What would you like for dinner? S2:Id like some beef ,vegetables and rice .What would you like for

9、dinner? Id like some. 為完成下面的任務(wù)活動打下基礎(chǔ)。2listen and choose 聽錄音,填寫表格。S1: Hello. What would you like for breakfast / lunch / dinner?S2: Id like some . namebreakfastlunchdinnerZhang Jie       Wu Fan       Lou xiao   

10、            (1)noodles (2)hamburger (3)hotdogs (4)bread (5)fish (6)eggs (7)meat (8)pork (9)cakes (10)vegetables (11)rice (12)milk (13)beef 3課文教學(xué)(1)T: After class, Mike goes home. He is hungry . What would  he like for dinner? What

11、 would his mother like for dinner? Now, lets watch video and find out the answer.(2)教師發(fā)給學(xué)生打亂順序的課文內(nèi)容。T: Watch the video again and arrange the sentences in right order.(3)Group work: Read the text aloud. 4Order dishes把教室布置成食品店。把學(xué)生分成若干組(三人一小組)。教師給每個小組提供一份英文菜單,.組內(nèi)一人當(dāng)服務(wù)員,其他兩人當(dāng)顧客。Assistant: Can I help you

12、 ? what would you like?S1:Id like some beef and rice. Assistant:Wait a minute.S2: How much?Assistant:Twenty yuan. 各小組輪流上臺表演,以語言得體、語音準(zhǔn)確。表述流利評出“最佳店員”和“最佳顧客”若干名。5Make a survey教師制作如下表格,復(fù)印若干份,分發(fā)各小組;學(xué)生四人一組,自行確定小記者和采訪對象,調(diào)查一日三餐所吃食物,并作調(diào)查記錄。namebreakfastlunchdinnerZhang Jie     &

13、#160; Wu Fan       Lou xiao               (1)noodles (2)hamburger (3)hotdogs (4)bread (5)fish (6)eggs (7)meat (8)pork (9)cakes (10)vegetables (11)rice (12)milk (13)beef四、Post-task(以展示、表

14、演等形式出示結(jié)果)1小組小記者匯報調(diào)查結(jié)果,教師匯總統(tǒng)計,用大表格的形式展現(xiàn)出全班學(xué)生一日三餐的情況。2語法項目小結(jié)。I like chickenwhat do you like?What would you like for dinner?Id like some milkHow much?五、HomeworkLittle designer教師制作表格,要求學(xué)生4人一組利用課外時間調(diào)查家人、朋友或教師等熟悉人群的食譜,并通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)查詢、圖書館查閱或醫(yī)藥咨詢等形式設(shè)計一套適合學(xué)生一日三餐的食譜(不會的單詞可查詞典)。下次英語課時展出。評選出“最佳營養(yǎng)食譜”。并對學(xué)生進(jìn)行科學(xué)用餐、不挑食偏食等思想

15、教育。 MeatVegetableDrinkFruitBreakfast    Lunch    Supper     板書設(shè)計  What would you like?  Id like some.教學(xué)內(nèi)容:七年級(下)Unit8Id like some noodles.教學(xué)目標(biāo)(Teaching Aims):1學(xué)習(xí)和鞏固一些有關(guān)食品的名稱;了解面條及其配料。noodles  beef  mutton 

16、 chicken  cabbage  tomato  potato  special2掌握would like (d like)的用法及句型What kind ofwould you like?(你想要什么種類的物品啊?)3初步培養(yǎng)學(xué)生有關(guān)“訂餐”的交際能力;能自配美餐。情感目標(biāo):培養(yǎng)學(xué)生養(yǎng)成愛惜糧食、講究衛(wèi)生的良好習(xí)慣。教學(xué)重點(diǎn)(Teaching Key Point)運(yùn)用目標(biāo)語言訂購食品:-Can I help you?-Yes, please.-What kind of noodles would you like?-Id like beef and

17、 tomato noodles.教學(xué)難點(diǎn)(Teaching Difficulty):培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的口語交際能力。教學(xué)步驟(Teaching Procedures)Step 1   Greetings and free talkStep 2   Show the learning aims. Meanwhile explain some words using real objects or pictures.Step 3   Leading in CourseShow students a toy dog and ask them if

18、they like it.Ask students:    What kind of animals do you like ?Students answer:  I like Ask students:    What kind of animals would you like?Students answer:  I would like(Tell students “would like” is similar to “want”. But “would like” is more polite than “

19、want”.)Step 4  New lesson 1Show students a screen with some more animals. Ask each animals name . Then use the sentence structure” What kind of would you like? Id like ”Finally, pointing to any animal, get boy students to ask and girl students to answer.2Show students another screen with some v

20、egetables. Do this task as the former step .to help students consolidate the structure.3Show students a screen with some kinds of food. and continue to practice the structure.4Show students a screen with some different kinds of meat. Students practice the structure.(在傳授這些知識的同時,教育學(xué)生學(xué)會生活:了解人體每天對幾種主要營養(yǎng)

21、的需求量,學(xué)會健康飲食)5Pair workStudents use the sentence structure to make their own conversations.-What kind of would you like?-Id like 6Design a scene:“I work in a restaurant. I am selling several kinds of noodles. (Some specials) A costumer comes to order noodles.”(1).Show the specials to students and exp

22、lain the ingredients of each special.(2).Get students to listen to a conversation and choose one of the specials the costumer orders(3).Students work in pairs or in groups to practice conversations, trying to order food.7Exercise Order some sentences to form a conversation.8Summary of this lesson9Se

23、lf-assessmentGet students to finish the self-assessment chart10HomeworkDispense a healthy lunch for yourself.Make a bowl of noodles for your parents when you get home.教學(xué)目標(biāo):知識目標(biāo):1.單詞和短語:掌握一些與食物有關(guān)的英語單詞和短語:hamburger, noodle, coffee, potato,a cup of tea, two glasses of water2.交際用語:What is your favourite

24、 food? What would you like? Id like some Would you like some? Yes, please. No, thanks.能力目標(biāo):1.能夠用就餐時的基本用語進(jìn)行交際。2.學(xué)會簡單談?wù)勛约旱娘嬍沉?xí)慣。情感態(tài)度:了解東西方飲食文化差異;培養(yǎng)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的主動性、積極性和參與性,增進(jìn)同學(xué)間的相互了解和團(tuán)結(jié)合作的意識。教學(xué)重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn):1.使學(xué)生能夠用就餐時的基本用語進(jìn)行交際。2.使學(xué)生學(xué)會簡單談?wù)勛约旱娘嬍沉?xí)慣。教學(xué)過程:Step 1   Leading-in(1)chant:T: I like chicken.  

25、;  What do you like?S1: I like hamburger.  T: I like chicken.   S2: I like beef.活動說明: Free talk是為下面交流一日三餐埋下伏筆。(2) 出示圖片或?qū)嵨?,?fù)習(xí)以前學(xué)過的食物、飲料和水果名稱Step2  Pre-task(1) 以幾個在餐廳吃飯的圖片引到關(guān)于用餐的對話,引出任務(wù)內(nèi)容。Waiter: Can I help you? What would you like for dinner?S1:Id like some rice and fish,S2:

26、Id like some noodles.S3: Id like some rice, fish,and beef. (2)用圖片展示新的食物名稱:rice, fish, beef, soup, noodles, vegetable(要求學(xué)生能看到圖片立即說出單詞)Step3   while-task (1) A guessing game:讓學(xué)生猜食物的名稱。以此激發(fā)學(xué)生的興趣,并能訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的發(fā)散性思維。(2) 教師根據(jù)所學(xué)單詞設(shè)記連線練習(xí)。學(xué)生根據(jù)錄音把單詞與對應(yīng)物圖形連線,這樣既可鞏固新單詞,又能訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的聽力。(3) 互相了解一日三餐所吃的食物(教師給予詞

27、匯上的幫助):what would you like for breakfast/lunch/dinner?:  Id like some milk/beef/vegetable(4) 把教室布置成快餐店。把學(xué)生分成若干組.組內(nèi)一人當(dāng)?shù)陠T,其他人當(dāng)顧客。店員:Can I help you ?what you like?學(xué)生:Id like some beef. How much?店員:Eight yuan.(    評出“最佳店員”和“最佳顧客”)2A guessing game 用多媒體課件讓學(xué)生猜食物的名稱。把食物和飲料的圖片用模糊的形式出

28、現(xiàn),讓學(xué)生去猜。活動說明:用該游戲復(fù)習(xí)單詞可以激發(fā)學(xué)生的興趣,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的觀察和想象能力。Step4  Pre-task(呈現(xiàn)完成任務(wù)需要的知識,介紹任務(wù)的要求和實施任務(wù)的步驟)1.T:(教師演示課件,一個學(xué)生放晚學(xué)回家來到廚房)Look at the screen, can you guess the topic of this class from the picture?Ss: Eating.(教師引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說出)T:  Do you know What Mike will say to dad?Ss: I dont know.T plays the CAI again.

29、T helps Ss say the sentences:Mike: Dad,Im hungry.Whats for dinner? Id like some soup and rice.Dad:  Ok. Wait and see.活動說明:通過課件感知本課話題是“用餐”,開門見山,切入主題。   2.listen and choose 聽錄音,填寫表格。S1:  Hello. What would you like for breakfast /lunch/dinner?   S2:  Id like some .

30、60; namebreakfastlunchdinnerZhang Jie       Wu Fan       Lou xiao               (1)noodles,(2)hamburger(3)hotdogs(4)bread,(5)fish(6)eggs(7)meat(8)pork

31、(9)cakes(10)vegetables(11)rice(12)milk(13)beefStep5    Practice各小組輪流上臺表演,以語言得體、語音準(zhǔn)確。表述流利評出“最佳店員”和“最佳顧客”若干名。 活動說明:此項練習(xí)在于訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的聽力。 創(chuàng)設(shè)真實的生活化的情景,使學(xué)生在輕松愉快的氛圍中掌握英語,激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣,并做到學(xué)以致用;小組活動的形式也有利于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生團(tuán)結(jié)協(xié)作的精神。Step6   Make a survey教師制作如下表格,復(fù)印若干份,分發(fā)各小組;學(xué)生四人一組,自行確定小記者和采訪對象,調(diào)查一日三餐所吃食物,并作調(diào)查記錄。namebreakfastlunchdinnerZhang Jie       Wu Fan       Lou xiao 


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