



1、第1頁,共18頁題號聽力部分筆試部分卷面總分得分二三四五六七溫馨提示:滿分:120分(其中試題115分、卷面5分),考試時間:90分鐘人教版七年級英語下冊期末考試試卷 b-BIBSR IB K-BBBah-IBBVB富式”鉆=;:?費蓊:!* I I 1 1 1 i I I -a Is=聽力部分(20分)I.第一節(jié) 聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳答案,并將其 標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。每段對話讀兩遍。()1. What is Jiris mother doing?A. SwimmingB. Running. C. Dancing.()2. What i

2、s the weather like in Taiyuan today?A. Its is raining.B. Its snowing.C. Its sunny.()3. Where does Lisa work?A. In a hospital.B. In a school. C. In a bank.()4. What did Frank do with his father yesterday?A. They went to the library.B. They went s swimming.C. They played chess.()5. When did Becky play

3、 badminton?A. Last SundayB. Last Saturday.C. Last Friday.II.第二節(jié) 聽下面幾段對話或獨白。 每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳 答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。聽下面一段對話,回答第6至第7兩個小題。()6. When did Dave go to the birthday party?A. Yesterday morning. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Yesterday evening.()7. What did Rick do for his c

4、ousin at the party?A. He played the violin. B. He played the guitar. C. He played the piano.聽下面一段對話,回答第8至第9兩個小題。()8. How does Cindy usually get home from school?A. By subway. B. By bus. C. By bike.()9. How far is it from Cindy school to her home?A. 6 kilometers. B. 7 kilometers. C. 8 kilometers.聽下面一

5、段獨白,回答第10至第12三個小題。()10. How old is Alice?A. 8. B. 9. C. 10()11. Where is Mrs. Green?A. At a supermarket.B. In a hospital. C. At home.()12. Who is helping Mrs. Black make dumplings?A.her mother.B. Her son. C. Her daughter.聽下面一段對話,回答第13至第15三個小題。()13. What is Helen buying at the supermarket?A. Milk and

6、 apples. B. Chicken and bread. C. Milk and bread.()14. How was Helen school trip?A. Relaxing .B. Boring .C. Excellent.()15. What did Mike do last Sunday?A. He flew a kite.B. He played the guitar.C. He climbed a mountain.III.第三節(jié)聽下面一篇短文。根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,按照所聽內(nèi)容的先后順序?qū)⑾铝袌D片排序,并將其標號填寫在題號筆試部分(95分)El商=瞄=9狎5卦案雪 1 11 a-

7、 atf I I - IB 11!11! 1-i卜 M-Ill“s a+B Tr a . M Nl* r一、選擇填空(每小題1分,共15分)()21. Mona likes drawing pictures. She wants to be artist.A. a B. /C. anD. the()22. Helen movies, so you can ask her to go to the cinema with you.A. is friendly to B. is interested inC. is strict in D. is made of()23. What do you

8、think of the story?- It s. I like it verynmuA. easy B. wonderful C. difficult D. boring()24.Hi! Lin Ping,lessons do you have every day? Seven.A. how much B. how many C. how often D. how long()25. There is a river on our way to school. We always it by boat.A. go crossB. walk crossC. acrossD. cross()2

9、6. What s the, Sonia? Well, I lost my glasses.A. weatherB. numberC. problemD. question()27.eat in class.A. NotB. NeverC. NoD. Do()28.Could I have cup of tea? Sure. Here you are.A. anotherB. otherC. someD. more()29. Did you at the party? Yes, We were very happy.A. enjoyed yourselfB. enjoy yourselfC.

10、enjoy yourselvesD. enjoyed yourselves()30. My brother is a 13-year-old boy. He is tall short black hair.A. onB. likeC. forD. with()31. is the weather in winter in Heilongjiang? It s very cold.A. What; like B. What; / C. How; like D. What; about()32. How is the weather in spring and summer in Beijing

11、? In spring the wind often blows and it often rains in summer.A. strong; heavy B. strongly; heavily C. strongly; heavy D. strong; heavily()33. What should I me when I am traveling in England?第3頁,共18頁An umbrella, I think.A. bring toB. take withC. take toD. bring with()34. Luoyang is beautiful cityA.

12、quite aB. an quiteC. quite anD. a quite()35. May I take your order? .A. No, you can t.B. Large, please.C.治s, that s right.D. Yes. A bowl of beef noodles.二、完形填空(每題1分,共10分)Lisa and I arrived in England early for holidays in the morning. I stopped o36 carthe old city and decided to have a walk there. I

13、 37 speak English. I didn t want to get lost. So I remembered the name of the street to help us 38 our way back. We kept 39 all day. Lisa bought a picture 40 his sister. The weather began to get 41. It was very cold. The people 42 the door ofthe shop and everyone in the street had an umbrella in his

14、 handhWd to get back to the car right now. I startedto look 43the streetsign標牌).44 ten minutes, the street went in three differentdirections。). We45 some people about the street but no one knew. We were really lost!()36. A. outsideB. inC. onD. at()37. A. couldB. mustC. neededD. couldn()38. A. foundB

15、. findC. seeD. saw()39. A. runningB. to walkC. walkingD. to run()40. A. withB. toC. forD. on()41. A. rainyB.sunnyC. cloudyD. windy()42. A. openedB. closedC. closeD.open()43. A. atB. aroundC. likeD. for()44. A. BeforeB. AfterC. WithD. For()45. A. askedB. spokeC. saidD. talked三、閱讀理解(每題2分,共30分)DateMorn

16、ingAfternoonMonday February 11thL產(chǎn)喀1_1Tuesday February 12th*氣.Wednesday February 13th11JiThursday February 14th*1*Friday February 15th播”|弋種Saturday February 16thSunday February 17th琳wThe weather is very important. If people plan to have a picnic, they want a fine day. But sometimes the farmers want

17、a rainy day. What will the weather be like tomorrow? Here is the weather report of next week.At last, an English girl helped us to find the way to our car.第5頁,共18頁()46. Y)u can have a picnic on.It s a fine dayA. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Saturday)47.Its dangerous to climb mountains in rain

18、y and snowye daysdWt onA. MondayB. Friday C.SaturdayD. Tuesday()48.Sara is a student. She usually goes to school from Monday to Friday.her to fly a kite next week.A. MondayB. Friday C.SaturdayD. Sunday()49You d better on Saturday.is a great day forA. stay at homeB. go swimmingC. have a walk with you

19、r friends D. go fishing()50. There will be rainy days next week.A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 5Last summer, I had a wonderful trip. I went to Scarborough with my.ftirislyin old English town bythe sea(|). There are people from all over the world. I saw so many people becausebecoming a big beach海灘).When it is sunny,

20、 people can sit on the beach and enjoy the sunshine, or swim. When it is cold, they can watch plays in a large round theater) and visit the old beautiful castle(堡).I bought nice sweets there. One is calledck There are lots of different colors rock I also ate loca 鑿地的)delicious fish, but my mother di

21、dn t like it.I really want to stay there and live there. There are some reasons. Firstly, the town is by the sea. My favorite activity is swimming. I can often swim here. Second, it is really beautiful. And I also like sea food. I can enjoy many fresh sea food at any time here.()51. Why did so many

22、people go to Scarbor oughA. Because there is a big beach.B. Because the weather there is good.C. Because the plays there are very famous.D. Because there are many different castles.()52. People do the following things when the weather is good excep.A. sitting on the beachB. enjoying the sunshineC. s

23、wimming in the seaD. going fishing()53. What ca people do when it s cold?A. They can see many people in the beach.B. They can watch plays on a large playground.C. They can visit the old museums there.D. They can watch plays and visit the old castle.()54. How many reasons does the writers want to liv

24、e there for?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.()55. Which of the following TRUE according to the passage?A. Scarborough is a big city by the sea in England.B. Rockis a kind of delicious sea food.第7頁,共18頁C. The writer bought many different colorsodkD. The writer s mother didn t like the local fish.C

25、In our restaurant,there are many different kinds of dumplings. They are all very delicious. Today we have three great specials. Special 1 is the mutton dumplings with carrots. We have large, medium and small bowls. You can have a large bowl for 15 yuan, a medium bowl for 12 yuan or a small bowl for

26、8 yuan. Special 2 is the beef and cabbage dumplings. We only have medium bowls of the dumplings. They are 12 yuan. If you don t like any dumplings with meat, you can try our special 3-carrot and egg dumpoings. Y can have a large bowl for 10 yuan or a small bowl for just 7yuan.Would you like somethin

27、g to drink? We have all kinds of juice. And if you eat in our restaurant, the juice is all free. Please come and enjoy your dumplings today!()56. The dumplings are very here.A. cheap B. dear C. delicious D. big ()57. Special 1 is .A. the mutton dumplings with carrotsB. the beef and cabbage dumplings

28、C. the carrot and egg dumplingsD. the juice()58. A medium bowl of the beef and cabbage dumplings is Yuan.A. 7B. 8C. 10D.12( )59. Which of the following is right?A. A medium bowl of the mutton dumplings with carrots is 15 yuan.B. A small bowl of the beef and cabbage dumplings is 12 yuan.C. A large bo

29、wl of carrot and egg dumplings is 10 yuan.D. A small bowl of the mutton dumplings with carrots is 7 yuan.( )60. If you eat in restaurant,is all free.A. the juice B. the tea C. the fish D. the porridge 四、根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補全單詞(每小題1分,共5分)61. Many children like w because they can play with snow.62. Jackie Chan

30、 is of medium h; he has black hair and a big nose.63. Steve is a smart boy. He could look after h at the age of five.64. On Mothe rs Day I bought some flowers for my mother as her g.65. Dont c down the trees. They can keep the air clean.五、短文填空(每小題1分,共10分)閱讀短文,從方框中選擇恰當?shù)脑~并用其適當形式填空,使短文通順、意思完整。每空一詞, 每詞限

31、用一次。at; but; want; tell; good; listen; teach; like; and; or; many; muchDear Helen,第9頁,共18頁Thank you for 66 me something about the schools in the US. Now I 67 to tell youabout our school. For some students, school is very 68 and great place. They can learn all kinds cknowledge (口識)69 school and enjoy

32、 themselves there at the same time . At school, there aremany 70 They teach the children many different subjects.Many children have no sisters71 brothers at home. They can meet a lot of students and make friends with them at school. Sothey are always happy 72 for other students, school is boring and

33、 terrible place. They have somany classesto have at schooland so 73 homework to do after school.They don like to74 to the teachers in class, so they find study difficult. Also, they donth t likother children. They are not happy in the school. But I really 75 studying in my school and enjoyeach day.B

34、est Wishes!YoursFrank66.六、從方框內(nèi)選擇合適的選項補全對話(其中有兩項多余)(每小題2分,共10分)A: Sam, the summer holidays are coming. What s your plan?B: 76A: Don t you think it s to7)hot?B: Sounds great! 78A: You better know about the weather there.B: Let me see. Great! 79A: What s the temperature?B: 80 Would y

35、ou like to go with me?A: Why not? It s a good idea.A. What would you like to know?B. It s sunny these days and it s not too hotC. Ydu better take an umbrella.D. It s between and 283 .E. I can enjoy the beautiful sea and go swimming there.F. I plan to climb the mountain.G Why not go to the beach(難)?7

36、七、書面表達(15分)AnimalsPandasColorblack and whiteWhat they eatbamboo大熊貓是中國的國寶,可謂人見人愛。請根據(jù)表格中的信息寫一篇短文介紹你心目中的大熊貓。第11頁,共18頁Why people like themgentle顯和的)and cuteWhat they doclimb trees要求:文章須包括所有提示信息,可適當發(fā)揮。用詞準確,語句通順,表達清楚,不少于60詞答案聽力部分(20分)15 B A A C B610 C B B A B1115 C B C C A16 20 C E A D B筆試部分

37、(95分)一、選擇填空(每小題1分,共15分)2125 C B B B D2630 C B A C D 3135 A B B A D二、完形填空(每題1分,共10分)3640 A D B C C4145 A B D B A三、閱讀理解(每題2分,共30分)4650 C A D A B5155 A D D B D56- 60 C A D C A四、根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補全單詞(每小題1分,共5分)6165 winter; height; himself; gift; cut五、短文填空(每小題1分,共10分)6670 telling; want; good; at; teachers7175 o

38、r; But; much; listen; like六、從方框內(nèi)選擇合適的選項補全對話(其中有兩項多余)(每小題2分,共10分)7680 F G E B D七、書面表達(15分)Model:In the world, there are many kinds of animals. My favorite animals are pandas. Pandas are only from China. They are black and white. They eat bamboo every day. They are quiet and kind of shy. People think

39、pandas are gentle and cute. They like them very much. Pandas can climb tre ese Areteresting?However, pandas are in great danger. We should care for them and help them to live.第13頁,共18頁聽力材料第一節(jié)聽下面5段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳答案,并將 其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。每段對話讀兩遍。1. W: Is that your mother, Jim? She is runnin

40、g.M: Yes, Lucy.2. M: Is it sunny in Taiyuan today?W: No. It s raining.3. M: Where do you work, Lisa?W: I work in a hospital.4. W: What did you do yesterdOyrank?M: I went to the libraryThen I played chess with my father.5. M: Did you play badminton last Friday, Becky?W: No. I played it last Saturday第

41、二節(jié)聽下面幾段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白后有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最 佳答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。聽下面一段對話,回答第6至第7兩個小題。W: What did you do yesterday evening, Dave? M: I went to my cousin s birthday pa rtW: What did you do at the party?M: I played the guitar for my cousin.聽下面一段對話,回答第8至第9兩個小題。M: How do you usually get home from school, Cindy?W: I take the bus.M: How far is it from the school to your home?W: 6 kilometers.聽下


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