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1、2015-2016學(xué)年青云中學(xué)第二學(xué)期期中測試初一英語試卷1、 聽力(共15小題,每小題1分,計15分) ( )1What time will the plane get to London?( )2Where is the girls new foreign teacher from?( )3What are the students doing now?( )4Which map is the correct one? ( ) 5Why won't Millie go to climb the hills this weekend? ABecause she will have s

2、omething else to do BBecause she does not like climbing hills CBecause she often works at weekends( ) 6How much is one book if the boy takes four books? A5 Yuan B4 Yuan C6 Yuan ( )7What does Mary want now? ARest and medicine BTime and rest CWater and food ( )8Why does the man look tired today? ABeca

3、use he didn't go to bed last night BBecause he went to bed too late last night CBecause he went to bed too early last light ( )9Whose birthday is it? AThe man's BThe woman's CBoth A and B( )10Which floor does Peter live on? AOn the seventh floor BOn the sixth floor COn the eighth floor聽下

4、面一篇短文,回答第11至15小題。( )11. How far is his hometown from the city? A. About two hours by bus. B. About one hour on foot. C. About three hours by car.( )12. Where is the lake?A. Far from the village. B. In front of the village. C. In front of the city.( )13. What can't you see in John's hometown?

5、 A. A lake. B. Green plants. C. Tall buildings.( )14. What does John often do after school?A. Go to the centre of the city. B. Show people around his hometown. C. Go swimming in the lake.( )15. Why do many Americans come to John's hometown? A. For their holidays. B. For eating delicious food. C.

6、 For swimming in the lake.2、 筆試(計85分)(1) 單項選擇(共15小題,每小題1分,計15分)( )16.There is _”m”and _”u”in _ word “music”.A. a; an;the B.an; a; the C.a; an; a D.an;a;a( )17.They often sit here and look _ the beach.A.out B.out of C. On D.out at( )18My uncle lives in a town 15miles_ Paris.A.far away B.far away from

7、 C.away from D.far from( )19The house_ a big garden is Mr Smiths. Hes my friend.A.has B.have C.with D.there is( )20.There is_ sheep on the farm.A.a few B.a little C.few D.little( )21.He looks_at me.He looks_.A.angrily;angrily B.angrily;angry C.angry;angrily D.angry;angry( )22.-_is your telephone num

8、ber?-Its8458 6237.A. How much B.How C.What D. Whats( )23.How do you say 300,153,009? -_ A. Three hundred million;one hundred and fifty-three thousand and nine.B. Three hundred millions;one hundred and fifty-three thousand and nine.C.Three hundred millions;one hundred and fifty-three thousands and ni

9、ne.D.Three hundred million;one hundred fifty-three thousand nine.( ) 24._ of August is my fathers birthday.A.Twenty-three B The twenty- threeC.Twenty- third D.The twenty- third( )25.This piece of music sounds_. It sounds _Mozarts.A.great,as B.greatly,like C.great,like D.greatly,like( )26Sandy,_her m

10、other,_wearing a blue skirt.A.like,like B.like,likes C.likes,likes D.likes,like( )27This is_Engllish class.I hope you can enjoy it. A.our the first B the our first C.our first D first the our( )28Its_walk from the park to the theatre.A.10 minutes B.10 minutes C.10 minutes D. 10-minutes( )29.-_ is yo

11、ur home from the centre of Beijing? -Its only half an hour by bike.A.How long B. How many C.How far D.How( )30.-Lets visit the Palace Museum next week. -_.A. Thats all right B. You are welcomeC. That sounds great. D. Never mind.(2) 完形填空(共10小題,每小題1分,計10分) Animals can be volunteers too. That is intere

12、sting, right? Come with me to a(n)_36_in Chicago,America. Two horses volunteer in it. Both doctors and sick people cant believe( 相信)their_37_when they see the horses. “ They are quite_38_, and they look just like big dogs,” some sick children say.“ Can the horses help us_39_ our illness?”asks a sick

13、 girl.“ Of course they can,” a doctor says. “Are you glad to see them?” The girl answers with a smile(微笑), “Yes, I am.”“If you feel happy, you will_40_get better,” says the doctor to her.Elsa is so sick that she_41_ stay in her hospital bed. _42_ the doctor brings the two horses to her.“Mystery and

14、Lunar are so cute.I dont_43_ there are small horses outside stories. I wish they were_44_,” she touches(摸)a horses soft ears and says. “Im_45_seeing them every day.”( )31.A.office B.bank C.station D.hospital( )32.hands B.eyes C.feet D.heads( )33.A.small B.strong C.big D.large( )34.A.to B.at C.with D

15、.for( )35.A.quite B.soon C.later D.may( )36A.has to B.needs C.can D cant( )37A.So B. But C. If D. Because( )38.A.miss B.hope C.know D.want( )39.A.I B.my C.we D.mine( )40.A.calling from B. Preparing for C.looking forward to D.worrying about(3) 閱讀理解(共10小題,每小題2分,計20分)(A) Boys and girls, do you know Jam

16、es Dashner? He is a famous screenwriter(編?。﹊n the USA. He is good at writing books. His science fiction book The Maze Runner(移動迷宮)is very popular among young people.Now another interesting film about his book comes out. In this new film, you will meet the teenage boy, Thomas, again.Thomas and his fr

17、iends run away from a maze together. Here is the story:When Thomas falls asleep in an elevator(電梯), the elevators door opens and other boys take him out and wake him up. But Thomas doesnt remember anything.They have come into a new world.Its a large maze.It isnt lucky for the boys to find some speci

18、al tattoos(紋身)on their bodies. They want to remove(除去)the tattoos, so they have to walk across a very hot place in the maze in two weeks and get to the north.What do they do on their way?lets enjoy the wonderful film together.( )41.What is James Dashner? A. A teacher B. A screenwriter C. An artist D

19、. An engineer( )42.Thomas may be between _ and _ years old. A.4;8 B.9;12 C.13;19 D.20;25( )43.Where does Thomas sleep in the story? A. In his bedroom. B. At school. C. In a hotel. D. In an elevator.( )44.How long does Thomas have to spend walking across the hot place? A. Less than two weeks. B. More

20、 than two months. C. Less than two days. D. More than two weeks.( )45. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. James does well in writing books. B. The Maze Runner is popular among young people. C. The tattoos on the boys bodies are good for them. D. Thomas and his friends ne

21、ed to get to the north.(B) In the sea there are many islands(島). In its warm waters there are some little ones. We call them “coral islands (珊瑚島)”. A coral island is very nice to look at. It looks like a ring of land with trees,grass, and flowers on it. One part of the ring is open to the water. The

22、re is a little round lake inside the island. If you look into the lake, you will see beautiful corals. You may think they are flowers.If you look at a piece of coral, you will see many little holes(洞)in it. In each of there holes lives a very small animal. These sea animals make the coral. They begi

23、n to build coral under the water.year after year, the coral grows higher and higher. At last it grows out of water. Then the sea brings to it small trees or something else. After some years, these things change into earth. Sometimes the wind brings seeds(種子)to the earth. Sometimes birds fly over it

24、and bring seeds to the island. The little seeds grow. In a few years there are plants all over the island. In a few more years there are trees growing there. So you see,there islands are built little by little(漸漸地). The workers are very small. Dont they teach us a lesson?( )46._looks like a ring of

25、land. A. The sea B.The coral island C. The water D. The tree( )47.Inside the island there is a _ A.lake B.river C.hill D.land( )48._look like flowers in the lake. A. The fish B. The islands C.The corals D. The birds( )49.The sea animals begin to build_ under the water. A.flowers B.coral C.trees D.gr

26、ass( )50._ doesnt bring small trees or seeds to the island. A.The sea B. The wind C. The snow D. The bird(四)根據(jù)中文、音標(biāo)、括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式以及語境填寫單詞。(共10小題,每小題1分,計10分)51.Our geography teacher said that the Earth_(travel)around the world.52.Mr Li knows many fun_(事實)about the world.53.There is much_(來往車輛)on the roa

27、d.54.Look! The boy is swimming_(cross) the river.55.The overcoats may be the_(visit).56_d ra: fs long necks can help them eat the leaves from trees.57.My uncle _reiziz many cows on his farm.58.Id like to stay in a _kwait town.59-Mum,Im very tired and cant walk now. -There is a_ over there. It is lon

28、g enough for us to sit on.60- Why do you like monkeys so much? -Because I think they are very_. They always make me laugh.(五)句子翻譯(共5小題,每小題3分,計15分)61.我們?nèi)游飯@的旅行真是太棒了。 _62.我們正在為聚會準(zhǔn)備食物。 _63.你必須考慮一下穿什么去參加聚會。 _64安迪總是樂意幫助老人過馬路。 _65.讓我?guī)湍銕€口信吧。 _(六)書面表達(計15分)假如你是Wendy,春天來了,你準(zhǔn)備邀請Amy去公園野餐,請根據(jù)一下提示給Amy寫一封邀請信。字?jǐn)?shù)8

29、0字左右,內(nèi)容包括以下要點:1. 打算在公園舉行此次野餐。2. 4月29日下午1點開始。3. 我的父母將會為我們準(zhǔn)備充足的食物和飲料。4. 在公園里我們可以劃船、放風(fēng)箏和玩游戲。公園里鳥語花香。5. 路線:從你住的大樓出來乘坐地鐵,在秋天街下車,從A出口出來。左拐一直走到紅綠燈。穿過春天街。你會看到一家銀行,公園就在銀行的旁邊。Dear Amy,_Yours,Wendy2015-2016學(xué)年青云中學(xué)第二學(xué)期期中測試初一英語聽力材料(一) 聽力選擇(共15小題,每小題1分,共計15分)本部分共有10小題。每小題你將聽到一段對話,每段對話后有一道小題。每段對話讀兩遍。在聽每段對話前,你將有5秒鐘的

30、時間閱讀題目;聽完后你還有5秒鐘的時間從題中所給的ABC三個選項中選出最佳答案。1. M: Excuse me. Could you tell me when the plane will get to London?W: It will arrive in London at 3:15 in the afternoon.2. M: Where does your new foreign teacher come from?W: He comes from California, America.3. M: Where are all the students?W: The students

31、are not in the classroom. Theyre doing morning exercises in the playground.4. M: Excuse me. Where is the museum?W: Walk along this road and turn left at the first turning.5. M: Would you like to climb the hills with me this weekend, Millie?W: Sorry, Im afraid I wont be free this weekend.6. M: These

32、are very nice books. How much are they?W: 6yuan each. For four, 16yuan.7. M: You dont look well, Mary. Shall I call the doctor?W: No, thank you. Im just feeling thirsty and hungry.8. W: Hello! You look tired today.M:Yes. I was busy getting ready for an English exam and went to bed late last night.W:

33、 Youd better go to bed earlier tonight. 9. M: Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. W: And thanks for your beautiful present. 10. W:Jim, do you live in this building?M: Yes, my home is on the fifth floor and Peters is two floors above mine. 聽下面一篇短文,回答11至15小題 I am John. Let me tell you so

34、mething about my hometown. I live in a small village in the country. Its far from the centre of the city. Its about two hours from the city centre by bus. There is a big lake in front of the village. We have many trees and green plants. You cant see any tall buildings in my hometown. Here, the air is very fresh, and the water is very clean. I like s


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